Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 1: And dear soldiers


In the main star training base of the Galactic Federation, soldiers are carrying out harsh training across the optical network against the sun. The combat uniforms on them were covered with mud, and the hair under the transparent helmets was completely soaked in sweat, but they did not slack off at all. They all held machine guns in their hands, stood upright, stared at the light field in front of them, and listened intently. Following the command issued by the chief.

The leader of this team of soldiers was a young sergeant chief, wearing a brand new second-class medal on his chest, which shone brightly under the sun. He was in his early twenties, with dark skin, and his face inside the helmet was slightly immature, but his expression was very serious.

"Crossing the optical network, junior preparations!" The Master Chief issued the password.

The soldiers moved neatly, inserted their machine guns into the machine gun pockets on their backs, squatted their legs slightly, and were ready to charge at any time.

"Go!" The Master Chief let out an almost roaring command, and the soldiers, like unloaded bullets, rushed towards the complex optical network fifty meters away.

The optical nets are red and stacked staggered. They are the main enemies encountered on the federal battlefield, and the practice of avoiding the optical nets is to allow these soldiers to survive for a longer period of time after they go to the battlefield.

The first soldier approached the optical net, and there was a soft sizzling sound. His protective clothing was scratched by the optical net, and white gas burst out of the protective clothing in an instant. In an environment with a temperature of nearly 100 degrees Celsius, he lost his protection. Without the protection of the uniform, the soldier quickly fell down.

The Master Chief shouted expressionlessly: "Medical officer!"

Two young nurses in white protective clothing ran over and carried the soldier away.

The rest of the soldiers still moved forward, bowed, crawled, and jumped. They had to cross the 100-meter-long optical network within 5 seconds.

"Ah!" Another soldier fell down and was carried away.

The closer you get to the finish line, the fewer soldiers are left. In the end, only ten out of a hundred soldiers passed through the optical network, but it already exceeded the 5-second requirement.

The Master Chief's face was livid: "Is this your speed? Even snails are faster than you!"

The Master Chief's words aroused dissatisfaction among the "surviving" soldiers, and a sergeant said, "Boss? This is simply abnormal training. I don't think anyone can do it!"

"Didn't you say that peace talks are underway? There won't be wars in the future, right?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction on the Sergeant Chief's serious face: "Who said that peace talks will lead to peace? War will appear by your side at any time! Pay attention to me and watch my actions!"

The Master Chief stood at the starting point with a gun in his hand, and he ordered loudly to himself: "Cross the optical network, junior preparations!"

Following his own order, the heavy machine gun in Master Chief's hand was neatly inserted into the gun pouch on his back. His legs are slightly squatting, and his body is leaning down. Even wearing a slightly bloated combat uniform, he can make people feel as nimble as a cheetah.

"Go!" The Master Chief shouted the order to himself, and at the same moment, he started to sprint.

The tail runner of the dark gray combat uniform was fully opened, and blue flames were burning behind him. The Master Chief was like a shooting star piercing the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of Guangwang.

Squatting, jumping, sideways, and crawling, a series of movements are as beautiful as dance art. The red light net is constantly changing, sometimes forming parallel lines, sometimes forming a net shape, as if to cut the Master Chief apart.

Behind the Master Chief, the blue flame of the booster also suddenly weakened and then rose rapidly following his movements. The Master Chief, wearing a dark gray combat uniform, shuttled and flew in the optical network space with a diameter of 100 meters It looks like a seagull flying over the stormy sea, or a snake running through the river bottom intertwined with water and grass. Smart, fast.


The Master Chief landed safely, and the timer beside him showed the shuttle speed of the Master Chief: 3.9 seconds.

"Who said it was impossible to cross the 100-meter optical network in five seconds?" The Master Chief's voice was very severe, and his eyes swept towards the surrounding soldiers, who all lowered their heads.

"There is nothing impossible, only if you are willing to work hard! The essentials of movement have been taught to you long ago, what is lacking is sweat and hard work!" The Master Chief's lecture was not polite at all.

"Yes!" The soldiers' answers were not weak.

Nodding slightly satisfied, he ordered again: "Everyone is in your position, line up!"

The soldiers quickly stood up, and the soldiers who were carried down by the medical officer had been repaired and returned to the queue.

"Crossing the optical network, preliminary preparations." The Master Chief's voice was calm and serious.

Soldiers immediately get ready.

But at this moment, a glider came from the distant sky. On the silver wings, there was a half-moon logo, five blue five-pointed stars, surrounding the half-moon. This is exactly the symbol of the Galactic Federation. sign.

And the people who can ride this kind of glider are not small.

The Master Chief terminated his training with the command: "Attention! Salute!"

The soldiers saluted the glider in unison, and the glider stopped in front of the sergeant commander. A man in uniform and with the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders stepped off the glider.

Behind him was a major, a civilian officer.

The lieutenant general looked like he was in his thirties, his brows were slightly frowned, although his appearance was not old, but a lot of his hair had turned white.

"Hi sir!" The soldiers saluted the major general.

The lieutenant general was full of thoughts, he didn't pay attention to the salutes of these soldiers as usual, but walked directly in front of the sergeant chief in combat uniform.

The Master Chief snapped to attention and gave a standard military salute: "Master Chief Wu Xingyun reports to you."

The lieutenant general looked the Master Chief in front of him up and down several times, and asked, "Are you Wu Xingyun, the combat hero from last month?"


The lieutenant general stretched out his hand and patted Wu Xingyun's shoulder. His voice was a bit dull and even more depressing: "Young man, come with me. There is a task for you to complete."

After finishing speaking, the lieutenant general walked straight towards the base office building, Wu Xingyun followed behind him, and the other two officers walked beside Wu Xingyun.

A group of people walked into the office building of the base, and took the elevator to the meeting room one thousand meters underground. There was no one in the conference room, which was large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it seemed very empty.

The lieutenant general found a place to sit down, and waved to Wu Xingyun who was standing beside him: "Sit down, I represent the military department, and I'm here to talk to you about something."

talk about things? Wu Xingyun was puzzled, he was just a small sergeant chief, what could he ask the lieutenant general to tell him in person

Wu Xingyun stood up and made a military salute: "Please give instructions, Commander!"

The lieutenant general waved again, signaling Wu Xingyun to sit down, and lit a cigarette.

After the lieutenant general took a deep breath of his cigarette, he slowly said: "The higher-ups decided to negotiate a peace, and agreed to the request there, marrying you to 'that person'."

"What!" Wu Xingyun was taken aback and jumped up from the chair.

'The Man' is the legendary demon, the number one enemy of the Galactic Federation, capable of navigating in space without relying on spaceships. Some people say that 'that person' is a human variant, and some say that 'that person' is a new species in the universe.

But no matter how you say it, one thing is very clear, 'that person' hates human beings, and the demon legion he leads is a terrible enemy of the Galactic Federation and an eternal nightmare.

The training of crossing the optical network, the training of assault landing, and the training of antimatter acting are all for fighting against 'that person'.

Their slogan has always been to defeat the devil and defend mankind.

Why now, the boss suddenly agreed to make peace with the devil, and what else did he say, he wanted to marry himself off!

Wu Xingyun felt that his brain, which was not smart enough to begin with, was short-circuited for a while. He stared blankly at the lieutenant general in front of him. General.

General Hong flicked the cigarette ash in his hand and said, "Soldier, I can understand your feelings. I also strongly opposed this matter. After all, we are soldiers. Who doesn't want to gain glory and defeat the enemy on the battlefield? But The Congress has made a decision, and the President of the Federation is negotiating with the enemy on the specific details of your marriage. There is no way to change this matter. You just... make sacrifices for the peace of mankind! Just like those peace and relatives in human history Like a princess."

"But why was it me?" Wu Xingyun still couldn't understand. Even if he wanted to make a marriage and make sacrifices for the peace of mankind, it wouldn't be his turn to make sacrifices as a soldier

General Hong shook his head: "I don't know, the other party asked you by name. I heard that in the battle last month, when you served as a ghost lock soldier, did you ever wound that person?"

Wu Xingyun's eyes darkened. Last month, he went through layers of selection and became the highest-level ghost lock soldier among human arms.

The ghost lock soldiers have special magnetic field equipment, which can be invisible. The main purpose is to lurk and assassinate. However, this type of troops also requires extremely high mental power. After performing a mission, ordinary soldiers need to rest for three months to wait for their mental power to recover. Only then can the task of ghost lock soldiers be performed again.

Wu Xingyun was ordered to train the infantry while waiting for himself to recover after completing the task of locking soldiers with ghosts.

Although a month had passed since that mission, Wu Xingyun still remembered every detail clearly.

That time the Galactic Federation dispatched a total of 100 ghost lock soldiers, but most of them were discovered and killed before they approached the enemy camp. Only he successfully lurked to the edge of the enemy camp.

There, he happened to meet "the man".

Wu Xingyun didn't hesitate too much, let alone whether he would be exposed, and fired the particle gun in his hand towards "that person".

The battle started, and Wu Xingyun was awarded a second-class medal because of his outstanding performance throughout the battle.

It wasn't until the battle was over that Wu Xingyun realized that his shot didn't kill 'that person', but seriously wounded him.

The enemy's commander was injured, which was originally a great opportunity for our army, but the two sides finally reached a tie, and the army of 'that person' still had a slight advantage. Therefore, when the enemy offered an olive branch for peace talks, the members of the Galactic Federation spoke one after another. Agree to peace talks.

These were the latest news, and every soldier knew that peace talks were underway. But what Wu Xingyun never imagined was that the peace talks would come to such a result - a man like himself wants to get married!

General Hong said: "'That person' has a very strong desire for revenge. I think it's fake for him to propose a peace negotiation, and even more fake for getting married. If you wounded him, he just wanted to catch you and take revenge. But... Anyway, those bastards in the parliament think it's a good opportunity."

Wu Xingyun lowered his head, and General Hong fell silent.

After a while, General Hong said: "But don't be too pessimistic. The president is negotiating conditions with the other side. If you marry, your life should be safe. It's just..." General Hong was a little bit at a loss when he said this, he Taking a deep breath, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stomped out the cigarette butt with his black leather boots, and then said in a serious voice, "Soldier, are you confident to complete this mission? Marry that devil, use your best efforts, To maintain this precarious and fleeting peace?"

Wu Xingyun instinctively stood at attention and saluted: "Resolutely complete the task!"

However, after saying these words, he felt at a loss in his heart. That person is the public enemy of mankind, the most terrifying demon, the nightmare of the Galactic Federation!

Throughout the ages, princesses have been married to each other. He is just an ordinary soldier, but because he completed the task so well, he ushered in such a fate. What a sigh.

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