Devil’s Examination

Chapter 51: crack


After seeing that shoe, for Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan who were already extremely frightened, it could be said that it was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

That shoe, before, wasn't there at all!

Especially for Ji Yixuan who has never seen a devil with his own eyes (after all, the black shadow cannot be sure that it must be a devil), the appearance of that shoe made his scalp tingle even more. Although Gao Ying mentioned it repeatedly, as well as all kinds of weird experiences, Ji Yixuan was raised with a materialistic education after all, and he lacked a sense of reality for the so-called devil after all. However, after encountering ghosts hitting the wall one after another, he is now really convinced that there are really devils in this world!

But now, ghost hitting the wall is not mentioned in any of the exam questions at all. Which exam question does this situation correspond to? If you don't know the corresponding exam questions, you can't cope with the current situation at all!

However, Gao Ying quickly activated his brain. At this point, Gao Ying began to calm down instead. Clues began to emerge bit by bit, Gao Ying couldn't believe it, he had no way to find the answer that could solve the current predicament from the examination paper!

Ghost hit the wall... Ghost hit the wall... Ghost hit the wall...


Gao Ying immediately thought of something, and then he looked at the first question of the multiple choice question!

The content of the question is: "When the candidate escapes no matter what and cannot find a way out, which of the following methods should be used to gain life?" There are also four options.

The four options are A. walk with eyes closed B. straight back C. walk with head down D. approach the nearest building.

I see…

Gao Ying suddenly realized what was going on. They have always thought about the concept of ghost hitting the wall, but for this reason, when they browsed the topics, they used the three words "ghost hitting the wall" as keywords to screen. However, when you examine the questions carefully, you will find that the first question of the multiple-choice question is actually very close to the literal meaning of the ghost hitting the wall! And the title gives four options, so... do you try one by one

Gao Ying is not a fool, these four options are definitely not that simple, just try them one by one. There must be an option, probably not a way of life, but a way of directly triggering a way of death. Once this happens, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, it must not be chosen lightly.

From the perspective of the folk method of cracking ghosts and hitting the wall, option A seems to be relatively close. However, Gao Ying will never be so stupid as to use folk sayings to solve problems. You must know that if you make a mistake, you will be courting death if you close your eyes. As for option B, you have to back straight away. If you accidentally step on something, you may really be courting death. And option C and option D are also very similar to the option of courting death, especially the latter, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a trap.

Ji Yixuan's IQ is not low. He took the test paper and read it again and again, and also noticed the first question of the multiple choice question. Obviously, this multiple-choice question is directly aimed at hitting the wall with ghosts. But which one should you choose? Try them one by one? still…

Although Gao Ying found the key multiple-choice questions corresponding to the current situation, there is still no way to solve the problem. In the end, which option should he choose to solve it? He recalled everything he had experienced, there must be some clue hidden in it, and that clue must point to one of the options. It's just that he still can't find anything now.

Currently, he looked at the houses next to him, and the arch bridge not far away. Obviously, the time left for them to think about which option they should choose is limited. But the problem is that if the choice is wrong, the devil will be able to kill them recklessly. It seems that the only option that can be chosen at the moment is to choose an option as much as possible to try. However, in that case, once the dead end is triggered, it is still courting death.

Faced with these four options, Gao Ying was helpless for a while! However, after all, there is a glimmer of vitality. Compared with just now, it finally has a direction. Therefore, Gao Ying continued to turn his brain rapidly, thinking about which option was the correct one.

After thinking about it... He ruled out option B. He remembered that he had walked backwards because of too much fear before. And option C was also ruled out later. When they were walking before, I don't know how many times they looked down to see if there was anything that would be stepped on and make a sound. However, these two methods have not succeeded in eliminating ghosts hitting the wall. Of course, there is another possibility that you need to continuously go backwards or walk with your head down in order to crack the ghost hitting the wall. But at least, the possibilities of options B and C are obviously relatively low.

Then, the possibilities are relatively high, which are options A and D. In terms of emotion and rationality, Gao Ying believes that the probability of option A is much higher. As for the reason, it is not difficult to understand. After all, no matter how you look at it, option D has nothing to do with cracking the ghost wall. However, Gao Ying has a lot of experience in the exam, and he knows very well that the biggest difficulty in multiple-choice questions is the various distracting items that are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Option D seems the least likely, but because of this, it is the least likely to be a distraction. Among the multiple-choice questions, the one that is the least likely to be a distractor may be the real answer.

So... which one should I choose...

While Gao Ying was thinking, suddenly, he suddenly felt that he seemed to see that black shadow on the other side of the arch bridge!

(An illusion...or...really?)

This made Gao Ying more and more nervous. He was really confused now, and he didn't know what to do. Which one to choose? Choose A, which seems more reasonable, or the correct answer, D, which might deliberately lead the reader to exclusion

Obviously, there is not much time left for him to think.

What to do... what to do!

In a difficult situation, Gao Ying looked at these two options, but... As he thought about it, Ji Yixuan discovered that the looming black shadow on the opposite side of the arch bridge seemed to become clearer.

Is the devil... really going to start killing

But at this moment, Gao Ying was soberly aware of a problem.

(Wait... My thinking, have I fallen into a misunderstanding?)

Gao Ying found that he seemed to have made a mistake about a very important thing.

What he seems to be focusing on now is how to "crack the ghost wall", but what is really important now is not this.

(The main thing I should consider is which of these options is likely to be a dead end! And in this deserted village, what is the real dead end? No doubt, it is making a lot of noise!)

So... he took out his pen and wrote... the answer on the test paper!

(end of this chapter)