Devil’s Examination

Chapter 86: disappearing in the dark


It is said that the darkest hour is before dawn, and now, Gao Ying has a deep understanding of this.

Most of the houses in this area are relatively dense, but there is also a disadvantage. There are more trees and bushes around. It is for this reason that everyone is more cautious when they act, and they are worried that they will make noise if they are not careful.

During this process, Gao Ying repeatedly reminded everyone to be careful, be careful, and be more careful. However, because of this, everyone's action efficiency has also become very slow.

Gao Ying remembered that after Ji Yixuan coughed, nothing happened for at least six minutes. Then, even if the villager who engraved the words accidentally made a sound, it is likely to last for a few minutes from the time he made the sound until he died. The reason why he chose to engrave letters should be because many people in the village had died at that time, and he had no time to run to the living villagers before he died, so he chose to engrave letters.

The most suspected ones should be some houses that are relatively close. It is within these houses that the secret that the villager has discovered is most likely to appear.

Barely bypassing the bushes, they came to the door of the nearest house, and the door in front of the house was directly open.

"Everyone goes in one by one, no matter what you see... You must not scream. Watch your feet, and you must not step on anything to make a sound."

Gao Ying took the trouble to declare again and again. In any case, he didn't want any candidate to capsize in the gutter and fall into despair because of a moment of carelessness.

Everyone nodded, and then, in order, one by one quietly walked into the room.

However, the room was too dark, and the darkness made everyone uncomfortable. After entering the room, because of the lack of light sources, everyone dared not act casually. If they bumped into something, they would die without knowing how to die.

"How about... wait until the daytime to act?"

"Yes, yes... Gao Ying... First, let's leave first?"

In the darkness, everyone fell into unprecedented fear. And even if something happens at this time, there is no way to write on the test paper. At this time, countless people began to miss the flashlight. It's a pity... this village doesn't have any electrical appliances, not even running water!

Everyone felt that it would be better to come here after dawn, anyway, it was not too late.

"Hmm..." Gao Ying also felt that maybe it would be better to come back at dawn. It's pitch black here, and I can't see clearly. It would be more appropriate to wait until dawn.

"Okay... In that case, let's go out first."

So, everyone started to move towards the gate.

And when everyone came out, Gao Ying looked at the back, and suddenly... he suddenly noticed a terrifying thing.

"wait wait wait!"

Gao Ying looked at the people who came out, walked to the door again, and called softly: "Is there... anyone else?"

No response.

There were seven people who went in, but only six people came out...!

The person who disappeared... was Ma Jun!

"No... Impossible... We speak so softly..."

"Ma Jun's voice is not high? How is that possible?"

All this time, everyone has kept their voices pretty low, why...why is this happening

This reminded Gao Ying of the multiple-choice question that saved his life. Option D clearly mentioned that the last villager who died did not make a loud noise before he died. And this... Isn't it exactly the same as Ma Jun's situation

"Go... get out of here first!"

Needless to say Gao Ying, everyone was terrified to the extreme, and quickly started to leave here!

After a while, the remaining six people came to a relatively open area, and only then did they recover from their shock.

At this time, everyone's complexion was pale, including Gao Ying.

Right now, the same thing is on everyone's mind - why? Why did Ma Jun die even though he didn't violate the taboo? So, even if you don't make a loud noise, will you still die

"I... I've had enough..."

Among them, Lin Jia, the only woman, finally felt a nervous breakdown, and she fell limply to the ground. In just two days, so many people died, she was almost driven crazy. But now... I feel that there is no hope. No matter how I look at it, I don't think that she will be the one who survives to the end.

Gao Ying could tell... the morale of the team was completely gone now. Once morale is lost, this temporary team will inevitably become a mess.

In the end... besides making a loud noise, what other circumstances would constitute a dead end

Next, the six of them chose a larger house and lived in it temporarily. Now, it is not long before dawn. So, here is the final rest. After the rest is over, go there to search again.

Today is the last day.

But now, the remaining candidates are only 30% of the original. Today, many more people will surely die. Even, the possibility of group destruction is not low.

Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan were sitting in front of the window sill. The two of them had no sleepiness at this time, waiting... On the horizon, the sun was slowly rising. After all, the sun... always means the hope of new life.

"Sleep a little longer, Yixuan." Gao Ying persuaded: "Sleep a little longer and recharge your spirits. We must finish all the remaining exam questions today... Otherwise, we will not be able to return to that classroom alive .”

"It's okay... I don't want to sleep now either."

Afterwards, Gao Ying and Ji Yixuan fell silent.

They... are really exhausted physically and mentally. This exam is really too difficult. Gao Ying finally realized deeply why the first monthly exam was said to be a simple exam for getting started. Compared with this monthly exam, the introductory monthly exam last month was indeed relatively simple, as only ten multiple-choice questions were required.

As the time goes…

Finally, on the horizon, a fish belly appeared.

Looking at the moment of sunrise, Gao Ying felt the sun shining on the earth again, and secretly swore in his heart that he must survive. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, he must survive.

And very coincidentally, Zhu Sunling also watched the sunrise.

Candidates in the K examination room also have a high mortality rate.

Although she has more clues and questions than Gao Ying, she has not been able to solve the core problem. That was the final argument, the last taboo mystery, which had been bothering her. Where is the root problem of the curse? Why sometimes, even if you don't make a lot of noise, people will die

(end of this chapter)