Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 66: Xiaolan has grown up


(Thanks to my name Zhang Hao Children's Shoes for the reward again. Today I will update three times. I keep my word and will update if I have support. Your support is the motivation for me to update.)

After swallowing the small blue-gold crystal, Xiaolan's body emitted a dazzling blue-gold light. Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but cover his eyes with his arms, it was so dazzling.

After a while, when the light faded, Wu Lingfeng put down his arm. He found that Xiaolan's body suddenly became much larger. If Xiaolan before was a kitten, then Xiaolan now is as big as a puppy. Moreover, the dragon scales on his body are more crystal clear and shiny.

Through the recognition of his right eye, Xiaolan's attributes were displayed in front of Wu Lingfeng:

id: Xiaolan

Owner: Wu Lingfeng

Race: Dragon (Frost Dragon)

Languages: Alment Common, Draconic.

Dragon age: 0 years old.

lv: 2 (growth 0/500)

hp: 200


Strength: 15

Stamina: 15

Intelligence: 15

Spirit: 15

Talent skills:

Frost Breath lv1 (active, proficiency 0/500): instant, cooling 5 seconds, MP consumption: 10, with slowing down and freezing effects.

Skill description: The most common attack magic of the frost dragon, it condenses the frost air in the body in the mouth and then releases it, which has the effect of freezing and slowing down.

Frost Sting lv1 (active, proficiency 0/500): instant, cooldown 3 seconds, MP consumption: 15, with armor-breaking and freezing effects.

Skill description: Summons the frozen breath in the space, condenses into ice vertebrae, attacks the enemy, and can perform induced attacks. The attack will not stop unless it hits the target.

Other information: None, growing.

After growing up once, Wu Lingfeng found that Xiaolan could finally fight with him. His body was much stronger, and what was more powerful was the growth of his basic attributes. All attributes grew by +5. It was so powerful. Look at Zizixuan, every time After upgrading, the strength and physical strength only increase by 2.5, and the intelligence and spirit increase by 3.5, which is much different from Xiaolan's 5.

Moreover, the growth of Xiaolan's HP and MP are much stronger than that of Wang Zixuan. They have doubled at the same time. There is also an additional frost thorn. The powerful attribute of breaking armor is absolutely a nightmare for the enemy. Freezing can even damage the enemy. Kite flying, the two skills plus the current attributes, it is simply too easy to challenge the first-level monsters. After some training, Xiaolan learned the shameless kite-flying tactics, and he will definitely be the undefeated overlord among the first-level monsters. .

A giant dragon is a giant dragon, and the attributes of growth are different. It seems that it was definitely an accident that the red-haired old man and Bridget were able to kill the frost dragon. The true strength of the frost dragon was only revealed a little bit. It can only be said that they were lucky.

"Wow, the crystal of the boss god is really powerful. Normally, it would take 5 years or more to grow to what it is now. It is really powerful, and it has a magic. According to common sense, there is no reason for the frost dragon to be like this. I'm about to comprehend the second magic. It seems to be the reason for the golden crystal. It's so powerful." Xiaolan felt that she was very strong now.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Well, don't tell others what happened tonight. Even Winnie and the others can't tell. Only the two of us know. The boss works hard to make money and train you to become the most powerful dragon in history. At that time, I will be a powerful dragon knight, smiling proudly in the sky, quack..."

Xiaolan nodded and shook his paw. It was not a delusion to become the Golden Dragon God. Haha, this master is really mysterious. He has a good master.

"Sleep, go to the strongest magic academy tomorrow..." Wu Lingfeng grabbed Xiaolan, lay on the bed and fell asleep. He was also tired today. First he visited the Goblin ruins, and then he was lucky to get the approval of the frost dragon, killing The old red-haired magician was gone, and Xiaolan was adopted as a pet... Okay, but the little voyeur later was so tired that she had to hold her breath underwater and even had a nosebleed

The next day, Winnie pinched Wu Lingfeng's nose and woke him up from his sleep.

"Onnie-chan, it's time to leave. Miss Bridget said that if we don't leave early, we won't be able to get to the most powerful magic academy at night..." Winnie said to the confused Wu Lingfeng.

"Oh, ah, it's Winnie. I have to leave now. Really..." Wu Lingfeng rubbed his face and reluctantly got up from his bed. Xiao Lan lay on his chest and drooled. ,Disgusting…

"Onnie-chan, Xiaolan seems to have grown up a bit?" Winnie looked at Xiaolan curiously and said.

"Oh, yeah, you're wrong, it's just so big..." Wu Lingfeng laughed and pulled Winnie out of the room. Although Winnie was the closest person to him, there were some things he told her but she didn't. What's more, Winnie is just an ordinary person and doesn't know magic. It seems that Helena will teach her some basic self-protection skills.

Winnie nodded, she would not get into trouble with these things, and walked out holding Wu Lingfeng's arm.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's go..." Bridget said.

Then Wu Lingfeng and the others, led by Bridget, came to the back of the palace. A huge ship with a height of five stories was suspended on the ground. There were three huge magic circles on the bow and hull. There is a yellow magic circle, and the two magic circles on the ship are cyan.

The yellow magic array shone with a faint light, the two cyan magic arrays shone with dazzling light, and the fluctuations of magic power slowly washed out.

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but sigh, this is the magical world. Unlike the jet planes on the earth, there is no technology here, only magic. A few magic arrays can make a huge ship float in the sky.

"Okay, everyone, let's board the ship..." Bridget said, "If we keep walking, we will probably arrive in the afternoon, but we may not be able to make it in time for the entrance test. We won't be able to arrive until the next day."

Wu Lingfeng nodded, activated his flying skill and jumped directly to the deck of the spacecraft with Winnie. Bridget and the unicorn beside her jumped onto the deck. Helena's fighting spirit flashed on her feet, and she jumped lightly. Coming up, Ifte jumped up without using her fighting spirit. A light whip appeared in Shirley's hand, wrapped around the airship and pulled her up. As for Charlotte...

A pair of white wings suddenly appeared on Charlotte's shoes, leading her onto the airship.

Wu Lingfeng was very surprised. He had never seen Charlotte with magic equipment before. I never realized that the shoes on her feet were magic equipment.

"Not bad. Light type flying equipment is rare. Dark gold equipment. Let me just say, a princess of an empire doesn't have a decent thing. It seems that I thought wrong. Moreover, the output control of magic is also bad. It's very impressive. He didn't waste any magic power, and his body didn't shake at all. He is also a magic genius." Bridget looked at Charlotte and said in surprise.

At this time, Wu Lingfeng noticed that when Charlotte flew up just now, she was very relaxed and natural, as if she had wings. Her magic control power was really good. From her own magic circuit to the magic circuit of the equipment, two different It's really amazing that the circuit can be manipulated so easily and naturally, and what's more important is Bridget's ability to speak.

No magic was wasted. Except for Wu Lingfeng, who has a bug in the system, magicians in this world are all controlled when casting magic, and being able to do so without wasting it is a genius. After all, magic is very precious. In battle, save money. With a little magic, in the end, it's possible to defeat your opponent.

Charlotte saw Bridget and Wu Lingfeng looking at her, she couldn't help but blush, and said: "Don't be too surprised, just like you have your own trump card, I also have it, magicians are all a bunch of Mysterious guy, hehe, everyone is very mysterious."

"Well, it's true. I'm looking forward to you. Charlotte, the third princess of the Holy Light, and Wu Lingfeng, the Earl of the Holy Light. Will you two be the strongest first-level students in this session?" Bridget said with a smile.

"The strongest first-level student? Does it have any effect?" Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but wonder.

"It's very important. Every year, the three grades will select the ten strongest people. This is not only an honor, but also has many benefits. In short, you just remember to work hard. The strongest magic academy is not an ordinary place. ." Bridget said as she licked her lower lips evilly, showing a faint hint of blood.

Charlotte pursed her lips immediately. The Strongest Magic Academy was not an ordinary place. It was so mysterious...