Devil’s Examination

Chapter 41: boy pee


"I decided to go out of the classroom!"

Unlike Gao Ying's side, Zhu Sunling's side in the K examination room also held a meeting about whether to leave the classroom to find a way out.

But unexpectedly, one of the candidates named Zhao Ming volunteered and decided to go out to find the way.

"Enough is enough! I definitely don't want to take the new test!"

Zhao Ming was obviously a little mentally disturbed. After several hours of mental struggle, he decided to go all out and take a gamble! Anyway, you are going to encounter the devil, so why not... Give it a go! He no longer dared to think about immortality, he only hoped to leave alive.

"Are you crazy?" Another male candidate, Nie Dong, hurriedly tried to dissuade Zhao Ming, "Those two people have become devils, maybe they are waiting outside the door!"

"What are you afraid of! I have a secret weapon!"

Speaking of this, he patted the two mineral water bottles on the table, which contained some yellow liquid. Others thought it was oolong tea at first, but now it seems... it doesn't seem to be

"This is boy urine! It's an exorcist!"

Zhao Ming patted the water bottle and said, "Boy urine is the most masculine thing, and it is the most suitable for exorcising evil spirits! I watched a supernatural program "Spiritual Eye Record" on TV. Escaped from a haunted house!"

TW Island does not have radio and television, so there are a lot of supernatural shows in variety shows. Apart from "Kangxi Is Coming", Zhao Ming's favorite thing to watch is a variety show called "Spiritual Eye Records". Because I have seen too much, I have believed it for a long time.

"Prince pee to exorcise demons? Is this also possible?" At this time, Mi Ruiyi and Nie Dong were skeptical, but Zhu Sunling didn't respond. But Mi Ruiyi felt that it would be better to let him go out and try it out. If boy urine really has such a heaven-defying effect, as long as he saves some for the exam in the future, the survival rate can be greatly improved.

But Mi Ruiyi felt something was wrong: "You are at this can still be regarded as a child pee? Also, why don't you use it during the exam? Can't you urinate?"

"The show said that as long as it's not the urine of a childless boy, it's a child's urine! As for the exam, I forgot about it because I was too nervous, otherwise I can experiment!"

He spoke so well that another boy, Nie Dong, also believed it a little bit, and said quickly, "Then I'll go drink some water right away! Save some more, and I'll contribute some boy urine too! Of course, the more the better! I'm the one in this damn place." I don't want to wait to die!"

Zhao Ming had always wanted to win another candidate into the gang. Seeing that Nie Dong had agreed to join, he couldn't help being excited again. The two of them worked together, and when they ran, they could also have one more cannon fodder to attract monsters!

Speaking of this, Zhao Ming tried to persuade the other two girls, but Mi Ruiyi still had lingering fears, and Zhu Sunling didn't think about it at all.

"In that case..." Zhu Sunling nodded slightly and said, "I wish you both a smooth journey."

Zhao Ming and Nie Dong wanted to persuade them again, but Zhu Sunling was on the road to eternal life, and there was absolutely no possibility of leaving. And Mi Ruiyi still had some trust in Zhu Sunling, and she couldn't make up her mind if Zhu Sunling didn't agree.

In the end, Zhao Ming and Nie Dong, after drinking water non-stop all night and filling all the mineral water bottles with the boy's urine, prepared to choose to leave that night.

When they came to the classroom and looked at the damn countdown on the blackboard, Zhao Ming and Nie Dong were filled with resentment. They rummaged through the cabinets to find two paper bags and filled all the urine bottles. Then, go to the door.

"Okay... let's go!"

When he came to the door, Zhao Ming looked at the door of the classroom and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He didn't dare to go out first, but if Nie Dong was allowed to go first, it would be too obvious to use him as cannon fodder. In desperation, he had no other choice.


He took three deep breaths and continued, "You guys... really don't come?"

"We're here to guard the door for you," Mi Ruiyi glanced at Zhu Sunling behind her, and said, "If you escape back, I'll open the door for you."

Zhao Ming then held the doorknob with his hand. At this time, he thought of the sentence on the blackboard "leaving the classroom at your own risk", and he was still uneasy. But think about it, you just take the consequences at your own risk, not depriving your life. Among them, there must be a difference! He doesn't want to take that damn exam anymore, he wants to return to the normal real world! And Nie Dong's mind was not much different from Zhao Ming's. He was really scared out of his nerve by the exam and would rather give it a try.

The doorknob was slowly turned open. At the same time, Nie Dong was holding a bottle of piss with the lid off in the back, and if the devil blocked the door, he would throw the piss out!

The door... opened.

To open a door, it can be said that Zhao Ming has exhausted all his strength. The door lock of the classroom door can be easily opened from the inside.

outside the door...

It was pitch black and there was no light!

"How about a candle?"

At this time, Zhu Sunling was like a ghost, standing behind with a candlestick, frightening the two candidates who were already in a hurry.

On each desk, there is a small candlestick, and the candle flame will not go out no matter how long it burns. Zhu Sunling has already experimented, even if you blow hard or cover the candlestick, the burning will not stop. This candle does not need oxygen to burn.

"Okay... okay..."

The two took the candle from Zhu Sunling's hand. For some reason, they all felt that...under the light of the candle, Zhu Sunling's cold face looked like a white devil.

The two took the candlestick, held a urine bottle with the cap unscrewed in the other hand, put the other urine bottles into paper bags, and wrapped their elbows around the straps of the paper bags. Then... They walked out step by step.

Although there was no light outside, relying on the candlelight in the classroom, Zhu Sunling could still see clearly that there was an L-shaped corridor outside, and the door of the classroom was exactly at the intersection of L.

After Zhu Sunling closed the door, the door was automatically locked.

"I think..." Mi Ruiyi clasped her hands on her chest, her body trembling uncontrollably, "I'm afraid they won't be able to come back."

"They... can't come back."

Having said this, Zhu Sunling looked back at Mi Ruiyi who was trembling.

"Sun Ling, do you mean they can get out... or that they can't escape back?"

The relationship between Mi Ruiyi and Zhu Sunling has become much closer. At this time, the surname can already be omitted.

After repeatedly confirming that the door is locked, Zhu Sunling replied in a cool voice, "You know which one I'm talking about."

Then, she paused and added another sentence.

"If you want to live, don't go out, Ruiyi. Human life is too fragile. After death, everything is empty. I won't wait, I will go back first."

Mi Ruiyi stared blankly at Zhu Sunling, and after a long time, she nodded.

After returning to the room, Zhu Sunling took out 4 pieces of A4 paper from her bosom. These were obviously Zhao Ming, Nie Dong, and the examination papers of the two dead people. After passing the test, they tore up the test paper and threw it on the ground. But Zhu Sunling discovered that even if the test paper is torn, it can be restored. She didn't tell anyone but kept the 2 exam papers. Because she found that the candidates who died before had their names on the test paper after their death, their answers, corrections and scores disappeared, and it became a brand new test paper.

In other words... through the examination papers, you can know their life and death. If they die, their scores and answers disappear from the test paper. The reason why everyone is hiding this is because if they knew this, those two people might not be willing to be cannon fodder for pathfinding. The reason why I didn't tell Mi Ruiyi is because she still prefers to be gentle, and she doesn't want her to feel that she is too cold.

Then, about half an hour passed...

Suddenly, Zhu Sunling found that the answers and scores had completely disappeared from Nie Dong's test paper. Immediately afterwards... Only about 25 seconds passed, Zhao Ming's test paper also turned into a clean blank paper...

(end of this chapter)