Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 15: tricky


Wu Xingyun shivered all over, and got up straight away, the surroundings were dark under the night, only the cold wind was blowing, everyone had already fallen asleep, not even the sentinel.

Because at this point, there is no point in keeping watch.

Wu Xingyun lowered his body and said to Alan Ide: "Tell me, what's going on specifically? What do you think is wrong with him?"

Alan Ide scratched his head, flipped through the materials again, and said, "I don't know exactly what happened, but you know that in ancient psychology, there is a kind of judgment based on slips of the tongue. The way you want to move in your heart?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "I don't know..."

Alan Ide looked at Wu Xingyun like an idiot: "You slept in middle school?"

Wu Xingyun said: "The middle school teacher didn't talk about this, but only talked about professional personality and the history of psychology. I didn't study well, and I barely passed."

Alan Yide looked at Wu Xingyun even more idiotically.

He said after a while: "No wonder you can only be a non-commissioned officer... Forget it, let's not talk about this, in short, it is the conclusion of the research of a psychologist named Freud in the ancient history of psychology. About slips of the tongue and pen. It can spy on people's true inner thoughts."

As he spoke, Alan Eide pointed to a section of the record and said, "Here, I noticed that you are recording live, and here Ouyang Liu made three slips of the tongue. After my analysis, these are all for the top secrets of the Federation. And here, there is obviously a problem with his word association, and his mind is in an extremely abnormal delusional state;" Alan Ide pointed out the omissions in turn, and finally pointed out a mistake made by Wu Xingyun by the way , asked with some doubts: "This place, I read your records, and you wrote Ye Broken Sky as Night Starry Sky. You... It's weird? Does the starry sky represent something in your heart?"

Wu Xingyun waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter what it stands for. Do you think there is something wrong with Ouyang Liu? But we have no evidence now, and the actions we can take against him are limited. What can we do with him?"

Alan Ide pondered for a while, and then said: "If you agree, Master Chief, I will hypnotize him..."

Wu Xingyun was taken aback: "This doesn't comply with the regulations, right?"

Alan Ide looked at those records, then looked at Wu Xingyun, and took out a piece of paper from his arms. Nowadays, the documents of the Federation are rarely recorded on this kind of paper, and most of them are electronic materials, unless they need to be signed. Only needed when making major decisions.

Alan Yide pointed to the line of words on the paper, which read "Letter of Authorization of Hypnosis Captain Ouyang Liu". Alan Ide tapped on it with his finger and said, "So... you need to sign! Wait a while, and you need to record by the side."

Wu Xingyun looked at the ancient pencil that was stuffed into his hand, and he was stunned. Hypnosis is considered immoral in the Federation. Some extreme psychologists will also use some drugs to assist, which will give The hypnotized person will leave serious psychological consequences, so it is not allowed to use it except in special circumstances, and Wu Xingyun is not qualified to sign such a power of attorney at all.

In the current situation, if Wu Xingyun signed, he would have to bear the consequences in the future.

If Ouyang Liu didn't do anything substantive, Wu Xingyun would definitely not be able to get away with a punishment.

Wu Xingyun was a little embarrassed, he always just obeyed orders, but recently more and more things required him to make decisions, he was very uncomfortable. He looked around and it was clear that no one could help him.

Alan Ide made a fatal blow: "This is to maintain the safety of the Federation, Master Chief, shouldn't you sacrifice yourself? Even if you take responsibility for it, it will cause irreparable losses to the Federation than Ouyang Liu's real treason Be nice."

Then Wu Xingyun gritted his teeth and signed.

Alan Eide took the authorization letter happily, and said happily: "Great, the hypnotism I have studied for many days finally has a place to use for the first time!"

It's too late for Wu Xingyun to regret it now, he didn't wake up until now, Alan Yide doesn't care much about Ouyang Liu's treason or not, what he cares about is that he can experiment with hypnotism without responsibility.

But it's useless for Wu Xingyun to regret it, he signed everything, and now he can only bite the bullet.

Wu Xingyun brought all his guns with him. After thinking about it, in order not to make the atmosphere tense, he decided not to wear combat uniforms.

Then, he woke up Lu Hai, and entered the only tent on the platform where Ouyang Liu was with Alan Yide.

Ouyang Liu fell asleep in an extremely elegant posture in the tent.

Wu Xingyun walked over and woke Ouyang Liu up.

Ouyang Liu was still in a daze, and when he saw Wu Xingyun coming, he said very unhappy: "What are you doing, disturbing my sleep! Is this your attitude towards the chief?"

Wu Xingyun saluted Ouyang Liu, and said: "Report Captain, according to the review of our marriage team, we suspect that you are suspected of collaborating with the enemy and treason. The matter is urgent. We decided to hypnotize you for investigation. For the record. Hope you cooperate."

Ouyang Liu was filled with surprise and doubt, unbelievable: "What? What nonsense are you talking about! What treason, this is slander! Sergeant, you are slandering your boss! I can bear the interrogation during the day, but now you want to hypnotize me, why do you have it? You are just a small second-class non-commissioned officer, you..."

Wu Xingyun saluted again: "I'm sorry, I have a presidential warrant before departure, and I can decide everything temporarily. So, please cooperate and sign the authorization letter, so that our procedure can be legal."

Ouyang Liu yelled loudly: "The procedure is legal? Don't even think about it! Wu Xingyun, how dare you treat me like this..." Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a cold thing pressing against his head.

Ouyang Liu had been in the army for a long time, so he knew exactly what it was. It was an M123 pistol, a second-class non-commissioned officer's weapon.

Ouyang Liu squinted at Wu Xingyun, and saw that this little soldier with a childish face was holding a pistol in his hand, his eyes were firm and unquestionable.

Wu Xingyun said: "I hope you can sign and cooperate with our investigation."

Ouyang Liu was frightened all of a sudden. He originally wanted to say that this was illegal, and that it was forced by intimidation.

But he was even more afraid that Wu Xingyun would kill him with a single shot, so he took the pen that Lu Hai gave him with trembling hands, and signed his name on the authorization letter.

Only then did Wu Xingyun put away his gun, and started the regular procedure, turning on the recording machine, and began hypnosis.

Wu Xingyun looked at the authorization letter one by one, and said, "Captain Ouyang Liu, now I am representing the Federation to investigate your recent strange behavior and suspicion of treason. Are you willing to accept the investigation?"

Ouyang Liu was quite knowledgeable about current affairs, he was dejected: "I would like to..."

Wu Xingyun continued to read: "During the investigation, in order to ensure honesty, the psychologists of the investigation team will use hypnotism. Do you voluntarily?"

Ouyang Liu raised his head abruptly, and gave Wu Xingyun a hard look, but then froze again: "I voluntarily accept the investigation."

Wu Xingyun continued to read: "The entire investigation process will be recorded and sent back to the Federation as a trial record. If you have any doubts, you can plead in the military court at that time. Now, the investigation begins."

As witnesses, Wu Xingyun and Lu Hai stood behind Alan Ide, and Alan Ide started his latest hypnosis research experiment.

At the beginning, Ouyang Liu was still somewhat resistant to this, but he couldn't stand the high level of hypnosis by the psychologist. After three or five rounds, he lost all resistance and started talking about everything.

"Yes... I was rescued by Lord Mozun in the meteorite flow."

"He took me to the source planet and said he was willing to accept me, but I must have a gift of sufficient value."

"After thinking about it for three days, I decided that there was no need for the Federation to go back. I decided to betray the Federation and betray the Star Marshal to Master Mozun."

"I know that after ten days, the Interstellar Marshal will patrol the border. My father Ouyang Feng has his road map. I also know this road map. I dedicate the road map to Master Mozun. The Interstellar Marshal was ambushed halfway If he is dead, it would be the best; if he is not dead, it can also be used as an excuse to say that he is in collusion with the night demon army, so as to let him step down."

"And... a map of the Federation's military bases..."

"Also... the combat thinking mode of the A-level staff that I have access to..."

"Well... the Federation's resource supply point, I drew a picture for Lord Mozun."

"I also dedicated my own body to him..."

Wu Xingyun suddenly felt sick. He never wanted to see Ye Suikong again, but he didn't expect Ouyang Liu to mutter to himself with a gloomy expression: "However, Lord Mozun did not accept me for some reason...but it's just a matter of time." .”

"Of course I didn't tell him everything. There is still a big secret that Lord Mozun has always wanted, but I will not give it to him easily. Perhaps, on the day of the bridal chamber, if he satisfies me, I will consider telling him what I want the most. Things to know. This is my trump card!"

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of you, Master Mozun will definitely protect me. I don't need the Federation..."

At this time, Lu Hai whispered to Wu Xingyun quietly: "Master Chief, I'm becoming less and less optimistic about your married life."

Wu Xingyun's brows were twisted into a plain word, Alan Yide had finished his interrogation, and Ouyang Liu was still sleeping.

The psychologist, the captain of the guard, and Wu Xingyun began to discuss this incident.

Wu Xingyun first came to a conclusion: "This has already constituted the crime of treason and treason. We must send Ouyang Liu back to the Federation and send him to a military court."

Alan Eide agreed, while Lu Hai sighed: "Do you think Yeshakong will allow us to do this? We don't even have a spaceship now, Yeshakong doesn't allow it, we have no way to leave here, even It is impossible to contact the Federation!"

The three immediately fell silent.

Obviously, Ye Suikong would not allow them to take Ouyang Liu away, at least, Ouyang Liu was very useful to Ye Suikong. "And it can also be used to shoot cannons," Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart, feeling a little more disgusted with Ye Suikong.

Alan Ide thought for a long time, and said, "Maybe, we can negotiate with Ye Suikong? Exchange some things from him for Ouyang Liu."

Wu Xingyun asked back: "Compared with the federal secrets, do you think we have anything worth coveting for the night sky?"

The three of them shook their heads together. Everyone heard it just now. In Ouyang Liu's hands, there was a secret that Ye Suikong wanted to know the most. But Wu Xingyun and the others had nothing in their hands...

After Wu Xingyun rejected other people's opinions, he was also thinking about it himself. He found that it was a little difficult for him to concentrate, but he still came up with a way: "We can wait for the landing to re-establish the communication station, and send back the situation here and the trial data. Federation, wait for the order of the Federation, and then we will execute it!"

Alan Yide and Lu Hai looked at Wu Xingyun with idiot eyes: "Sergeant, don't forget that there is also Vice President Ouyang Feng. If you can't wait for the order of the Federation, even if you did, Ouyang Liu would have already waited for the order. Sell everything to Yeshakong. The interstellar marshal is already finished, and all the secrets of the Federation are also finished."

Lu Hai waved his hand: "Why do you think so much? Just kill him!"

"Do you want all the people here to spend the rest of their lives in prison?" Alan Eide asked back, "There is no order from the superior, and the murder of a superior officer during non-war periods. No matter what the reason, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment! It's easy to kill him, but when the night breaks the sky and troubles us, the federation will still imprison us, shall we become interstellar fugitives? Oh, or interstellar fugitives without spaceships, what a creative idea!"

Wu Xingyun covered his head in pain, he didn't know what to do, he just felt that everything here was very bad and complicated, and he missed the simple army life back then. He even regretted that he didn't practice shooting well at the beginning. If he had worked hard at the beginning, he would have been able to ambush Ye Suikong and kill him with one blow when he was serving as a ghost lock soldier, and he would not have such troubles now.

Sure enough, the old saying is still true-you don't work hard when you are young, and you always fight against the mistress.

Time passed just like that, the stars appeared in the sky again, the soldiers woke up, and Ouyang Liu also woke up, but his actions were temporarily placed under house arrest.

Wu Xingyun and his two think tanks couldn't think of any solution, so they had to ask the two smartest people here—physicists and astronomers—for help.

Physicist Jin Sen said: "This matter is very simple. We can throw this traitor into a black hole. Then declare him missing, and it will be fine!"

Wu Xingyun covered his head in pain and threw it into the black hole. They don't even have the ability to leave this platform now.

Astronomer Puth said: "Jinsen, your theory is wrong. It is only the theory of ancient scientists that you will disappear when you enter a black hole. According to the great cosine theory, after matter is absorbed by a black hole, it will be ejected by the white hole, and there is a certain probability that it will enter the black hole." Wormhole, so as to travel through time and space... Let me calculate, when and where will he reappear after being thrown into the black hole... Ah, the formula is a bit complicated, the computer is too small, and the calculator is not enough... "

As time passed, Wu Xingyun still didn't think of any suitable solution, but fortunately Ouyang Liu was relatively honest and didn't take any drastic actions.

However, time continued to go backwards, and a small aircraft appeared in the distance.

When the time agreed by Ye Suikong comes, he will come again, ask Wu Xingyun how he is thinking, and take Ouyang Liu away.

The roar of the small aircraft came faintly, and Wu Xingyun felt a little bit overwhelmed, but Ouyang Liu shot out from the tent all of a sudden, like a cannonball, which couldn't be stopped.

He ran to the edge of the platform and waved towards the aircraft.

Then the aircraft slowly landed on the platform, and as soon as Ye Suikong's shadow got out of the aircraft, Ouyang Liu ran up, lying on Ye Suikong's ear and said a few words.

Wu Xingyun also figured it out with his toes, what Ouyang Liu had said to Ye Suicong. It was nothing more than how I treated him yesterday, and how I learned the details of Ouyang Liu's rebellion.

Ye Suikong's performance was somewhat beyond Wu Xingyun's expectation. He was not as furious as Wu Xingyun thought, he just smiled casually, and then came to Wu Xingyun and asked meaningfully: "Soldier, can I What do you think about the conditions I told you yesterday?"

Wu Xingyun stared at Ouyang Liu who was closely following Ye Suikong, Ouyang Liu said with a proud face, "Master Mozun, this guy doesn't know how to flatter him at all, just kill him, he's not worth your trouble He's wasting his time."

Ye Suikong gave Ouyang Liu a cold look, this look was extremely cold, and there was a hint of disgust in it that couldn't be concealed.

It made Ouyang Liu feel a chill all over, and he didn't dare to say another word.

Wu Xingyun also saw this look, he didn't feel much, but he still regretted that he was young and didn't work hard.

Ye Suikong didn't say much, walked into the tent with big strides, and sat down at the same position as yesterday. Ouyang Liu also wanted to follow in, but was told: "You wait for me outside."

Wu Xingyun was a little nervous. He knew that Ye Suikong had a tough battle to fight today, not only because of the negotiation about the marriage and wedding, but also about Ouyang Liu.

Wu Xingyun took a deep breath, imagined his usual hard training for a while, touched the gun on his waist, adjusted his mentality, and then walked into the tent.

Ye Suikong looked at him leisurely, propped his chin with his fingertips, and asked meaningfully: "How are you thinking? My conditions are not too harsh, and besides, they are all things that should be done between husband and wife... "

Wu Xingyun's face turned purple. He had an idea. Although he knew it was almost impossible, it was the only chance he had to fight for.

He tried his best to put on a negotiating posture, with a calm voice pretending not to care: "I also have a condition, an additional condition! Otherwise, only the peace talks will break down. You know, our wedding has not been held for a long time, and the Federation will not be at all No doubt. If it is not held again, the Federation will only enter a state of preparation for war, and you will not get anything."

Ye Suikong's mouth curled into a smile: "What are your additional conditions?"

"Ouyang Liu belongs to me!" Wu Xingkong took a deep breath, "You must not provide him with any shelter! Don't ask me why, you know why!"

Ye Suikong laughed, his eyes bent into the shape of a crescent moon: "Of course I know why, this condition is not too much, have to bridal with me on the wedding day, can't find it." The groom in the bridal chamber can only protect Ouyang Liu, a guy who gives you headaches!"

Wu Xingyun lowered his head slightly. His heart was very complicated, and the fight was fierce. He still hadn't forgotten the terrifying bridal chamber content taught by the female biologist.

But...Compared with successfully catching traitors and sending them back to the Federation, compared with protecting the secrets of the Federation, he felt that everything could be sacrificed. Soldiers were sacrificed as cannon fodder. Wu Xingyun still has awareness in this regard.

Wu Xingyun cheered himself up in his heart, then raised his head slightly, staring at Ye Suikong: "Okay, I agree!"