Devil’s Examination

Chapter 82: break in


This situation... is exactly the same as the contents of the notes!

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been scared out of his wits and had a heart attack by now. Rao Gao Ying was already fully prepared mentally, but at this time his face turned pale with fright!

Now he is alone, the only thing he can rely on is this exam paper in his hand!

(If you want to survive, you must rely on test papers!)

If you don't make a sound, you won't die. Gao Ying can't be so stupid, believe it. The bloody handprint on the note is the best proof. At this moment, he immediately moved towards the second floor.

He must buy time! If you want to survive, obviously you can only rely on the exam papers in your hand!

After arriving on the second floor, he first entered the room, then closed the door, then moved the chair on the ground out, and moved it to the door. Afterwards, he sat on the chair and firmly held the door against it!

Then, he unfolded the examination paper and quickly browsed through the questions with the help of moonlight!

He believes that there must be one question on the test paper that can correspond to the current situation!

At this time, the knock on the door became louder and louder. In this dead and silent world, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is deafening. And if everything is as described in the notes, the door will be broken in a short time!

(Calm! Calm! Must be calm!)

Under normal circumstances, even out of a hundred people, ninety-nine would not be able to maintain their composure in this situation. However, Gao Ying was the only exception!

On the surface, there is no direct question about the current situation in the examination paper.

But at this time, the knock on the door was still loud, as if knocking on Gao Ying's heart. In this situation, Gao Ying knew very well that the door could not last long. If this continues, Gao Ying will surely face a dead end!

He clenched the examination paper in his hand, tried his best to filter out the psychological pressure caused by the knock on the door, and read the questions on the examination paper again.

(Impossible... There will never be a deadlock in the exam... I will definitely find a way...)

However, after Gao Ying read through the entire content of the examination paper, he still couldn't find any questions that could solve the current situation! In other words, the current him seems to have to wait for death!

Gao Ying looked at the frosted glass window in front of him. Break the window and jump off? If they all came to this place, they would all die anyway, so what difference does it make if they make a sound or not? However, if not making a sound is really the way out, then wouldn't he be courting death by doing this now? But, don't make a sound, and don't kill yourself after the gambling devil enters the house? This is impossible!

Gao Ying fell into the most painful choice dilemma now, and no matter which choice he makes, he may face death.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not death, but death is coming, but I don't know how to choose to avoid death!

(If you don't make a sound, is it really a way out? Should I just take a gamble?)


At this time, a heavy voice seemed to knock on Gao Ying's heart!

The outer gate... broke open!

Then, terrifying footsteps came from downstairs!

The footsteps, one step, one step, sounded like they were walking very slowly!

This has instead become Gao Ying's greatest fear! Little by little, he could only... wait for death to come!

Is it really doomed

At this time, Gao Ying only felt darkness in front of his eyes, and a teardrop emerged from the corner of his eyes.

He looked at the window in front of him, and finally made a decision.

Make no sound!

All this is between the person who wrote the notes. Obviously, he, the village chief, and some other villagers are the root cause of this curse! In this case, he would rather choose to trust the recorder of the notes. The last thing he wrote in it was, if you don't make a sound, you won't die! Although a bloody handprint was left in the end, it is also possible that they accidentally made a sound in their last attempt to die, which led to their death. And if you make a sound, you will be cursed, there is no doubt about it!

Gao Ying decided to take a gamble!

Therefore, he almost held his breath at this time, only hoping to survive in the silent environment!

At this moment, listening to the downstairs, that "thing" has already stepped on the steps of the stairs. After going up the stairs, the walking speed sounds slower than before!

it's coming up...

It's coming up!

The great fear caused Gao Ying's face to twist, and the teardrops in the corners of his eyes had already fallen to his jaw. At this time, Gao Ying could only resign himself to fate. He thought that the examination paper in his hand could save his life, but now it seems that it is impossible. However, listening to the footsteps on the steps of the stairs, the more Gao Ying thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Could it be that, after this devil goes upstairs, as long as he doesn't make a sound, will he really... won't hurt him

Is there really such a cheap thing in this world

Gao Ying held the exam paper in front of him, and he was going to read the exam paper one last time at this moment. Even if he dies, he has to do one last gamble before that!

After all, he is now facing the final despair!

And at this moment, he suddenly noticed one of the multiple choice questions.

The last question is this.

"For the last villager who died in this village, which of the following options are consistent with his final death?"

The options are A He died in his own home B He died surrounded by other dead family members C He died in the last desperate struggle D He did not make a loud noise before dying

Gao Ying looked at this topic, and for some reason, he vaguely had some ideas.

The footsteps were getting closer. The stairs are only a dozen or so steps at most, if it wasn't for the slow pace, it would have been up by now.

At first glance, this question in the multiple-choice question does not seem to have much connection with the current situation. You must know that the recorder of the notes, from his description, can't tell at all that when he died, only his family died in the village, let alone who was the last of the three members of his family to die. However, Gao Ying noticed the last option.

Before he died... he didn't make a lot of noise!

Isn't this situation very similar to the recorder of the notes

Gao Ying had carefully checked the notes before, and saw nothing more. Integrating the current clues, the clues that can be obtained are extremely limited. Therefore, many of his current ideas are very far-fetched. This question probably has nothing to do with his current situation. But, what he is facing now is a dead end!

If it is under normal circumstances, if he is asked to do this question, it is estimated that 99% of people in option D will rule it out immediately. As for Gao Ying, thinking of the content in the note, he suddenly felt blessed, picked up the pen, and then...

The sound of footsteps has come to the door behind him!

Gao Ying quickly picked up the pen, and filled in the four letters ABCD in the brackets of the question!

When filling in these four letters, he also knew that he was just working as a living horse doctor, and he was not sure. But to his surprise, after he wrote the letter, the surrounding environment fell into absolute silence again.

Behind him, the devil who entered the room never came to try to break open the door again!

Gao Ying stared at the examination paper in front of him closely. There is no doubt that it was because he made the multiple choice questions in the examination paper!

"What is this..."

This village, the last dead...

Before he died, he didn't make a loud noise. Is this the right choice

At this time, Gao Ying only felt that his whole body seemed to be exhausted, and his body was completely soaked in sweat. To be able to survive this time is simply a life borrowed from the god of death!

(Don't make a loud noise... you will face a dead end!)

This extremely horrific incident made Gao Ying feel the time ahead, and the difficulty for him to complete this exam might not be so great.

Already, so many people died.

It's just... the second monthly exam!

How many people have to die to complete this exam

Eternal life... is it going to pay the price of so many deaths

As time continued to pass, about fifteen minutes had passed, and it was always so quiet. Gao Ying slightly opened the door behind him. He was afraid to open the door, and saw a terrifying devil with a hideous face standing outside.


Outside the door, there was no one.

Looking downstairs, the door was slammed open. He... can get out of here!

(end of this chapter)