Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 107: wedding anniversary


The development of the situation was completely beyond Ye Suikong's expectation. Although some mutants objected, most of the mutants, including Wu Xingyun, agreed to listen to what the Federation had to say.

The interview was quickly arranged, and on the third day after Ye Shattering Sky's return, his figure reappeared at the border between the two sides.

The meeting took place in a space station on the border between the two sides. Wu Xingyun has been following Ye Suikong, but no one knows his existence.

The Federation has changed from its previous high-flying appearance. Besides the President of the Federation, Wen Nuo, the current Supreme Military Commander of the Federation, and diplomats, there is also a stranger who came to negotiate.

Ye Suikong didn't know the strange woman sitting in the corner, but Wu Xingyun did.

That was—the biologist who had disappeared in his dowry team.

"What is she doing here?!" Wu Xingyun was full of doubts. When he married Ye Suikong, he encountered a meteorite flow in the vast universe, causing heavy losses to the dowry team and missing many scientists.

Wu Xingyun always thought they were dead, but unexpectedly, this biologist belonging to the Roche Research Institute was still alive.

"What do you want to say?" Although facing a crisis, Ye Suikong did not intend to make concessions on some issues.

He even said that he was more wary of the Federation than Sarnaga.

After all, the two sides have fought each other for many years, and Ye Suicong knows exactly what the Federation can do to win.

The president of the Federation, Alexis, spoke first. She is forty-five years old this year, and she is still well-cared for. She looks like she is in her twenties. Her golden curly hair makes her solemn and charming. .

"The three conditions you proposed last time, we did in-depth research and found them too harsh. It was really too difficult. Although I can give up everything for peace, there are hundreds of billions of people in the Federation. Population, and countless military industries, and the most high-end scientists. They will not accept such conditions."

Ye Suikong smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't accept it, anyway, sooner or later, it will be mine."

It's not that he doesn't know the current situation, but during the negotiation, he couldn't lose his momentum.

Alexis had the same thought in her heart as Ye Suikong. She still had chips in her hand, but these chips could not stop the Federation from being destroyed at all.

In particular, according to the situation of the Xel'Naga encountered at the border reported by the military, under the attack of both the Night Demon Army and the Xel'Naga, the Federation will only die faster.

What she can do now is to use these bargaining chips that may be tempting to Ye Suikong to fight for more things for the Federation.

"Mr. Ye, I only recently found out about the quarrel between you and the Federation. Those are things in the past, and we have a common enemy to face. I think you should be very clear about an old saying-the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Although the Federation and There is a very unpleasant past between the night demon army, but..." Alex began her speech with great enthusiasm, but Ye Shakong obviously had no interest in wasting time on this kind of verbal dispute.

He interrupted the president, and asked straightforwardly: "The night demon army can fight against Xel'Naga. Every mutant is the strongest fighter. All mutants united can completely fight against Thrall." The Naga battle. The Federation and we are no longer rivals on the same level, so what else should I spare you?"

Alexis was going to use words to persuade Ye Suikong, but she didn't expect Ye Suikong to not accept this at all. She didn't want to take out her chips so quickly, but Ye Suikong had already shown an impatient expression. look.

She still remembers how the federal soldiers who came back from the front mentioned this man with admiration and awe.

Alex was a little bit at a loss for what to say.

The meeting room was silent, but at this moment, Wen Nuo, who had been silent all this time, said: "Ye Suikong, our request is very simple. Since you don't want to waste words and words, then let's open the skylight and speak plainly. I know you I have always hated the Federation, and I also hate the Night Demon Army. But Xel'Naga is even more terrifying. As a Federation, it is willing to provide its technology and the most elite troops to assist the Night Demon Army for free. The price is to preserve the independence of the federal government .”

Ye Suikong smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "Impossible. You are too young to know what a fine tradition the federal government has!"

Wen Nuo glared at Ye Suikong. He was forty-six years old this year, but a young man said—you are too young.

During the conversation between Wen Nuo and Ye Suikong, Alex adjusted her emotions and said, "What if the Federation is begging for your help?"

Ye Suikong smiled slightly: "It depends, what benefits can be gained by helping you."

Although Alexis was extremely unwilling to reveal the bottom line of the Federation, when faced with the impenetrable night sky, she could only tell the whole story: "We are willing to build you a battle mech that suits you. In these days, the Federation's Scientists have carefully studied your combat data. This kind of fighter can double your combat power. They are also willing to send ghost lock soldiers, and your husband and wife will temporarily serve as the highest leader of this team to assist you fight."

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows: "That's all?"

"In order to show the reconciliation between the two parties, we are willing to hold a grand wedding for you on the territory of the Federation, and give you ten outstanding boys as a supplementary dowry." This is already the biggest concession that Alexis can think of up.

Ye Suikong smiled towards the air beside him, where the invisible Wu Xingyun was very unhappy!

In the next second, Ye Suikong's ear was grabbed, and Wu Xingyun whispered against Ye Suikong's ear, "If you dare to ask for it, I will ask you to look good when you go back!"

Ye Suicong smiled ambiguously. In Alex's eyes, this kind of ambiguity had a different taste, but in Wen Nuo's eyes, he felt deeply worthless for Wu Xingyun.

Wen Nuo took a deep breath and said loudly: "The Federation does not have such a traditional custom! We will not send any boys to you. The ghost lock soldier of the Federation, second-level non-commissioned officer Wu Xingyun, is still a symbol of peace between the two sides. And ..." Wen Nuo was very reluctant to say the following content, but he knew that it didn't matter whether he said the following words or not, because Ye Suikong would know sooner or later.

"Also, the matter about the inability of mutants to reproduce... is a historical question many years ago. And we have just found the answer to this question. Our scientists at the Roche Institute have found the key that locked the genetic code in the first place. If you want, Then... both parties cooperate, and this scientist will serve you to enable mutants to reproduce."

Ye Suikong was deeply surprised by this news, he kept turning his head to look at the side, and couldn't help but start to imagine the scene where Wu Xingyun could give birth to him.

It's really... Wu Xingyun with a big belly, just thinking about it makes people feel turbulent.

"Okay, then... so it's settled. As for another huge grand wedding... I don't like second marriages, change it to the 20th anniversary of marriage, and use this to celebrate the 20 years of peace between the Federation and the Night Army !"

Ye Suikong stood up and ended the conversation: "To discuss the specific details, you go talk to Liu Meng. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"What's your business?" Wu Xingyun, who followed Ye Suikong out of the space station, asked puzzled.

Ye Suikong grabbed Wu Xingyun: "It's very important!"


"Fuck you until you're pregnant!"

Wu Xingyun, who was inexplicably overwhelmed and had a backache again, couldn't help complaining: "Ye Fan, is there something wrong with your brain?! What the scientists mean is to extract your cells to divide and reproduce... um..."

Ye Suikong was very comfortable and excited: "I'm sorry, I'm just a high school graduate, so I don't understand such a profound question..."

"You bastard!"

Ten days later, it will be October 1st of the federal calendar, the day Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong got married 20 years ago.

The last time they got married, Wu Xingyun went through untold hardships, and Ye Suikong made things difficult for him to death, and finally married him.

But this time, it was completely different.

Ye Suikong was about to be harassed to death by Wu Xingyun's three older brothers, and he had to overcome many obstacles before he could see his husband and wife.

When Ye Suikong finally snatched Wu Xingyun back from Wu Xingyun's elder brother, the two held hands and walked to the rostrum.

This wedding anniversary has a special meaning.

The last wedding was nothing but Ye Suikong's conspiracy, but this time, it was a real peace negotiation.

Ribbons and balloons flew all over the sky, and the Federation got tens of thousands of peace doves to fly together. The scene was very lively, and the entire galaxy was broadcast at the same time.

First, on behalf of the Federation, the President of the Federation read out the content of the peace talks.

Including changing the leader of the army to Wennuo appointed by Yeshakong; Wu Xingyun as the highest officer of the ghost lock soldiers; and developing armor suitable for mutants, etc.

After the federal government finished reading all this, it was Ye Suikong's turn to express the sincerity of the Night Demon Army.

Ye Suikong stared at Wu Xingyun beside him, and Wu Xingyun looked at him with a smile.

He knelt down on one knee slowly, and took out the original ring from his bosom.

Last time, Wu Xingyun rejected Ye Suicong, but this time, Ye Suicong opened the ring with an unusually gentle voice: "Xingyun, are you willing to stay with me forever from now on? Whether it's life or death, We will never be separated."

Wu Xingyun smiled slightly: "Good!"

This ring was put on Wu Xingyun's ring finger. Ye Suikong embraced Wu Xingyun, and solemnly swore to the Federation and the Night Demon Army: "As long as my man says not to fight against the Federation, I will...not go to war!"

The mutants who came to participate in the feast made loud noises, and Ye Suicong kissed Wu Xingyun's lips in front of everyone without hesitation.

The lens freezes and is infinitely magnified for publicity.

Some people were delighted with the result, while others were disgusted.