Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 135: Shock the Bull Demon King


(As soon as it’s released, I’d like to order first and get a monthly ticket. Today, 30,000 words were written)

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Yis's magic was extremely sharp. He carved a magic circle in the void with his sword, and then the two giant bull-headed beasts fell to the ground in an instant. Wu Lingfeng and others looked at it in shock.

"Instant magic??"

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, Yis drew the sword too fast, as if the sword was drawn out, and then two magic arrays appeared, and then two huge bronze swords rushed out and killed the two bull-headed giants. The beast seemed to be completed in an instant.

Bridget shook her head and said: "It's not instant magic, it's just that the spell is cast too fast. This is his sword magic. He uses the sword to chant, carve the magic circle, and release the magic. The speed of the sword is almost up in an instant. It was so extreme that it was almost invisible to the naked eye, so I thought it was instant magic.”

Wu Lingfeng nodded. It was really strange. Sword magic, using a sword to sing magic, was the first time he heard about it. It seems that being able to cast spells in an instant is not a legendary existence, but just rare.

Calming his mind, Wu Lingfeng started his attack. Four sets of magic runes appeared forward, frost, fire, dark moon, and holy light. He chose the flame attribute. In an instant, the attribute in Wu Lingfeng's body changed to the fire attribute. Standing Attacking on the city wall does not require any skills at all. It mainly deals the most damage. The fire attribute does the most damage, so I chose it.

"Magic ball burst!!"

Wu Lingfeng fired a series of flame balls with his right hand to attack the bull-headed beast below. The flame balls hit the bull-headed beast and caused explosions. "Attribute change - fire", the attack of flames has explosive properties.

After Yisi and Wu Lingfeng attacked, others began to participate. Xiao An and Galen accompanied Wu Lingfeng and started their own attacks.

"Let's focus on attacking a giant bull-headed beast and eliminate them one by one..." Wu Lingfeng said to Xiao An and Galen.

"Yes. Young Master!" Galen said righteously.

"Hmm..." Xiao An just hummed lightly. She didn't like to talk too much, but she could listen to Wu Lingfeng's orders. She was just not good at expressing her feelings.

"Angel Blessing!!"

"Ascension Formation!!"

Galen's long-range attacks are not too many, but as a support at this time, he is still very powerful. He instantly buffs Wu Lingfeng's status. Angel's Blessing can increase a team member's weapon magic attack, intelligence, physical strength, and spirit. The effect lasts for two minutes. Then Galen once again deployed a Yin-Yang Octagonal Formation under a giant bull-headed beast. In an instant, the giant bull-headed beast was blown away.

"Magic Cannon!!!"

Wu Lingfeng condensed a huge flame ball in his hand and smashed it at the bull-headed beast. In an instant, the magic cannon blasted a bloody hole in its body, and at the same time, its body was knocked to the ground.

"Elemental Ignite!! Jack Bomb! Frost Snowman! Shadow Night Cat!!"

In this situation, Xiao An could only use magic long-range attacks. After all, she can't fight in close combat on the city wall. In an instant, three blue magic balls appeared around her, and then a huge pumpkin-headed flame bomb shot at the bull-headed beast, causing a violent explosion. The bull-headed beast had not yet crawled away. When he got up, he was knocked to the ground again. After the Jack Bomb was released, a flame mark appeared on Xiao An's head, and a flame mark also appeared around his body. Elemental Ignition enhances the power of magic skills. At the same time, every time a magic is used, a magic rune will be ignited. The magic rune can increase the magic attack power. The more magic runes ignited, the higher the attack power.

After using the Jack Bomb, Xiao An did not stop attacking. Throwing out an ice snowman, the ice snowman activated the freezing attribute in an instant, freezing the entire bull-headed beast into ice cubes. At the same time, Xiao An's head and body also activated frost magic runes, and her attack power increased again. Finally, she A black cat shadow flew out of his hand, and the black cat quickly shot at the bull-headed beast. At the same time, Xiao An once again inspired the dark moon's magic runes, and his attack power increased again...

"Magic ball burst!!"

Seeing the right moment, Wu Lingfeng shot a series of flame balls from his hand and hit the bull-headed giant beast. Suddenly, the body of the bull-headed giant beast finally began to shatter and turned into pieces of meat.

The perfect cooperation between Wu Lingfeng, Xiao An and Galen's master and servant immediately wiped out a giant bull-headed beast. The others stared at them with wide eyes. The cooperation was too sharp, and the magic of the three people was instantaneous. Everyone was even more shocked.

Yisi turned his head and looked at Wu Lingfeng and the others, nodded appreciatively, and then said to everyone: "Everyone should follow their appearance, in groups of three or five, and aim at a giant bull-headed beast. Don't attack blindly. attack."

Everyone nodded immediately and began to attack a giant bull-headed beast at the same time, following Wu Lingfeng's example.

The giant bull-headed beasts fell one by one. The Bull Demon King, the commander-in-chief of the bull-headed army at the rear, was naturally not happy. It stepped forward step by step with its huge bull feet. All the bull-headed soldiers gave way to it, and the city wall The giant bull-headed beasts in front seemed to feel the anger of the Bull Demon King and retreated one by one.

what happened

Wu Lingfeng and the others were immediately surprised. Why did the giant bull-headed beast suddenly leave the city wall? Didn't they attack

Just when Wu Lingfeng and the others were confused, the Bull Demon King, the commander-in-chief of the Tauren Corps, snorted twice, bent his body, pointed his huge horns towards the city gate, and then quickly stepped on the ground with his right leg, and his body flashed for a while. A burst of blood-red light was extremely dazzling, and the two huge golden horns seemed to condense a ray of light.


The Bull Demon King started roaring angrily.

"not good!!"

Easton's face suddenly changed, and he realized what the Bull Demon King meant. In an instant, he pulled out four swords from behind, holding two swords in one hand. The four swords were quickly sketched in the air, which was a bit dazzling. It felt like Yis had swung the sword hundreds of times with both hands in one moment! !

Then four huge cyan magic arrays appeared in the void, and four huge bronze swords emerged from them. Then the four huge bronze swords were inserted side by side on the ground in front of the city gate, forming a sword shield.

"Hoo moo..."

The Bull Demon King let out a thundering roar, and then his body rushed over like a sharp red arrow. Its target was the city gate! !

'Boom!! Boom!!'

The sword shield formed by Yis's four bronze swords only blocked the Bull Demon King for a moment, then shattered, and then the Bull Demon King's sharp horns hit the city gate...

The entire city wall began to shake, and a large number of students fell to the ground one after another, and were blown up. In an instant, the entire city wall was in chaos.

The city gate is a protective magic circle, so the Bull Demon King's impact did not destroy the city gate, but the city gate was opened by its sharp corners. Two huge bottomless pits, the scene inside can be seen from the outside! !

The huge collision of the Bull Demon King caused everyone on the city wall to become a mess, and everyone fell to the ground. Wu Lingfeng and the others were no exception.

However, Xiao An did not fall down. She directly stuck the trident on the ground and stood firmly on the city wall without moving.

The position where Wu Lingfeng fell was a bit awkward. His head was right between Xiao An's legs. When he looked up, his eyes widened. Okay, he admitted that he was evil.

"Have you seen enough?" Xiao An blushed and asked, covering her skirt, if it wasn't because he was R, if it wasn't because it was just a coincidence, or if it wasn't because she didn't hate him For his sake, she would definitely kill Wu Lingfeng as soon as possible!

"Ah... oh..." Wu Lingfeng scratched his head, climbed up embarrassedly, and said haha: "Don't be angry, it's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence. How could an upright person like me take the initiative to do that kind of thing?"

"I want Taiyaki, twenty..." Xiao An said with a small mouth.

Wu Lingfeng nodded quickly, there was no problem with twenty or a hundred, one gold coin and one r was still affordable.

After everyone calmed down, the huge Bull Demon King had left the range of the city wall and was ready to start attacking the city again, but this time, it let its younger brothers go into battle.


At the roar of the Bull Demon King, fifty giant bull-headed beasts came forward, mixed with the dozen or so giant bull-headed beasts in front of the city gate, and lined up, and then each bull-headed giant beast flashed blood-red The light, the blood-red light on the fists was even worse, hitting the city wall one after another!


The huge blow of the bull-headed beast caused the city wall to shake immediately. An earth-yellow magic circle was activated on the city wall, and the city wall had its own defensive magic.

This time, Wu Lingfeng and the others on the city wall were shaking again. With their bodies in an unstable state, they could not cast spells at all. It seemed that the Bull Demon King's intention was to prevent Wu Lingfeng and the others from casting spells normally and interfere with their normal casting.

Then the Bull Demon King lowered his body again, his whole body flashing with blood-red light, and he was about to attack the city gate again. His huge right hoof quickly stepped on the ground, and a huge bottomless pit was stepped on the ground. After reaching its limit, the Bull Demon King once again hit the city gate like a blood-red arrow! ! "


With the loud noise, the city gate was smashed open. Of course, this was only the first city gate. This city wall had three gates. The Bull Demon King only broke open the first one, but If you let it continue like this, it will definitely smash all the city gates.

At this time, Yis took action, and petals appeared under his feet, supporting him to float in the air. Then powerful magic burst out from his body, and two protrusions appeared on his shoulders, and two protrusions actually stuck out. Arms, and then he pulled out all eight swords behind him with four hands. He grabbed two swords with one hand and quickly sketched them in the air. In an instant, eight huge cyan magic arrays appeared in front of him. , eight huge bronze swords emerged from the magic circle, and shot out quickly in eight directions to surround the Bull Demon King!


Thanks to Feng Die Hua Weeping Ming and The Sorrowful Children's Shoes of Arc de Triomphe for the reward. I am asking for first orders and monthly tickets. Today, 30,000 words have been written...