Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 22: The wedding night (below)


Wu Xingyun could easily predict the Federation's response.

In today's interstellar broadcast, Ye Suikong showed great affection for him at the wedding. No one would have expected that Ye Suikong would die suddenly, and no one would have expected that Ye Suikong would suddenly tear his face apart .

I'm afraid that now, everyone in the Federation is immersed in peaceful celebrations, and tomorrow, when the night demon army discovers the body of their leader, they will be torn to pieces. countless.

Wu Xingyun's mood felt unprecedentedly low. Although he used to lament that he was young and didn't work hard, he didn't kill Ye Suikong, but now...

He squatted in front of Ye Suicong, quietly looking at the dying man in front of him.

The man also looked at him with a pair of black eyes, his eyes began to become a little loose, and the long black jade-like hair fell down, making the man's face more cruel and beautiful.

Ye Suikong's voice was very deep: "I didn't expect that you would kill Ouyang Liu... I hope Ouyang Liu will go back alive, then the Federation will once again set off a big wave, and he will definitely confuse right and wrong with his father, and he will not hesitate to kill him for this." Star Marshal Shi Fei... This will win a lot of things for the battle after my death."

There was a hint of regret in the man's voice, but he calmed down immediately: "However... no one can be exhausted... Now the ending is the best ending I can think of. I don't like Ouyang Liu, so let him be Betrayers... make the entire Ouyang family a traitor."

When he said this, Ye Suikong stretched out his hand slightly, wanting to touch Wu Xingyun's face, but Wu Xingyun avoided it.

Ye Suikong smiled: "I leave you the honor of killing me, are you happy? Your name will be written in the history books. You will be... a person who will shine through the ages..."

Wu Xingyun pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

Ye Suikong's voice gradually became deeper and deeper, and Wu Xingyun could see that the cone-shaped wound on his chest was slowly spreading inward, as if an awl was squeezing in bit by bit, the wound reached the atrium The time is also the time of Ye Suikong's death.

No one could save Ye Suicong's life, and Ye Suicong himself knew this very well, he let out a long breath, and sat softly on the floor, blood was still flowing from his heart little by little.

"You know, when I saw your true face, I... was very happy. It's better to have someone like you die with me than someone else." Ye Suicong's eyes closed slightly, as if Reminiscing about the past from a long time ago, he stretched out his hand towards Wu Xingyun: "Neither you nor I can survive tonight. I don't want to quarrel with others on such a night. I was very angry that you killed Ouyang Liu, but …I’m dying and feel like some things aren’t that important anymore…”

Wu Xingyun didn't reach out to hold Ye Suikong's hand. He was very aware of his upcoming fate. He was glad that Lu Hai and others left early, but he was more worried about the fate of those dowry people who were still on the planet. Several farmers, miners, scientists, and psychologists, ten guards.

Ye Suikong was dead, and the mutants would definitely not let him go, let alone them.

But Wu Xingyun has nothing to do now, he can't even go out and inform others. The whole room was sealed by Ye Suicong with his last spiritual power, and if he wanted to get out, he had to wait for Ye Suicong to die.

"Come here... I want to hold your hand before I die..." Ye Suikong's voice became low.

Wu Xingyun remained motionless.

Ye Suikong smiled, he opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the soldier in front of him. This shadow gradually merged with a shadow from many years ago, even though Ye Suikong had told himself many times in his heart, don't put These two people get confused, how can people from the shameless federation compare with that person

But at this moment, when his life is gradually passing by, he can't tell the difference.

His voice became weak: "Wu Xingyun? Do you know, I... In fact, if I had known that you looked like this, I wouldn't have asked you to come and kiss me by name..."

Wu Xingyun let out a "hmm", he is different from Ye Suikong, he has the will to survive.

But the man in front of him no longer had any will to live. The blood on the man's chest began to flow to the ground gradually, and his mind became blurred. expand.

"Because you look exactly like that person... I knew you looked like this, so I wouldn't have let you die... Even if you were the one who killed me..."

Wu Xingyun said "oh", he heard what Ye Suikong said, but he didn't quite understand the meaning.

"Can you come here and hug me..." Ye Suikong's eyes began to lose focus, and there was a hint of pleading in his voice, "Your smell is exactly the same as that person..."

Wu Xingyun still stood there without moving, he did not meet Ye Suikong's request.

Ye Suikong let out a sigh, his willpower had completely disintegrated before he died, and he suddenly felt the need to talk about the things that had been buried in his heart for many years.

"That day, the end of the world suddenly came, and my parents and relatives were all killed... It was he who appeared in front of me, saved me, and taught me how to live..."

"I loved someone once and never forgot, never forgot that day, never forgot how he died..."

"Federation? Elite? Oh, I hate them so much! Besides abandoning and betraying, what else will they do?"

"Thousands of years ago, they betrayed me and everyone else...Thousands of years later, they betrayed you...things engraved in genes..."

"Why do you want peace? When I was in pain and fell to hell, who would save me?"

"No... and you, and you by my side..."

"I will avenge you and kill everyone! Kill everyone who killed you, especially...all the Ouyang family..."

Ye Shattering's voice became smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible at last.

Wu Xingyun squatted beside him, watching him quietly. Listening to Ye Suikong's nonsense before he died.

Wu Xingyun soon got a rough idea. Two thousand years ago, Ye Suikong had a lover. That person looked very similar to him, and he seemed to be a soldier. But soon the apocalypse came, and when facing the apocalypse, the human elite left in a spaceship, abandoning most of the people.

These people were tossed and sunk and became the earth of purgatory, a large number of people died, but Ye Suicong survived with the help of his lover.

But in the end, Ye Suicong's lover was killed by the people of the Federation. Ye Suicong vowed never to forgive him, and he will take revenge for this until he dies.

Wu Xingyun felt inexplicably sad about this story. Although he didn't know the details, he felt sad and uncomfortable for no reason.

Ye Suikong's eyes were closed, and he just kept repeating: "I love you... I'm here to accompany you... Are you happy? All the glory belongs to you. You killed the demon king, are you happy?" ?I love you… "

Blood gushed out of Ye Suicong's mouth, and soon, Ye Suicong's voice ceased.

Wu Xingyun reached out to touch Ye Suikong's breath, but he was not breathing anymore.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun knew that it was impossible for Ye Suicong to come back to life. Wu Xingyun felt sad for no reason. He saw Ye Suicong's hand still raised in mid-air, as if he wanted to grab something.

Wu Xingyun reached out and held Ye Suikong's hand. He didn't know why he did this, maybe it was because he was about to be torn to pieces by the angry mutants, maybe it was because Ye Suikong's words before he died were too affectionate and sentimental, or maybe he thought of it The eyes and expressions that Ye Suikong showed to himself in the past few days may just feel sad for the tragic story Ye Suikong told before he died.

Wu Xingyun saw the morning sun rising little by little, and the rays of light entered the room through the window, and the shadow of the window edge was reflected on the ground.

He knew that soon the mutated people would find that Ye Suikong was dead, and he would be killed, and the federation would also be subjected to an extremely terrifying suicide attack.

No one is immune.

Wu Xingyun realized that his time was running out, but his heart was still full of contradictions and hesitation.

No one can save Ye Suikong's life, except the ghost lock soldier who shot him.

The bullets fired by each ghost lock soldier have different directions and different forces applied to them, which will cause different structures of the bullets.

Only the ghost lock soldier himself can take out the bullets he shoots.

But this is only in theory. Generally speaking, people who are shot by ghost lock soldiers will die at that time, and there is no chance of treatment at all. Therefore, treating people who were shot and killed by ghost lock soldiers has become a boring course.

Wu Xingyun was trained as a ghost lock soldier, because it was an unnecessary course, and because the training of ghost lock soldiers was top secret, this function was basically ignored by everyone. Many high-level officials in the federation don't know that the ghost lock soldiers have this function, let alone Ye Suikong.

Wu Xingyun knew very well that Ye Suikong's request for his relatives to arrest him was purely for revenge, pure revenge, without any other factors.

But now, Wu Xingyun lowered his head, and he felt Ye Suicong's pulse, which was very weak. The heart is the most vulnerable part of the human body, and mutants are no exception. If he doesn't make a quick decision, then Ye Suikong will really die, and himself and the dowry team will become funeral objects. The Federation and the Night Demon Army will fight again. Originally, if Ouyang Liu can successfully return to the Federation, the Federation will engage in internal fighting without preparation, and the battle will be lost.

But now, Ouyang Liu died, everything changed.

It is to sacrifice himself and the dowry team, and bet that the Federation will win.

Or save Ye Suikong and let this situation continue

Wu Xingyun didn't have much decisiveness in this kind of overall situation. He had never been asked to decide these things, and he had never encountered them.

He never just followed orders from his superiors.

When the superior arranged for him to kill, he would kill; if the superior arranged for him to rescue his teammates, he would save.

But now, he is the only one around, and he has no superiors. Tonight, he had made a decision to shoot Ouyang Liu who belonged to his camp.

Now, he has to face another decision that puts him in danger: helping the enemy.

How can I do? Wu Xingyun still didn't find the answer, he even felt ridiculous for a moment, because of his series of behaviors: killing his own people, but thinking about whether to save the enemy.

I, what qualifications do I have to denounce Ouyang Liu's enemies as traitors

The signs of life in the night sky slowly passed away, and a faint golden light appeared on the doors and windows of the house, and then slowly disappeared.

This is a sign that Ye Suikong's mental strength has also begun to decline, and the isolation cover has disappeared.

Wu Xingyun could run away at this time, but he also knew that it was too late.

There is no spaceship for himself and the sending team, and there is no signal transmitter here, so it is impossible for him to escape from the source star, and it is even more impossible for him to tell the Federation of all this. Running out at this time is no different from ten minutes later or half an hour later.

Wu Xingyun turned his head slightly, and saw the man lying on the ground, his face was pale, and there was an expression of relief on his face.

Wu Xingyun knew that Ye Suicong had probably been thinking about his dead lover all the time, and death was a kind of relief for Ye Suicong.

This is really a demon. He was freed and followed his lover, but left behind a deeper hatred and a more terrible war than before.

He did all this, as he himself said—everyone must be revenged, and he will live with revenge until he dies.

Wu Xingyun pursed his lips tightly, took a deep breath, and then took out a coin from his purse.

Face up, and die together with Ye Suikong, completing the assassination mission with honor.

If tails face up, Ye Suikong will be revived and continue to complete the mission of marriage.

Wu Xingyun tossed the coin, and the silver coin slid a deserted arc in the air, then fell with a rumble.

Ding ding ding, the coin spun a few times on the floor, then stopped.

Tails face up.

Wu Xingyun was not reconciled, so he threw it away again.

Still tails up.

Throw it again, and finally it faces up.

But now, Wu Xingyun has already made a decision in his heart, head or tail, it doesn't mean much to him anymore.

When he found that tails were up, which represented the rescue of Ye Suikong, he kind of hoped that Ye Suikong would die.

But when he really threw out the face to let Ye Suikong die, his brain suddenly became very clear—Ye Suikong couldn't die! I can't die, and the dowry team members can't die!

No matter what my actions today mean, no matter what the war will look like, that will be a matter of the future, but for now, everyone must live, preferably alive.

Once Wu Xingyun thought about this clearly, he immediately laid Ye Suikong's body flat, tore his shirt completely, found his torn combat uniform, took out the first aid kit from the tool bag, and started to act .