Devil’s Examination

Chapter 117: hunting



Looking at the unconscious prisoner on the ground, Wilvin suddenly grabbed the hand of the half-race beauty beside him and said, "We have no choice."

"I know."

"As long as I'm here, I will never... let you die in front of me!"

Under the black eyebrows of the woman named Isabella, there is no fear or flinch.

"The demon messengers... must all die. I must not let any of them pass all the tests of the devil... I will remember these things. I will not soften my heart."

At this moment, Isabella's eyes froze suddenly!

"There is a demon messenger approaching here!"

Although Isabella couldn't see it, she seemed to have a pair of eyes that could see through all falsehoods.

Wilvin flipped the safety on the gun and asked, "Which direction is he coming from?"

Isabella raised her hand, then pointed in a certain direction ahead.

"Judging from the speed he is walking now, you will be able to see him in three minutes at most."

Wilvin confirmed that there was no problem with the pistol's silencer device, so he stood at the position Isabella said. Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand, and pointed the black muzzle of the gun at the front.

"He is getting closer and closer, and the straight-line distance from us is less than 250 meters..."

Isabella reminded Wilvin.

Not long after, when a vague figure appeared in the corridor ahead in Welvin's sight, Isabella immediately said, "It's him!"

Since Isabella spoke, there would be no possibility of killing innocent people by mistake. Wilvin pulled the trigger immediately!

With his marksmanship, although he was still more than 150 meters away from the figure, it was enough.

The bullet roared out, instantly piercing through the head of the person in front!

After the bullet passed through the head, blood and brains sprayed everywhere, and the person who was walking fell to the ground with a crash!

He still held the exam paper in his hand. After his death, his name and written answers on the examination papers have all disappeared. Blood gurgled out, completely dyeing the examination paper a bright red.

Wilvin and Isabella soon came to the candidate who died tragically. This was a black examinee. When he died, his expression didn't even change. He died without reacting at all.

As for Isabella, she saw the examination paper on the ground at a glance.

Wilvin couldn't see the test paper, but she could!

"The test paper issued by the devil..." Isabella showed an extremely disgusted look when she saw this test paper.

"The demon messenger is dead, so this test paper is useless." Welvin knelt down, took out the cross hanging around his neck, and said to the dead examinee, "Now, you have obtained God's forgiveness."

At this moment, Isabella suddenly trembled.

"Wilven... I feel that in this prison, the power of the devil is becoming stronger and stronger! I have never felt such a powerful evil power!"

When Wilvin heard Isabella say this, his face became more serious.

But there is no way. He might die here with Isabella, but... But, he is a member of the Gominik family, and this is the inevitable fate of the family.

Now... There are still 18 candidates who are alive.

Since the pistol was equipped with a silencer, no shots were fired. Naturally, Gao Ying and the others did not hear it.

At this time, Gao Ying finally met three candidates who gathered together.

Among the three candidates, one was the gay guy who gave Gao Ying goosebumps, the other two were Alex, and the third was a brown-haired boy.

"Oh, you! Chinese boy!"

As soon as the gay guy saw Gao Ying, he immediately showed an overjoyed expression, Gao Ying's hairs stood on end! But the brown-haired boy hurried over after seeing Gao Ying.

"It's you! Where's Jack?"

When the brown-haired boy asked about Jack, Gao Ying sighed and said, "Jack Doyle... is dead."

"Dead?" Hearing this, the brown-haired boy showed a rather regretful expression: "He's actually dead..."

The brown-haired boy looked very regretful. After he sighed, he said, "Forget it, people can't be resurrected after death... Your name is... Gao Ying, right? My name is Green Neal, you You can just call me Green. Since you have met, it is also fate, so let’s go together together.”

Gao Ying nodded, and a few more people can always ease the fear in his heart. Frankly speaking, he doesn't know how many people are still alive now.

However, Dong Xie stood up at this time.

"Sorry, I object."

Dong Xie said this abruptly, making Green Neal and the other three stunned.

Among the three, Alex's eyes locked on Dong Xie like a poisonous snake. He knew that Dong Xie knew a lot of information, so he also knew that Dong Xie was a key person. No matter what, he had to win over his team. Come inside.

"Why?" Green Neal looked puzzled, "Can I ask why?"

"Well..." Dong Xie looked at Alex coldly, "I think he should know best."

Gao Ying really hated Alex, but Dong Xie's current actions were obviously a bit disregarding the overall situation. However, he was trying his best to make Dong Xie a candidate in the examination room where he was, and there was no need to go against Dong Xie's wishes for the sake of three candidates he didn't know.

Alex's fox eyes narrowed, revealing a rather gloomy smile.

"What's going on? Alex?" Green Neal showed displeasure, and turned to look at Alex. "What conflict did you have with them?"

"Well..." Alex naturally wouldn't tell the truth. He couldn't tell the information that Dong Xie had learned. One was to avoid cheating, and the other was that he wanted to monopolize the source of information so that he could make himself as far as possible. Be the last candidate to make additional questions.

Gao Ying planned to talk to Dong Xie again, but at this moment, Dong Xie turned to look at Gao Ying and winked at him.

It seems... He has some ideas of his own. Although he didn't know what that was, Gao Ying decided to trust Dong Xie. After all, he may become his companion in the future, and he is an extremely important companion. Trust is a good start, just like he trusted Ji Yixuan.

"In that case, let's act separately, Green Neal."

After Gao Ying finished speaking, she walked past Green Neal together with Dong Xie and Qin Yexun.

at the same time…

Under the guidance of Isabella, Welvin and her also came to the B cell.

The entire B cell was dead silent, and there was not a single person in the cell.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Just as Welvin was sighing, Isabella suddenly pulled his sleeve and said in a low voice: "Wei... Werwin... Here, my ability to sense demon messengers has declined, and I can identify them if we meet face to face. , but the distance is too far, so I can't be sure. This should be a demon interfering with me... "

Wilvin realized that the demon power here was unprecedentedly powerful.

"The demons this time may be even stronger than the ones at Advisen Church Hospital back then..."

Isabella nodded.

Edwinson Church Hospital, hundreds of people died there that year. Among them, there are even a large number of demon messengers and followers of the Black Shadow Sect.

Wilvin took the cross out and hung it directly around his neck. In this way, once the demon messengers see the cross, they will fall into dizziness and other extremely painful states at any time. Then, Welvin can easily subdue them and kill them!

Along the corridor of the prison, the two walked slowly. At this moment, Isabella immediately said: "The devil messenger is approaching!"

Then, at a corner ahead, a person came out!

That man, it was Alex!

"Is he a demon messenger?" Although Wilvin was very sure, he still wanted to ask Isabella to prevent the possibility of killing a good person by mistake!

"Yes!" As soon as Isabella finished speaking, Alex noticed the gun in Wilvin's hand!

Alex sees that he has a gun and immediately dodges to the back of the corridor! Almost instantly, Wilvin shot!

The bullet almost flew past Alex's body, and because Welvin was worried about the possibility of killing a good person by mistake, he didn't shoot immediately, so Alex narrowly escaped death!

At this time, Welvin had already rushed to the corner of the corridor, and quickly raised his gun! And Alex reacted quickly, grabbed Green in front of him, and pushed him in front of him! Then Green's body was quickly pierced by bullets!

the other side…

"Why do you insist on not going with them? It's not just because of Alex?"

Under Gao Ying's questioning, Dong Xie replied: "That Green Neil...he is a dead man!"

Croatia actually defeated England... I have been supporting England since Germany was out, and England was also out...Croatia is very cheating, and they beat Argentina 3-0. I still slept too late before, and I was sluggish after watching the game in the early morning, so I delayed the update until today, please forgive me...

(end of this chapter)