Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 22: Defeat Helena


Helena was also stunned for a moment. Her attack was ineffective. The sharp snow silver sword seemed to hit an extremely hard stone, but she would not admit defeat like this. .

"Fire Skill—Whirlwind Slash!!"

I saw Helena holding the sword in both hands and quickly rotating around herself, gradually getting faster and faster, and she could no longer be seen. Helena instantly turned into a whirlwind of flames and charged towards Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help sweating on his face. It was absolutely impossible to defend against such an attack by Nether Fire. After the two Nether Fire balls disappeared, he would be seriously injured, and he would have to face failure in the end.

"Magical whirlwind!!!"

Wu Lingfeng quickly raised his hand, and a magic whirlwind more than three meters high appeared in front of him, colliding with Helena's flame whirlwind, but it only blocked Helena's flame whirlwind and disappeared. After all, Helena is now But the invincible mode in the state of fighting breath.

But there is one thing worthy of Wu Lingfeng's attention. When he was playing games in an Internet cafe, he knew that if he grabbed the palm, he could still catch even monsters with a domineering body in his hand, and there was a certain chance of breaking the enemy's dominating mode when thrown. .

But there is a disadvantage in this case, that is, when using the Grappling Palm, you will inevitably withstand the enemy's attack. So the current problem is how to use the Grappling Palm without being injured. Wu Lingfeng's current level is still high enough to understand the compulsion skill, the compulsion skill. The skill is that you can force the skill to work even when being attacked.

But the system is dead, and people are alive. Reality is different from games, and loopholes must be used rationally.

Ever since, at the moment when Helena attacked, Wu Lingfeng fell to the ground roguely, and then activated the invincible mode of crouching, which lasted for 3 seconds. At this time, Wu Lingfeng immediately used the grappling palm against the oncoming Helena. .

"Drink! Grab the grappling palm and fly out!!!"

A magic shadow appeared on Wu Lingfeng's right hand. He caught Helena in his hand and stopped her magic whirlwind. Then he threw her out in an instant, but when he threw her out, his hand grabbed Helena's body. He picked up a piece of armor, not anywhere else, but the piece of armor on his chest...


Helena's fighting breath mode, which was thrown to the ground, gradually faded away, and the armor on her chest was broken, revealing the white underwear inside. After all, Wu Lingfeng used his grappling palm twice in a row and aimed at it, and the armor withstood the grappling. He palmed a large number of attacks, and then he disintegrated...

Wu Lingfeng was embarrassed and quickly threw away the armor in his hand. The claws of the milk dragon were so powerful that they could even tear the armor. Can you imagine a plot like this? On a rainy night, in an uninhabited castle, Wu Lingfeng used it on Helena. Grab the grappling palm, tear the armor on her body into pieces, and then...

"Miss Helena, I think the outcome has been decided. You must have used up all your fighting spirit. Without the fighting breath mode, you can't defeat me at all. Surrender..." | Wu Lingfeng said as a light blue magic ball appeared in his hand. .

"Wonderful performance, Helena, why don't you apologize to Master Lingfeng quickly? If you want to know the duel, he can kill you..." Charlotte said sternly, her appreciation for Wu Lingfeng became more serious in her eyes.


Helena snorted coldly, stood up from the ground, covered her chest to cover up the spring breeze there, walked up to Wu Lingfeng, and said coldly: "I admit that you have the strength to become the guardian knight of Her Royal Highness, but you... You pervert, let me tell you, I will keep a close eye on you, and if I want to molest Her Highness the Princess, I, Helena, will cut off your bitchy hands even if I die."

Yes, I was misunderstood. Although Wu Lingfeng planned to attack Helena's breasts from the beginning, but...

"Okay, that was just a coincidence. I didn't mean to scratch your breastplate. Although I like beauties, I'm not lustful enough to attack you. If it's after my Winnie enjoys it, you Again..." Wu Lingfeng scratched his hair and said.


"Go to hell, don't worry, I, Helena, will never find someone like you in my life..." Helena made a cold face, punched Wu Lingfeng, then picked up the breastplate on the ground and stood behind Charlotte .

Wu Lingfeng immediately held his stomach and waved to Winnie, with cold sweat on his face and said: "Winnie, help me, this savage girl's fist is too hard, it really hurts, a sneak attack..."

Looking at Wu Lingfeng's appearance, Charlotte couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering, and said: "Master Lingfeng, if you like Helena, I can make the decision and promise her to you..."

"don't want!!"

Suddenly Wu Lingfeng and Helena said in unison.

"I don't want to marry such a pervert, I just want to protect Her Royal Highness the rest of my life." Helena said.

Wu Lingfeng rolled his eyes at Helena: "I'll go, I still don't want you, violent woman!"

Winnie trotted over to Wu Lingfeng, supported his body, and said, "Stop talking, I'll rub it for you so it won't hurt..."

Wu Lingfeng glanced at Winnie and said with emotion: "My Winnie is better, but violent woman, you are very powerful. I defeated you by relying on the powerful magic skills that I automatically learned in my blood. If it is ordinary low-level magic, Master, I have probably been defeated by you a long time ago, I admire you for this, you are a hard-working genius, at least I think you feel better than that guy Shania."

After being praised by Wu Lingfeng, Helena lowered her head, with a faint blush on her face, and said stiffly: "Don't think that this will change my view of you, you are still a pervert..."

"Okay, whatever you say, it's just that we will fight together by the princess's side from now on. We may be teammates who depend on each other for life and death. I hope you will support me at the critical moment..." Wu Lingfeng said.

"Why should I listen to you? Although you are a little stronger, your decisions may not always be right!" Helena curled her lips and said.

Wu Lingfeng shook his head and said: "Since I am in a situation and I have such a talent, I will not be content with being mediocre. Men all have the idea of making contributions and I have the same idea. I want to be the strongest man and protect Friends around me, I want to build my own power and let everyone know about my existence.

So please believe me, I will let Her Highness the Princess have a better future in the name of the Guardian Knight, and you, if you think about Her Highness the Princess, you must support all my decisions, because sometimes the strongest shield is Destroyed from within, the empire's destruction comes from strife! "

"The destruction of an empire comes from disputes. If you are knowledgeable, I recognize you and look forward to your future performance!" Napoleon said.

Charlotte smiled and patted Helena on the shoulder and said: "Believe him, because we have no way out, we can only believe him, and this is not a bad thing. What he said, maybe the future will be really different. I just woke up." The magician's bloodline defeats you, but in fact you already recognize him in your heart."

Helena turned her head away and gave a faint hum.