Devil’s Examination

Chapter 33: Gao Ying's reasoning


Hou Mingbo didn't understand what was going on? What does the phrase "You already know who I am" mean when the iceberg girl asked? Why run away? Could it be... Could it be that the iceberg girl is a devil? No, Gao Ying had identified a devil pretending to be an examinee before! It didn't make sense for him to forget their faces after coming into contact with so many candidates

Compared with Hou Mingbo, Shen Junhao's reaction was faster. He was originally a frightened bird, but when he heard the word devil, he ran away in fright and didn't care what was going on.

Gao Ying never dreamed that the Bingshan girl who had been following them was actually a headless devil! He rushed all the way to B3, and then said: "I can't explain anything to you, otherwise it would be cheating. Hou Mingbo, Shen Junhao, you think about the cause and effect of the matter..."

After running for a long time, he suddenly saw...

The Mazda before the front, and the red Honda opposite the Mazda!

(How could I not have noticed that Honda's before... Ah, yes, I thought of it!)

Immediately afterwards, Gao Ying quickly took out the folded test paper and began to answer the questions!

He has to answer all the exam questions as fast as possible! Otherwise, that headless devil will come to kill him at the last moment of the exam!

That iceberg girl is a headless devil... Zhang Ning!

However, of the headless corpse they found, only the clothes belonged to Zhang Ning, but the corpse itself... belonged to an examinee!

Exactly when did that examinee become a headless devil after being killed? Gao Ying couldn't deduce this point. However, thinking about it carefully, Gao Ying felt a little strange before, why didn't he notice Bingshan Girl's special poker face before? However, this was not a face that popped out of nowhere, but before a certain point in time, this face did not give him the feeling of being as cold as ice. But at that time, he had been thinking about how to take the exam, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But when he saw the red Honda and the Mazda facing each other far away, Gao Ying finally understood everything.

The critical point in time was on that Mazda.

At that time, when they passed the Mazda, the door of the Mazda opened automatically. At that point, all eyes were on Mazda. Later, after everyone's discussion, it was finally decided to wait 5 minutes for observation.

At that time, everyone paid attention to Mazda almost without blinking their eyes, but in the process, no one noticed the opposite Honda. It's fine if ordinary people can't find it. Gao Ying asked himself if there was a Honda on the opposite side, there was no reason why he couldn't find it. After all, Honda was involved in such an important test question!

So, he made an inference.

A certain examinee who couldn't recognize the logo of a Honda at all decided to stay here to observe after finding the door of the Mazda open. So she leaned against the hood of the Honda and covered the Honda logo with her hand. So... the dent of the Honda logo appeared on the corpse's hand!

It is precisely because she does not recognize the Honda, and at the same time covers the Honda logo, and Mazda attracts the attention of most candidates. Which leads to... not a single one finds out about the Honda!

But thinking about it now, Mazda is not only a trap, but also a pretense. Mazda attracted the attention of all the candidates. As for whether the cover of the car logo was a coincidence or a curse, I don't know, but Gao Ying himself prefers the former. In the next 5 minutes, the examinees were all staring at the inside of the Mazda car, so even at this time, a certain examinee behind him was pulled in and killed by a devil under the Honda car. people will find out. He already fully understood the efficiency of the devil in killing people. Not to mention the speed, it was too late for the dead to scream. And that headless devil was under the car at that time!

After the headless devil dragged the examinee into the bottom of the car and killed him, he tore off the examinee's head alive... That's why Gao Ying saw the broken neck of the corpse at that time. Immediately afterwards, the headless devil changed clothes between himself and the examinee, put the examinee's head on his neck, got out of the car, and became an "Iceberg Girl"! It sounds unbelievable to do this series of behaviors under the car without anyone noticing, but the devil is an existence beyond common sense, so even if it is possible to do this, it is not difficult. All of them were deceived by the important feature of "headless", so when the headless devil had a head, they were all deceived, let alone the head of a candidate!

He suspected that the body wasn't that of a headless devil because of the incongruity he found. That sense of incongruity is the clothes. When he noticed the dent in the Honda logo on the corpse's hand, his sleeve almost covered the dent. At that time, he was completely attracted by the Honda logo, and he was nervous about the corpse at that time, so he didn't realize immediately that the clothes worn by the corpse did not fit at all, causing the sleeves to be too long, covering the palms for three one-third. And the reason why he noticed this was because when the "Iceberg Girl" squatted down before, he paid attention to the reaction on her body, and even noticed whether her fingers were trembling, but found... "Iceberg Girl"'s clothes It seemed to be too loose, and the sleeves seemed to be too wide compared to the arms, so I remembered the incongruity of the corpse. But thinking about it now, it was precisely because the clothes were not the headless devil's own that they didn't fit.

He recalled what the iceberg girl said.

"I can assure you that what I have said above is true." This sentence is actually implying that as long as what she said at that time is the truth, everything else is false.

She said that when she was 15 years old, she decided to buy a German car as her own car in the future. And Zhang Ning's age is naturally long enough to buy a car. The headless devil's car, the four options are actually cars from different countries. Mazda is a Japanese car, Audi is a German car, and Kia and Citroen are respectively. It's Korean and French. Among these four cars, only Audi is a German car! Therefore, you should choose B for question 5!

At that time, he had some doubts about the Ice Mountain Girl, but this speculation was too terrifying, and he couldn't believe it for a while. But the black cat reminded him... The light from the black cat's pupils was the last hint for Gao Ying to solve the problem. At that time, he finally noticed that her feet were not much different in size from those footprints!

Of course, because of wearing shoes, it is difficult to determine whether the footprints match just by visual inspection. But in retrospect... When the corpse was found, the Bingshan Girl suddenly actively opened the car door and compared the footprints of the corpse, in order to give them the illusion that "the feet of the headless devil do not match the footprints of the steps" as soon as possible! Otherwise, they may not dare to open the door because of fear!

(end of this chapter)