Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 110: Globe man


In the vast starry sky, gray warships slid past one after another, with a faint blue light glowing on the cold hard shell.

At their destination, there is a large area surrounded by white mist.

And that huge white mist, which quickly devoured the nearby planets, stars, planets, and meteorites, seemed to be the paleness from hell, covering everything.

The night breaks the sky and sits on a newly developed Vagray spaceship.

This kind of spaceship is small in size and fast in transition. It was specially developed by Wennuo to avoid the duo sword fighters of the Sarnaga tribe.

And Wu Xingyun stayed with some ghost soldiers, driving a stealth fighter.

Tens of thousands of these small spaceships gathered at the edge of the Milky Way after space voyages, and now belong to the federal province of the Daredevil Army.

The white mist filled the depths of the universe, and soon, the entire area covered by the white mist was outlined on the screen in the command room, as well as the unknown organisms that appeared in the white mist.

The command room of the Great War was set up on a mothership recently captured by the Night Demon Army, under the joint command of Wen Nuo and Liu Meng.

There was no other expression on Wen Nuo's face, not even a smile. He stared at the screen and gave his own order: "The first team, the left wing is ready; the third team, the right wing is ready; the ghost lock soldiers of the detective team , go to detect the enemy's situation."

A hundred newly-recruited ghosts shrunk into the white mist, driving an invisible warship.

Soon, the situation in the white mist was outlined.

The Xel'Naga didn't take human beings seriously at all, they had almost no tactics at all, just hundreds of Tuo Dao fighters, paired with an Elder Bright, distributed in two different directions.

And in the very center, there are hundreds of millions of Duo Dao warriors. They form one body and don't take any initiative to choose any path. They come here, trying to get close to the planet they are preparing to transform, and pull up a line of defense.

This picture was also quickly transmitted to the spaceship where Ye Shattering Kong was. He sat calmly on the seat of the spaceship and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I plan to use the strong to attack the weak, and the federal warships will be responsible for dragging down the big guy in the middle, and the Night Demon Army will eliminate the surrounding troops and gradually eat away at them." Wen Nuo said to Liu Meng beside him, "You tell Ye Sui about this decision. null."

Liu Meng didn't convey this decision, he shook his head slightly: "No, the Federation army is absolutely no match for the Guangqiu people. There are so many Tuo Dao fighters, you can't stop them."

"Ye, are you going to act according to the previous plan?" Liu Meng asked through the walkie-talkie.

Ye Suikong nodded slightly: "Yes. Let's drag the big guy in the middle, the ghost lock soldiers and other federal troops, kill the enemies on the two wings, and encircle them."

The rejection of his own opinion made Wen Nuo feel a sense of frustration. His eyes were dark for a moment, but soon he cheered up again.

"Let's go, then!" Wen Nuo whispered.

When the command platform issued an order, the remaining hundreds of mutants of the night demon army were ejected out of the Vagray spaceship together. They spread out in the air and raised their arms together.

The bracelet-like smart mechas that were fastened around their wrists quickly stretched out their nerve chains to wrap around their spines.

The metal was pulled out from the wrist, like strips of metal vines, soon wrapped around the human body, turning into huge battle armors of different shapes.

"The fight that I haven't experienced for a long time is starting again!" Ye Suikong's tone sounded very relaxed, "It's time to fight monsters and upgrade again! It's the happiest thing to be attacked by little monsters."

He rushed into the dense fog first, and the black six-armed mech, with its huge particle cannon, began to fire.

The other mutants also followed Ye Suicong and rushed into the white mist one after another, firing at the light ball man in the center and the numerous Duo Dao warriors.

This white mist is very familiar to every mutant.

They were born in it and struggled in it.

The white mist seems to interfere with all sight lines, and even the electronic communicator is difficult to use normally, but every mutant is no stranger to such a situation.

When the end of the world came, they walked out from here. Even without any orders, they can use it freely.

Soon, those Tuo Dao fighters also found them. Those Xel'Naga fighters with light sabers possessed the purest faith. They were not afraid of death and rushed towards the human mecha.

Tear, death, silent struggle, and silent death are staged and spread against the background of the universe and white mist.

No one knew about Ye Suikong's situation, even Ye Suikong himself couldn't remember how many Duo Dao fighters he had killed. Those people's bodies and reflections are so flexible that many times, Ye Suikong feels like Ye Fan who is struggling in the last days.

But he couldn't stop, he was no longer that weak boy who could only survive by relying on Wu Xingyun's protection. He has things he wants to protect, people he wants to protect.

Hum, the particle cannons in Ye Suikong's hands gathered into a ball, strengthened by the mecha, expanded ten times, and shot towards the Duo Dao warrior who rushed forward.

And the other mutants who rushed into the white mist were all facing enemies several times their own, just like Ye Suikong.

"It's time, Phantom Locker, sneak into the enemy's wings and kill the Elder Guangming!" Wen Nuo said.

The stealth fighter immediately took off from the aircraft carrier, and behind it was the cover of countless federal Wagray fighters.

Wu Xingyun also piloted a stealth fighter, but as soon as this stealth fighter entered the white mist, he was discovered.

The distorted shape of the air was too obvious, and countless Tuo Dao warriors rushed up to surround the fighter plane, just like how they dealt with the dark temple warriors, blocking it and providing the coordinates for Elder Guangming.

Wu Xingyun couldn't see the Elder Guangming in the distance, but when he saw the Duo Dao fighters rushing up, he knew something was wrong. His last order was: "Leave the stealth fighter and fight freely!"

Wu Xingyun was the first to jump off the stealth fighter, and he and his comrades sneaked forward silently.

Because Wu Xingyun had seen the situation where Sarnaga besieged and suppressed the elders of the Dark Palace, before the battle, he specially trained the selected ghost lock soldiers for this situation. At this moment, countless ghost lock soldiers jumped out of the fighter plane , with the impetus of those transition-type Wagray fighters behind them to cooperate in the battle, an unprecedented tacit understanding.

It is often Wagray who hits the artillery fire and attracts most of the Tuo Dao fighters, while the ghost lock soldiers deal with those Duo Dao fighters who are alone.

Ye Suikong once connected his spiritual link with the Xel'Naga people. He knew very well that among the Xer'Naga race, there was no such thing as fear of death, and there was no such thing as a broken army. If they wanted to fight, Will fight till the last man.

They had never attempted to defeat the main force of the Xel'Naga.

The ghost lock soldiers are advancing with difficulty. It is hard for them to imagine facing such an enemy. The small armor is actually harder than the alloy battleship shell. Even if they kill the enemy, they cannot let the enemy stop. The opponent stops attacking.

This battle can be said to be the most difficult and terrifying battle for the Federation.

Compared with the situation on the left and right wings, the team of mutants rushing into the white mist was much easier.

Ye Suikong led his night demon army, killing special kills in it, the supernatural powers of the mutants, the red light beam, the attack of the electromagnetic storm, and the nuclear energy erupted by Ye Suikong all made the Duo Dao fighters Overwhelming, almost like harvesting mustard greens.

It only took half a day, most of the Duo Dao fighters have become the dead souls of Ye Suikong's sword. Their blood is floating in space, and the dark blue liquid quickly condenses into ice, but there is still a faint light , That scene was like being in the blue sea under the starlight.

However, this is just the beginning, and Ye Suikong is very clear that the other people in Sarnaga are not afraid. The most terrifying thing is the light ball man who has not yet made a move, which is formed by the fusion of two elders .

Ye Suikong raised his head slightly. In the mecha, he never saw the light sphere man, but it must exist, somewhere far away. He remembered that when he escaped from Xel'Naga, he flew in a spaceship for three days and three nights, but he was still able to look back and see the light sphere man.

How big would that volume be? I'm afraid it is almost the same as a small star.

And that kind of light, the energy and heat generated, even if Ye Suikong was wearing a mecha, he couldn't get too close.

The most frightening thing was that Ye Suikong quickly estimated the position of the light ball man in his mind. If it appeared at the position calculated in meters, he would of course be able to see him.

However, if it appeared at a position calculated by light years, the light would be slower than the light sphere man, and Ye Shakong would not be able to see the light sphere man at all.

Ye Suikong felt something bad in his heart, but before he came and gave the order to retreat urgently, a huge ball of light suddenly appeared in the distance out of thin air.

In the center of the ball of light, there is a posture of two people having sex. It has four arms, four legs, and the lower body is tightly entwined. When his arms are raised, a huge beam of light spreads towards the depths of the universe. .

Its arm shook slightly, and the beam of light was like a scimitar, slashing towards the mutant.

Ye Suikong jumped up suddenly, and this leap fully covered the distance between the two planets, but his mecha was still scratched by the light knife again, and lost an arm.

Even Ye Suikong is like this, other mutants can be imagined.

The situation on the battlefield was reversed for a while, and the light ball man was invincible, and the two Guangming elders who had been forced to retreat by the ghost lock soldiers before had gathered around the huge light ball man.

The mutants retreated one after another, and Wagley frantically grabbed his ghost lock soldiers and began to leap backwards.

In just a blink of an eye, everyone retreated a distance of no less than twenty light years.

"What is that!" Wen Nuo's spine felt chills. Although he had heard about the light ball man in Xel'Naga, he was still so shocked when he saw it for the first time.

In the center of the sphere of light, the two closely knit people have the same appearance and the same expression.

Their lower bodies were tightly intertwined, and the way they were intertwined made people blush. As for the upper body, it waved the most terrifying light blade casually, which made people feel terrified.

"That is Xel'Naga's ultimate weapon, produced by the union of the Elders of Light—the Orb of Light!"