Devil’s Examination

Chapter 102: special exam


"So your father is Professor Gao Hanming???"

In Gao Ying's dormitory, the three of them were having a meal. Because Gao Ying scored more than 80 points in the test, any delicious food could automatically appear in the pots and pans in the kitchen as long as he thought about it in the next month. So... the three of them simply ate hot pot. Although it was summer when I came in, this horrible place always had a gloomy feeling, so I simply ate some hot pot to warm up. While eating, the topic continued to expand, and Gao Ying also said his father's name.

"Professor Gao Hanming?" Shen Junhao had no impression of this name at all, and asked suspiciously, "Who is he?"

"Professor Gao is one of the most authoritative experts on the history of WWII in country Z! I have read "Mountains and Rivers Like Blood", "The Complete Documentary of the Pacific War" and "The Background of the Nazi Group" written by him!"

Unlike Gao Ying, who is a genius in arts and sciences, Ji Yixuan is better at knowledge of literature and history, and his elective for the college entrance examination is history. His favorite place to hang out is the historical works section of the library. Professor Gao Hanming's "Mountains and Rivers Are Like Blood - Facts of the Fourteenth Year of the Anti-Japanese War" has a total of ten volumes, and he spent the entire third year of high school reading it. Professor Gao Hanming used the concept of the 14-year War of Resistance against the Eight-Year War of Resistance against the mainstream historians. The historical materials are detailed and sophisticated, and hundreds of precious historical photos are attached. This set of books gave Ji Yixuan a new understanding of the history of the War of Resistance.

"So..." Ji Yixuan thought of something, and asked again: "Your mother is Professor Han Fengshu? I also read the "Complete Book of History of the Southern Ming Dynasty" written by her! No wonder you are so smart, Gao Ying, so you are Professor Gao and Professor Han. son!"

Gao Ying has always been proud of his parents since he was a child, originally Ji Yixuan praised his parents so much, he should have been happy, but... at this time, he became depressed. Thinking of the pain of being separated from her parents, Gao Ying's expression was somber.

Ji Yixuan also understood, and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, Gao Ying... I..."

Gao Ying waved his hand and changed the topic: "The beef is already cooked, let's take it out and eat."

He saw that the atmosphere became a little awkward, so he said again: "Yixuan, we will go back to see our relatives. Calculated from the time, although it has been a month since we entered here, in the real world, you and I are basically the same I did that composition topic at the same time."

"Yes, I saw the composition topic, and I wanted to write the composition first... The time is also not long after the Chinese exam starts... There are millions of people in the country who take the college entrance examination, so the number of candidates who will be selected is probably too many to count."

In other words, in the real world now, I'm afraid the Chinese exam is not over yet! As long as Gao Ying can go back after completing the exam and gaining eternal life, he can still reunite with his parents!

For her parents, Gao Ying already misses her to the point of breaking her heart. He'd always loved his parents, always... loved them.

"I will definitely go back alive! Definitely!"

this evening.

Because Gao Ying couldn't fall asleep, he came to the classroom.

The candle was still burning slowly and never seemed to go out.

He sat in his seat and looked at the door of the classroom. What is there outside the door

He looked at the burning candles and the countdown on the blackboard in front of him.

What will the next exam... be like? Will there still be subjective questions? Will there still be indefinite item choices and more complicated proof questions


Gao Ying found that there was an extra piece of bloody writing on the blackboard!

"To recruit Gao Ying, a candidate for the Death-level 7th space, will you voluntarily participate in the examination room A of the Death-level 1st space? Once you voluntarily participate in this test, even if you fail, you will be deprived of your life. Agnes Geer was successfully recruited. Zwaren successfully brought into the Death-level space, regardless of the test score, the candidate will be given a chance to be resurrected immediately after death! This is a special reward and will not appear in the death-level space lottery!"

A chance... for resurrection after death?

The scariest thing about the exam scene is of course death!

A Chance of Resurrection...

Gao Ying had just escaped from the dead in a deserted village, so it stands to reason that taking an extra exam at this time would be courting death no matter what! But, the chance of resurrection after death... the chance of resurrection after death...

Gao Ying is tempted!

You know, it is impossible to draw a lottery to be resurrected after death! Anyway, he always had to take the exam, and it was obviously unrealistic to guarantee that he would never die. As long as he takes this test and brings that so-called Agnes back to the Death Dimension, he can get... a reward of resurrection after death!

Of course, Gao Ying also knows that the abnormality is a demon, and specially recruits candidates from other spaces to take the exam voluntarily. Obviously... the difficulty of this exam is likely to surpass that of Silent Deserted Village! If one is not careful, he will die inside! But having said that, if he continues this kind of exam again and again, sooner or later he will encounter a terrifying and difficult exam in the future. Now, he has the reward of being exempt from the devil's attack for 10 minutes in the exam, why not work hard and seek a new hope for himself

He decided to take a gamble!

So he walked to the front of the blackboard, took a deep breath, and walked to the blackboard!

He bet!

At the bottom of the blackboard, there is an option to accept the test or not to accept the test. To do it, Gao Ying just ticked the box. If he does nothing within the next 12 hours, he is automatically deemed to have refused the test.

Gao Ying was selected, and he knew that it was probably because of his performance in the two exams that made him an eye-catching top student. Therefore, it was given this opportunity.

Although it was night at this time, the jet lag in the quiet deserted village made Gao Ying in good spirits.

He hits... a check!

The next moment, Gao Ying lost consciousness!

After a long time, Gao Ying woke up.

"No. 1265, this is your room!"

Although the voice was automatically translated into Chinese in Gao Ying's mind, Gao Ying still realized that it was... English!

At this time, he was actually wearing a prison uniform! His hands were in handcuffs, and at the same time, he was holding the examination paper!

At this time, he was pushed and shoved by several blond white prison guards, and he actually walked in the corridor of a prison! In the cells on both sides of the corridor, there are a large number of prisoners with fierce faces!

The exam paper reads "Death Class 1st Space A Exam Room 2nd Monthly Exam".

The exam questions are divided into single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and the final practice questions, as well as a final additional question!

Strangely, he was holding the test paper, but the white prison guards turned a blind eye to Gao Ying's behavior of looking at the test paper!

At the same time, outside this prison, about tens of kilometers away.

"They... are here!"

Under a pair of black eyebrows, there is a pair of jewel-like eyes that are so beautiful that it is extremely admirable. The owner of the eyes now has a solemn expression.


"Hmm... demons, they sent their messengers into our world again!"

"Since this is the case, they should be purged. Those who are lured into darkness by demons must send them... to hell!"

Gao Ying was sent to a prison with a total of 7 people including him. As soon as Gao Ying entered the cell, the leader inside was a blond prisoner with fox eyes, staring at Gao Ying. Soon, his eyes focused on the examination paper in Gao Ying's hand.

"Chinese? Japanese?"

Gao Ying quickly replied without thinking: "Huaxia!"

The blond prisoner nodded, and then actually spoke Chinese: "Very good... But, I won't give you that reward!"

Because the language was in Chinese, except Gao Ying, another Asian-faced teenager wearing glasses, the other prisoners could not understand it.

Gao Ying soon realized that the other party was also an examinee!

Candidates in the examination room A of the first space of the Death class!

And the young man with glasses with an Asian face looked at Gao Ying, and then asked, "You... are also from country Z?"

He speaks Chinese with perfect pronunciation!

"That's right, I'm from country Z." Gao Ying nodded. It seemed that the boy with glasses was also a compatriot, but he should not be an examinee.

"My name is Alex Hellhorn." The fox-eyed blond prisoner stretched out his hand as if to shake hands with Gao Ying. Gao Ying also stretched out his hand.

While shaking hands, Gao Ying suddenly felt that Alex was holding his palm tightly, which made him feel a sharp pain!

"You'll regret coming here..." Alex sneered grimly, "You answered the call of Death!"

Gao Ying only felt the cold sweat on his forehead, and he didn't even have the strength to resist! Obviously, the other party is giving him a blow!

At the beginning of this volume, due to the powerful power of 404 beasts, many special proper nouns can only be displayed in foreign language abbreviations, please understand...

(end of this chapter)