Devil’s Examination

Chapter 18: Where?


At this moment, Gao Ying's heart began to beat violently.

The tip of the pen was aligned with the brackets of the seventh multiple-choice question, and he promised to fill in the letters on the brackets in less than a second.

In Gao Ying's impression, when the mysterious girl was sitting in the driver's seat, her gaze was always looking forward, so if she really saw the devil, theoretically, the devil should appear right in front of her right. Did the devil move to his side afterwards? Can you see the devil just by sitting in the driver's seat, or can you see the devil only by sitting in the driver's seat? These two concepts are very different, but it's a pity that Gao Ying is still unable to judge this.

In fact, before the mysterious girl got into the Toyota, Gao Ying had reviewed the test questions. Careful review of questions is one of the key reasons why Gao Ying can always be proud of the examination room in countless sea of questions. After all, whether it is a normal exam or this horrible exam, the exam questions may have the same problem, which is to mislead candidates. For this test question, he has two different understandings of "seeing the devil". The first one is naturally the understanding of ordinary people. After sitting in the driver's seat, you can see the devil, but... only within the line of sight, and the second understanding is that you can see the devil, but the devil is beyond the line of sight, so it cannot be ruled out. The devil appeared, but because it was out of sight, the examinee didn't know how long it would take before he could see the devil. But judging from the experience of the mysterious girl, this question should belong to the former situation.

However, even in this situation, Gao Ying still didn't dare to be careless. After all, different candidates cannot guarantee that the devil will stand in the same position. Therefore, he must pay attention to his surroundings at all times, and he must never slack off in the slightest. However, the high level of concentration and the tension caused by fear made Gao Ying feel a little dizzy. More than half of the examination paper in his hand was already soaked in his sweat. The hand holding the pen also trembled from time to time.

(I can make it... just like before... just like before...)

A minute... quickly passed... He saw nothing, at least not within sight.

There are still five minutes at most... This seems to be the longest 5 minutes in his life. And if he can survive, I'm afraid there will be more trials like this waiting for him in the future.

He must... must live on... Now that he has embarked on this path, he must live to the end and obtain... immortal, eternal life!

"I must obtain immortality, eternal life. So, even if I have to go through such a terrible test, I don't care."

When Zhu Sunling said these words, her expression was very calm, as if she was talking about what to eat for dinner.

"I... I've already regretted it!" However, Liang Tiaoou's thoughts were completely different. She looked behind from time to time, and then stared at the consulting room in front, her body almost pressed against Zhu Sunling's back. She didn't understand why Zhu Sunling was so obsessed with the life of immortality

"I... I would rather give up the chance of eternal life, and I don't want to go through this exam again..."

At this time, the two of them had already arrived in front of the oncology specialist consultation room ahead.

What we have to do now is to be sure who the oncologist mentioned in the title is a human being and who is a devil.

Zhu Sunling stretched out her hand and gently pushed the consulting room away.

"Sun... Sunling, you, aren't you afraid?"

"If the devil wants to attack the examinee, it must be under the premise that the necessary conditions for solving the problem have been given."

"You... are you sure?"

"I'm 70% sure."

Then, she pushed away from the consulting room.

As an expert clinic, the consultation room is naturally much more spacious. Zhu Sunling walked into the consulting room slowly, just took a few steps, suddenly, she opened the door suddenly, looked behind the door...

There, curled up was a bloodless corpse!

She recognized that corpse... It was a candidate from GX City!

Liang Tiaoou was startled when he saw the corpse, and almost cried out, but Zhu Sunling covered his mouth!

The examinee was still holding on to the test paper in one hand, and a pen in the other hand. He also thought of the oncology department to find the answer to the question, but obviously, he didn't find the answer.

Zhu Sunling leaned close to Liang Tiaoou's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I let go now, you are not allowed to make a sound, and speak to me so that I have to lean close to my ear to hear clearly, understand. Yet?"

"Ming... understand..."

Here, maybe the devil is there.

But at this moment, the door of the consulting room suddenly... automatically closed!

Zhu Sunling rushed to the door quickly, and then...she found that she couldn't open the door no matter what!


She can't die here! She must obtain immortality!

Of course Gao Ying knew nothing about what Zhu Sunling experienced in another exam scene.

3 minutes have passed. However, within his line of sight, he still saw nothing.

He looked out of the car window from time to time, that mysterious woman, what did she see? How did she correct the test questions

Soon, the time will be 4 minutes. But he still didn't see anything. Did you have to see the devil at the last moment? Having said that, if the devil has not appeared in the 5th minute, should he fill in D? However, if he makes a mistake, he will never have a chance to correct it, and he will definitely die in an instant. Those people who have died so far have not even had a chance to struggle, and no one is alive or dead! If he wanted to become like this, he would rather commit suicide!

Gritting his teeth, he finally chose... not to fill in the answer! He had to be sure of the moment he saw the devil appear!

In the range of sight that can be seen now, there is still no devil. That mysterious woman should have been looking forward at that time, even considering the peripheral vision of the perspective, she should be very close. But when I looked around, I couldn't see anything...


Gao Ying suddenly thought of something.

Line of sight... Peripheral vision...

He gripped the test paper tightly, and took a deep breath.

he looks like…

Ignore a place that can be detected out of the corner of the eye.

At this time, just passed the first 4 minutes.

He slowly... turned his head and looked down slightly!

Under the driver's seat!

But, nothing.

Could it be that he was wrong

But, almost ten seconds later, he suddenly saw a black round object suddenly appear there!

Gao Ying took a breath, and as his pupils dilated, the black object quickly turned 180 degrees as if it had noticed his gaze!

That... is a human head! But just now, the back of the head was facing upwards, and the black hair blended with the darkness, so it was naturally hard to notice! And this thing can only be seen, not touched. Gao Ying's right foot clearly touched the head, but he didn't feel anything at all!

(end of this chapter)