Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 12: Marriage negotiations


Wu Xingyun was shocked by this news, he never expected that Ye Suikong would go so far.

That's right, I came late and lost the dowry, this is my own responsibility, but the greater responsibility is Ye Suikong's, because all this, the meteorite flow with strange orbits, was caused by Ye Suikong.

And how could Ye Suikong be so shameless and use this excuse to help

Wu Xingyun looked around him, the will of the soldiers he brought seemed to have been destroyed by Ye Suikong, he never thought of persisting and resisting, but instead helped Ye Suikong persuade himself to compromise.

But Wu Xingyun was not prepared to compromise. These two words did not exist in his dictionary. He said: "Soldiers should not pray to the enemy. What we can do is to persist, persist, and persist!"

After saying this, Wu Xingyun also became at a loss, how should he persevere? How can I get supplies from Yeshakong so that he can allow the people he brings to settle down

Wu Xingyun is really not very good at dealing with people, let alone negotiating with people. He can only seek the help of his teammates.

Wu Xingyun looked around, this time the dowry team, the takeaway team, after the baptism of the meteorite flow, there are only 98 people left in the team, these are all composed of soldiers, They have nothing more constructive to say.

As for the dowry team, there are thirty-two left.

Ten of them were also soldiers, who stayed behind to protect Wu Xingyun's safety.

Of the remaining twenty-two people, there are two scientists, one quantum physicist and one astronomer. These two great scientists did not participate in this conversation at all. They were recording something with paper and pens, and the discussion sounded faintly: "If the night breaks the sky and jumps from here, according to the acceleration of gravity, how much will it take?" Will it land in seconds?"

"I think we should not only consider the problem of gravity, but also his take-off strength. This strength cannot be ignored. I think the formula should be like this..."

The physicist draws a picture for the astronomer, and the astronomer draws another trajectory for a free-falling body in the night sky.

Two of the brightest minds on the scene seemed destined to be unable to offer their teammates any help.

There is also a doctor of psychology in the dowry team, who is responsible for helping Wu Xingyun with psychological counseling. He is also the one who is trying to persuade Wu Xingyun to accept the other party's unfair conditions at this moment. The psychologist, while capable, is clearly on the wrong side...

The remaining people include mechanical engineers, chemical experts, and environmental designers, as well as a few farmers and miners.

They are either smoking, or in a daze, or watching the sky.

It seemed that there was no one around who could support and comfort Wu Xingyun.

At this time, Wu Xingyun missed Wen Nuo very much, and he couldn't help thinking that if Wen Nuo was here, he would definitely give himself good suggestions, and he would definitely not make such a mess now.

But now that Wen Nuo is not here, Wu Xingyun has to rely on himself.

Wu Xingyun secretly cheered himself up, then got up from the ground and said loudly, "Quiet!"

Everyone was quiet, Wu Xingyun said: "Line up, stand at attention!"

The soldiers lined up, and Wu Xingyun felt that what he was going to say next, although unreasonable and perhaps unable to convince others, was correct and must be emphasized. He said: "No matter what, we should not give in. We shouldn’t be defeated by the enemy just like that! We must fight to the end, as a soldier, his glorious mission is not to surrender.”

"Report!" A soldier asked, "Sir, what are you going to do?"

Wu Xingyun didn't know what to do, but everyone looked at him, except for two scientists who were already discussing cosine theory, the two smart people still couldn't help their teammates.

Wu Xingyun could only use his own not-so-intelligent brain to think for a while, and said: "I plan to negotiate with Yeshakong. I hope... I hope I can convince him to provide us with supplies and a foothold, and send a spaceship to send him back. people go back."

Everyone froze all of a sudden. Obviously, the officer doesn't have any communication skills and he doesn't know how to negotiate. He won't succeed.

But the psychologist finally played his role and helped these soldiers: "Master Chief, you don't have any negotiation skills, and you will definitely suffer."

Wu Xingyun nodded: "But if I don't negotiate with him, we will suffer even more."

Alan Eide said: "Well, let me teach you some negotiation skills. Remember, first think about your bottom line, then, know your own advantages, and finally, overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum, and you must not show any wavering or timid..."

Except for the two smartest people here, others immediately joined the discussion and quickly negotiated a series of conditions.

One, hold a decent wedding as soon as possible, the kind that is authenticated by everyone and has legal effect, instead of just saying a word.

Second, a spaceship must be provided to send the pro-departure team back safely within one month.

Third, we must be responsible for the meteorite flow incident, and apologize and mourn for the dead martyrs.

Four... Absolutely unacceptable, what a hot kiss for ten minutes... because this is not only an insult to Wu Xingyun, but also an insult and provocation to the Federation.

As for your own advantages...

They thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. It seemed that their marriage had no advantage at all. There was only one thing they could rely on: Wu Xingyun represented the federation, and the advantage of the federation was Wu Xingyun's advantage. The wedding represented a peace negotiation. Biggest weight.

After discussing all the above things, Lu Hai, the captain of the guard, fired a signal flare according to the request of Ye Suikong, expressing his request for a talk.

Soon, Ye Suikong came up.

He rode a small spaceship and wore a gray robe with a red full moon symbol on his chest.

All the people who had seen the strength of the broken sky at night were very surprised that he actually wanted to come up by spaceship, because everyone knew that with his ability, he could jump up.

But this is his territory, and what kind of flying method he chooses is his freedom.

The soldiers packed up a tent in the center of the platform. There were two chairs in the tent. Wu Xingyun sat down on one of them, waiting nervously for the negotiation to come.

Soon, he heard footsteps outside, and immediately, the curtain of the tent was lifted, and Ye Suicong walked in, stood beside the chair, folded his arms on his chest, and said to Wu Xingyun, raising his eyebrows: "Why, think it over? Let me make it clear first, unless the bridal chamber satisfies me, don't expect me to give you supplies!"

His words gave Wu Xingyun the urge to shoot him dead.

Wu Xingyun felt that Ye Suikong's appearance was the only thing he hated before, and this very frivolous attitude made him very uncomfortable.

Wu Xingyun sat upright, put his hands on the table, and straightened his back, and said, "Please sit down, I invite you to come up this time, just to talk to you about this series of things."

Ye Suikong laughed, sat down in front of Wu Xingyun carelessly, propped his chin with his fingers, and said, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Wu Xingyun took out a piece of paper, on which were the conditions they had drawn up in advance, read it according to the paper, and said, "I hope you can meet our requirements."

Ye Suikong snorted and said, "Why? You came late and lost your dowry, so you have the nerve to ask me for conditions? I doubt your sincerity! Don't do it on purpose, just say so if you don't want to marry me , I don’t need a wife.”

Wu Xingyun felt very angry in his heart, but immediately remembered the psychologist's advice, he must be calm at this time, and he must present the facts and explain the truth, so he said: "It's not our fault that we came late, we encountered some people who didn't follow the track. Flying meteorite stream, the fighter plane was destroyed and crashed, so... "

Ye Suikong laughed and interrupted Wu Xingyun: "This is your own business and has nothing to do with me. Don't make excuses."

Wu Xingyun felt that people should not be so shameless, but he still kept calm and stated the facts to him: "You know why the orbit of the meteorite flow deviated this time, although they all think you did it on purpose, but I think this may be a misunderstanding. I didn't speculate you with the greatest malice, and I hope you don't speculate me so maliciously. "

Ye Suikong was obviously stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the other party would know the whole story of the meteorite incident, and this seemingly ordinary soldier, after knowing the whole story, was neither complacent nor fearful .

Ye Suikong felt that he should look at this person with admiration. After a while, he adopted a slightly equal attitude and said, "You have seen it all? Can you understand it?"

Wu Xingyun nodded and said, "Well, but I believe you didn't do it on purpose, because I saw your expression at the time, that kind of concentration and seriousness is different from deliberately making trouble. And..." Wu Xingyun thought for a while, Say your own deduction: "Your strength is very strong, you can smash meteorites without any protection in the meteorite flow, I think if you really want to destroy this marriage, you don't need to spend so much effort , you alone can annihilate our entire army. This is why I believe you have no malicious intentions."

Ye Suikong didn't speak, he thought that the guy in front of him was flattering himself and stepping down a step for himself.

However, the flattery did make Ye Suicong very comfortable, especially since this kind of words came from the honest and honest fiancé in front of him.

So Ye Suikong smiled, and his tone was much gentler: "Since you believe me, then this is a good start, let's talk about the wedding, what do you want?"

Wu Xingyun felt that he had made great progress in his negotiations, so he immediately said: "Okay, I heard that you plan not to hold a grand ceremony, but just meet your mother and then bridal chamber?"

Ye Suikong said casually: "Yes, this is our custom. The ceremony is not important, the bridal chamber is the most exciting part of the wedding, don't worry, I will satisfy you, after all we want to get along for a long time, right?" After saying this, Ye Suikong looked Wu Xingyun up and down with his gaze. The eyes were presumptuous, which made Wu Xingyun very uncomfortable.

But Wu Xingyun held back, he took out the list of wedding details prepared in advance, and said: "This is absolutely not possible, our wedding represents the friendship between the two parties, so it must be held according to the following ceremony, first, it must be broadcast throughout the galaxy , there are officiant, witnesses, and matchmakers, all of which are indispensable; then you have to choose ten o'clock in the morning, find a godfather, read the marriage vows to each other, and announce the credentials of friendship between the two parties; the third part is to hold a banquet , Invite my send-off team, they have worked hard for a long time, they need to get a short-term relaxation, and they are also witnesses of the wedding; the fourth, that is, the matter about the bridal chamber, I think our relationship is not close enough, so it should be cancelled. This step…”

Wu Xingyun read one by one, and Ye Suikong gradually showed an expression of impatience. When he heard that the bridal chamber was cancelled, he grabbed the paper in Wu Xingyun's hand, glanced at it randomly, and slapped it on the table. , said: "There are too many demands. You have so many demands on me, and I only have one for you. If you can do it, I will fulfill your demands!"

Wu Xingyun felt that Ye Suikong was not too difficult to negotiate, so he tried his best to show a polite and friendly smile, and said, "What do you want?"

Ye Suikong looked at Wu Xingyun's dark skin with shining eyes and felt uncomfortable. Especially when the other party heard that it was possible to cancel the bridal chamber, the uncontrollable smile, the grinning mouth was so happy, the teeth were gleaming!

There was an evil fire in Ye Suikong's heart, and he couldn't suppress it. He really wanted to go up and grab Wu Xingyun and give him a word. Is it so happy to cancel the bridal chamber

Ye Suikong snorted and said, "My request is very simple. Don't you want to cancel the bridal chamber? But our marriage represents the peace and friendship between the two parties. How can we not express it? Well, since the entire galaxy will broadcast our marriage In order to express the eternal peace between the two parties, and to express the sincerity of the Federation, you should kiss me in front of everyone. Ten minutes, tongue kiss, close-up camera, the expression on the face should be intoxicated and intoxicated, if If you kiss me unsatisfied, the whole galaxy will broadcast the bridal chamber live. If the bridal chamber is no longer satisfactory, then you can add a few more poses, or if you are too stupid to do this well, then you can only tear up the contract... "

Wu Xingyun rose, stood up with a snap, and said, "Don't go too far, I'm here to make a wedding on behalf of the Federation! I'm not here to make a third-class movie!"

Ye Suikong smiled, and looked Wu Xingyun up and down: "Third-level movie? Do you have the capital? Soldier, this is your task. If you don't want to, then you can face it in public at the wedding." I knelt down to propose, begged me to marry you, and vowed to love only me for the rest of my life, and pledged my obedience and loyalty to me on behalf of the Federation... "

Wu Xingyun instinctively touched his waist. If he had a gun in his hand now, he would definitely shoot Ye Suikong!

Wu Xingyun glared at Ye Suikong, while Ye Suikong looked at Wu Xingyun casually, with a lazy smile on his face, as if he appreciated the angry and humiliated expressions of the soldiers in front of him.

Wu Xingyun kept taking deep breaths, and he said to himself: Ye Suikong did it on purpose, he must be deliberately finding fault, deliberately provoking me, so that he can tear up the contract, and put all the responsibility on me, so that I can't complete the task .

So at this moment, Wu Xingyun remembered the psychologist's teaching that he must not lose in momentum, so he stared back at Ye Suikong.

Ye Suikong looked at Wu Xingyun for a while, the smile on his mouth slowly disappeared, and his tone became indifferent and cold: "Soldier, this is just a political marriage. I am strong and the Federation is weak, so you are also weak. You Do you understand? Why are you negotiating terms with me?! Because of your pretty looks, you still serve people on the bed?"

Wu Xingyun's lungs were about to explode, he didn't know how to refute Ye Suikong, let alone think of words to scold him.

He only knew that the other party's behavior was nakedly insulting himself and the Federation he represented.

He only knew that as a soldier, he was born for fighting and honor, not to be insulted by the enemy.

I would rather die with glory than live in humiliation.

Wu Xingyun's voice was full of anger, almost roaring: "Yes! You are right. Our marriage is a political marriage. I am here on behalf of the Federation. The Federation cannot defeat you! But I want to tell you! All people are born equal, The Federation and your night demon army are also equal! You can insult me, but you cannot insult my country! These conditions, I will not back down even a single step, if you can accept, we will continue to marry and maintain peace. If you cannot accept , I am also ready to fight you to the death on the battlefield!"

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's up to you? In my eyes, I'm just an ant."

"Ants also have dignity!" Wu Xingyun said loudly: "Although the soldiers of the Federation are weak, they will never be cowardly deserters. We are always ready to fight you! We hope for peace, but we are not afraid of war. .If you must fight, then I will fight to the end, each of us will fight to the end!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Xingyun stood up and wanted to get out of the tent.

However, he only took two steps, but Ye Suicong grabbed his arm.

Wu Xingyun immediately stopped his footsteps, not because he didn't want to get rid of Ye Suikong, but because he knew very well that the opponent's strength and strength were terrifying. I can't struggle at this time, because it is futile and will expose my weakness and powerlessness.

Wu Xingyun turned his head and looked at Ye Suikong with a stubborn look.

Ye Suikong also looked at Wu Xingyun, neither of them spoke, but it could be seen that neither of them intended to retreat.

The two just looked at each other like this, and after an unknown amount of time, Ye Suicong suddenly possessed himself slightly, put his lips close to Wu Xingyun's ear, and said in a very low voice: "Soldier, I know you really want to talk about peace. Break up, so you don't have to marry me, but you can marry your sweetheart?"

Wu Xingyun said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Marrying you is my task, don't worry, if you cooperate, I will definitely work hard to complete the task."

Ye Suikong let out a laugh, and spit out all his breath on Wu Xingyun's ears and neck, which made Wu Xingyun feel itchy. From the root of his neck to the tip of his ears, he was completely red, like a prawn stewed in oil. Ye Suikong wanted to take a bite of it, but he immediately thought of something very unpleasant.

With a hint of sarcasm and questioning, Ye Suikong said, "Complete the task? Let me ask you, what is the relationship between Wennuo and you? As a person who is going to marry the demon king, but you call someone else's name when you are unconscious, you are Did you complete the mission with this attitude?"

Wu Xingyun was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding what Ye Suikong meant.

But Ye Suikong had already let him go, with a serious expression and a murderous look in his voice: "Remember, there is no room for half a grain of sand in my eyes! So, don't blame me for being excessive and heartless, unless you If you can prove to me that after you marry me, you are only loyal to me, otherwise, I dare not want this kind of male wife who may give her husband a cuckold at any time, even if the peace talks break down and the war starts again, I dare not want it!"