Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 133: The tenth generation dean


(Please recommend and vote for collection, thank you to the Master of Law, Fengdie Huaweiming, and The Sad Children's Shoes of the Arc de Triomphe for the rewards)

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When they came back, Galen and the others had eliminated all the rotting corpses, and the shadow of the golden cross behind Galen gradually solidified, emitting a somewhat dazzling light, and standing next to Galen gave him a warm feeling. Wu Lingfeng even I found that the injury on my hand was healing faster! !

Galen was really prosperous now, with bursts of white light constantly appearing all over his body, and the first-level and second-level students looked at him with more and more admiration, almost falling to the ground as they worshiped and shouted that the Holy Light is here. On.

Bridget looked at Galen, who was in the spotlight, and couldn't help but feel that this was a perfect match, as if it was destined. Galen was the guardian of Wu Lingfeng, and as the god of light, he protected a mortal. Now Bridget understood why, the light God is staring at the seventh devil in Wu Lingfeng's body.

Well, everything can only be said to be a coincidence. Bridget understood it wrong, but she was relieved. With the reincarnation of the God of Light beside Wu Lingfeng, it would not be easy for the devil to figure it out.

The first-level and second-level students looked at Wu Lingfeng and the others coming back, but they were all embarrassed. Besides, except for Wu Lingfeng, Bridget, Jian Ningxue, and Xiao An, no one else came back. What's going on

Bridget said: "Now everyone returns to the Magic Academy. The necromancer summoned the demon of the Grand Magister. We worked together to eliminate him, but Maxwell and the others also died in the final battle. Colter escaped with the teleportation scroll. So everyone understands, go back and let the more senior people in the college handle it. The matter here has come to an end and it is no longer something we can deal with."


Everyone looked at each other in horror, but when they saw Galen's figure and knew that he was the reincarnation of the God of Light, they gradually calmed down, but there was still some fear in their hearts. The legendary existence of the devil did not expect it. Appeared, is this continent about to start to turmoil? The people present are all talents from all over the continent, and naturally they are very smart. The first appearance of the devil may be a sign...

Xue Yuejing couldn't help but frown. How could it be possible? For a demon to appear on the ground, it would require a lot of energy... Could it be that the necromancer used a large amount of contaminated souls and flesh to start the summoning ceremony

After Bridget finished speaking, she said coldly to Xue Yue Jing again: "Junior Xue Yue Jing, go back and meet with me to meet the principal. Your mirror turning technique is different from that of the Mirror Demon who just appeared. The techniques are exactly the same, so... you understand... "

Xue Yuejing was immediately horrified. Damn it, what's wrong with summoning? He actually summoned the Mirror Demon. He did have some blood of the Mirror Demon in his body. The reason was that his mother was a Mirror Demon. Devil!

However, Xue Yuejing did not show any abnormal behavior, otherwise it would be even more chaotic. The fifth-level students must also participate in the demon's appearance. I had to ask the Thunder God Tyrant for help, hoping that he would help me. After all, After all, he is also his subordinate. Alas, if something like this happens at a critical moment, even if he is cleared of suspicion, he will definitely be imprisoned. But hey, when the teleportation array is built, he will fight with the Thunder God Tyrant. left together.

After returning to the academy, Colter did not come back. The teleportation scroll he used was not a directional teleportation scroll. Directional teleportation scrolls were not readily available, so he used a non-directional teleportation scroll. Who knew where he would teleport to? Well, it might be in the sea water, it might be the dragon's lair, it might be the orc empire...

After arriving at the academy, Bridget and Jian Ningxue were immediately taken away by the five strongest fifth-level students. By the way, Xue Yuejing, the miserable child, thought he was well hidden, but who knew he would come out? A mirror demon.

Wu Lingfeng went to rest in the dormitory with Galen and Xiao Anjia. They were tired after fighting for such a long time.

On the top of the Tower of Light in the strongest academy, a circle of seats is filled with men in black robes wearing angel masks. The strength of these men in black robes is all that of demigods! ! ! ! After counting, they were not under 100, but already exceeded 100. If more than 100 demigods were released, they would definitely shock the world! ! !

There was an old man sitting at the front, with a white beard and a bald head. His whole person felt dead, as if he was about to step into a grave. He felt like a very ordinary old man, whose eyes had never even been opened.

But this old man is no ordinary being. He is the tenth generation dean of the strongest academy, and his strength has already reached the level of a god! !

And above him there are the ninth, eighth, seventh and sixth generations of deans. They are still traveling in time and space outside the territory. As for the first to fifth generations, they have long since disappeared. Of course , these are the secrets of the most powerful academy. The dean mentioned by the Thunder Tyrant is only the tenth generation, and they have no idea about the first to ninth generations. Therefore, the reincarnation of the first demon Baal by the Thunder Tyrant may be wrong. Demon World Progress is being made, and so is the ground...

Bridget and others arrived at the top of the Tower of Light. Feeling the pressure, they were immediately horrified to the extreme. More than a hundred demigods, is this the strength of the strongest academy? It was too shocking, but they didn't dare to say any more words.

The bald old man with white beard closed his eyes, gently stroked his beard, and said to Bridget: "Tell me what's going on."

Bridget nodded and said respectfully: "A group of us carried out the mission in accordance with the order of the academy and found a necromancer spreading plague and collecting evil souls, so we went to chase the necromancer, but when we caught up , the necromancer used the evil alchemy liquid condensed by a large amount of evil souls to summon a demon from the demon world. His strength was at the level of the Grand Magister. He was said to be the chief of staff of the first legion under the seventh demon god Amon. His race was the mirror demon. , then we started to join forces to deal with him, and Colter used the teleportation scroll to leave. In the end, although we defeated the demon, many people died, and only Jian Ningxue and I survived."

The white-bearded old man nodded slightly and said, "What about the seventh demon king?"

Bridget glanced at Jian Ningxue, thought about it in her heart, and said: "He suddenly appeared. In fact, he killed the mirror demon. After asking the demon something, he disappeared. But he took off the black moon from the sky and melted it into the right side of his face... "

The white-bearded old man nodded slightly. He felt that Bridget seemed to be hiding something, but that was not important. The most important thing was the appearance of the Seventh Demon King. Next, they would start investigating this matter.

Bridget said again: "There is one thing I want to report. Xue Yue Jing's mirror turning technique is very similar to a spell of the Mirror Demon, so I suspect..."

The white-bearded old man snorted, and a blue magic circle appeared under Xue Yue's mirror, and then his figure disappeared.

Then the white-bearded old man said: "I already know. He is temporarily imprisoned in a different space. I will interrogate him later. I believe he will explain some things about the demon world. Okay, you can retreat for the time being. The city will be besieged by monsters soon." You guys go down and prepare, there will probably be demigod beasts joining the battle this time..."
