Devil’s Examination

Chapter 49: film


Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan walked in the opposite direction to the scream. However, the roads in this village are uneven, and they can't make a sound when walking, which also makes the two of them miserable.

After walking for some time, they stopped in front of a house. In front of the house is an arch bridge, but below the arch bridge is just a gully without a drop of water.

Ji Yixuan wanted to move on, but Gao Ying grabbed his sleeve and pointed to some green grass on the ground.

He didn't know why, there were no questions on the exam paper that involved grass? But Gao Ying approached him and whispered: "This herb can reduce swelling!"

Gao Ying is a genius in arts and sciences, and has a solid knowledge of biology. He recognized at a glance that it was a plant called plantain, which can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine to reduce swelling. Ji Yixuan's hand was injured, so he could just use this for treatment.

Gao Ying squatted down and began to gather plantains. Afterwards, he began to gently grind the grass with stones, and smeared it on Ji Yixuan's hands. Before applying the herbal medicine, Gao Ying repeatedly emphasized that it might be a little painful and she couldn't make a sound. If Ji Yixuan made any noise, Gao Ying would have no choice but to run away from him quickly.

However, Gao Ying also admired Ji Yixuan as a man, and forcibly endured the pain of taking the medicine. His forehead was covered with sweat, but he just couldn't hold back his voice.

After Gao Ying applied the herbal medicine, she was temporarily relieved. Then, he looked towards the room behind him. The door of the house was obviously ajar. The whole house had two floors, and the outside was completely covered by a stone wall. And around this house, there are only some trees and no other houses.

Here... will there be any clues

"Is your arm better?"

"Much better...thank you, Tall Shadow."

Gao Ying cast admiring and approving gazes at Ji Yixuan, and then he looked at the source of the screaming sound, but it was already blocked by some trees. I don't know which of the deadly candidates encountered any danger. Thinking about it now, it might be that he wanted to complete the test questions rashly, so he walked around the village. On the one hand, they are afraid of death punishment for failing to pass, on the other hand, they are full of expectations for eternal life. But they were inexperienced and ended up...incurring this consequence.

At this time, Gao Ying looked at the two-story house that looked gloomy, and felt a little lingering fear for some reason. He felt... If he went in, he might encounter some kind of unimaginable disaster.

To go in...or not to go in

Gao Ying fell into a state of hesitation.

In the end, he decided not to go in. Now... who knows what will happen next. Three days... There is still a chance.

He grabbed Ji Yixuan and walked towards the arch bridge.

But just as he was about to walk in front of the arch bridge, Gao Ying suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He noticed that there seemed to be a figure standing in the woods opposite the arch bridge. But because of the light, it might just be trees or something. After all, it is dark now, with insufficient light and nervousness, it is possible to misread.

He stood in front of the arch bridge, staring at the black figure motionlessly, but after looking for a long time, due to the light and distance, he was not sure whether it was a human figure or a tree. He began to recall the multiple-choice questions on the exam paper and fill in the blanks, but none of the questions could match the black shadow in front of him.

"Let's go, Yixuan."

At this time, you can't take risks. Ji Yixuan also couldn't see the black shadow, so he backed away with Gao Ying. In the process of retreating, Gao Ying asked Ji Yixuan to be careful not to step on stones and branches behind him, but his eyes were fixed on the black shadow, and he did not dare to make a sound. After a long time, it seemed that the moon in the sky was covered by dark clouds, and the opposite side became even darker, and nothing could be seen. However, Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan were even more frightened at this time, and began to back away even faster! They followed another road, through the trees.

After walking for a long time without knowing it, they walked through the trees to a relatively low-lying house. The houses around here are relatively low, and there are several rows of barren fields nearby. But here, words like "don't speak loudly" and "quiet, quiet" are still written everywhere.

Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan looked at each other, both of them were still in shock. Just now, what exactly did they see

He felt... I'm afraid, it's not trees...

That black shadow could come after him at any time.

Speaking of which, unlike the previous monthly exam, the image of the devil was rarely mentioned in the multiple-choice questions of this exam. So even if the devil appears, it is difficult to judge which topic it belongs to. Up to now, Gao Ying is still confused about this exam.

Because the sky is darker now, Gao Ying walks more carefully, for fear of stepping on something and making a sound. Even because of this reason, the test paper in my hand can't be seen clearly. At this time, even if you want to do the question, you can't do it.

The darkness has become the most deadly part of this terrifying village. Both Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan inevitably fell into great terror. The extremely scarce information given by the exam questions and this mysterious deserted village left them at a loss. Gao Ying deeply realized that this exam was much more difficult than the last one!

He clenched his hands tightly and pressed the examination paper to his chest, trying to calm down the panic in his heart as much as possible. However, the moonlight did not appear for a long time. In the darkness, he imagined the terrifying shadow on the other side of the arch bridge. He didn't know...whether the shadow would chase after him. At this time, he began to think of the headless devil who had been by his side pretending to be an examinee and almost killed him... He always felt that in the dark, that terrifying devil would appear at any time, and even if it did, Gao Ying didn't Be sure to solve the problem in the right place...

However, he immediately began to organize his thoughts: don't panic! Don't panic! This is not an ordinary deserted village with devils, but an exam scene! The devil will not kill us purely, it will only start to kill when the conditions for solving the problem are sufficient, just like the headless devil, before she said that she was driving a German car, and the black cat pointed to her feet, She can't even kill me... Otherwise, if she was by my side at that time, there would be too many opportunities for her to strike. It's the same this time, the devil won't kill me when I'm helpless, as long as... I don't make a sound...

After sorting out her thoughts in this way, Gao Ying finally regained her mood temporarily. Yes, this is his greatest reliance, he must seize the time to collect information and complete the exam...

Darkness permeates the silent deserted village, and the prelude to horror has just been unveiled...

(end of this chapter)