Devil’s Examination

Chapter 31: Eye


Gao Ying looked at Bingshan Girl, lowered her head and said, "Can you... pass this exam?"

The Bingshan girl stared at Gao Ying who was full of pain and fear at this time, and finally spoke.

"I can recognize all the car signs in the world. Moreover, I know everything about cars."

Gao Ying didn't bother to urge her, and waited for Bingshan Girl to get to the point. This woman has a weird and gloomy personality, and the ghost knows what she is thinking, so she can only follow her wishes.

"I used to like cars very much. I subscribed to car magazines every month. I also know Japanese cars very well. I really like German cars, so when I was fifteen years old, I decided to buy a German car in the future. car as my own car. But…”

Speaking of this, she seemed to be recalling something, and then looked at the cars around her, and said: "But, after experiencing a car accident... I have undergone a certain change. After that, I will never Willing to touch any car."

"Some kind of... change?"

"my eyes."

Pointing to her pupils, she said, "My eyes... can see the devil."

After hearing these words, Gao Ying, Hou Mingbo and Shen Junhao were shocked!

"You... what did you say?"

Yin and Yang eyes

Could the plot in this movie actually happen

"How is it possible?" Gao Ying still felt unbelievable: "Could it be that you can already see the devil before this?"

"Yes. I can see any devil."

Now, Gao Ying completely understood why the Bingshan girl was so calm and never looked at the devil with her fingers. Because her yin and yang eyes can see all kinds of devils, so she can see all kinds of devils! Then, it's no wonder that she has become so indifferent. I'm afraid she really isn't afraid of death, is she? Maybe she felt that even if she died, she just became a devil, just changed a form of existence

Just as Gao Ying wanted to ask, "Then what did you see", she suddenly realized that it was impossible for the Bingshan girl to tell, because speaking out would be tantamount to cheating!

"So... you can do most of the questions?" At this time, Hou Mingbo stomped his feet fiercely and said, "It's not fair! You have yin and yang eyes, but we have mortal eyes, isn't this... isn't it? …”

However, when he said this, he knew it was nonsense. So what if it's unfair? In the real world, there has never been any fairness at all.

"I can guarantee that what I said above is the truth. But I can't reveal any clues that can solve the problem to you." Ice Mountain Girl still spoke very coldly and without emotion: "I have seen... too many devils, and you... will be one of them."

After finishing these few words, Hou Mingbo suddenly became furious, and was about to rush forward, but was immediately stopped by Gao Ying. Hou Mingbo blushed and pointed at the Bingshan girl thickly, saying: "You are enough! We will not die, absolutely not!"

"I'm telling the truth. People in the world are always unwilling to listen to the truth."

Gao Ying only knows so far that Bingshan Girl has so-called yin and yang eyes. She has yin and yang eyes because of a car accident... so she can see the devil, but even if she can see, she can't tell them. Her poker face was expressionless, so even if she saw a devil, her expression would not change at all, not even a slight expression. In this way... It is impossible for her to tell them any information.

"I see." Gao Ying continued: "We're going to look for Honda cars, or Mazdas, Audi cars... All you have to do is just follow us."

No matter how poker-faced she is, she is still human. When she saw the devil, even if she really didn't have any expression, but... the pupil reflex, sweat, fingers... even the slightest change in any of them may indicate that she might see the devil. Time is running out, he can only gamble. Only by doing as many questions as possible correctly can you survive in the next time. And what he has to do is to keep staring at her face for the rest of the time, observing...the moment when the devil may appear!

Only by doing so...

So, they moved on. Not long after walking forward, a Honda appeared in front of him.

"Go and have a look!" Gao Ying walked up quickly, and Hou Mingbo also followed.

There is no devil under the car. Even through the fingertips... the same.

"Can you come and take a look?" Gao Ying begged the Bingshan girl: "Just take a look, you don't need to say anything, just take a look."

"All right."

The iceberg girl came over, then squatted down.

At this time, Gao Ying went to pay attention to the face of Bingshan girl.

(Please... at least show a little bit, even a little bit of surprise... please...)

Unsurprisingly, however, the poker face remained the same, not even the slightest muscle twitch could be seen. Frankly speaking, at this moment Gao Ying had a ridiculous idea, could it be that she is really the female version of Senior Colonel Chu Xuan

"You... you keep this movement first, look under the car, don't move... please..."

As Gao Ying said this, he continued to observe the Bingshan girl. Did her hands, feet, and fingers tremble even slightly...

But at this moment, Gao Ying was startled suddenly.

(wait... this is... )

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the previous Buick with the headless corpse.

He remembered where the corpse's sense of incongruity came from.

(Yes... that's right, this one...)

But does this little incongruity really make sense? Can this really be the key to solving the problem

However, based on that sense of incongruity, a new speculation suddenly popped up in Gao Ying's mind.

(Could it be... Could it be...)

"let's go!"

But time is limited, he can't waste any more. He must find a way to find more clues in the last time!

at the same time…

At this time, Zhang Wei and Feng Qian came to the B3 floor.

When they came back here again, the two of them went to the doctor in a hurry. The time is getting closer, but there are really not many questions they have made.

"Well... look!"

Suddenly, Feng Qian pointed to a Mazda and said in horror: "Do you still remember? The boy who said that there is an amulet consecrated by Mount Wutai is..."

"I remember... I was watching from the side at that time... Huh?"

But at this moment, Zhang Wei's eyes suddenly focused on the opposite side of the Mazda, and then he saw a Honda!

"We... why don't we go and look under the car?"

"Hmm... ok? Well, that's weird... why didn't we notice a Honda when we passed here before?"

(end of this chapter)