Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 128: The Seventh Demon King


(Please vote, thank you to Loli Saigao Young Girl and Qiankun Ghost Dance Children's Shoes for the reward)

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From the first eleven people to eight people, and finally five people were left. Wu Lingfeng and the others were at the end of their rope. On the other hand, after Baluohan ate several souls, his body became stronger and stronger, and a large amount of blood flowed from his body. emerged.

Balohan looked at the few humans in front of him, licked his lips, and said: "Jie Jie, the further you go in the game, the more powerful the remaining players are. Your souls are so delicious, I can't wait. Alas, if you want to blame, it’s your misfortune, Jie Jie, who asked the necromancer to summon me? Ms. Jian Ningxue and Bridget, if you agree to come back to the devil world with me, then I can Consider letting others go..."

"Don't..." Wu Lingfeng said immediately.

Jian Ningxue looked at Balohan, snorted coldly, and said, "Didn't you say it before, how can you believe the devil's words? Really? Do you think I will still believe you?"

Balohan shook his head and said: "No, I am serious. The talents and talents of the two of you are so outstanding. I will be very satisfied with having such a wife. I can swear to the seven demon kings of the demon world, if If there is any violation, my soul will be burned by the underworld fire until it disappears..."

Jian Ningxue was moved. Her destiny was to protect Wu Lingfeng. For him and for the Shenlong Empire, it was worth it even if she died. For him and the Shenlong Empire, why not sell her soul

"No!!!!" Wu Lingfeng suddenly yelled out. He has really failed to let a woman work hard for herself. Is it because she is weak? Is this the price? Why can she do this for herself? ! It's just that Prince Shenlong, it would be too cruel to treat her like this. He doesn't want this. He wants to be an upright man and can't let the girl give everything for him.

Jian Ningxue stretched out her green-white fingers, touched Wu Lingfeng's face, and said with a smile: "|I can't accompany you anymore. I hope you take care of yourself and don't be sad for me. Protecting you is my mission... "

Bridget also pointed at Wu Lingfeng with the Qingfeng sword and said: "Now, tell my mother when you return to Fengyu Kingdom, and you will be my husband. From now on, Fengyu Kingdom will rely on you. Also, I have a cousin who is long. You’re good, your strength is good, it’s an advantage for you, after all, you want to continue the bloodline of Fengyu Kingdom…”

"No! No! No! No!" Wu Lingfeng held his hands tightly and roared silently. If you look carefully, Wu Lingfeng's eyes have turned blood red instead of black. He seemed to be inspired. Something exists in the body!

Balohan smiled and said to Jian Ningxue and Bridget: "Okay, two beauties, in order to prevent you from committing suicide, I have to do something. Don't worry, it won't be painful..."

Jian Ningxue immediately snorted coldly: "You should make an oath first..."

Barohan nodded, put his right hand on his chest, and said seriously: "I hereby swear to the seven demon kings of the abyss demon world that as long as the two human girls Jian Ningxue and Bridget are willing to belong to me, then I will let go of the others. …”

After listening to Balohan's oath, Jian Ningxue nodded with Bridget and put down the sword in her hand.

When Balohan saw that Jian Ningxue and Bridget were about to be his, he laughed loudly and shot out two black tentacles from his right hand to tie them up.

After restraining Jian Ningxue and Bridget, Barohan smiled evilly and stomped on the ground, coming to the seriously injured Moli. He blew Moli's head with his right hand in an instant, opened his mouth and sucked Moli's soul. Then he laughed wildly: "Jie Jie, the seven demon kings have long been beaten into pieces and sealed by the seven gods. How could you possibly hear my oath? Haha, you are so stupid that you believe in demons? Didn't you tell me before? I'm sorry, don't believe what the devil says. Alas, I can only blame you for being too stupid and naive... "

Jian Ningxue and Bridget suddenly felt desperate. The black tentacles imprisoned their bodies and they couldn't even speak. Damn it, he would definitely kill Wu Lingfeng, right? In the end, they were played by Barohan. I didn't want to be reconciled once, it doesn't matter what they do, but Wu Lingfeng...

Xiao An clenched the Snow Soul Ice Soul Trident in his hand and said to Wu Lingfeng: "Master, do you want me to awaken again? Although my body is still weak now, I can still force my awakening, but this time I will be comatose for a few days. Already…”

Wu Lingfeng didn't speak. It was as if he didn't hear Xiao An's words. His eyes gradually turned blood red to an infinite level, as if he couldn't see the bottom. A little bit of black magic slowly emerged from his body, which was not the normal blue magic...

Xiao An suddenly noticed the changes in Wu Lingfeng and felt that his aura was getting stronger and stronger. He immediately looked at him nervously: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Here, Barohan, Jian Ningxue, and Bridget also noticed the changes in Wu Lingfeng. They were horrified to find that Wu Lingfeng's aura was gradually getting stronger, and he was extremely evil... His strength was skyrocketing... Magister... Magister... The Great Magister... The God of Dharma... continues! ! ! ! ! !

At the same time, the entire valley suddenly became dark...

At the same time, the entire Alment continent fell into silence. The sun disappeared in the sky, followed by a black moon...

The well of demonic energy in the Alment continent suddenly surged, and all the monsters wailed and surrendered. Some of the weak ones even fell to the ground and died! !

The most powerful magic academy.

"well… "

The main mystery room under the seven magic towers suddenly became dark. The skeletons of the main god inside stood up from the ground one after another and let out lamentations. The skeletons could actually make sounds! !

Then the seven main god skeletons stretched out their bone fingers and carved a sentence on the wall of the secret room: "The seventh devil king of the devil world is born, and the battle of the gods is not far away!!"

After writing this sentence, all the main god skeletons lay down again.

The seven demigod beasts on the top of the seven magic towers felt the pressure of the black moon in the sky and trembled all over.

In the outer space and time, a war is going on, and the battle is between a group of demigods! There are two gods! Feeling the breath of Alment's world, I suddenly stopped, and the figures dimmed and disappeared one after another...

Abyss Demon Realm.

All the monsters knelt on the ground and praised humbly: "Congratulations on the birth of the Seventh Demon King..."

The three-headed demon Agares in the largest palace in the demon world lowered the heads of sheep and cows, but the heads of humans did not lower. The birth of the seventh demon king was not good news for him. This would interfere with his stay in the demon world. 's rule.

"Haha, Lord Seventh Demon King, please let me enjoy my glory for a while before you awaken. Also, Barr is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has been thinking about devouring your power. Jie Jie, this world is more fun. Well, it’s not as good as the last war of the gods, this one should be much more lively..."