Devil’s Examination

Chapter 27: gaze


The incision on the neck looks very uneven.

When the people behind Gao Ying were all terrified, the first reaction in his mind was not to be afraid, but to observe. Humans are, after all, adaptable creatures.

"Head... I'm afraid he poked his head out of the car window while driving, and then..." Gao Yingji had gradually gotten used to looking at the corpse. Judging from the current situation, this should be the corpse of a headless devil, just like the girl in red.

Hou Mingbo also understood at this time. He stuck his head out of the car window while driving, and then...a car passing in the opposite direction of the car passed by...the head was cut off instantly.

At this time, Gao Ying suppressed the discomfort in his body and gradually walked towards the corpse.

"Gao Ying!" Hou Mingbo grabbed him and shook his head desperately, "No!"

However, Gao Ying broke free from Hou Mingbo's hand.

His time is running out.

He must solve all the questions related to the headless devil as soon as possible! Now, he has no choice!

At this time, the Bingshan Girl grabbed the corpse's shoulders without changing her expression, and then pulled the headless corpse... completely out!

Gao Ying was also horrified when he saw this scene, and his footsteps began to tremble.

The iceberg girl quickly compared the footprints, the corpse was not wearing shoes!

"The feet are wrong... Her feet are obviously a little big."

Yes, she, the headless body is a woman. Although there was no head, the two obvious bulges on the chest were enough to prove that it was a female corpse.

When Gao Ying walked to the front of the corpse, Ice Mountain Girl had already pulled out a... business card from her trouser pocket (Gao Ying was amazed at her courage)!

There are two striking words written on the business card, "Zhang Ning"! This is a familiar name!

"Another option has been ruled out!" Gao Ying was quite excited, "Zhang Ning and Lin Xindie are both devils!"

Question 8, which one is not the name of the devil, both A and B can be ruled out!

"But the footprint is not her, so... who is it?"

Although a breakthrough has been made, one question cannot be answered. And there is a problem... The headless devil Zhang Ning, the car she drove during her lifetime, among the 4 options, none of them is a Buick! Isn't this Buick her own car? From the business card, she is an executive of a company, so the Buick she drives may belong to the company, her own personal car... who knows

Gao Ying felt more and more confused. At this time, Hou Mingbo and the others behind him did not dare to approach, and they were ready to run if the corpse moved at any time!

The headless female corpse looked even more creepy!

He became more and more uneasy, this corpse... What if it moves

"I... let's go!"

Gao Ying's body trembled uncontrollably, and he even started to step back!


Suddenly, he noticed that there was something wrong with the right palm of the female corpse.

"This is?"

His heart was also beating wildly at this time, afraid that the corpse would suddenly move, but he had no choice... So he gritted his teeth, bit the bullet, and squatted down to observe the female corpse's right hand palm. At the same time, I kept praying to God in my heart, don't let the corpse move!


On Zhang Ning's palm, there was a dent! Although the dent was almost covered by the sleeve, fortunately, the light was a little better here, so he could see clearly that the dent was a rectangle with a letter H inside, which was the Honda logo!

"It's not right... Among the options, there is Mazda, which is also a Japanese car, but there is no Honda!"

Before she died, she pressed her hand over the logo of a certain Honda car...

Suddenly he remembered question 9, about the devil under the Honda car...

Could it be that the devil under the Honda is a headless devil

But neither the Honda nor the Buick has any clues, and even a Honda logo on the palm of the hand cannot tell the color of the Honda car!

After working for a long time, I got nothing!

But Gao Ying couldn't bear this fear anymore, he immediately stood up and fled back frantically, at this time he found that his back was already soaked in sweat!

However, Gao Ying was very surprised to find the headless devil's body so quickly. So next, how will the situation develop

The footprints don't match, the Honda... the Buick...

Gao Ying was at a loss for the rest of the questions!

And at this moment, Gao Ying suddenly turned around again!

The feeling that something was staring at him from behind... got stronger! What is going on

However, from the fingertips, there is nothing to see.

"Gao Ying, are you... are you too nervous?" Hou Mingbo worried that if Gao Ying went on like this, he would have a nervous breakdown.

Gao Ying sighed, could it be that he was too nervous to be too neurotic


This is a supernatural test scene where you can die at any time, a place more terrifying than a battlefield, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful!

"Hou Mingbo, I'll walk backwards next," Gao Ying quickly made a decision, "You pull my elbow forward, I have to see if there are any devils behind!"

Is it a headless devil? Or some other devil

So... Hou Mingbo agreed. Next, he and Gao Ying wrapped their arms around and dragged him, while Gao Ying walked backwards. Covering the eyes with the other hand, observing with the gap between the fingers...

But... He didn't see anything.

Could it be... is he really neurotic

But a strong sense of uneasiness swept Gao Ying's heart. He felt more and more that his intuition was not wrong. That feeling is like being stared at by a pair of evil eyes...

Wait... eyes

So, is it not a headless devil

Not necessarily, after all, he did not see the "eyes" with his own eyes...

"Tao Ying... in front, there's a Honda! A blue Honda!"

Upon hearing "Honda", Gao Ying froze!

He turned his head and looked at the blue Honda that Hou Mingbo said. The car was parked not far away, but in the eyes of the candidates, this car was more terrifying than anything else. Should I go directly to check it out, or... take a detour

Exam time is getting shorter and shorter.

The examinees also became more and more impatient, and when the time came, they could only guess the answers.

"Forget it... go and have a look!" Gao Ying decided to fight desperately, now...does he have a choice

So a group of 6 people gradually approached the Honda.

When Gao Ying stepped forward, the Bingshan girl followed.

"You?" Gao Ying didn't understand what she was going to do

"I also have to do the questions." This was the answer of the Bingshan girl.

Gao Ying really couldn't see through her. What kind of life did this woman encounter to become such a psychologically distorted woman

"All right… "

He clutched the folded examination paper in his palm and approached Honda in front of him.

Under this car... Could there be a devil

He is getting closer and closer to the Honda in front of him...

Suddenly, the weird "evil eyes" no longer came from behind, but felt... the top of the head!

Gao Ying instinctively raised her head, covered her eyes and looked at the devil through her fingers, but... still nothing above her head.

But at this moment, he shivered and looked at the empty top of his head. Then, he suddenly lowered his head, and with the help of the dim light, he saw...a pair of feet hanging in the air above his shadow!

(end of this chapter)