Devil’s Examination

Chapter 2: Incredible classroom


Gao Ying was staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

The skull on the examination paper actually turned into a real face rushing towards him. This was a nightmare scene, but the scene before him was even more terrifying!

This is a... classroom of about 40 square meters!

The entire classroom seemed dark and depressing at this time, and the only light source was the four rows of desks in the classroom, and the faint candlelight burning on a candlestick placed on each desk. The distance between the four rows of desks was very narrow, and the desks were covered with dust and cracks. In addition to the candlesticks, there was also an A4-sized examination paper, and a strange-looking pen with uneven surfaces.

On that exam paper, "The first monthly exam in Exam Room F, Exam Area 7, Death Level" was impressively printed, and his name was impressively written underneath! On the examination paper, there are 10 multiple-choice questions with four options of ABCD. It's just that the title above looks weird.

For example, the first question is impressively written "Which of the following license plate numbers corresponds to a vehicle with a devil in it", the options are 4 license plate numbers! The second question reads "What is the image of the devil that appeared next to the Mercedes-Benz with the license plate number Jiang J·SA321?" The third question reads "When did the devil incarnated by the girl in red dress die?" point?"

"Devil", in Gao Ying's imagination, is a monster with horns and black wings, but it seems... completely different from the description in the exam paper.

And there are only five desks in each row of four rows of desks, adding up to twenty desks. But at this time, including Gao Ying, twenty people sat neatly at each desk.

"what happened?"

"Where is this? I'm still taking the college entrance examination???"

"I don't know, where is this? I was in the college entrance examination room just now... Ah, it's that skeleton!"

"Skeleton? You also did that question? A life that never dies?"

In this chaotic state, Gao Ying quickly looked around to confirm his current situation. Careful thinking and no panic when encountering problems are important reasons why he has been excellent in academic performance for many years.

None of these people spoke the dialect of his hometown, SH City. They were all Mandarin, but it sounded like an accent from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. They are close to my age, and listening to their conversations, they all came to this mysterious classroom during the college entrance examination

"Wait a minute... look at the blackboard!"

At this time, with the help of the light from the candle, Gao Ying suddenly saw a paragraph written on the blackboard behind the classroom podium... something like blood!

"You are now candidates in the F exam room, and you must complete the monthly exam. Now is the first exam.

The exam requirements are as follows:

1. Enter the test scene and complete the test independently. The test time is one and a half hours and starts in one minute. After that, every other month, you must take an exam.

2. Cheating in any form is strictly prohibited in the exam. Once discovered, you will be deprived of your life immediately.

3. This is an introductory exam with extremely low difficulty. There are only 10 multiple-choice questions, which is a special case only in the introductory exam.

4. Once the test is over and the score is lower than 60, it will be judged as unqualified and immediately deprived of life.

5. After the exam, you can enter the dormitory area through the back door, and go to the place outside the classroom and dormitory area, and you will bear the consequences.

6. Everything you are experiencing now is the price you must pay to obtain immortality. "

"I'm X! What a mess!"

A boy with a flat head immediately slapped the desk and stood up, shouting: "Get out! Is this some kind of reality show? Is it still being broadcast live on the Internet?"

"Hey, don't be so impulsive!" A boy with glasses next to the boy with flat hair said hastily: "You haven't watched "Infinite Horror", have you? This might be the Lord God's Space! If you come in like this, it's a reality show It's going to be miserable!"

""Infinite Horror"? I've seen it too! But shouldn't that mean you want to know the meaning of life?"

Gao Ying was speechless for a moment. First of all, this couldn't be some kind of reality show, where the candidates in the college entrance examination room were silently shown? Isn't this method too powerful? And the skeleton thrown out of the test paper, Gao Ying asked himself that he had never taken psychedelic drugs, and had no history of mental illness. Besides, it didn't sound like he was alone in this situation. Obviously, this didn't seem like a man-made method at all. However, there are still people who use online novels to match the real situation, which is full of nonsense.

"F exam room? Monthly exam? If you fail the exam, you will die?"

There is too little information, and it is difficult for Gao Ying to conduct further analysis.

There are two front and back doors in the classroom, both of which are locked. At this time, everyone has tried to open the door separately, but they can't open it no matter what.

"I... We were kidnapped?" At this time, a black-clothed boy sitting next to Gao Ying was holding the same exam paper as Gao Ying's desk, and asked with a sad face: "You... You also wrote that you wanted to obtain eternal life, so you were taken away. here?"

Gao Ying pursed her lips and said, "One minute is almost up, let's see what happens."

He didn't want to say anything more right now, the current situation around him was too chaotic, and he couldn't even be sure whether the people around him were friends or foes. He is also afraid of the current situation, but fear can't solve the problem, he must wait and see, collect more valuable information, and look for opportunities to escape!

Sure enough, at this moment, within a minute... the mutation happened.

Everyone felt a severe dizziness in their heads, and then their consciousness became blurred...

He didn't know how long it took before he woke up.

Gao Ying found that he was lying in a large closed parking lot, surrounded by neat rows of vehicles. And he was lying in front of a BMW, and on his chest were the test paper and the pen.

"Parking lot?" Gao Ying looked around, and everyone else got up again. They also have test papers and pens.

But at this time, Gao Ying noticed a huge change in the exam paper, that is, right above the exam paper... that terrifying black skull appeared! There is a string of numbers above the skull, which is "01:29:34", however, it becomes "01:29:33" again, which is the countdown time!

The exam time is one and a half hours!

"The devil..." Gao Ying murmured, "Is this the power of the devil?"

Although Gao Ying has been educated in materialism since he was a child, he is not superstitious about science. There are many unsolved mysteries in this world, and supernatural existence such as devils cannot prove that they must be non-existent.

Only supernatural power can explain this incredible space transfer. Or, it is an extraordinary technology beyond his comprehension!

"Hey... where is this again?" The most irritable boy with a short hair yelled, "Find an exit! Let's talk after leaving here!"

at the same time.

Zhu Sunling also held an examination paper and looked at the surrounding environment. It was a dark hospital, surrounded by a group of people who were also holding exam papers.

"In this world... is there really a devil?"

Zhu Sunling stared at the skull and the countdown on the test paper, as well as the "Death-level first monthly test in the 7th test area K test room" printed on the test paper!

"The first question..." she murmured: "Which department's consulting room has a devil that turns into a doctor after the death of the attending doctor?"

During the public period of the new book, there will be 2 updates a day for the time being, and each update will be about 2000 words. Today, there will be 2 updates (sorry, there are not many manuscripts). Starting tomorrow, the update is set to be the first update at 10:00 am and the second update at 14:00 pm Even. Any changes will be notified separately. Ask for a recommendation ticket, please add to the bookshelf collection!

(end of this chapter)