Devil’s Examination

Chapter 39: Descendants of the Ming Dynasty


Frankly speaking, Gao Ying's stomach was really hungry. This exam consumes a lot of energy and energy for him, how could he not be hungry

However, Gao Ying was rather dumbfounded when it came to cooking. He once tried cooking by himself, but the taste... is not flattering. The conditions here are obviously more difficult, and we can only overcome it.

Fortunately, the refrigerator is large enough, and there are many quick-frozen dumplings and other foods in the quick-freezing compartment. No matter how bad it is, there are a lot of cup noodles in the kitchen cabinet. However, they are all packed directly in a white packaging bag without any trademarks. He turned on the gas, took out the pot from the cabinet and started boiling water. Just in case, he planned to boil more water and fill all four thermos bottles in the kitchen. After all, instant noodles lacked nutrition. He took out a pack of quick-frozen pork dumplings and planned to cook them first. Hou Mingbo said that he has learned to cook at home since his father fell ill, and he plans to learn how to cook from him next.

Looking at the blue flames under the gas stove, Gao Ying pondered. What does it look like outside the classroom door? If you want to go out and explore, you will definitely die. But will I really have to live like this every month in the future

Even... Is it absolutely safe here? Is it possible for the devil outside the classroom door to come in? Thinking of this, Gao Ying couldn't feel at ease. He planned to watch the night with the three of them in turns in the next few nights, absolutely not to die here for no reason.

Death level... The seemingly simple elimination rate is so high, so Gao Ying speculates that there may be new candidates entering the next exam. In the future... he must make good use of the rules that can cheat when the skeleton's eyes are closed, maximize the efficiency of teamwork, and improve his survival rate. At this time, he positions himself as a think tank, and has not considered seizing power like Zhu Sunling did. After all, a leader has to be responsible for everyone's life. Where does he have this ability

In contrast to Gao Ying, Zhu Sunling's cooking skills are excellent. Although her uncle adopted her, she knew that she was dependent on others and had no intention of eating for nothing, so she not only handed over all the scholarships she received to her uncle's family, but also was responsible for cooking at her uncle's house, and tutoring her cousin, So the eldest aunt with a harsh personality never disliked her. Even when she was admitted to medical school, her plan was to get a scholarship, or go to work, her uncle raised her for many years, and she didn't plan to continue to spend their money when she was an adult.

As an orphan, watching people's faces and acting on them has become her way of survival since she was a child. People sympathize with her on the surface, but the prejudice against orphans will not diminish. At a very young age, she experienced the warmth and coldness of the world. However, books can calm her down. In the collection of books on my uncle's shelf, she has read all the medical books by heart, as well as classics, psychology and philosophy. She is not interested in almost all religious books. In her opinion, the theories promoted by religions have one thing in common, which is to whitewash a seemingly glorious afterlife. However, this is just a self-deceiving thought of human beings who fear death. . Among them, she is very interested in Nietzsche's superhuman theory, and agrees with his critical attitude towards religion. Books support her spiritual life, allowing her to indulge her loneliness, but she is still rich in her heart. She does not have any religious beliefs, her only belief is herself, and she aspires to be what Nietzsche called "Superman", who can surpass herself and others. And because of the influence of Nietzsche's superman philosophy (Nietzsche believes that superman is a character who surpasses and shatters the moral and ethical concepts of ordinary people), she has never hesitated about her own ethics of life and death, which is different from ordinary people. Even if the study of immortality seems to violate the laws of life , Challenging God's approach, she still moves forward firmly.

At this time, like Gao Ying, she was in the kitchen of the house she chose. At this time, the water boiled, and she put the chicken she had cut into the pot. Next, as she continued to add seasonings, the aroma of the chicken soup was overflowing and refreshing.

When she put the sixth dish on the table, there was a knock on the door.

Zhu Sunling and Mi Ruiyi agreed that she would cook. Mi Ruiyi is the person she intends to win over, so she naturally wants to extend her favors in a steady stream. Wei had already made a decision by stabbing the examinee, so Huairou's method should be used.

"You came?"

As soon as the door was opened, Mi Ruiyi smelled the aroma coming from inside. She was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and her index finger suddenly moved. After all, people will feel hungry no matter what environment they are in.

"Thank you, Zhu Sunling, for making you work so hard..."

Zhu Sunling pulled out a chair for her, let her sit down, and then said: "We all have adventures together, so why be polite, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks. Eat quickly."

Mi Ruiyi is now at a time when her heart is most vulnerable, and Zhu Sunling's bit of care can easily break through her defenses. When people are afraid, they will choose to follow blindly and look for spiritual support. This is one of the biggest reasons why religion is so popular in any era.

"Delicious!" Mi Ruiyi moved her chopsticks, she couldn't believe it, she used to attend her cousin's wedding with her parents, and ate in a five-star hotel, and it was not so delicious!

This made her admire Zhu Sunling even more. Although this girl of the same age has a cold face, she is beautiful, not inferior to the top model stars, and she is so smart and good at cooking. She asked herself if she was a man, she would definitely will like her.

After talking during the meal, Mi Ruiyi learned that Zhu Sunling was from TB, and asked her a lot about TB. TW says it’s not too big, and it’s not too small. Mi Ruiyi was born in the southern part of TW, and she only visited XB city before traveling.

"Have you been to BJ?" Mi Ruiyi heard that Zhu Sunling had traveled to BJ, and immediately became interested.

When it comes to "BJ", Zhu Sunling's very cold face rarely showed a trace of expression.

"BJ is... the hometown of my ancestors."

When Zhu Sunling was 10 years old, she learned a secret from her uncle. She is a descendant of the Ming clan who migrated to TW during the Ming and Zheng periods in the 17th century to avoid the Qing Dynasty. At that time, TW Zheng’s father and son treated the Ming clan with courtesy and did not follow the orders of the Qing Dynasty, and still used the Nanming name. In 1683, when Kangxi regained TW, most Ming clans chose to surrender and move back to the mainland, but Zhu Sunling's ancestors were one of the very few clans who hid their names and were not discovered by the Qing Dynasty. In order to preserve the blood of the Ming Dynasty and not surrender to the Manchu and Qing Tartars, he had to change his surname, and even shaved off the damn money rat tail in humiliation.

Later, TW fell into the hands of country R, and the ancestors were even more resentful of the atrocities committed by country R, and secretly participated in the anti-R armed forces on the island. After Zhu Sunling was taught this period of history by her uncle, she became familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time checked the family tree in the family collection. Her ancestors were Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and Yongle Emperor Zhu Di! She bears the blood of the last Han orthodox dynasty in the mainland!

(end of this chapter)