Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 14: Provocation (below)


Ouyang showed a mocking look: "People like you... do you know what it means to be a gentleman who knows current affairs? The Federation doesn't count as a fart here."

Wu Xingyun looked at Lu Hai, the head of the guard beside him with some doubts, and Lu Hai quietly shook his head at him.

Wu Xingyun was a little more determined. He said: "We are soldiers of the Federation, and we only obey the orders of the Federation. If there is no order from the President, I will not be able to leave my post. Finally, Captain, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Everything you say now, I will record and report."

Ouyang Liu snorted, took a step forward, put his hands on the temporary table, looked down at Wu Xingyun, and said mockingly: "Don't talk about the federation, shut up about the federation! Now we are in the territory of Lord Mozun, we have to listen to him Yes! He said what he said! He likes me, and the person who should marry him should also be me, so you don’t have to struggle to your death anymore.”

Wu Xingyun remained silent, and he also felt that Ye Suicong liked Ouyang Liu, and it would be too stupid to insist on marrying Ye Suicong by himself. But... this is the task of soldiers.

His voice was a little lower, but he still insisted stubbornly: "Without a transfer order, I will not leave my post."

Ouyang Liu snorted, pointed at Wu Xingyun and yelled loudly: "You don't need to scare me with orders from the President of the Federation! I know your little thoughts, don't you just want to steal from me? You don't want to see for yourself What kind of virtue do you have, let me tell you, yes, you are the one who married Lord Mozun in name, but in the future, his real lover will only be me. He will only be with me in the future. If you want , I won’t obstruct your marriage; if you can’t accept it, then it’s best to leave now!”

Wu Xingyun was silent for a while, he never expected that Ye Suikong and Ouyang Liu would collude.

It's normal for her political marriage to exist in name only, but... vaguely, Wu Xingyun still feels very depressed in the face of Ouyang Liu's blatant treason and provocation.

It turned out that it wasn't that he could go back, but that he still wanted to marry Ye Suikong, and he also had to tolerate his lover.

Even if Wu Xingyun has a good temper and a big heart, he can tolerate her husband's lover, but... a person like Ouyang Liu is really unbearable.

The task is indeed very difficult! !

Lu Hai, who had been by Wu Xingyun's side all the time without opening his mouth, finally couldn't help it at this moment, he sneaked into Wu Xingyun's ear, and whispered: "Master Chief, what are you... Is it in the corner?"

Wu Xingyun only felt tired for a while. He was a soldier in the first place, and he went to the battlefield to kill the enemy. This kind of nonsense of fighting with mistresses before getting married made him feel exhausted.

He shook his head wearily, and looked at Ouyang Liu: "I don't care about Ye Suikong's private life, whatever you like, but I insist on completing the tasks assigned to me by the Federation, so those of Ye Suikong I will not agree to any harsh conditions. As for you, you have left the team without permission, acted without permission, and seriously violated discipline. I will report to the superior and deal with it accordingly."

Ouyang Liu snorted, he crossed his legs, put his feet on the table, his toes dangling, and said to Wu Xingyun, "It's good that you know! I'm going to sleep here today, you two go out! I don't like sleeping I was disturbed when I was sleeping, the reason is very simple, if I don't sleep well, I will have dark circles, which will make Lord Mozun unhappy!"

Lu Hai couldn't bear it any longer. Just as he was about to get angry, Wu Xingyun pulled him back and said, "Let's go out and sleep. There's only one tent in the supplies... Forget it, I want to get some fresh air."

Lu Hai gave Ouyang Liu a hard look, and walked out with Wu Xingyun.

Although Wu Xingyun felt very tired, he still remembered the work content and regulations. All interrogation materials should be handed over to the psychologist for analysis at the first time, and then the psychologist would write an analysis report, combining the report and the original interrogation data Submit it to the top for archiving.

After Wu Xingyun handed over Ouyang Liu's three-month "love experience" recorded by himself to Ai Yide, a psychologist in the team, he found a quiet place by himself, looked at the stars in the sky, and slowly closed his eyes. eyeballed.

Really tired, today is the most tiring day since I was a child, not only have to deal with Ye Suikong, but also be depressed by Ouyang Liu.

Wu Xingyun began to miss Wen Nuo again. If Wen Nuo was here, everything would not be so bad. He has always been so calm and gentle, and he will definitely tell himself how to deal with it.

Wu Xingyun fell asleep in a daze on such a bad night. But he didn't expect that in the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by someone shaking him.

Wu Xingyun opened his eyes and saw the face of the psychologist Alan Ide.

"It's midnight, what's the matter?" Wu Xingyun was still in a daze.

Alan Yide nodded, pointed at the interrogation materials Yang Wu Xingyun gave him, and said in a low voice: "There is a problem! Based on this data, I think that Captain Ouyang Liu has probably committed treason, no... he has betrayed the Federation! "

Wu Xingyun was a little lacking in interest: "His traitorousness is written all over his face... But at his level, there is nothing to sell. You just need to report the analysis results. It's probably a punishment. I don't think he will." Will you care about the punishment... "

Alan Yide shook his head with a solemn expression: "No! Although he is only a captain, he worked in the staff department before; moreover, his father is Vice President Ouyang Feng. The problem this time is definitely more serious than you think, get up quickly , we have to discuss this matter, if we are late, we will be in trouble!"