Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 101: I see


Ye Suikong couldn't bear it anymore, even though the shaman suddenly became charming, with a charming color in his eyes, and even exuded a fragrant smell, Ye Suikong didn't want to combine with him at all, no matter which way !

Ye Suikong pushed hard at the shaman who was leaning towards him, pushed him away, and said impatiently: "I don't want to combine with anyone now. I just want to know what Xel Naga is!"

The shaman was not angry at Ye Suikong's rejection, he said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we Guangming elders should be together. You may not be used to it, but you will like it in the end."

Ye Suikong felt that facing the shaman this time was simply challenging the limit of his patience.

His patience was not very good, even in the last days, he would not be so tolerant.

But this time is different, all the doubts, as well as the fate of the future, made him have to continue to endure.

Ye Suikong didn't want to discuss the union with the person in front of him anymore, he immediately changed the topic: "Tell me, the history of Xel'Naga, and... the one you mentioned, Micah, is to leave a pamphlet The person who gave it to me, who is he?"

The shaman didn't realize Ye Suikong's change of subject, he just replied quite honestly: "We are the people of the gods, that is... the Xel'Naga clan that those lower creatures talk about."

"Our race existed very early and originated from the Andromeda galaxy. It is the most intelligent and technological race in this universe. Our race is divided into two types of people, one is the ruler, who is like Elders like us. The other is the ruled, the soldiers you see who welcome you, we are called Duo Dao warriors."

"All of us rely on spiritual links to survive. Bright elders are very few, and you should be very clear about the abilities you possess. And there are many Duo Dao fighters... They are all single-minded fanatics with high spiritual power .Duo Dao warriors believe in us, we, believe in God!"

The shaman pointed to the luminous beam of light in the middle: "This is the power of our god. Every elder of the light will reunite with his spouse before he dies. This is their last union. Die in the union to enter here."

The shaman looked up at the beam of light: "This is our temple. Here, we can see the past and the future, and listen to the voice of God. God has infinite wisdom, but no power, so we are born The task is to protect it."

Ye Suikong frowned slightly, and he suddenly asked: "If you just want to protect it, why invade the Milky Way?"

"Intrusion? No, no, there is no intelligent life there at all, so it cannot be called an intrusion. It should be called an immigrant." The shaman said.

"There are more and more gods, and the Andromeda galaxy is too small... We are just looking for new places."

"In order to find a new place, kill the local residents?" Ye Suikong felt even more uncomfortable.

"Those ants cannot be called residents." The shaman said, "They are greedy, ignorant, and stupid. They just look like gods and people, but they don't have the wisdom of gods and people at all. They can only be regarded as low-level creatures!"

"Inferior creatures?" Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows slightly, "Your research on human beings seems to be very in-depth? I think this must be premeditated, right? When did it start?"

"Premeditated? How can you talk like that?" the shaman said, "I noticed your mood swings, and you are hostile to me. Why?"

Ye Suikong hurriedly adjusted his mentality, hypnotized himself desperately, and then said: "That's not hostility, it's...a difference in expression. Since when did you want to immigrate?"

The shaman soon felt the hostility from Ye Suikong disappear, and even felt the friendly brainwaves from the other party.

He patiently explained: "A few days ago, I only had this idea."

"A few days ago?" Ye Suikong didn't quite understand the time record here.

"Yes, not long ago, we discovered that the Andromeda Galaxy could no longer meet our needs, so we wanted to develop neighboring galaxies. After discussing, we decided to let an Elder of Light set off with ten Light Saber Guards, To find a new place suitable for our existence."

"On the way, ten light saber warriors died, and only one elder found a planet. He said...the sun is called the star there." The shaman said slowly.

Ye Suikong understood immediately that the elder responsible for finding a new living place was Micah who left behind the practice booklet.

"He inspected the local area for a period of time and told us that it is very suitable for survival. But the air composition is not suitable for our gods and people, so it needs to be modified. He reported the local air composition to us, and soon, we According to his local situation, he made a transformation plan, but at this time, for some unknown reason, he cut off his spiritual connection with us."

When he was talking about this, the shaman showed a puzzled look on his face, and he muttered to himself: "Why did he want to cut off his spiritual link? This is more painful than death for us gods and people! Why?"

Of course, Ye Suikong didn't know, the elder was dead, so he could only guess—probably the elder named Micah had developed feelings for human beings after living on the earth for a period of time, and he didn't want to see them perish. Swiped away like trash, so he chose to betray the Xel'Naga and help humanity.

In order to confirm his guess, Ye Suikong asked: "What is the spiritual link?"

The shaman said: "That is a kind of connection established on neurons. Each of us Xelnaga will connect our spirit with other people. We are a real whole. Those with spiritual connection People, what he thinks, we will know immediately. Similarly, what we think, he will know immediately. Cutting off the spiritual connection is equivalent to cutting off all the connections between us. This is the most important thing for us Something more painful than death. How could he... "

Ye Suikong shivered, and his spirit was connected... No wonder the booklet said: "When I read a word, the shaman will know it. The crime of treason is a heinous crime."

And judging from the fact that the shaman didn't know the booklet at all, the booklet should have been written by the elder named Micah after cutting off the spiritual link.

"After we lost contact with Micah, we tried for a while, but it still didn't work. We were running out of time, and ordinary lightsaber warriors couldn't go across the galaxy at that speed to find him. So, we just Using a particle launcher, he fired substances that can modify the local environment toward the location he said," said the shaman.

Ye Suikong's heart convulsed when he heard this.

The substance that can change the local environment has caused his two thousand years of nightmares, the death of most people on Earth, and the two thousand years of war between the Federation and the Daredevil Army.

"What kind of state will that substance form when it combines with the local air?" Ye Suikong clenched his fist tightly in his sleeve.

The shaman was concentrating on observing the spiritual body in the temple, and was unaware of Ye Suizong's tone.

He replied naturally: "After experiments, that kind of substance should appear in the form of white mist. It can kill local creatures that we don't like, and cultivate species that our gods like. And change the local air structure, more It is suitable for us to survive. Those modified substances should be absorbed in a short time."

"Is that so? Why didn't you go then?" Ye Suikong tried his best to control his voice to sound calm.

"Do you know... how far is the distance between the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way?" The shaman turned his head: "We not only spread matter on that solar planet, but also on other planets in the Milky Way. Such a substance. Do you know how much energy and time are required to transport a bright elder and transport a substance, how big is the difference?"

The shaman asked: "We can't reach such a long distance overnight. We... After launching the material, we set off from the distant Andromeda galaxy. On the way... we encountered a little trouble. Only now can we reach the Milky Way .”

It took Ye Suikong such a long time to figure out who wrote the thick Saar fog back then!

No wonder the data from that year showed that the dense fog of Saar suddenly appeared in the surroundings, which is completely inconsistent with astronomical phenomena; but some scientists refuted it, saying that Saar matter also existed on other planets.

But the dense fog of Thrall only existed for a hundred years, and never appeared again.

Until—after a long voyage, the Xel'Naga finally arrived at the edge of the galaxy and formally confronted humans.

After Ye Suikong figured out the cause and effect, he felt a little rejoiced.

That thick fog of Thrall forced human beings to evolve in two different directions.

The fleeing federation is desperately pursuing technology; while the mutants left behind practice their martial arts all the time.

The war between the two sides has instead become the biggest booster for the progress of both sides.

It was in this kind of mutual killing that the Xel'Naga people ushered in.

Human beings today are not comparable to those of the past. Even in the face of the powerful Xel'Naga, it is not necessarily impossible to win.

In order to further confirm Xel'Naga's attitude towards human beings, he asked again: "If there are already creatures that have settled in the Milky Way, are you going to live in peace with them, or?"

The shaman turned around and looked at Ye Suikong: "You are our clansman, a great bright elder. You are no longer those ants, and you don't need to sympathize with them. You know, our immigration plan is imperative Not to mention the ants blocking the front, even if it is a powerful enemy, we will move forward bravely and migrate to the Milky Way!"

Speaking of this, the shaman smiled softly: "Are you still worried about those ants? According to the information I got in the past few days, these ants have also emigrated. When they emigrate, they must be killed. Are there any threatened species locally?"

Ye Suikong remained silent. He knew very well that when the Federation immigrated to alien planets, the weak human beings ruthlessly transformed the local planet for self-protection, or for greed, killing all threatening species in the area, leaving only space for something edible.

Human interstellar immigration is similar to Xel'Naga's interstellar immigration.

The two did not speak for a long time in the temple, and finally the shaman said: "You know everything you want to know... then... let us establish a spiritual link under the will of God and complete the first union!" "

Ye Suikong suddenly raised his head: "There is one more thing!"

The shaman said, "What is it?"

Ye Suikong said slowly: "Dark Templar, what is it? Why do you regard my husband and wife as a Dark Templar?"