Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 2: Pre-Marriage Training (Part 1)


Seeing Wu Xingyun's statement, General Hong nodded with satisfaction, and said, "The bounden duty of our soldiers is to obey orders. It's good that you have such an awareness. In order to help you get into the state as soon as possible, from now on, you don't have to do anything else." Training. I will leave someone behind to help you better understand the enemy's situation and state, and lay a good foundation for your future life and peace between the two sides."

Wu Xingyun stood at attention once again reflexively: "Yes!"

General Hong stood up and left the conference room. He patted Wu Xingyun on the shoulder helplessly and said, "You are a good soldier! The Federation is sorry for you..."

Wu Xingyun was at a loss as he watched General Hong leave.

The civilian officer who came with General Hong followed General Hong and left together, and the rest was the major who came with him.

Soon there were only Wu Xingyun and the major left in the meeting room.

The major is about twenty-five years old this year, with a handsome face and a height of 1.86 meters. The gray military uniform on his body is spotless and very neat.

Now, the major looked at Wu Xingyun with a very sad look.

In fact, ever since he got off the glider, his eyes have been glued to Wu Xingyun and never left.

At this time, the huge conference room was extremely quiet. On the black dome, there were dots of blue lights inlaid. Standing here, it was like being in the vast universe. The light blue lights were like stars all over the sky. . The major stood under the stars, the melancholy, reluctance, and hidden anger in his eyes, all kinds of emotions seemed to overflow his eyes.

The major is called Wen Nuo, Wu Xingyun's old company commander. Three months ago, because he submitted the latest military paper, he was noticed by the higher-ups. As a result, he was exceptionally promoted to major and dropped to the combat staff. This was the first time he came back after he was transferred away, but he didn't expect to perform a task that he didn't want to perform at all.

Wu Xingyun gave Wen Nuo a smile: "Company commander, why are you here?"

Wen Nuo forced a bitter smile: "Fool, I am the one who was arranged to stay and help you understand the enemy's status."

Wu Xingyun didn't notice Wen Nuo's depression at all, he grinned happily, his neat white teeth gleaming: "Really? That's great, I can be with the company commander again! Since the company Ever since you left, I've been missing you! I thought there was no chance to meet again, who knew we would be together again so soon!"

Wen Nuo felt bitter in his heart, and couldn't even smile. He said, "Don't call me that again, I'm not your company commander anymore."

Wu Xingyun stood at attention: "Yes!" A moment later he asked with some doubts: " should I address you, Chief?"

The major felt powerless for a while. He took out a cigarette from his purse, lit it and took a puff, before saying softly, "Call me by my name."

Wu Xingyun immediately obeyed the order: "Yes, Brother Wen!" Then he seemed to remember something, and said, "But, this doesn't seem to comply with the regulations. According to military regulations, I should call you by your military rank."

This sentence angered Major Wennuo, his face flushed red, he threw out the cigarette butt in his hand fiercely, and let out a deep growl from his chest: "Regulations? Damn regulations! What time is this, you Elm head, remember the rules! Which rule says that a good soldier can be sent to the enemy? And which rule says that the soldier's mission also includes marriage? Damn the rule, those bastards, write Those who make the rules don’t even know what the rules are, yet you follow them like this!”

Wen Nuo's rare anger surprised Wu Xingyun, he immediately stopped talking obediently, and quietly listened to Wen Nuo's cursing, but later, Wen Nuo's voice became hoarse and his tone became more and more frustrated .

"The most ridiculous thing is me, I can't change this, I want to do this kind of training for my proudest soldier myself! I want to send my favorite soldier to that kind of ghost place I am a useless person..." Wen Nuo's voice gradually sank, he squatted on the ground in pain, his slender hands covered his head, and he threw his military cap aside.

Seeing this, Wu Xingyun thought for a long time and finally came up with words to comfort the old superior: "Company commander, don't worry, I will study hard these days, and I won't embarrass you!"

Wen Nuo raised his head and saw the face of this young soldier, that face was full of fighting spirit, the black pupils were pure and transparent without any impurities, and his white teeth were exposed because of a smile, so cute and silly.

However, such a soldier, innocent, innocent, full of feelings for the Federation and trust in the chief, will be betrayed by them and sent to the enemy's hands.

Thinking of this, Wen Nuo felt a dull pain in his heart.

Wu Xingyun saw that his statement didn't relieve the frustration of the old company commander, and even made the officer in front of him even more sad. He scratched his head dumbly: "Company commander, did I... say something wrong?"

Wen Nuo stood up, he hesitated for a moment, and finally put his hand on Wu Xingyun's shoulder, and with a little force on his hand, he pulled Wu Xingyun into his embrace.

Wen Nuo hugged the soldier in his arms tightly. This soldier was recruited by him himself, and he trained with his painstaking efforts. This soldier was his pride in the past, but now, this pride has been sent into the arms of the enemy by the hateful politics.

Wen Nuo patted Wu Xingyun's back and stroked it lightly. After a while, he said, "No, you're not wrong. You're fine, you've always been fine. The those bastards!"

Wu Xingyun was numb, he didn't know how to comfort Wen Nuo, he could only quietly lean in Wen Nuo's arms like a puppy, and let him caress his back.

I don't know how long it took before Wen Nuo let go of Wu Xingyun, and his voice returned to his usual calm and self-possession: "Xingyun, where is your dormitory? Go and clean up, and follow me."

Wu Xingyun asked, "Where are you going?"

"The higher-ups have arranged a special residence for you, near the No. 2 star."

Wu Xingyun stood at attention, and after answering "yes", he bent down to pick up the military cap that fell on the ground, and handed it to Wen Nuo: "Company commander, your hat."

Wen Nuo looked at the soldier in front of him helplessly, his eyes were full of doting, it seemed that this immature soldier would never know what sorrow was.

When Wu Xingyun returned to the dormitory, it happened to be the end of the soldiers' training. The soldiers in the dormitory saw him packing up, and asked curiously, "Master Chief, where are you going?"

Before Wu Xingyun could answer, Wen Nuo's voice sounded: "This is a military secret, so don't ask if you shouldn't ask, haven't you learned the "Secrecy Regulations?"

The soldiers immediately stopped asking, but they still laughed and winked at Wu Xingyun.

The bold ones began to guess by themselves: "The Master Chief must be going to perform a special mission, and it will be very honorable!"

"No, I guess he's planning to go back and marry a wife. The Master Chief is finally going to lose his virginity. You can see that he's been giggling all the time."

On the training ground, Wu Xingyun strictly followed the training regulations and was very ruthless. No soldier dared to joke with him.

But after returning to the dormitory, when he took off his combat uniform and showed his immature and honest face, the soldiers felt that the Master Chief could flirt with him at will.

Wu Xingyun showed a more silly smile very cooperatively, and said, "No, it's because I'm happy to be with the company commander again."

The soldiers looked at Wen Nuo, who had been looking bad all the time, and consciously avoided him.

Wu Xingyun quickly packed up his things, followed Wen Nuo to take the elevator up to the surface.

Except for the training ground, other places on the surface have been completely transformed. They are covered by huge transparent domes. The waiting room of the aircraft is also covered by these huge domes. When people walk in these places, they don’t need to wear combat uniforms. .

The two walked one after the other in the wide corridor leading to the flight field. On both sides of the corridor, there were portraits of heroes of all ages, starting from the first battle hero that appeared in the 114th year of the Milky Way calendar, until now, in the corridor There are a hundred portraits.

This year, it happens to be 2014, September in the Galactic Calendar. Almost every 20 years, there will be a general who goes down in history.

The lifespan of human beings is short. In the past two thousand years, battle heroes have emerged one after another, but there is always only one enemy.

Wu Xingyun looked at the portraits of heroes on both sides, and couldn't help asking: "Company commander, tell me about 'that person'."

Wen Nuo turned his head slightly, and saw the tall and straight soldiers walking beside him.

His original mission was to help Wu Xingyun understand the enemy's situation as soon as possible. At this time, he heard the other party's question, although he was reluctant, he still said: "'That person', since we found him, until now, he is alive A whole thousand and nine hundred years."

"I heard that he looks similar to us, and looks like a human?"

"What I'm going to tell you next is absolutely confidential. You have studied the code of secrecy, so you should know the consequences of leaking the secret."

"Yes!" Wu Xingyun stood at attention.

Wen Nuo stopped, looked at the soldier in front of him with light gray eyes, and said solemnly: "He... his real name is Ye Suikong, he is not a monster, let alone an alien. He is the same ancestor as us. "

"But why can he live so long? Still so powerful? I saw him once, and he didn't even need to wear protective clothing on an exposed planet with no air!"

Wen Nuo's voice became a little ethereal, and he said word by word: "He is the legendary mutant after the Great Nirvana. He is the most terrifying enemy of ordinary humans like us."