Devil’s Examination

Chapter 95: Fork


At the same time as the coffin lid was opened, a figure quickly emerged from it!

When Gao Ying saw this figure, he couldn't believe his eyes!

Ji Yixuan!

he is alive!

When Gao Ying saw that he was still alive, he was also extremely surprised!

He immediately ran up and grabbed Ji Yixuan, and then they also ran to the back door!

Now he naturally doesn't have time to ask Ji Yixuan how he survived, in short, as long as he is still alive!

When Gao Ying pushed the door again... Finally, the door can be opened!

Gao Ying, Ji Yixuan and Jiao Chaoming passed through the door immediately, and then closed the door firmly!

Behind this door is a long and narrow corridor as before. The three of them continued to move forward in this long and narrow corridor, but after a short walk, they saw a fork in the road ahead!

They couldn't help looking at the door behind them, the three of them were trembling at this moment, who knew if the evil spirit inside that coffin would come after them! But who knows where to run right now? If you accidentally trigger the mechanism of the ancient tomb, the consequences will be disastrous. It's just that they don't seem to have much time to make choices right now!

Crossroads... There are three directions to choose from. Keep going, go left, or go right

Gao Ying looked back again, and suddenly saw a terrifying scene. The door behind was pushed open again!

However, behind the opened door, there was no figure!

There is no choice but to choose one!

Gao Ying chose the left!

Ji Yixuan and Jiao Chaoming didn't know why Gao Ying chose the left side, but now they had no choice but to stay with Gao Ying.

It's just that Gao Ying didn't notice at this time that the word "Ming" was left on the wall in the passage on the right.

Gao Ying and Zhu Sunling made... completely opposite choices.

The three of them ran for an unknown amount of time on the dark corridor. When their physical strength gradually declined, Gao Ying looked back, and there was no sign of anything chasing him.

The three stopped for a while to rest. At this moment, Ji Yixuan was about to say something, but Gao Ying shook his head. He felt that in this ancient tomb, it was better not to talk as much as possible. As for how Ji Yixuan survived, it doesn't matter anymore, as long as he is still alive. For other things, after the exam is over, he can ask them carefully.

As for the reason why Ji Yixuan's actually very simple. He was already awake when he was pushed into the coffin, and before the coffin was closed, he saw the fluorescent watch. In the coffin, besides him, there was another corpse. He immediately lit a match to illuminate the test paper, and filled in the answers on the test paper!

Frankly speaking, Gao Ying didn't know whether the path he chose now was correct, whether it would trigger the mechanism, or attract even more terrifying devils. But to be honest, what Gao Ying is most afraid of now is to fall into a place where there is no relevant answer on the test paper, which means there is no hope of survival. This point is the most terrifying to Gao Ying.

After resting for a while, the three of them looked at each other, knowing that they could not continue to procrastinate. Oxygen is not endless, and the candle does not know how long it can continue to last. Now, they can only continue to move forward, trying to find a clue to solve the final argument. In any case, it is necessary to solve... this most critical argument, otherwise, when the time comes, what awaits them is still doomed.

They have no choice but to move forward, even if they know that death is waiting for them!

At this time, the remaining three people waiting above the tomb, Shen Junhao, Cheng Ge and Lin Jia, were also anxiously waiting. But as time went by, the three of them gradually became uneasy. After all, no one knew how long the three of them would stay below, or even if it was possible to come up alive. In this way, both Cheng Ge and Lin Jia gradually began to have other thoughts. After all, time is running out, and they still have very few exam questions. If things go on like this, even if all the questions they make are correct, the exam will still be difficult. Still won't pass.

Shen Junhao was actually quite guilty in his heart. At the critical moment, he, who survived by copying Gao Ying's answers last time, was not as good as Jiao Chaoming and Ji Yixuan, two new candidates, who could not get along with him at this last moment. Gao Ying advances and retreats together. He has loved martial arts since he was a child, and he especially yearns for "the great chivalrous man will serve the country and the people". If not, he would not choose to go to Shaoshishan Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts. But now, in the face of death, the chivalrous spirit he yearned for in the past could not be manifested in himself at all. This made him very regretful.

Shen Junhao looked at the unfathomable tomb, the gloomy sky, and... that examination paper. He was suddenly a little worried, and he just thought that when Gao Ying came up to sit back and enjoy the benefits of copying his answers, would Gao Ying agree? You know, cheating means risking your life, and he wants to copy the answers without putting in the effort, is that really okay? But now Shen Junhao is somewhat in a dilemma.

At this moment, Cheng Ge suddenly walked up to Shen Junhao, and asked in a low voice: "I said... Shen Junhao, Gao Ying and the others, can they come up alive?"

Shen Junhao's heart was full of guilt towards Gao Ying, and Cheng Ge's words were so straightforward, which immediately made him annoyed, he gave Cheng Ge a cold look, and replied: "Gao Ying will not die so easily !"

After all, Cheng Ge was still too young and had little experience, and Shen Junhao was a straightforward person, so the topic couldn't go on. However, Cheng Ge also knew that time was running out, so he could only bite the bullet and persuaded with a cheeky face: "Okay, what I said just now was not appropriate, but you also know that it is definitely not an option for us to wait like this. So... What I mean is, why don't we make two-handed preparations and go to the village to find a way to explore?"

"No... we have to wait here, and we have to pull Gao Ying and the others up!"

"You... don't be stubborn, it's useless for us to wait here all the time? Besides, even if they come up, because they can't cheat, they can't tell us the answer, right?"

After all, Cheng Ge didn't know the rule of skulls closing their eyes, so now, his first consideration was how to make this test paper. Although he knew that the bottom of the tomb might be the truth, he still couldn't make up his mind. After all, no matter how you look at it, it would be a narrow escape. He felt that there might be a way to find the truth by exploring in the village. To put it bluntly, he didn't care about Gao Ying's life or death at all. Calling Shen Junhao was nothing more than hoping to have one more person by his side to strengthen his courage, not to mention that Shen Junhao was a tall man, staying by his side gave him a sense of security.

Lin Jia also came up at this time. She was timid and had no idea. She would never have the guts to go to the grave. However, she now knows that the exam is about to end, and now her thoughts are similar to Cheng Ge's. As for Gao Ying's life and death... She also felt now that Gao Ying might not be able to come up from below alive. Anyway, I dare not go down, so let's explore the village again. So, she also echoed Cheng Ge's words: "I... I also think what Cheng Ge said makes sense, how about you... Come with us to the village and look for clues. Now we can't solve the last argument question, Only by getting those 20 points can we pass the exam..."

Shen Junhao shook his head coldly, and said, "I will wait for Gao Ying and the others to come back here! I will!"

He knew that staying here and waiting to pull Gao Ying and the others up was the only bargaining chip he could beg Gao Ying to copy the answer for himself. He asked himself a different place, and if it were him, he would never risk his life to let himself copy the answer. Ji Yixuan saved Gao Ying many times, and what did he, Shen Junhao, do for Gao Ying? At most, it taught him some boxing skills, but what's the use in this horrible exam scene

"If you want to leave, just leave... don't send it off!"

Gao Ying, Ji Yixuan and Jiao Chaoming once again saw a door at the end of the corridor.

This time, this time... what will it be inside

After Gao Ying stepped forward and pushed the door open, he shone a candle on it.

Then, he saw... a white skeleton standing just like that at the door!

Watching the World Cup these days turned day and night upside down... no energy for 2 more...

But it's worth staying up late in the morning to watch the game. Toni Kroos' last countdown lore is so exciting

(end of this chapter)