Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 27: Planning and planning


The enemy's last remaining silver knight was called Duncan. He really thought that Wu Lingfeng had cast a soul spell on him. He actually told all the things that happened in Benqi City, and the map was also drawn very clearly. This was a situation for Wu Lingfeng and the others. Much better. Ice and fire! Chinese.

Holding the map in his hand, Wu Lingfeng glanced at Duncan and said, "Okay, you can go back, but if you want me to remove the spell from your soul, you have to do something for me..."

"No... no problem, you... you said..." Cold sweat broke out on Duncan's forehead. He was completely frightened by Wu Lingfeng's series of methods. In his heart, Wu Lingfeng seemed as terrifying as the monster in the abyss of hell, and the soul spell was terrifying. He knew it a little better, but the more he knew it, the more scared he became.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Tomorrow, you bring the dead guy's brother here and say that we kidnapped his brother and have to negotiate with him before we can return his brother. You know, you want him to Clearly, his 'brother' is not dead yet, so you understand..."

"I understand, I understand, I'll go right away..." Duncan nodded quickly and bowed.

Wu Lingfeng nodded with his eyes closed and said: "Well, at this time, hurry up and don't be clever. Otherwise, the fire from hell will burn your soul bit by bit, and there will be no sound when it burns. Slow down." Slowly, every moment is as painful as a thousand swords piercing the heart... "

Duncan nodded with a trembling body, gritted his teeth, and ran quickly with red eyes. He had to hurry up and fulfill this guy's conditions, otherwise, or else he would be like what he said... No matter what the Thorn Flower Empire, his own little Life is the most important thing, but he still has a wife and children waiting for him at home...

After watching Duncan leave, Wu Lingfeng quickly frowned and said, "All Silver Knights, come here!"

"Yes!" A total of more than fifty silver knights gathered in front of Wu Lingfeng.

"Quickly change into the clothes of enemy soldiers, blend in with them, and then march towards Benqi City. If you see a large number of soldiers leaving the city, immediately seize the city gate so that we can quickly enter the enemy's city. "Wu Lingfeng said.

"Yes!" All the Silver Knights were stunned for a moment, but still nodded.

To be honest, here in this other world, everyone goes on a rampage, and whoever is stronger wins. Strategies are rarely used. This gives Wu Lingfeng a place to use his skills. Although Sun Tzu's Art of War and Thirty-Six Stratagems are unclear, The Three Kingdoms always remember that the Four Great Classics are must-read classics, and Wu Lingfeng has naturally read them thoroughly.

Then let’s stage an alien version of the chain plan. Hehe, since we have come to an alien world, we will most likely run away if we fail. Before that, we should exercise our wisdom. Wu Lingfeng pursed his lips slightly. Guys from the alien world , see how I defeat you with Chinese art of war.

"Should I go too?" Helena asked.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "I have to, I believe you, and there must be a leader among you. After entering the enemy's camp, he first blends into their camp, and when he finds out that the large troops are mobilized, he starts to implement the plan , cooperate with us to enter the city, and then you set fire everywhere in BenQ City, causing chaos in the whole city, and win in the chaos.

I asked Duncan to persuade the Golden Knight in the city to come out before, just to let him bring out the elite. In that case, the elite in the city will be reduced a lot, and we can take the opportunity to steal the city. When the Golden Knight arrives here, he will find that There was no one here. He was fooled. By the time he reacted, we had already attacked BenQ City. "

Helena nodded. She had never heard of such a siege method, but it was a good way to think about it. The most important thing was that the time was fast, and an enemy's city could be captured very quickly.

"Then your highness will be left under your protection. I will take my people and leave first..." Helena said.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "We will drive away those prisoners later, you take the opportunity to sneak in, do you understand?"

"No problem, leave it to me..." Helena nodded.

Wu Lingfeng immediately asked his soldiers to drive away the prisoners without weapons. When the prisoners began to run away, he waved his hand. Helena and the others immediately changed into enemy clothes and blended in with the fleeing prisoners. The prisoners did not notice whether there were any People they knew mingled among them.

In order to make the prisoners flee in more panic, Wu Lingfeng asked his archers to shoot a round of arrows at the prisoners. Of course, Helena and the others would not be injured. After all, the Silver Knight still had the ability to dodge arrows.

So, under a series of arrows, all the prisoners quickened their pace. They were angry that their parents didn't have extra legs, and they all ran as fast as they could.

After the prisoners disappeared, Wu Lingfeng immediately turned around and said to all the remaining soldiers: "Everyone, please follow me in a detour. The captains of each team are optimistic about their soldiers and keep up. Each person carries three days' worth of food and water." , all the remaining baggage was burned.

Don't be anxious, we can capture the enemy's city tomorrow, and we can steal food from the opponent's city! "

Suddenly everyone nodded. The Silver Knights had already obeyed Wu Lingfeng's orders. They would naturally obey orders. Moreover, Wu Lingfeng led them to defeat an enemy army and eliminate a senior magician just after they entered the battlefield. , everyone already admires him a little, and his military morale is available.

Charlotte came to Wu Lingfeng and said: "Although I don't know exactly what Master Lingfeng is going to do, I believe you. I will abandon the carriage and get back on the horse, so as not to hinder the army's actions."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Her Royal Highness the Princess is really smart and considerate. I was about to say this, so I will trouble Her Royal Highness to ride on the horse for the time being. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly and the situation can change at any time. We must seize the time to obtain It’s good to win.”

"Okay, I understand..." Charlotte said, riding on the unicorn.

Wu Lingfeng reached out and pulled Winnie behind him, and said: "Winnie is with me, and Her Royal Highness is also with me. I can take care of you no matter what happens."

Winnie lay down behind Wu Lingfeng with a blushing face, and hugged Wu Lingfeng's waist with her little hands. It felt so warm. Before, if Wu Lingfeng was commanding the battle like a king, his heroic, confident and courageous image has been deeply impressed on him. It entered her heart that it was really satisfying to be with such a boy.

Charlotte also stared blankly at Winnie's happy look. If possible, she also wanted to be a carefree girl with a boy who was reliable enough for her to rely on. At this time, she was actually Jealous of Winnie.

Wu Lingfeng didn't notice the expressions of Winnie and Charlotte. He took the map and carefully studied the route forward. He wanted to avoid this avenue and go through a sparse forest to the outskirts of BenQ City. It was best to march at night. No one will pay attention to time, everything is settled, all that is left is the east wind.