Devil’s Examination

Chapter 60: four patterns


Gao Ying returned to the original house.

He was still looking at the test paper over and over again.

Ji Yixuan was sitting next to him.

"Yixuan, from now on, whatever I ask, you just need to nod, shake your head, and don't speak. But if I don't ask, don't say anything. Do you understand? Nod, shake your head, and don't make any extra movements."

Gao Ying's serious tone made Ji Yixuan realize that he must have something special in mind. However, Gao Ying just stared at the test paper without saying anything, which made Ji Yixuan wonder what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Finally... Gao Ying saw that the eyes of the skull... closed!

He immediately looked at Ji Yixuan, and said at the fastest speed: "What did you find out before? Right?"

Ji Yixuan nodded immediately.

"Found a clue?"

Ji Yixuan nodded.

Gao Ying stared at the closed-eyed skeleton, and then continued to ask: "Have you ever witnessed a devil?"

Ji Yixuan shook his head.

"Did the clues you found allow you to answer the question directly?"

Shake your head.

Gao Ying took a deep breath, but the skeleton still did not open his eyes.

"Is the clue you found in you?"

Ji Yixuan nodded.

At this moment, the skeleton opened its eyes!

Gao Ying immediately stood up and said, "Okay, I'm done asking."

For the question just now, no matter whether it is suspected of cheating or not, it is most reasonable to ask it when the skull closes its eyes. Even if the skeleton suddenly opened his glasses, Gao Ying could stop talking at any time with his slow speech, and Ji Yixuan's simple nodding and shaking his head could not be judged as cheating.

Gao Ying even considered to communicate the answers by formulating secret codes. However, frequent use of passwords is too dangerous for the skull who can supervise the examination papers at any time. Moreover, this is only effective for objective questions.

Ji Yixuan asked puzzledly: "Gao..."

"Don't ask anything."

Gao Ying knows that Ji Yixuan has found some clues, but since they are not clues that can directly solve the problem, there is no need to take risks to cheat. At present, there is still time, and for the time being, we still focus on safety.

"Speaking of it... I'm getting sleepier..." Ji Yixuan realized something, although it was daytime outside, but... he entered in the early morning of yesterday, which directly caused the "jet lag" problem.

"If you're sleepy, just sleep for a while. Well... you don't snore when you sleep, do you?"

"Won't… "

"That's good."

Ji Yixuan didn't know the rules of the skeleton's eyes closing, so he didn't understand Gao Ying's endless questions at all. He didn't let Ji Yixuan go into detail about what happened with Lan Hsinchu, obviously because he was worried that the experience would involve cheating. Yes, if Gao Ying showed that piece of paper, it would be tantamount to Gao Ying cheating.

"Then let me... sleep for a while?"

With Gao Ying waiting, Ji Yixuan closed his eyelids in peace. He... was really tired.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, Ji Yixuan thought of Lan Hsinchu. Thinking of her miserable howling before she died...

Of course, even back then, he would still make the same choice. If he hadn't made such a choice at that time, he would not have survived at all. However, his thoughts were too chaotic, making it difficult for him to sleep for a while.

Gao Ying stared at Ji Yixuan who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, continued to pick up the examination paper in front of him, and began to check the questions of the paper.

"The devil mentioned in the exam question... has not appeared yet."

This exam, unlike the last one, seems to be at a rather slow pace. As for Gao Ying's judgment, this is to give candidates more time to judge and analyze. At the same time, beware of the appearance of the devil in advance.

"The boy in red... and... the village chief..."

He cared most about the "village head" mentioned in the examination paper.

Outside the village, everything was still shrouded in dead silence. In this silent world, Gao Ying felt unprecedented oppression. Frankly speaking, even if a devil came out, it would be better than the current situation, with no clues at all.

"The girl in the black dress..." Gao Ying pointed to another noun mentioned in the test paper that caught his attention. The girl in the black skirt, in the test paper, multiple choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions appeared three times in total. This made him quite concerned.

One of the multiple-choice questions was to choose the girl in the black dress... or should I say the name of the devil. Then the 4 options given are all with different names.

"Lan Ying... Wu Hui... Han Xiaoyan... Su Yiyi..."

What happened in this village in the past

He always felt that this curse did not happen for no reason. Behind the scenes, there may still be some mysteries hidden.

In fact, what worries him the most is the last question of the multiple choice question.

The title read impressively: "When you see which of the following patterns, you will run away as fast as possible?"

And those 4 options are 4 strange patterns, which are a black five-pointed star in a circle, an animal head like a dragon or a lizard, a flat human head, and the last option is like five black fingers General image.

These 4 images, every candidate is firmly in mind, but no one found any of them.

"I can't analyze the timing of the devil's actions from the exam questions, and the reason why the examinee was killed based on the sound. The only thing that is certain is that the so-called 'boy in red' and 'girl in black skirt' don't directly indicate that they are devils..."

There is no mention of "devil" anywhere in the exam questions, not even the phrase "ghost hitting the wall". So, they might be devils, or unjustly dead villagers, or both.

"Did I miss some important clue?"

It is impossible to predict what will happen next over time. Just relying on the limited information of these exam questions, nothing can be inferred at all.

"I have to go out and explore again before dark."

Gao Ying decided to also find time to sleep for a while to refresh himself. If you don't continue to explore in the village, you won't be able to make the test paper. Now, he has no other choice, no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, he has to go!

This is the only way to eternal life...the cruel way!

Time keeps passing...

Each examinee has his own thoughts and ideas. They constantly analyze each test question and form teams to explore in the village. And they no longer trusted Gao Ying, so the rest of the candidates became a mess, doing their own thing. And with the passage of time, someone has already discovered... the secret of the skeleton's closed eyes! There is always no shortage of smart people, and some people began to speculate, does this mean that they can cheat? But even if they came to ask Gao Ying, Gao Ying would not tell the truth. After all, if they come to snatch their exam papers when the skeleton's eyes are closed because of this, it will be troublesome.

Finally... After recuperating, a new round of exploration begins again!

But this time, the number of people who followed Gao Ying was greatly reduced, and only two boys were willing to continue to follow them.

However, Gao Ying... didn't care about it at all. There are too many people, but it may cause a lot of trouble.

But this time, Gao Ying's goal is... to find a way to find the village chief's house!

(end of this chapter)