Devil’s Examination

Chapter 115: Your existence is the scariest thing


"About demons..." Gao Ying recovered from his own thoughts, and asked a question that pointed to the essence, "About much do you really know?"

What kind of existence is manipulating everything in the dark

The so-called "demon" is just a word that contains religious concepts. Human beings can name everything that is harmful to them. Are they some kind of evil god? Or something more powerful

"I have no idea… "

However, Dong Xie's answer was just these four words.

"All I know is that humans have known about the existence of demons from a very old age, long enough to go back before the birth of Jesus Christ... As for whether the devil is what we know, the evil monster with black wings on the back, whether With the name of Satan or Lucifer, I don't know."

Gao Ying's face became more gloomy, and he continued to ask: "So, there are people who have been studying and dealing with demons, right? For example, the Warrens, they are experts in demonology..."

"No one can be called an expert. Even the Pope of the Vatican can't talk about it. People's awareness of 'demons' is equivalent to the progress of research on cancer treatments. How do demons invade the world? How to easily travel through time and space and plunder human souls, even after several centuries, there is no result. In terms of the existing knowledge system of human beings, there is no means that can directly resist the devil. The cross, the "Bible", and even holy water , can only prove that it is effective for you demon messengers... or even only for some demon messengers. These are all the information I got from the Gominik family back then."

"In this world... there is no so-called exorcist? Or spells, Taoism and so on..."

"No. At least not as far as I know. Real demons are far more powerful than we can imagine. I... have seen their horror with my own eyes. But even so..."

Speaking of this, he stopped and didn't continue talking.

"What's wrong?" Gao Ying became puzzled, "Why didn't you continue talking?"

"No... nothing."

"Say it... What the hell were you going to say just now!"

Dong Xie's hesitation gave Gao Ying a bad feeling. What he was hiding was very likely to be very important information.

"Tell me." Qin Yexun also added a sentence at this time, and his words were more intimidating than Gao Ying's. After all... Dong Xie knew very well how terrifying this Japanese was.

"Then... this is what you want me to say..."

Dong Xie clenched his palms tightly, looked back at the half-hidden door behind him, and continued, "The Earl told me back then that even though the demons were so powerful that they were unprecedentedly desperate, but... according to what they got from interrogating the witches of the Black Shadow Sect, information, the existence of you 'devil messengers' is more terrifying than the devil itself. So... "

"So what?" Gao Ying suddenly became anxious, why did Dong Xie always speak so hesitantly!

Looking at Gao Ying's anxious eyes, Dong Xie could only speak out the original words he heard from the Earl back then.

"So... all of you must be exterminated, not even one of you can stay in this world!"

kill all...

Gao Ying didn't understand, were they more terrifying than demons? This is simply a big joke! They are the biggest victims! In the exam arranged by this terrifying demon, they can only struggle to survive, but human beings, even in the parallel world, are the human beings belonging to their same race still trying their best to drive them to extinction

Agnes... the leader of the Shadow Sect, must find her. She must know why they are called "Evil Messengers" and why they are such a threat to humans.

"let's go."

Now stagnating, obviously there will be no results, and the only way to find the answer is to move forward. However, Gao Ying's heart began to become more and more gloomy. He didn't care about being called the so-called enemy of God, but he always felt that his road ahead was full of darkness. Whether his final outcome is death or immortality, the darkness doesn't seem to change because of it.

After slowly opening the door...

It was silent outside.

This silence cast a shadow over Gao Ying's heart. So many prisoners and examinees, it's impossible to wipe them all out, right

If he had known that the difficulty of this exam was so terrifying, Gao Ying would have thought more about it before making a decision. Looking at it now, he was completely overwhelmed by the huge reward of "resurrection after death", so that he seriously underestimated the risks. Thinking about it now, even though they all belong to the Death level space, it doesn't mean that the difficulty is the same. Candidates for this round even recruited "top students" from various spaces, so the difficulty can be imagined. But even so, it still exceeded Gao Ying's initial expectations.

However, this world does not regret taking medicine. Coming here, it is naturally impossible for Gao Ying to go back unless he completes the exam.

Gao Ying does not believe that everyone is dead. The difficulty should not be so scary. If it is really that difficult, more classes should be allowed to take this exam, and even arrange different classes to participate in different spaces on a large scale Exams are right. What's more, the exam lasted for three days. With such a difficult exam, how could a mere twenty-three candidates survive for three days

"I remember this is the prisoner's library, where the prisoners read newspapers and study..." Dong Xie identified the route and led Gao Ying and others: "If you walk to the right, you will find the cafeteria and shower room. Shall we go to the cafeteria first? If you are going to continue to 'exam' here, food is indispensable. The kitchen behind the cafeteria should have a certain amount of non-staple food, canned food, and drinking water."

Indeed, the exam lasted three days, and it was impossible not to eat. However, the cafeteria is there anyway, so they won't escape automatically. Gao Ying didn't rush to go there for the time being, after all, it would be very inconvenient to carry food when escaping. Let's eat when you're hungry.

"Are you hungry, Dong Xie?"

"It's okay... I'm not hungry now."

"What about you? Qin Ye?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Since this is the case, just remember how to go to the cafeteria. Let's find a way to gather other candidates first. The more people who act together, the survival rate will increase."

The last time the examinee had to keep quiet, Gao Ying tried his best to avoid too many people moving together, but this time the exam did not have this restriction, it would be better if more people gathered together. However, he remembered what the prisoner said just now, and kept paying attention to the electric light above his head. Once the electric light went out, he would immediately leave the dark area. He didn't want to die silently in the dark zone!

Along the way, every cell around was empty. On the ground, yellow bullet casings can be seen from time to time, but unfortunately no pistol was found. While walking, the pace of the three of them was relatively slow, and they were almost close together. After all, no one knows what will happen the next moment.

And along the way, Gao Ying had to say that the number of cells in this prison was really quite a lot. Moreover, all the cells didn't even have a single window, so they could only rely on the vents on the ceiling for ventilation, and the air couldn't help but feel stuffy.

"It's here!"

Just as she passed by one of the cells, Gao Ying stopped immediately!

Among the multiple-choice questions, one of the questions is "Which of the following will happen when you enter cell B4-39?"

As for the four options, Gao Ying remembered them all clearly.

"This cell? What's the matter?" Dong Xie couldn't see Gao Ying's test paper, but he roughly guessed that it should have something to do with Gao Ying's test paper.

"Yeah." Gao Ying nodded.

The door of the cell is open. So, he can walk right in.

But at this moment, Dong Xie suddenly grabbed Gao Ying!

"Tell me... what kind of question is this? Multiple choice? Fill in the blank?"

"Dong... Scorpion?"

"Perhaps, I can tell you the answers to the exam questions without you needing to take risks. I'm not a test taker yet, so telling you that doesn't count as cheating."

(end of this chapter)