Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 109: Wen Nuo


Yeshakong's night demon mecha was rushed to work day and night, and it was ready to be put into use after a month.

Ye Shattering Sky tried its edge for the first time, and was able to detonate stars, which made him very satisfied with the result.

Therefore, under his order, almost all scientific research laboratories in the Federation are tailor-made mechas for mutants.

And all the ghost lock soldiers were also widely selected among the ordinary soldiers of the Federation and Night Demon Army. Wu Xingyun, as the leader of this team, actively participated in the preparations for the battle.

All preparations are already underway. Liu Meng, on the other hand, changed the grievances between the Night Demon Army and the Federation into a prime-time TV series, which replaced the original "Big Shattering Space Series". I didn't talk about this before, because what happened back then was the eternal pain in Ye Suikong's heart. He lost his lover forever in that battle on the moon, and no one dared to expose his scars.

But now, Wu Xingyun returned safely and unscathed, which made Ye Suikong let go of his knots and no longer shy away from mentioning the past.

Humans in almost the entire galaxy are preparing for this, and many people even turned against the night demon army after learning the truth.

Even so, when Ye Suikong learned that the supreme military commander of the Federation he named had resigned and returned home, he was still surprised.

"He is...unwilling to join forces!" Ye Suikong frowned and looked at Wu Xingyun, "Why!"

Wu Xingyun didn't speak. After a while, he said: "I... think, he can't accept all of this. If General Wen is unwilling, then don't force it. It's the same to ask someone else to command the Federation to cooperate."

Ye Suikong sighed: "I have been fighting the Federation for two thousand years, and Wen Nuo is one of the few opponents I have ever seen. If he is willing to cooperate with us, it will be much better than other mediocre people helping us."

Wu Xingyun doesn't see these things as thoroughly as Ye Suikong. Although he has been a soldier for many years, he is just an ordinary soldier. He doesn't understand strategy and strategy at all. Even if he understands it, he can't apply it freely.

"I want to see him. Maybe this will be the last time I see him," he said.

Ye Suikong didn't want to agree at first, he knew very well that even though Wen Nuo once abandoned Wu Xingyun, even though the other party had done many things that were sorry to Wu Xingyun, in Wu Xingyun's heart, the company commander who brought him out has always occupied a certain place. s position.

After struggling for a long time, Ye Suikong finally nodded: "Okay, go and come back soon... If you haven't come back after three days, I will go find you."

Wu Xingyun took the Federation's newest Wagray spacecraft, and on the second day, he arrived at Wennuo's hometown, RT32 star in the Federation territory.

On that star, there are portraits of Ye Suikong and a huge poster of him wearing Yemen Mech.

Ye Suikong's image has long since changed from the ferocious and brutal one to that of a cosmic hero. Behind that portrait is the slowly rising sun.

According to the address given by the federal government, Wu Xingyun found Wen Nuo's home within a short period of time.

Wennuo lives in a two-story wooden house in the suburbs. Behind the wooden house, there are large fields of alfalfa flowers. In front of the door, there are endless wheat fields, a straight road, and nearby spaceship stops.

Wu Xingyun never imagined that Wen Nuo lived in this kind of place, and when he knocked on the door of Wen Nuo's house and saw Wen Nuo, he couldn't help being shocked.

Even when he came back from the end of the world and met Wen Nuo, he was not so decadent.

Wen Nuo's hair has a few more gray hairs, his beard has not been shaved, and even his clothes are crumpled and smell of alcohol.

Wen Nuo held a bottle of wine in his hand, and when he saw Wu Xingyun standing at the door, he was a little surprised: "What are you doing here? You can't be a lobbyist for Ye Suikong, right?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "No, I'll come and see you."

Wen Nuo smiled wryly, and invited Wu Xingyun into the room.

The room was in a mess, as if no one had ever tidied it up. In Wu Xingyun's memory, this company commander, who was always known for his tidiness, had never had such a time.

"General, are you... okay?" Wu Xingyun asked with some trepidation.

Wen Nuo shook his head, and didn't answer this question, but said something else: "You know, I hated you for a while. I can't figure it out, a soldier trained by the Federation, a loyal soldier brought out by myself Warrior, how could you turn against the enemy!"

Wu Xingyun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but before he could speak, Wen Nuo waved his hand: "But now, I know... almost everyone knows why. You... you and him... unexpectedly It was me who sent you to the Night Demon twice..."

Wen Nuo stopped talking, and Wu Xingyun also fell silent.

Now everyone in the Milky Way knows the story between Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong.

How did he meet Ye Fan who was crying helplessly in the apocalypse, and how did he overcome obstacles with him to create a mutant base.

The Night Demon Army used this as a propaganda to express their gratitude to the Federation. It was the Federation that gave their love and hope to the Night Demon Army. And expressed the willingness to reconcile from now on. And this story touched almost everyone except Wen Nuo.

"Ye Suikong, and even all mutants, already have a way to unlock the gene lock. Maybe you don't know it yourself, but I asked those biologists. The offspring of mutants will have stronger abilities than ordinary people, Possess even more terrifying reproductive ability. The night demon army has already controlled most of the forces, and the destruction of the Federation is only a matter of time."

"I don't want to be such an officer, and I don't want to see the Federation that I served for it die. Even though it is now in name only, I don't want to fight side by side with Ye Suikong." Wen Nuo took a sip of wine, and he His eyes became darker.

"At the beginning, I wanted him to die that much, even at the expense of everything. But in the end, I saved him. If there were no nuclear bombs back then, you would not have crossed the black hole. Without you, he would have broken the sky at night, It's impossible to survive! I... haha, I'm really, the biggest fool in the galaxy!"

Wen Nuo laughed and smiled, but finally looked helpless, and tears flowed from his fingers.

Wu Xingyun stepped forward and patted him on the back lightly: "You can't blame this, no one knows what will happen in the future. Maybe this is our destiny."

"Fate?!" Wen Nuo asked back, he grabbed Wu Xingyun and dragged him to the second floor.

There is only one room on the second floor, which is covered with portraits, and under each portrait, there are countless medals.

"This is my great-grandfather." Wen Nuo said slowly, "He once killed a mutant and made a contribution. But he was killed by Ye Suikong. He is the hero in my heart."

"This is my grandfather. He commanded battleships and fought against the Night Demon Army for many years. You should have heard of Angel Wings, right? That's his team. He also died at the hands of Ye Shattering Sky."

"And my father..." Wen Nuo stood in front of the portrait of his father, unable to say anything more.

He especially remembers that when he was a child, his father hugged him to watch the shooting stars in the sky before going out to war. And after that, his father never came back, he died on the battlefield with the night demon army.

"When I joined the army, it was to fight against the night demon army. For the federation, for this piece of land where I was born and raised. But now... now everything has become so ridiculous!"

"Those wars that have lasted for so long, these honors that my family has won, have no meaning at all..."

"What are we fighting for? I have endured the past twenty years, just for the original belief. But now, the federation is falling apart, and the newly elected members are all people from the night sky. That federation once made me excited. The country that I served so far no longer exists. Why should I obey the call of the enemy... "

Wu Xingyun stood aside, unable to answer every question Wen Nuo asked.

When he came, he probably had the idea of persuading Wen Nuo, but now, he gave up this idea.

Wen Nuo sat on the ground, looking at the portraits hanging on the wall that once represented honor and sacrifice.

And Wu Xingyun stood beside him, motionless.

"You said, one day, if the Xel'Naga occupy the galaxy and rule mankind. Will everything we do today become ridiculous and meaningless?" Wen Nuo asked.

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "I don't know."

The night fell slowly, and the two of them couldn't find the answer in the room.

Wen Nuo was at a loss, while Wu Xingyun was thinking about the questions Wen Nuo asked.

It wasn't long before Wu Xingyun said: "I just feel that the world is impermanent, and no one knows what will happen in the future. Yesterday's heroes may become war criminals today; and today's demons may become war criminals tomorrow." Heroes. But I only know that no matter how things change, everything I do should be as good as my heart. Xel Naga is here, whether they will become the enemies of mankind, or the gods of mankind, no one knows what the result will be How about it. But now, he is our enemy, so deal with them as you would deal with enemies."

Wen Nuo remained silent, his figure hidden in the shadows.

"Actually, sometimes, if you can't forget the past, you will never be able to look forward. But when you always look at the future, you will forget that we are actually living in the present." Wu Xingyun said to himself, "I am also very confused sometimes. Yes, anyway... I don’t think much, I just think that everyone can live well like this, that’s fine.”

Wen Nuo smiled slightly, and he waved his hand, signaling Wu Xingyun to leave.

Wu Xingyun did not leave, he hesitated for a moment, and saluted Wen Nuo in the morning light: "No matter how the future changes, the past honor and glory will never change."

Wu Xingyun turned around and left, without staying too long, he boarded the spaceship and left.

But when he arrived at Ye Suikong again, he never expected that it was Wen Nuo who followed him.

Wen Nuo had completely shaved off his beard, and his clothes were neat and tidy, without a trace of dust.

Wen Nuo didn't pay attention to Ye Suikong, he just stretched out his hand towards Wu Xingyun: "After you left, I thought about it for a long time. Some things, no matter how the enemy quibbles, cannot be changed. I can do nothing by myself. It is impossible to reverse the collapse of the Federation. But there are some things that must be done. I... am willing to be the highest military officer of the Federation at this time, command the warships, and cooperate with your actions."

Wu Xingyun's eyes lit up, he held Wen Nuo's hand and shook it vigorously.

But there was no expression on Wen Nuo's face. He turned his head slightly and glanced at Ye Suikong: "But I will never, never shake hands with you!"

While the humans in the Milky Way were actively preparing for war, a large piece of thick fog appeared on the edge of the Milky Way again.

Xel'Naga, after resolving the internal disputes, came again.

The war that has been prepared for two thousand years has begun.