Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 6: Winnie


After killing all the incoming enemies, Mark led his soldiers to bury the dead soldiers on a hillside and inserted an unnamed wooden sign. There were no undead in the battle. Although he defeated the enemies who attacked at night, However, the outpost commanded by Mark also lost more than half of its soldiers.

But after a short period of sadness, everyone celebrated, because it was a miracle that they could survive. After all, the enemy had a high-level silver knight, and the number was much larger than them.

Of course, this is all because of Wu Lingfeng. His magic saved this outpost and everyone. Everyone is grateful to Wu Lingfeng, and everyone no longer underestimates him as before. The title of Lingfeng boy is now He could no longer hear it, but the only thing that could be heard was the Master Magician speaking in unison.

Wu Lingfeng also reveled with everyone. He is now the pride of all soldiers. He can evolve from a lowly soldier into a magician. It can be said that he is the only one in the entire Holy Light Empire, no, the entire continent.

In this world, only nobles with magician blood can become magicians. Every noble has the blood of magicians flowing in their bodies and inherits the blood power of their ancestors.

Ordinary people can only seek a higher status by practicing professions such as swordsmen, knights, and thieves, but even if they practice to the top level, they cannot become nobles. The world is so cruel, and nobles must be magicians. , and powerful knights, swordsmen, and thieves can choose to follow powerful magicians to gain higher power.

In other words, Wu Lingfeng is already a noble at this moment. I believe that the appointment letter of the kingdom will be issued soon. After all, magicians are very rare. There are only more than 1,000 magicians in the entire Holy Light Empire, but the total population of the empire is In one billion, what is the ratio

And more importantly, the bloodline power of some magician families continues to weaken and become ordinary people. After all, after many generations, the magician power in the bloodline will weaken until it is too weak to be felt...

After celebrating, Shocks pulled Wu Lingfeng to the kitchen.

"What are you doing, Uncle Shocks? How could you not take a good rest? The arrow you blocked for me was not light. You must take a good rest..." Wu Lingfeng said with concern.

Shock shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate me. I was also a high-level knight back then, but I was deprived of my power for some reason, but my bones are still very strong, and I'm so fat, I don't lose any blood." What a big deal, I came to you today to ask you a favor... "

"Tell me what it is. After all, Uncle Shocks is my savior..." Wu Lingfeng patted his chest and agreed.

Shock nodded and said: "Actually, I don't have a daughter. The daughter I am talking about is the daughter of a magician I used to follow. Because the magician I followed had weak bloodline power and was replaced by another one." A powerful magician was killed, so I took the lady and escaped, but in the process of escaping, my strength was also destroyed.

Then I worked as a cook in the Wolf Warriors, and I placed the young lady in the nearby Mingjin Town. I would go back to see her once a month, because she was still a one-month-old baby when I ran away with her in my arms, so I didn’t She doesn't know her identity, and the magician's bloodline power has disappeared in her generation, so she is just an ordinary girl.

I want to entrust the lady to you now. The lady is very beautiful. With a magician like you to protect her, I can feel at ease. I don’t need to make her my wife, just a side wife, because future generations want to inherit. If you are of magician origin, both parents must be magicians.

Uncle Shocks' only request is this. I thought I could let him and you live an ordinary life, but now it's better. With a magician husband like you, my lady's future life will be happier. "

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but couldn't help but wonder, should he accept the concubine? After all, Uncle Shock risked his own life to save the lives of his own people, and with a concubine to warm the bed, the beautiful life in another world can be considered part of satisfaction. .

"Okay, I promise you, Uncle Shocks..." Wu Lingfeng agreed.

Shock nodded with satisfaction and said happily: "That's great. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will take you to see the lady. Although she does not have the power of a magician, the lady is very beautiful. You will definitely be satisfied... "

Wu Lingfeng nodded, looking forward to what kind of beautiful girl from another world he would see tomorrow.

The next day, Shock took Wu Lingfeng and Mark to take leave and took Wu Lingfeng to Mingjin Town to see his daughter.

Mark happily agreed to their request. He quickly wrote a battle report and reported Wu Lingfeng's promotion to magician. At the same time, he asked for credit for killing an enemy's high-level silver knight and leading the outpost to kill everyone. Invading enemy.

Mark put all the credit on Wu Lingfeng as a gesture of goodwill to him.

Mingjin Town is not far from Wu Lingfeng's outpost, only a few kilometers away. Shock's daughter does not live in the town, but in a man-made wooden house not far from the town.

"Da da!"

"Winnie, it's me, I'm back to see you..." Shocks stood at the door and patted twice and said.

Soon, the door opened gently, and a beautiful and lovely little girl with blue hair and blue eyes appeared in Wu Lingfeng's sight. Although she was wearing a rustic gray cloth, it could not hide her delicate face. , and the pair of towering breasts on the chest are swaying gently.

"Winnie, this is Ling Feng who I often mention to you. Haven't you been thinking about him just now? Let me tell you good news. Ling Feng is now a noble magician, and he defeated the high-ranking intruder last night. Knight..." Shocks patted Wu Lingfeng's shoulder and said to the blue-haired beauty.

"You... Hello... I'm Winnie..." The little beauty with blue hair put her little hands on her chest and timidly said hello to Wu Lingfeng. She looked at him curiously with her big clear blue eyes. , this was her first time meeting the legendary magician.

"Hello, call me Lingfeng, Miss Winnie, you are very beautiful..." Wu Lingfeng said with a smile, feeling so excited in his heart, I said, my dear, your son is going to get rich, such a cute little girl from another world Is it really possible to warm the bed

"Let's go into the house and talk..." Shocks said with a smile. Seeing Wu Lingfeng's satisfied look, he knew that everything was fine.

"Well, I'll get some water..." Winnie said, walking into the house with little feet.
