Devil’s Examination

Chapter 12: ball


"Quiet! Do you want to attract the devil?"

However, Gao Ying's reaction was also quick, immediately stopping those screaming girls.

Finally, everyone was temporarily quiet. However, Gao Ying was also very disturbed at this time. Now it is typical that people's hearts are scattered, and it is difficult to lead the team! Frankly speaking, he even felt that it might be better to act alone than with this group of people. Even if he couldn't be called a pig teammate, he really couldn't help him.

But at this moment, in the darkness, a strange sound suddenly came from ahead.




A white ball kept bouncing on the ground, slowly rolling towards Gao Ying and the others. Unbiased... The ball rolled to Gao Ying's feet.

Gao Ying and Xu Yudan who was beside him looked down, only to see... two small bloody handprints on the ball!

Many people gasped, and then, several people behind Gao Ying ran towards the stairwell! After a while, ten people ran away!

Only Gao Ying, Xu Yudan, Hou Mingbo, Fu Haicheng, and a girl with long hair were left in place.

"Gao... Gao Ying?" Xu Yudan also tried to be calm at this time, looking at Gao Ying, but Gao Ying stood still, looking at the ball on the ground, without moving.

"I want to see... what kind of devil is this!"

The previous Mazda trap had too much meaning, but this time looking at the ball, Gao Ying realized that it might be a reminder. He noticed bloody handprints on the ball, obviously the size of a child. Not only that, judging from the condition of the handprint coverage, it should be that the owner of the hand held the ball on his body, so that a part of the blood on the arm was left. What's interesting is that on the right arm part, there is a small piece that slightly extends beyond the arm on both sides...

At this moment, both Gao Ying and Hou Mingbo immediately thought of... the watch! And, the third question!

Both of them quickly unfolded the test papers... The third question was, when did the girl in the red dress die

Gao Ying made up a picture in his mind. A little girl was playing with a ball on the side of the road, and then she patted the ball onto the road. The girl rushed to the road to pick up the ball, but was hit and killed by a car. However, after the girl died, she could not rest in peace, and turned into a life-threatening devil. When she was dying, she should have had a watch on her hand. When she was hit to death, the watch was probably broken, and it stopped at the moment of her death! The accident car was later sold by the owner to the second-hand car wholesale market, which is here, and the devil of the girl in red is also attached to this place...

Xu Yudan and Fu Haicheng's reaction was too slow, and they didn't expect the third question at all.

WATCHES... The girl will most likely be wearing a watch when she is dying, this is the key to solving the puzzle! Gao Ying quickly came to this conclusion! However, if the watch is worn on the devil's arm, isn't it equivalent to the mouse trying to bell the cat? It's too dangerous, right

At this time, Hou Mingbo also thought of this level, and after pondering for a while, he said: "I want to stay! I have escaped enough! I would rather take a little big risk!"

If the speed of filling in the answer is fast enough, just fill in the answer... However, in such a dark place, if you want to see the time on the watch, you must get close to the devil!

"Hou Mingbo..." After all, Gao Ying had to think about not being suspected of cheating, so he couldn't speak too clearly, "You..."

Hou Mingbo shook his head and said, "You don't advocate taking unnecessary risks. However, it is impossible for ten multiple-choice questions to have unsolvable questions, so after giving the necessary conditions for solving the questions, we will definitely give us the answers we can fill in. This question seems so dangerous, but... I am sure that it is using this danger to interfere with our problem solving, so that we don't have the courage to try."

"Then..." Gao Ying also began to admire Hou Mingbo's courage, "Do you dare to gamble?"

Hou Mingbo sighed. In fact, he also began to understand that in this exam, the risk-free method of solving problems is obviously unrealistic. The door of the Mazda car was open before, deliberately luring the candidates to stay there to check for clues. On the surface, even if something happened, they would have time to answer the questions and escape, but it was a trap instead. Now that this obviously dangerous exam question is so huge, maybe there is really hope of solving it!

However, Gao Ying always felt something was wrong. No matter how you look at it, the risk of this question is too great. Going to see the watch on the devil's arm... always feels like a trap!

The five of them were staring at the front, waiting for the girl in red to appear! When the time comes, all Hou Mingbo will have to do is wait for the girl to approach and check her watch! Xu Yudan and Fu Haicheng didn't know what would happen next, but seeing Gao Ying and Hou Mingbo standing there in front of them, they felt that they might have plans. It's a pity that there is no way to ask, otherwise... Looking at the skeletons on the ground, no one dared to bet on whether their language would be judged as cheating.

However, at this moment, in the darkness ahead, a sound of footsteps... began to come.

Gao Ying swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and even took a step back subconsciously. He felt more and more wrong. Is this really the correct and only way to solve the problem

And Fu Haicheng was finally scared. She said with great fear: "I don't dare... I don't dare... Anyway, there is only one multiple-choice question, and 10 points will be deducted. I only need to get 60 points!" Then, she said Flee upstairs without looking back!

Now, there were only Gao Ying, Xu Yudan, Hou Mingbo, and the long-haired girl whose name she didn't know yet.

At this moment, Xu Yudan's face was almost flushed purple, and his body was shaking like chaff. He also wanted to escape, but he felt that Gao Ying was right. If I escape now, can I complete the 10 exam questions independently? As for the long-haired girl, she had a typical poker face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Just as the footsteps were getting closer, Gao Ying suddenly thought of something...

(Each test question will give us enough information to solve the problem, so that the devil can brutally kill us...)

Suddenly, he looked down at the ball.

(Could it be... this is the information prompt for solving the problem???)

He immediately grabbed the ball!

Only then did he realize that the blood on the ball was not just two bloody handprints. However, most people are immediately noticed by the bloody fingerprints, and think of the girl in red mentioned in the exam question. How many people dare to pick up this ball that originated from the devil

At this time, at the bottom of the ball, where the candidates had previously been in the blind spot, a striking sign appeared!

That's because the blood originally stained with the ball came into contact with a car's logo, and it looked... like an upright lion!

Peugeot! This is a Peugeot!

Hou Mingbo also saw this scene, and instantly understood what it was!


After scanning around and finding that there were no Peugeots around, Gao Ying threw the ball hard, and then ran towards B2! Everyone followed him and ran up!

When he ran to B2, Gao Ying saw a blue Dongfeng Peugeot parked not far in front of him at first sight. He quickly ran over, and after careful observation, he found...the front of the car was obviously worn! It is estimated that the car involved in the accident was purchased, and it is too late to refurbish. He knelt down and looked at the bottom of the car, no! Not even in the car!

"Did I guess wrong?"

"Gao Ying! What are you doing?" Hou Mingbo didn't understand the significance of Gao Ying's behavior at all!

In the stairwell, footsteps came again!

But at this moment, Gao Ying suddenly heard a voice coming from the direction of the trunk!

Inside the trunk... There was a knocking sound!

(end of this chapter)