Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 17: wedding


After a difficult negotiation and a long journey, the long-awaited day finally arrived for the Federation and the Daredevil Army.

The wedding was postponed for two months and encountered a series of accidents in the middle, but on this day, it was still held as scheduled.

Wu Xingyun didn't sleep well last night. He spent the whole night looking at the wedding details sent by Liu Meng. When he saw that the entire galaxy would be broadcast, he even happily came to the mechanic , Tell him that there is communication equipment on the source star, which can communicate with the Federation.

But when he hadn't finished his sentence, he realized that this kind of communication obviously had no confidentiality, and it was useless except for publishing news.

Wu Xingyun fell asleep with these wedding detail books on his pillow, and was woken up by the alarm clock after less than an hour of sleep. It was already morning, and he had to start preparing.

Wu Xingyun originally brought the groom's dress, but lost it on the way, so he could only wear the combat uniform to attend the wedding.

Wu Xingyun looked at himself in the mirror while putting on his clothes. He still had dark skin and an unremarkable face. The gray uniform made his skin even darker. After he put on his inner clothes, he began to put on the outer armor made of alloy. The silver-gray armor was devoid of any emotion. He saw a cold soldier in the mirror.

Wu Xingyun felt that his appearance was different from what he remembered, so he grinned towards the mirror, trying to show a bright smile. But it's a pity that the smile looked so fake that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Wu Xingyun took a deep breath, put the helmet on slowly, and pressed the button.

The helmet and the entire armor are perfectly integrated together, a light blue energy halo flows in it, and what is reflected on the mirror is a soldier who can't see his face, holds a gun in his hand, and is ready to fight at any time.

After Wu Xingyun carefully disassembled and reassembled his gun again, he felt at ease. He saluted in the mirror, then turned and walked out of the room.

Outside the room, the send-off team had already been neatly equipped in the central open space, all wearing federal combat uniforms. They also made five federal flags in the past three days. At this moment, the five flags were lined up. Under the operation of the system, hunting against the wind.

In the dowry team led by Wu Xingyun, two workers and one farmer were left to maintain the basic operation of the base, and all the rest had to attend the wedding.

The two scientists were very reluctant to participate in such boring activities, and they expressed their willingness to stay and guard Ouyang Liu.

Although this kind of guarding is completely unnecessary, and the two guards and prisoners will definitely neglect their duties. Wu Xingyun left three more soldiers to guard the prisoners' take-out defense base.

After everything was ready, the gigantic machinery built overnight, dragging Wu Xingyun's already small dowry, walked towards the gate of the base in a mighty manner.

Wu Xingyun walked at the forefront of the team, carrying a federal flag. His attire was exactly the same as that of the soldiers behind him in the sending-off team, all of which had cold helmets and steel armor.

Outside the gate of the base, Liu Meng had been waiting outside for a long time. He was still alone, but today he was wearing a black suit, completely different from his usual attire. He had a pink rose pinned to his chest. The words "best man" are written on the strip of cloth.

Wu Xingyun led his team, followed Liu Meng, and marched mightily on the vast grassland.

With the help of machinery, the marching team was very fast, and they crossed this vast grassland in less than ten minutes.

There is a crater mountain in front of it. Looking through this mountain, it is the place where Ye Suikong lives.

During the past three days, Wu Xingyun also guessed what the place where Ye Suikong lived was like. People are more or less curious about unknown things.

However, when Wu Xingyun and his team climbed up the crater and looked behind the mountain, they were still shocked.

On the other side of the mountain is a city that can't be seen at a glance.

The city's buildings are completely different from the half-ground buildings of the Federation. They are the cardboard box buildings that Wu Xingyun only saw in old pictures.

High-rise buildings, smooth streets, a wide river flows through the city, dividing the city into two halves.

In the sky, small aircraft are flying around. They sprinkle rose-red petals all over the city. Some antique-like cars are parked on the side of the street. There are also some shops on both sides of the street, and the shops are neatly arranged.

This is exactly the same as the picture Wu Xingyun saw in the history book.

But unlike those pictures, there are no people on the street.

There was no one there, and the shops and shopping centers that should have been crowded with people were all empty. The trees on the streets grew extremely prosperous, and some branches even hung down to the ground.

The whole city was completely dressed up, every tree was tied with a red ribbon, but no one was watching.

This is a deserted city that cannot be more deserted. Although it is very clean and tidy, it cannot conceal the emptiness in it.

On the top of a tall building in the city, a man in black was sitting astride the protruding railing, his face was not clear, but Wu Xingyun easily recognized that it was Ye Suikong .

He really didn't expect that the place where Ye Suikong lived was such an old-fashioned city.

What he didn't even expect was that such a deserted city could still maintain its cleanliness.

Liu Meng explained from the side: "We have more than a hundred mutants in the world, all of whom live here. Although Ye wanted to make this wedding more lively, he could only clean one side of the place, and couldn't find any more. people."

Wu Xingyun didn't say much, he still carried his own flag, and began to use the booster system of his combat uniform to jump down from the top of the crater.

The small aircraft in the sky flew over immediately, all the loudspeakers in the city were turned on, and the wedding march was broadcast from the loudspeakers.

This kind of deserted situation made Wu Xingyun feel weird for a while. It wasn't until those small aircrafts flew close that he realized that they were all unmanned. Liu Meng pointed to a building on the side of the road and said to Wu Xingyun: " Please rest here for a while, Ye will come over soon and greet you personally. After Ye learned that your groom's dress was lost, she prepared this dress by herself, I hope you like it."

Wu Xingyun took the dress that Liu Meng handed over, temporarily put it aside and ignored it.

He and his team first occupied this building and controlled the high grounds everywhere before entering the room. In a room with a huge full-length mirror, Wu Xingyun changed into the Sina dress that Ye Suikong had prepared for him.

It was a set of olive green uniform, which looked a little weird, with epaulets on the shoulders, and the pattern on the epaulettes matched Wu Xingyun's military rank. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he changed into a light green shirt and an olive green coat.

As for the underwear in this dress, it was useless for Wu Xingyun to discard it.

A group of people waited here not too long before they heard movement outside the door.

It was some noisy voices, Wu Xingyun did not know until it was Ye Suiekong's request, and held the wedding according to his custom.

Ye Suikong will first accept a series of inspections outside the gate, and the soldiers guarding the gate will let him in after giving enough red envelopes. Wu Xingyun didn't like this set of customs, but... the agreement came about through compromise between the two parties.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while, and finally heard Ye Suikong's voice outside the door: "I guess my groom is inside."

Then, there was the sound of the door being pulled open, and Ye Suicong and a group of people appeared at the door of the room.

Wu Xingyun sat on the bed according to the other party's request, but he did not comply with the other party's request not to wear shoes.

Because according to the previous agreement between the two parties, he had to hide the shoes somewhere, and Ye Suikong had to search everywhere, and after finding them, he would put them on himself, and then carried him all the way back.

Wu Xingyun didn't want to see himself being carried away in public, especially when there would be a live broadcast.

Wu Xingyun raised his head slightly, and saw a mutated person outside the door carrying a camera, and countless people in their hands, pressing the shutter quickly, and the sound of snapping was everywhere.

Wu Xingyun stood up, walked in front of Ye Suikong, and forced a smile: "The details have changed slightly, but I don't think this will affect the next thing."

Before that, Ye Suicong had been talking to the people around him, and was calling for someone to help him find the shoes that should have been hidden.

But when he saw Wu Xingyun standing up, he easily found that Wu Xingyun's shoes were well worn on his own feet.

Then, his eyes slowly moved upwards, calf, thigh, waist, chest, neck, and finally his eyes stopped on Wu Xingyun's face.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun saw Ye Suikong's expression very closely.

The indifferent and lazy smile on Ye Suikong's face is still there, but his eyes have changed.

His gaze was fixed on Wu Xingyun's face for an instant, and different emotions gradually appeared in the depths of his black eyes.

That look made Wu Xingyun feel very strange, because Ye Suikong's smile was completely frozen on his face, but his eyes became extremely complicated, with obvious obsession, admiration, and hidden pain.

Wu Xingyun looked around to make sure there was no one else around. When he looked back at Ye Suikong again, the smile on the other party's face disappeared, and the strange look in his eyes also disappeared, leaving only the emotionless coldness. Ye Suikong's icy eyes stayed on Wu Xingyun's face, and after a while he said in a voice that was so calm that it was almost scary: "It won't affect it."

After finishing speaking, he turned slightly sideways: "I'm here to pick you up for the wedding. I hope this wedding will not disappoint."

When a group of people went downstairs, there were already more than a hundred old-fashioned cars parked downstairs. The first car was covered in white with a rose wreath on the front. Ye Suikong opened the door, stood on the side, and said to Wu Xingyun :"boarding."

After Wu Xingyun got into the car, Ye Suikong also got into the car immediately and sat beside Wu Xingyun.

The car started, and the convoy followed behind. Wu Xingyun's dowry team and dowry team were all sitting in the car. The convoy was flying around the entire city. Wu Xingyun could see buildings retreating rapidly from the window of the car. and the scenery on both sides of the street.

Ye Suikong suddenly stretched out his hand in the car, wrapping his arms around Wu Xingyun's waist.

Wu Xingyun turned his head, and just when he was about to say, "There is no such item in the agreement between the two", Ye Suikong's slightly deep voice sounded: "Soldier, for you, today may be ordinary, but for me Let’s face it, today is a big day.”

Wu Xingyun swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Ye Suikong watched Wu Xingyun quietly in the car, and the music in the car was playing a song with a beautiful melody that he couldn't understand the lyrics.

Wu Xingyun was keenly aware that Ye Suikong's hand on his waist was shaking slightly.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, Wu Xingyun didn't know what to say, his protest seemed inappropriate at this time.

And Ye Suikong kept looking at Wu Xingyun. After a while, he said: "In my life, there will only be this one wedding. I know you don't want to, but I hope you are here today, on my happy day. Now, let's cooperate a little bit. I don't want to have trouble with you today..." When Ye Suikong said this, his hand on Wu Xingyun's waist tightened visibly.

Wu Xingyun said: "I will try my best to cooperate with you, have not followed the agreement now!"

Ye Suikong laughed and withdrew his hand. He didn't speak any more, but turned his head slightly, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

The music in the car was still playing, it was a love song, and the lyrics were a bit explicit.

Fortunately, Wu Xingyun couldn't understand the content of the lyrics.

After circling the entire city, the convoy finally arrived in front of a huge building. The lawn was about the size of four football fields, and it was full of people. The situation is broadcast to the entire galaxy.

Tables, chairs and various foods were placed on the lawn. In the center of the lawn was a rostrum built, with the master of ceremonies requested by Wu Xingyun on it.

The flags of the Federation and the night demon army were mixed around the lawn. The teams brought by the mutants and Wu Xingyun were all seated under the guidance, and the rain of petals fell again. nebula.

Wu Xingyun shook hands with him.

Ye Suikong grabbed Wu Xingyun's hand and put it on his arm.

Before Wu Xingyun could speak, Ye Suikong said in a low voice, "You don't have to be so rigid about small details, haven't you put on your shoes and waited for me?"

Wu Xingyun remained silent, and the two of them, one in black and the other in an olive uniform, walked towards the rostrum through the red carpet passage in the middle of the lawn.

The salute was fired at this time, and the ribbon balloons flew towards the sky at the same time. This was Wu Xingyun's first wedding. He felt a little nervous for no reason. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

The two came to the rostrum and bowed to everyone. The master of ceremonies read out the agreement between the two parties. Wu Xingyun represented the Federation and Yeshakong represented the Night Demon Army. , it is kept by Ye Suikong.

Lu Hai kept the official credentials well.

The matter of the peace negotiation is now settled.

The members of the Federation who were watching the live broadcast from the galaxy, some heaved a long sigh of relief, some felt humiliated in their hearts, and Wu Xingyun's parents and three older brothers were also watching the live broadcast.

His family was pessimistic and disappointed before this, but now after seeing Ye Suikong's close-up video and the first exposure of Ye Suikong's living environment, Wu Xingyun's mother suddenly sighed: "Ye Suikong At any rate, it looks decent, so I should think of a better place."

The other four men from the Wu family smashed the TV angrily.

The live broadcast was interrupted.

But the ceremony was not over. After the two sides exchanged flags, credentials, and vowed never to betray, the master of ceremonies said something that Wu Xingyun hadn't expected at all, and it was something that was not in the agreement between the two parties.

"Next, I declare, groom, you can kiss your lover now!"

"I object!" Wu Xingyun said loudly immediately, he knew that everyone would watch this live broadcast. He absolutely didn't want this to happen.

Ye Suikong was obviously also a little surprised, but at this moment, he turned his head slightly and looked at Wu Xingyun: "Why do you object?"

Wu Xingyun said: "There is nothing in the agreement. Our wedding is over..."

"Is it over?" Ye Suicong interrupted Wu Xingyun, took a step forward, suddenly put his arms around Wu Xingyun's waist, and approached his face: "It's only just begun."

Wu Xingyun was inexplicably flustered, and he emphasized in a low voice: "What you said was just a private bridal chamber, not in public at all... um..."

Before he could finish his words, he was suddenly kissed hard.

Although Wu Xingyun is an excellent soldier who has been trained, in terms of individual combat, he has no advantage at all compared to mutants like Ye Suikong.

He could only grit his teeth hard and close his lips.

But fortunately, Ye Suikong didn't intend to go deep, he just stayed on Wu Xingyun's lips mechanically and coldly, after a while, he relaxed a little bit, and leaned closer to Wu Xingyun's ear: "I won't make things difficult for you, I also hope that you will not do anything to spoil the atmosphere."

Wu Xingyun glared at Ye Suikong angrily, but he could only stare angrily. Because he absolutely can't turn his face against Ye Suikong at this moment because of a kiss.

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't speak, but just looked at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun shifted his gaze to the side, he saw that the camera captured this close-up without losing the opportunity, and felt annoyed in his heart.

Ye Suikong smiled. He looked at Wu Xingyun's flushed face due to anger. The smile at the corner of his mouth froze, but his eyes gradually became different.

It was that kind of look again, that kind of infatuated, painful, even deep hatred and unwillingness.

Wu Xingyun recalled his own life, he had no intersection with Ye Suikong before getting married, and it was hard for him to forget the teaching of history class and the sacrifices of his comrades in arms. He felt that Ye Suikong's hand around his waist seemed to tighten a little more.

Wu Xingyun scolded in a low voice: "Let go of me, I will try my best to cooperate with you, so don't go too far."

Before he could finish his sentence, Ye Suikong let out a low "um", and he let go of Wu Xingyun's tight grip, and Wu Xingyun immediately took a step back.

The wedding march was still playing, and the unmanned aerial camera flew down and stopped at a suitable angle from the two of them, ready to capture close-ups at any time.

Ye Suikong just looked at Wu Xingyun quietly, that kind of eyes made Wu Xingyun feel uneasy.

After a while, Ye Suicong bent slightly, and he lowered his body to a position lower than Wu Xingyun, then stretched out his neck, and kissed Wu Xingyun's lips.

"Don't back off... I won't go too far..." Ye Suikong's voice was so low that only Wu Xingyun could hear it.

Wu Xingyun didn't move, he waited quietly at the spot, at this moment, he suddenly had a feeling that Ye Suikong's kiss didn't seem to be a demonstration, let alone an insult, but a pure expression of love.

Ye Suikong has always been very disciplined, only keeping his lips touching. After providing the camera with a lot of close-up shots, he left Wu Xingyun's lips.

Wu Xingyun's complexion was very ugly, he really wanted to have a fit, but he couldn't do it at this time.

The successful completion of the marriage is the most important task.

Wu Xingyun could only numb himself constantly in his heart, but he didn't expect that Ye Suikong suddenly knelt down on one knee at this moment, took out a small box in his arms, opened it with a bang, and inside was an old-fashioned diamond ring .

Ye Suikong took out the ring and handed it to Wu Xingyun: "Wu Xingyun, will you marry me?"