Devil’s Examination

Chapter 59: Doomed


Both Ji Yixuan and Lan Xinzhu had already read the content on that piece of paper, and the terrifying information inside made one's hair stand on end.

Ji Yixuan recalled every question in the examination paper, thinking about the current countermeasures.

He remembered that in the fill-in-the-blanks question, there was a question, what should be done when he heard a strange voice. This is like what happened to Yuan Ping.

"Let's go out first..." Ji Yixuan knew that staying here would be dangerous every minute. It cannot be delayed any longer.

They tiptoed through the tattered furniture on the ground, Ji Yixuan imagined what happened here. The family was in such a mess, did Yuan Ping and his second uncle resist desperately when they were dying? That's why it became like this

And just as they shuttled through the corridor outside the door again, Ji Yixuan's heart jumped wildly again. After all, he is not a person who is not afraid of death. After reading that piece of paper, a stronger and real fear surged in his heart.

(I have to find the village chief's house! The village chief must hold the key behind everything... Why this village has suffered such a terrible curse, we must find the reason!)

This is the strongest thought in Ji Yixuan's mind right now.

And just as they were walking through this corridor, Lan Xinzhu's face became more and more ugly.

In fact, she didn't tell Ji Yixuan that there was a reason for her leg cramps before. She... At this time, her period came!

Due to the high pressure of the college entrance examination, the menstrual period became a little inaccurate. I didn't expect it to come at this time. Fortunately, there is an aunt's towel, but women are bound to be extremely tired and uncomfortable at this time, and she is trying to bear it. However, the continuous horrific encounters exhausted her physically and mentally, and now it is very difficult to walk. She was afraid that if she continued like this, she would really be unable to hold on and fainted.

"Can you... rest for a while..."

She spoke in a voice like a mosquito, and Ji Yixuan also noticed that Lan Xinzhu's forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was also very pale. But Ji Yixuan is a man after all, and only when Lan Hsinchu experienced a series of horrible encounters did he become like this, he comforted him: "Be patient! We must find your exam papers, right?"

"Really... thank you... Ji Yixuan, you are such a good person..."

Hearing Lan Hsinchu's feeble voice, Ji Yixuan just couldn't laugh or cry, why did he get a good person card at such a time

However, he was more shocked in his heart. He was scolded as a "little wild species", "evil species" and "Xiaosan's son" such vicious curses since he was a child. No one has ever said so sincerely that he is a good person.

(Am I considered...a good person? But so many people hate me even though I've never done anything wrong...)

He held Lan Xinzhu's hand and sighed.

"Be patient a little longer, we can't stop here."

They moved forward little by little, and Lan Hsinchu, who was sweating profusely, continued to walk cautiously. However, the dysmenorrhea felt like she was about to tear her body apart, and her foot accidentally hit a chair hard!

At this moment, the chair was knocked over!

There was a dead silence in the corridor.

Ji Yixuan's pupils widened, turned his head a little bit, and looked at Lan Hsinchu.

"No... yes, sorry..."

At this moment, Lan Hsinchu was terrified, she looked at Ji Yixuan in fear, and held him tightly, fearing that he would abandon her and leave.

"Please... help me..."

Ji Yixuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally settled on one idea.

"You... look, what's behind you?"

Ji Yixuan's words with a trembling tone made Lan Xinzhu, who was originally a bow and snake shadow, turn pale with fright, and immediately turned his head, and subconsciously let go of Ji Yixuan's hand!

However, behind her... no one!

Lan Hsinchu turned his head immediately, but saw Ji Yixuan passed through the overturned chair and rushed towards the door!


Lan Hsinchu never thought that Ji Yixuan would choose to leave her at such a time! She was so sad and angry in her heart that she was about to rush out, but she bumped into the overturned chair, and her whole body fell to the ground! She hit her head hard on the ground, making her dizzy. When he looked up, Ji Yixuan had already left. Her eyes were full of sadness and fear, and her heart was covered with despair.


Promote mien, fight michou. When Lan Hsinchu was gnashing his teeth, he forgot that Ji Yixuan had stepped forward before.

She made such loud noises continuously that she was already terrified.

Ji Yixuan has left, what will happen next

She supported the ground and barely stood up, but at this moment, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

She saw a scene that made her extremely unbelievable and extremely frightening!

(How, how is it possible? How could it be like this??? No... no, I don't want to die!)

Not long after Ji Yixuan walked out of the gate, there was an extremely shrill howl from inside!

Obviously, Lan Hsinchu is already in danger!

(When they were dying, everyone let go of their voices and yelled... Think about it carefully, could it be because they think that if they die anyway, it would be better if they can pull a back?)

Thinking about Lan Hsinchu who used to keep saying that he was a "good person", but now... he, a good person, is already a "evil person", right

(I'm not a good person, I just thought of Yixin, and I wanted people to appreciate me, so I just helped her with this mentality. When I was really in danger, I still abandoned her without hesitation.)

He kept speeding up his pace and leaving, not even daring to look back!

(From the current situation, it seems that only the speaker himself will be cursed to death, while others will not be affected...)

Gao Ying looked ahead, he was also worried at this moment, and finally... Ji Yixuan appeared in his sight!

He is not dead!

This was Gao Ying's first thought!

When Ji Yixuan finally arrived in a hurry, Gao Ying looked behind him and understood something.

"she… "

"She, there is no way to come back."

"It would be great if you could come back, Ji Yixuan."

Gao Ying could see that Ji Yixuan's face was pale and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Obviously, he had a horrible experience. Did he see the devil

"Let's go first."

Everyone looked at Ji Yixuan with resentment in their eyes. After all, so many people waited for him alone. After a long time, Lan Hsinchu still died. This trip was wasted!

Ji Yixuan didn't expect that Gao Ying was still waiting for him where he was, and he was full of gratitude. Gao Ying also naturally knew that the people around him were dissatisfied with Ji Yixuan, but in his opinion, half of these people can survive this exam, and they are not worth as much as Ji Yixuan.

This reckless action resulted in the loss of two examinees in a row, further proving the horror of the village's taboos. Now, no one dares to doubt this anymore!

(end of this chapter)