Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 18: premeditated


Ye Suikong took out the ring, pinched the ring with his thumb and forefinger, and brought it in front of Wu Xingyun: "Will you marry me?"

Wu Xingyun was completely dumbfounded this time, of course he didn't want to marry the person in front of him, and kneeling down to propose in public was something that was not included in the agreement. But his inner thoughts cannot be expressed in front of so many cameras.

It was Wu Xingyun's mission to marry Ye Suicong. A soldier could dislike his mission or complain in private. However, it is not possible to publicize dissatisfaction with this task in public. Because this kind of behavior means disturbing the morale of the army, which is absolutely not allowed by military regulations.

Wu Xingyun looked around, and there was no one around who could help him, and he didn't know how to properly handle this matter, so as not to affect the relationship between the two parties, and...don't be too duplicity.

Wu Xingyun looked at Ye Suicong who was kneeling in front of him again, and there was a look of hope and pleading in his eyes, but as time passed, this look gradually turned into despair, and then into a lazy smile.

Wu Xingyun turned his eyes away and stopped looking at him. But I felt a strange feeling in my heart: when I killed him with a single shot, I didn't hesitate and didn't have the slightest timidity. But now, she dared not look directly into his eyes.

Wu Xingyun cast his eyes at random places, and then said: "The wedding has already been held, am I... already married to you? Is there anything else I would like or not?"

Ye Suikong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and put the ring in his arms: "Yes, you are right."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, walked to Wu Xingyun's side, and put his arms around his shoulders: "I am very happy to have such a husband and wife. He will be my only spouse. His existence represents the relationship between our two sides. Peace, as long as he exists, I will not take the initiative to declare war on the Federation, and may peace last forever."

Ye Suikong took the wine glass handed over by the master of ceremonies and drank it down in one gulp.

At the same time, on the other side of the distant galaxy, a young major wearing a gray military uniform, watching the picture on the screen, his hands were tightly squeezed together, feeling a burst of suffocation.

In the end, Wen Nuo couldn't hold it back. After watching the live broadcast, he found that the content of the live broadcast had no effect except to make him feel more heartbroken.

His gaze stayed on Wu Xingyun's face all the time. When he saw the soldier he brought out with one hand and took good care of him, being kissed but unable to resist, Wen Nuo punched himself on the table.

The ashtray on the table jumped up and down, and Wen Nuo could no longer watch the live broadcast representing peace between the two sides.

"Peace? Fuck the peace!" Wen Nuo growled in a low voice, and then collapsed into the chair.

He covered his head with his hands, his fingers were deeply inserted into his hair, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

He hated Yeshakong's war, hated the Federation's appeasement policy, and hated his own incompetence even more.

After a while, he suddenly reached out and turned off the screen, then took out a stack of white paper, unscrewed the pen, and wrote a line of title on the white paper: "Night Demon Army's Combat Weaknesses and Discussion on Countermeasures".

Wen Nuo turned off the screen of the live broadcast of the wedding, but the wedding was still going on.

The previous episode of marriage proposal was completely over, and things started to get back on track again, Wu Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

The feast continued, and Ye Suikong gave Wu Xingyun a spaceship in public, and it was also the only spaceship on the entire planet that could have the function of dimension jumping. Early tomorrow morning, all the send-off teams can leave with this spaceship and return home.

And Wu Xingyun's dowry was also counted out in public, and both parties tacitly did not say anything about the loss during the voyage.

The dowry was publicly handed over to the dowry psychologist Alan Eide for safekeeping. Wu Xingyun announced on behalf of the Federation that Ye Shattering Sky had the right to use these materials, but did not own them.

After all the lengthy ceremonies were over, it was time to celebrate with a feast. Ye Suicong and Wu Xingyun stepped down from the rostrum and toasted everyone. It is said that this is also the rule of Ye Suicong's hometown.

Wu Xingyun usually never drank alcohol, so he was a little dizzy after only serving four or five tables at this time, but there were obviously more than a dozen tables left.

He walked a little crookedly, and the two dowry soldiers were about to step forward to help him, but a strong hand immediately wrapped around Wu Xingyun's waist.

Ye Suikong's voice also sounded in a low voice: "Persist for a while, and the camera will be removed. When the live broadcast is over, I will send you back to your room to rest."

An unmanned flying camera took the opportunity to fly down and took a picture of the two hugging their waists and whispering.

Although Ye Suikong had requested Wu Xingyun not to use water instead of wine in the original agreement, but at this time he secretly asked someone to get boiled water for Wu Xingyun to use as wine.

Wu Xingyun was almost drunk, he couldn't taste the difference, just remember not to make a fool of yourself, and keep your steps steady.

Finally, under Ye Suikong's half-embracing and half-supporting, he walked the entire arena.

The banquet was still going on, but Wu Xingyun was no longer fit to continue participating.

Ye Suikong greeted Bi Jin, a mutant who presided over the wedding order, saying that he would leave for a while and would return soon, then he half-embraced Wu Xingyun and walked towards the new house.

The new house is not far from the banquet site, but the environment is very quiet. After leaving the banquet site and turning a corner, you will arrive at a deserted path.

At the end of the path about 100 meters long is Ye Suikong's residence, a small three-story building.

When everyone was out of sight, Ye Suikong suddenly reached out and hugged Wu Xingyun horizontally.

Wu Xingyun only felt a splitting headache and didn't want to struggle anymore. This action will not be seen by anyone, let alone live broadcast across the galaxy. On a quiet path, there is only a tall man in black holding a soldier in a light green shirt with no expression on his face.

Xiao Bing's eyes were half-closed and half-opened, his body smelled of alcohol, his dark face was flushed, but his lips were slightly pouted.

Ye Suikong lowered his head slightly, looked at the person in his arms, and said in a very low voice, "I know you have been persecuted by me today, and I know that you are not happy at all."

When he said this, Ye Suikong's voice suddenly became erratic, he raised his head slightly, and looked at the new house in front of him: "But I can guarantee that you will have a very...happy evening."

Wu Xingyun muttered: "The bridal chamber won't make people happy..."

Ye Suikong smiled, but did not answer this sentence. He just continued to hug Wu Xingyun and walked towards the new house.

When he walked to the door, two big Chinese characters of "囍" were hung in the yard of the small building; when he passed the living room, he could see that the photos he had just snapped had already been hung in the living room.

He walked through the corridor, and the light in the corridor suddenly became dark, and dust flew in the light beam.

In the end, Ye Suikong went upstairs and placed Wu Xingyun on the spacious bed covered with red sheets.

Wu Xingyun tried his best to stay vigilant, but he also knew in his heart that the live broadcast was over and his task for today was completed.

His tense spirit was completely relaxed, and his senses became numb with the alcohol, and he felt even more tired, and he didn't want to stand up at all.

Ye Suikong reached out to help Wu Xingyun take off his shoes, and then reached out to untie Wu Xingyun's belt.

Wu Xingyun held down his belt, and the alcohol hit him again, but he held it even tighter.

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows: "Didn't it be agreed, today's bridal chamber?"

Wu Xingyun nodded, shook his head quickly, and then nodded again. His eyes were a little confused, but he still stated his position: "I have complied with the most important part of the agreement, and I hope you will not violate it."

Ye Suikong smiled slightly, his voice was unusually low: "Okay. I have never regretted what I said."

Wu Xingyun slowly let go of his grip on his trouser belt, closed his eyes slightly, and hypnotized himself in his mind: Soon, he will be punished for two thousand sit-ups... Fortunately, he drank alcohol today, so he might not be able to wait a while. would be too painful.

With a rustling sound, Wu Xingyun felt his belt being loosened by Ye Suikong, the shirt tied around his waist was pulled out, buttons were unbuttoned one by one, and then taken off.

Wu Xingyun's palms began to sweat. He felt that he was sober from the wine, but he understood better that he had better not resist at this time, and he couldn't resist at all.

Ye Suikong's slender and white hands unbuttoned Wu Xingyun's uniform pants. Wu Xingyun felt that at this moment, the cold metal buckle of the belt slipped over his skin, giving him a feeling of icy cold.

Then, Wu Xingyun felt that his pants were also taken off.

He couldn't help trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on taking the takeaway to hypnotize himself: Hold on, the female biologist is scaremongering... Ye Suikong is impotence and premature ejaculation... It won't be too painful, and he was definitely not punished to run away. Ten kilometers off-road is painful.

But some things in the imagination didn't happen, a soft and comfortable quilt covered Wu Xingyun's body.

Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, looking at the man in front of him with some surprise.

The man in front of him was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his whole body was in perfect order.

"No... a bridal chamber?" Wu Xingyun was a little puzzled, and even more delighted.

A melancholy expression appeared on Ye Suicong's face: "It will be more comfortable to take off your clothes and pants to rest. As for the bridal chamber..." The man's voice became erratic again, "Tonight is still a long time, and there is plenty of time."

Wu Xingyun couldn't be happy again, but it seemed that there was no danger for the time being, and his spirit was completely relaxed now.

Ye Suikong sat by the bed, poured him a glass of water, and put it on the bedside: "I have to go to the wedding banquet. Those people are my old friends, so I can't be too cold. You should also take this opportunity to have a rest. In the evening, there will be The spirit is good. If you are thirsty, you can drink the water I give you, and if you are afraid that I will murder you, you can also boil the water yourself."

Wu Xingyun looked at Ye Suikong under the quilt, wondering if there was any conspiracy in his doing so.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Ye Suicong didn't need to take off his pants and fart, it was unnecessary.

This is Ye Suikong's territory, he has absolute advantages and strength, what he wants to do, he basically can't stop him, whether he is drunk or awake.

Wu Xingyun used his own brain to reason for a long time, and came to a conclusion that everything was safe, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ye Suikong sat on Wu Xingyun's bedside for a long time, staring blankly at him.

Under the big red quilt is a dark soldier who is immersed in a dream. Xiao Bing still has a childish face, and his short and thick hair looks a little clumsy.

Ye Suikong suddenly sighed in a low voice: "Unfortunately, what happened tonight will only make you will, ecstatically..."

Wu Xingyun had already fallen into sleep, and could not hear what Ye Suicong said at all. He just waved his hand in the air twice unconsciously, driving away Ye Suicong's words like mosquitoes.