Devil’s Examination

Chapter 6: Rules of Survival in Exams


Is this... the price that those who yearn for eternal life must pay? However, Gao Ying has never thought about the illusory thing of immortality, and taking this "examination" is more likely to die young than immortality! Now, he regrets so much that his intestines are green, what is he doing when he has nothing to do, and write about his desire to live forever

However, this world has no regrets about selling medicine. Now that it has become like this, it is obviously unlikely that he will return to the college entrance examination room. The more flustered you are, the faster you will die! To survive, obviously the only way is to complete the examination paper in front of him!

He recalled the scene where the devil's abdomen was torn open, exposing the intestines, and the purpose of hiding the abdomen with his knees after the fall was for this purpose. So... that means...

"Listen well, if you want to live, now... listen to my command first!" Gao Ying first took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, trying not to let the two of them see the fear and tension in his heart. Although he lowered his voice, he deliberately The tone of the three words "survive" is emphasized.

The two who fell into fear had long regarded Gao Ying as the only life-saving straw when they were drowning. Now, hearing what he said, they immediately nodded their heads!

"First complete the questions that you can do in the exam papers in your hands! Remember, you are not allowed to read other people's exam papers!"

Could it be... Question 2

As candidates who have set foot on the examination room of the college entrance examination, Xu Yudan and Fu Haicheng are naturally not fools. They immediately picked up their pens and unfolded the examination paper. The three of them separated a little distance and pressed the examination paper against the wall. Fill in the answer. It's just that only Gao Ying saw the license plate number. Xu Yudan and Fu Haicheng were not sure whether they should choose C for the second question, which means abdominal injury. But... In the current situation, it seems that this is the only topic that can be done

So... Xu Yudan gritted his teeth, decided to take a gamble, and filled in C.

Just when he finished writing the answer, he just turned his head, and he was shocked to see... 50 meters ahead, the young devil whose abdomen was split and his intestines flowed out was standing there!

"Ah!" Xu Yudan was so frightened that he collapsed and fell to the ground!

Gao Ying and Fu Haicheng also looked back and saw the devil!

And here, there is no place to escape!

Thinking of Yao Tian's death, no matter how clever Gao Ying is, he has nothing to do at this moment! After all, he doesn't have any weapons, nor does he have a peach wood sword and black dog blood, so he can't do such things as exorcising demons!

"You... don't kill me!" At this time, a cloudy liquid flowed out of Xu Yudan's lower body, and he instinctively begged against the wall: "There is an injustice and a debtor, whoever kills you, you go to the murderer!" Take your life, please let me go, I will burn a lot of paper money for you every Qingming Festival every year, even if you burn hundreds of millions..."

However, at this moment, the devil in the darkness... floated towards them!

Yes... floating over!


Fu Haicheng screamed in fright, she wanted to run away, but her feet were so frightened that she couldn't move at all! But she was so immortal, the devil came straight for her!

Gao Ying saw the devil jumping straight at Fu Haicheng instead of the noisy Xu Yudan, and suddenly had a hypothesis.

Will it be...

"Write down the answer you made! If you don't want to die!"

With Gao Ying's roar, Fu Haicheng woke up like a dream. She was dying, and she didn't have time to think about the connection between writing the answer and living. She immediately picked up the pen and wrote the answer C of the second question on the test paper!

Almost the moment she wrote the answer, the devil had already rushed in front of her!

But at this moment, the devil... actually disappeared!

"As expected..." Gao Ying confirmed his hypothesis!

Because the wall is old and the surrounding is too quiet, the sound of the pen writing on it can be heard clearly, he can hear... Fu Haicheng didn't write anything just now.

And the devil involved in the second question... just attacked Fu Haicheng who couldn't answer correctly!

"I... I... I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

Fu Haicheng was still in shock. She could have walked around the gate of hell just now, but her heart is still beating wildly now!

"Are you okay?"

Gao Ying sighed, he was also breaking out in a cold sweat at this time, it was really a close call just now!

"If the exam questions are answered correctly, the devil will not attack the candidate... This is the underlying rule of this exam!"

Fu Haicheng was already pale at this time, and she couldn't even walk steadily. She suppressed her sobs and held the test paper tightly. Suddenly, she looked at the skull head that was still counting down on the test paper, and said, "I No more! I don’t want immortality! Please, let me go back. If I die, my parents won’t be able to live! I... my mother has been unable to work in the fields for several years because of rheumatism, so I look forward to it I can take the exam to the city!"

At this time, in another exam scene.

Zhu Sunling wrote down the answer in a bloody consulting room. At this time, she had written answers to three multiple-choice questions on her examination paper.

Her left cheek was covered with blood, but it wasn't her blood.

"Fortunately, I found the medical records... It can be confirmed that he died due to excessive bleeding during the assassination. You should choose D."

There seems to be a total power outage inside the hospital, and the computer cannot be turned on at all, but fortunately, there are a large number of handwritten medical records. She was hunted all the way by a bloody devil, but fortunately she found the medical records in time. The speed of the devil's tracking varied from fast to slow, as if deliberately giving her a chance to find the medical records.

"As long as you fill in the correct answer, the devil that corresponds to the question... will not attack the candidate again!"

This is the conclusion Zhu Sunling came to!

This conclusion is very important, obviously this is the biggest reliance for survival in this hospital full of devils! However, because the answers cannot be exchanged, even if you know this, you cannot choose the correct answer by elimination! Even if the examinee himself can judge the wrong choice through the devil's attack, there are a total of four options, and if he has to eliminate them one by one, he would have been killed by the devil long ago! What's more, according to her inference, this exam is all extremely simple single-choice questions. If there are multiple-choice questions in the future, there are several possibilities for the four options to be arranged and combined. There may even be subjective questions in the future. That would be a narrow escape!

However, it is useless to say these things now, she can only consider completing this "examination" first, she put away the examination papers, walked out of the consulting room, and carefully observed the corridor outside.

Those candidates who entered this hospital and found out that there was a power outage hurriedly escaped to call the police, I am afraid that few of them survived. However, Zhu Sunling swears in her heart that if she wants to survive, she must survive, and then she will gain an immortal life!

(end of this chapter)