Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 11: Marriage conditions


With the power of the fuel propeller, Wu Xingyun was suspended not far from the meteorite flow. He was the first soldier to rush out of the meteorite flow, so he also needed to help other struggling soldiers escape from the meteorite flow.

Wu Xingyun first saw a soldier struggling on the edge of the meteorite flow, he opened the fuel booster to the maximum, moved to the edge of the meteorite flow, and shot some threatening small meteorites with a gun, and then he and the soldier Forming a team, the two floated out of the torrent, back to back.

At this time, four or five soldiers who had successfully escaped saw Wu Xingyun, and they immediately gathered together, looking for other comrades in arms, and also fished out some leftover supplies.

In this way, Wu Xingyun and his comrades did not know how long they had been busy. They were able to officially count the number of people when the meteorite flow was about to go away.

There were a total of 150 people in the guards who sent the relatives off, including those who were dowry. In the accident just now, ten people were missing. As for some dowry supplies, most of them were lost, and less than two-tenths could be found.

This result made Wu Xingyun very frustrated. He waited for a while, and even entered the meteorite flow again with three volunteers to search for the missing soldiers.

In the end, only the body of one soldier was recovered, and no trace of the others was found.

The protective clothing of the corpse was knocked apart, and the soldier's corpse only had the upper body, but the lower body could not be found.

Everyone fell silent in the face of this scene. When there was a spaceship, it was still a month away from the source star. Now that there is no spaceship, they rely on their combat uniforms to move forward, and it will take at least three months to arrive. .

What's even more unfortunate is that the dowry was lost due to the meteorite flow, and I don't know if Ye Suicong will blame it.

The most frightening thing is that they lost ten soldiers, including Ouyang Liu, who wanted to get into the procession of sending his relatives even after his head was sharpened.

In the black night sky, a group of soldiers surrounded the half of the corpse, mourning in silence.

Everyone understood that those ten soldiers were said to be missing, but in fact, if they hadn't come out by this time, they were dead.

They will float in space forever, become space junk, and cannot return home.

This is the most honorable way to die for a soldier, and also the cruelest way to die—staying forever in the cold universe.

As the temporary commander of the entire team, Wu Xingyun organized this small mourning meeting.

According to the custom, they will put a federal flag on the body of the deceased, then close it with an iron coffin and send it into the depths of the universe.

But now, they don't have many federal flags in their hands, let alone iron coffins.

They could only bow their heads silently, fold their hands together and pray in a low voice.

After the prayer is over, there is a ceremony of swearing revenge. The organizer of the memorial service tells the cause and effect of the entire death, who the enemy of the soldier is, and inspires everyone to share the same hatred.

Wu Xingyun described exactly what he saw.

The reason why this meteorite flow became so weird that his team couldn't avoid it was because of the night broken sky.

Whether he was practicing martial arts in the meteorite flow, or did it on purpose, although Wu Xingyun intuitively believed in the former, he couldn't judge.

All the soldiers cursed angrily when they heard what had happened.

Lu Hai, the captain of the kiss-off team, quickly deduced the whole incident: Ye Suikong's marriage was fake, he intentionally created a meteorite flow here, just to damage the Federation's spaceship and lose Wu Xingyun's dowry, so as to find an excuse, and again Start a war.

As soon as he said this opinion, he immediately won the approval of everyone, and everyone expressed that they would return here and refuse to marry.

Amidst the quarrels, Wu Xingyun finally spoke, his voice sounded sadder than anyone else, he said: "I disagree with everyone's opinion, I will continue to move forward, reach the source planet, and carry out the marriage to the end."

Lu Hai was the first to object: "The mutant is perverted in his heart, he did it on purpose, why should we send him up to humiliate him? Are we all as cheap as Ouyang Liu?"

Wu Xingyun is not very good at talking, and he hates Ouyang Liu even more, but now, this person has died for his country because of the mission, and he does not allow anyone to insult this martyr.

Wu Xingyun said: "Captain Ouyang Liu was unfortunately killed in the process of completing the mission. He died on the road of being loyal to the Federation and doing his best for the people. I will not allow anyone to insult a dead martyr! If you Insulting him, I will punish you according to the regulations!"

Lu Hai snorted and stopped talking.

But this doesn't mean that other people don't ask: "Boss, why do you want to make a kiss? Don't tell me you like that Ye Suicong very much and want to marry him?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head, he didn't like that person, not at all.


Although Wu Xingyun's voice still sounded sad, he was already working hard to gradually overcome the sadness of losing his comrades-in-arms, thinking about what to do with the marriage team he led.

He said: "We are soldiers, and our mission is to complete the tasks assigned by our superiors. Marriage is a difficult task. No matter how difficult it is, we must complete it!"

Obviously, this reason could not convince anyone, and Wu Xingyun once again felt sad for his eloquence.

At this time, a dowry officer spoke: "I agree with the Master Chief. First of all, we are soldiers representing the Federation, and it is our bounden duty to complete the mission; secondly, we only have some scattered supplies and incomplete equipment. We It is impossible to travel across the vast Milky Way to return to the Federation. I think we should find a way to reach the source star, get some supplies and supplies, and try to negotiate with the night sky. If he agrees, we can go back immediately. If not, Master Chief’s There are scientists and engineers among the dowry personnel, but it is a pity that the biologist died. But it doesn’t matter, we can use the resources on the source planet to build a spaceship to go back. "

After Wu Xingyun heard this, he nodded immediately: "I agree, that's great! Applause!"

Everyone looked at Wu Xingyun suspiciously: "What if Ye Suikong forbids us to use the resources on the source planet?"

"I'll try to convince him."

"What if you can't convince me?"

"I'll try my best to convince him."

"There is no way!"

"I'll try my best to find a way..."

At this time, everyone understood that the reason why this immature interim officer in front of him didn't like to talk, let alone argue with others, was that when he spoke, he would unreservedly expose his stupidity .

A soldier who graduated from psychology finally couldn't help asking: "Master Chief, with your IQ, how did you become a ghost lock soldier?"

Wu Xingyun was a little dazed: "My IQ is pretty high, but I'm the stupidest."

Everyone: "..."

Wu Xingyun said: "Really, I tested it, and there are 150!"

Everyone: "Cut... who can prove it?"

Wu Xingyun was in a hurry: "Don't believe me? I still have. For the whole last year, I have always been the number one in the internal affairs of the whole division! Master Hong, Major Wen can prove it, and my comrades can also prove it..."

Everyone's sorrow of losing their comrades just now, and the lingering fear of escaping from death, were all defeated by the number one in the division's internal affairs with an IQ of 150.

"Let's go! I think what the Master Chief said makes sense." Lu Hai said suddenly, "As far as it is concerned, there is no other way but to head towards the source planet!"

This team of hundreds of people, wearing combat uniforms and dragging their dowry, sailed through the universe in the most stupid way.

There are many problems in this kind of expedition in the universe, and the first thing that is revealed is the problem of excretion.

Soldiers can excrete in the combat uniform, and the combat uniform also has a place to store excrement, but after all, this combat uniform is used for combat, and there will not be too many places to store excrement, so after about ten days, this Here comes the problem.

The soldier who walks at the front of the line is the luckiest, and the soldier who walks behind him is unlucky, because he can always see a suspicious thing floating past his head.

The soldier who walked last was the most unlucky. He had to show the spirit of avoiding the meteorite flow in order to avoid the excrement that seemed to have its own orbit.

In the end, the soldiers decided that it was wisest for them to walk sideways in a single file.

The second problem is the food problem.

Among the supplies they temporarily rescued were food.

Moreover, the combat uniform also has its own feeding system in an environment that is not suitable for human survival.

Although there was enough food, most of it was lost. During the one-month march, the food was already in short supply, and a daily distribution plan was needed.

The third problem, and the most serious one, is that of fuel.

The fuel booster is not enough for them to travel in space for three months.

Once the fuel is used up, the combat uniform will lose the function of isolating temperature and providing oxygen, and soldiers will soon be frozen to death.

At the beginning of the expedition, everyone was happy.

A week later, a little unpleasantness.

After a month, there was great discomfort.

Two months later, the source planet was still far away, showing off its mysterious appearance, but the soldiers already felt that they were about to collapse.

"I... I can't do it anymore..." A soldier looked at the source planet in the distance. The source planet has become very large, but it is still half a month away from the test before it can be reached.

"I'm sorry, I can't complete the task..." The soldier fell down, his body became cold, the fuel in his combat uniform was exhausted, he was quickly frozen into ice, and then the mourning service was held.

"If this continues, we will have fewer and fewer people, and eventually we will not be able to reach the source planet!" Wu Xingyun said.

And the other soldiers couldn't help complaining: "Ye Suikong, you hypocritical bastard! What kind of envoys were sent here at the beginning, as if they really wanted to reconcile! Now! We are so close to him , We are all going to die, but he deliberately pretended not to know?"

"Why are we heading towards the source planet? Even if we arrive at that planet, we won't be able to get any supplies..."

"Are we going to die here? I want to die in Federation..."

"I heard that the earth, the birthplace of human beings, was also a blue planet a long time ago... This place is similar to that one. In fact, it is acceptable to die here..." Some people have already started talking nonsense.

Wu Xingyun also thinks about these issues all the time.

He is the temporary commander of the team, and every decision he makes will determine the life and death of his teammates.

Perhaps, I should have decided at that time to return to the Federation...

Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart that he was weaker than any soldier who was still alive, and he felt that he had the responsibility to bring every soldier to the source planet. During his journey these days, he gave all his leftover food to the dying fallen soldiers.

As for himself, he relied entirely on willpower to support him.

so cold...

Wu Xingyun felt his whole body was frozen, and his fuel booster was turned to the lowest gear, because he had to save a part to use when he landed on the source planet.

Before Wu Xingyun's eyes, the blue source planet was getting bigger and bigger, but his mind was blank, and there was nothing but moving forward.

He doesn't know how long it has passed, or how long he has been flying, he only knows that he must reach the source planet, marry Ye Suikong, and complete this arduous task...

Wu Xingyun didn't realize at all that after going through this long journey, he was already very close to Yuan Xing. He was even more unaware that he was now falling towards the surface of the source star under the gravitational pull of the source star.

He just saw his teammates cheering, he suddenly felt a burst of relief, and then, for some reason, he suddenly called Wen Nuo.

The rookie self who had saved countless times on the battlefield.

That Wen Nuo who is always gentle and gentle.

And that day, his confession.

However, Wu Xingyun felt that his consciousness was moving away from his body. He thought that he was probably dying, or that the mission had failed.

Wu Xingyun murmured in a low voice: "Commander, I'm dying, I'm really useless, I can't even complete such a simple kiss..."

Then, he slowly closed his eyes, his whole body descended rapidly, the blood in his veins was suddenly squeezed by pressure, as if it was about to burst.

The soldiers on the side saw that Wu Xingyun didn't turn on the fuel booster and just fell straight down. They were extremely anxious. They all yelled, and then turned their fuel booster to the maximum gear, burning the remaining Fuel, to chase Wu Xingyun, who is descending with the acceleration of gravity.

"Something happened to Master Chief! Something must have happened to him!" All the soldiers thought this way. If Wu Xingyun was still awake, he would definitely send out a distress signal, and he would definitely not just fall down like this.

Once they realized this, they shouted even louder.

However, they didn't have much fuel, and Wu Xingyun was falling too fast.

They could see very clearly that Wu Xingyun's combat uniform was torn apart by the air pressure during this sharp decline because the fuel energy was not turned on.

The combat uniform was immediately filled with a large amount of air, and the air formed wind, which stripped off the combat uniform more quickly.

Wu Xingyun's combat uniform was completely stripped off, and he remained in a coma without any protection, falling towards the ground.

At this moment, everyone felt hopeless. They finally arrived here, but at the last step, they fell short.

However, at this moment, a huge shock wave appeared on the ground. The solid rock and soil, under the reaction force of the shock wave, spread like circular ripples in a pond, forming circular ripples after circles. In the center of the "ripples", a small black dot rose into the sky, and flew towards Wu Xingyun at a speed that no one could imagine.

The speed of that black dot was very fast. In just a blink of an eye, all the soldiers saw the small black dot and caught Wu Xingyun who was falling sharply.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, drove the fuel booster, and came to the front of the black spot.

In the midair, colorful clouds and mists lingered, making it look extremely dreamy. Ye Broken Sky hung in midair, holding Wu Xingyun in his arms.

Wu Xingyun's combat uniform had been stripped off a long time ago, and now he only had a military shirt whose buttons were blown off by the wind, and a pair of military tights.

There was no expression on Ye Suikong's face, he was looking down at the person in his arms.

With dark skin, short hair, and ordinary facial features, except for long eyelashes, there seems to be no other advantages.

He looked down Wu Xingyun's neck, the shirt with all the buttons off could not cover anything at all.

Ye Suikong thought to himself: Although he looks average, he has a very good figure, seems to feel good to the touch.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, but then he heard Wu Xingyun's murmuring voice in his arms in a coma.

Ye Suikong's hearing was very good, he didn't need to concentrate on bending over to listen carefully, he could hear what Wu Xingyun was humming.

It was a person's name, a name Ye Suikong knew.

In front of Ye Suikong's eyes immediately appeared the major named Wen Nuo who had received him.

The man also swore that he would snatch his fiancé back.

Ye Suikong raised his head in annoyance, and then saw the soldiers sending off relatives flying towards him in the distance.

There was a hint of impatience on his originally calm face.

When those soldiers flew in front of him, Ye Suikong unceremoniously threw Wu Xingyun into the arms of the soldier closest to him, and said coldly: "The time agreed on the wedding date has passed, your Master Chief, just use Is this attitude towards lifelong events?"

After three months of trekking, the soldiers already hated the instigator of all this, Ye Suicong, to the marrow, and now they actually heard the other party say that, and they all glared at him angrily.

But now everyone understands that they can't get angry, because everyone needs supplies, and the one who needs supplies and rest the most is the Master Chief who is on the verge of life and death, and Ye Shakong's husband and wife Wu Xingyun.

"The accident we encountered halfway, if it weren't for someone's intentional sabotage, we would have arrived long ago, and we would not be late at all."

"Really?" Ye Suikong asked back.

"Let's not talk about this, even if it is humanitarian, can you not block our way, we need to find a place to land, and also need to find a place to rest, now the Master Chief is in a coma, can we wait until he wakes up?" Captain Lu Hai put forward his request.

Ye Suikong shook his head: "No, my planet, only my men can enter it, if you want to settle down on Origin Star to seek supplies, unless..."

Ye Suikong's face became even colder, and he was dressed in a black robe. At this moment, for the first time, he merged with the big devil in the federal propaganda poster, and everyone felt something bad intuitively.

Three days later, Wu Xingyun finally woke up from a coma. He remembered the last scene he saw. It seemed that the night broken sky suddenly appeared, hugged himself who was falling sharply in mid-air, and was still calling his name nervously. .

Wu Xingyun hadn't lost consciousness before, but after seeing Ye Suikong, he fell into a complete coma.

But now, what's the situation

Wu Xingyun looked around, and he found that he appeared on a platform that was about half the size of a football field with no sky above and no ground below. The ground of the platform was flat and the surroundings were bare. right in the middle.

Some clouds surround the platform, and in the distance, some birds fly by in groups. This is a platform suspended in mid-air, and his own send-off team, dowry team, and a small part of the rescued dowry are all piled up on this platform.

Before Wu Xingyun could figure out the situation, the soldiers guarding him saw that he woke up, and rushed to report the situation to him.

Wu Xingyun's brain was short-circuited for a while, and it wasn't until two hours later that he figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Ye Suicong blamed the marriage team for being late and losing the dowry, so he refused to provide supplies and a foothold.


"Unless what?" Wu Xingyun asked.

Lu Hai said angrily: "He put forward a lot of messy conditions, we think those are impossible, but there is only one point that is a little reliable, but it will not be possible until you wake up."

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Wu Xingyun was even more puzzled.

Lu Hai hesitated, and the soldiers looked at each other and said, "The simplest thing among those conditions is to ask Master Chief to kiss your husband passionately for ten minutes at the wedding..."

Wu Xingyun exclaimed in surprise: "What! This is impossible!"

"But..." the soldiers persuaded: "If you can't even agree to such a simple request, Yeshakong will continue to refuse us to land and not give us supplies, and we will die here! Sir, think about it Our situation! We have not eaten for three days...”