Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 27: honeymoon


Early the next morning, Wu Xingyun dragged Ye Suikong up, and the two had to continue to complete the filming task today.

David Peng had been waiting in the living room downstairs for a long time, changed into a set of clothes that fit the taste of an artist, wore no less than ten nose rings on his nose, twenty rings on his ten fingers, and carried a video camera on his shoulders Wu Xingyun recognized that it was the latest product of the Federation, and he didn't know whether David Peng bought it through black market transactions or his spoils of war.

Ye Suikong wore a set of pure black robes very well, and his long black jade-like hair was tied loosely behind his head, making him look slender, evil and domineering, which was in line with the Federation's positioning of its image.

In contrast, Wu Xingyun looked extremely ordinary. He was wearing a federal army uniform, all buttons were buttoned up, and the hat on his head was also meticulous.

The three of them set off together. First they walked around the city, and then went to the base to take a few photos. Afterwards, Ye Suikong caught a few more primitive animals on this planet, things like red deer, with a long head on their heads. At the same time, the two rode together, galloping wantonly on the open grassland, and the clouds in the sky reflected colorful light. David Peng, the photographer, also lost no time in capturing and catching up with the shots. That night, the three of them stayed by a stream in the wild. David Peng was very conscious of not being a light bulb, and he was far away from the two of them. Wu Xingyun built a fire by himself, leaned against a tree and fell asleep quickly.

Ye Suikong was always by his side. When he saw that Wu Xingyun seemed a little cold in his sleep, he took off his robe and put it on him. When Ye Suikong saw Wu Xingyun's slightly raised and plump lips At that time, he couldn't hold back after all, bent down slightly, and gently kissed the other party's lips.

Wu Xingyun was a little confused in the dream, he opened his eyes, and when he saw that the person harassing him was Ye Suicong, he let him go.

Ye Suicong held him halfway in his arms, warming him with his own body temperature. When he heard Wu Xingyun's even and steady breathing, he felt tenderness in his heart. There have been betrayals, injuries, killings, wars.

The stream of meteorites in the night sky passed by again, and Ye Suikong was no longer interested in taking the opportunity to practice martial arts. He hugged Wu Xingyun who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and looked up at the sky.

The stream of meteorites in the sky reflected the light of the stars, as if thousands of crystals were twinkling. They flew, jumped, and drew elliptical orbits in the sky, and then flew away, illuminating the embracing people in the night. two people.

Ye Suikong lowered his head slightly, and rested his chin on Wu Xingyun's head. His short and thick hair had a special touch, it was slightly rough, but it could give people the greatest psychological comfort.

Ye Suikong couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed Wu Xingyun's head again. He felt addicted to the kiss. The feeling of his short hair piercing his upper lip made his whole heart soften. He kissed more A few times, but unexpectedly at this time Wu Xingyun closed his eyes and muttered: "Don't kiss me all the time, I can't sleep well."

Ye Suikong gave a low "hmm", tightened his arms slightly, and hugged Wu Xingyun even tighter, but did not kiss him again as promised.

For this filming trip, Wu Xingyun originally meant to only disturb Ye Suikong for a day, but what was unexpected was that Ye Suikong took Wu Xingyun almost to the entire planet.

The two traveled through primeval forests, entered the Gobi Desert, traveled across the vast grasslands, polar glaciers, and the magnificent sea.

Ye Suikong found that Wu Xingyun's serious smile from the beginning gradually changed to a bright smile. Whenever he sees Wu Xingyun grinning, revealing his white teeth, he feels dizzy. At this moment, he feels that in his thousand years of life, only this moment is the happiest and happiest moment. time.

On this day, the two came to a huge cliff waterfall by the sea. Standing on the top of the cliff, they looked around and saw the sky and the earth as one color, infinitely vast.

The clear water flowed under the feet of the two of them, rushing straight down into the sea with a sound like thunder. Seabirds fly in the distance, and their clear calls echo across the world, like a beautiful picture frozen forever.

Ye Suikong turned his head slightly, and looked at the person standing beside him. The person's face was filled with a fascinating smile. From his eyes, he could look directly into the bottom of his heart. Infinitely beautiful.

Ye Suikong stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the opponent's waist. Wu Xingyun was already used to these actions of the opponent, and without any resistance, he moved his steps very cooperatively, making the two of them appear more intimate.

Ye Suikong wanted to kiss each other, but he was afraid of ruining such a beautiful atmosphere, so he didn't dare to be abrupt. He turned his head and stared at Wu Xingyun, while Wu Xingyun's eyes fell on the distant place, enjoying the beautiful scenery to the fullest.

The photographer behind them, David Peng, took the opportunity to take this photo.

The color of the photo is blurred and dreamy, the stern man in black clothes and black hair, his eyes are full of tenderness, staring at his lover, forever, will never change.

"Xingyun, do you like this place?" Ye Suicong asked softly, "Will you live here with me forever?"

Wu Xingyun suddenly turned around: "Living with you is my mission, and I have no right to be picky about the mission."

The atmosphere was completely destroyed by Wu Xingyun's words, Ye Suikong was speechless, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Wu Xingyun's head, and gave him a punch to vent his anger.

Wu Xingyun was standing on the edge of the cliff, and was knocked off the cliff by this punch, he let out a scream: "Ah!"

Then, with a plop, Wu Xingyun fell into the sea in the waterfall. He quickly held his breath and swam. When he surfaced, he saw Ye Suicong squatting on the top of the cliff and laughing at him.

Wu Xingyun was a little unhappy when he saw the man in black with a smug smile on the top of the cliff. After cursing a few words with all his might, Ye Suicong was still laughing.

Ye Suikong is really an unpredictable guy! Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart.

The three of them returned here, passed by the base, and after sending the video back to the Federation, they crossed the ring mountain range and returned to the city where they usually lived.

Ye Suikong held Wu Xingyun's hand, humming a song in a low voice, with a smile on his lips, he would look at Wu Xingyun from time to time, and when the two eyes met, he would feel extremely satisfied and happy.

The two walked very slowly. It was already May in the Federation's cosmic calendar. Most of the planets had entered the hot summer, but Yuanxing was slightly cooler in autumn.

The leaves on both sides of the road are dyed yellow by the autumn wind. When the wind blows, the fallen leaves rustle down and dance all over the sky.

When the two walked in front of the small building, Ye Suikong suddenly stopped, and Wu Xingyun looked at him puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Ye Suicong stretched out his hand and hugged the person in front of him, and whispered softly in his ear: "The honeymoon is over, tonight... let's bridal chamber!"

Wu Xingyun was taken aback: "Huh?"

Ye Suicong lowered his head and kissed the soldier who was opening his mouth in surprise, licked, swallowed, and then went deep into the opponent's mouth, teasing.

Wu Xingyun was a little numb, he felt that the other party was hugging him tightly, and felt the other party's enthusiasm and love. Also, he doesn't seem to dislike the expression too much.

Wu Xingyun didn't respond, but he didn't refuse either. He smelled Ye Suikong's unique smell and felt confused. He suddenly remembered the leader's instruction - if the other party's request is strong and sincere, you can decide for yourself.

"Do you like me?" Ye Suikong finished the kiss and asked in a low voice.

Wu Xingyun didn't know, he couldn't say whether he liked it or not, but he felt that if Ye Suikong had further demands, it wouldn't be so hard to accept.

Although Ye Suikong didn't wait for the answer he hoped for, he didn't care too much, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, anyway... I like you is enough. You will live here forever, there is plenty of time, I like you enough."

Wu Xingyun lowered his head slightly, and after a while he said: "I can't say whether I like it or not, and I haven't thought about it. I... can accept your bridal chamber request."

Ye Suikong suddenly picked up Wu Xingyun, turned around in a circle, then took his hand, and rushed towards the small building.

Wu Xingyun was dragged out of breath by Ye Suikong's 100-meter speed, and fell down once on the way, breaking his knee, but he immediately got up and tried his best to cooperate with the opponent.

Ye Suicong almost knocked open the courtyard door of the small building, and when he was about to knock open the door, a shadow suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

Wu Xingyun was being dragged out of breath, and didn't pay much attention to who the people in the yard were, but Ye Suicong saw the people in the yard as soon as he turned his head.

That person was dressed in white, with long silver hair hanging down to the ground, and his face was as delicate as if it came from the hand of God, perfect and top-notch, but there was a faint hesitation between his brows.

Ye Suikong was a little surprised. He touched his forehead and said, "Why are you? When did you come here? What do you want from me?"

Only then did Wu Xingyun realize that the person in the courtyard was Liu Meng. Liu Meng didn't pay attention to Wu Xingyun, he just stared at Ye Suikong, his voice was unexpectedly calm: "Since the day you left here, I have been waiting for you here. I thought you would come back after going out for a day, but Unexpectedly, you went out for more than half a month."

Ye Suikong's hand was still holding Wu Xingyun, he was a little dissatisfied with someone coming to disturb his upcoming bridal chamber, and his voice was a little impatient: "I have something to do now, if you don't have anything urgent, we can talk about it tomorrow!"

After speaking, Ye Suikong pushed open the door of his room, and was about to drag Wu Xingyun in, but Liu Meng sneered behind them: "What are you busy with? Are you busy sleeping with your new love?"

Ye Suikong's footsteps stopped suddenly, he turned his head and stared at Liu Meng with almost murderous eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Meng's mouth: "Why, I was wrong? Look at yourself now! I've been waiting for you here, but you didn't realize when your perception ability became so Worse?"

Ye Suikong frowned slightly: "Get out of here before I get angry!"

Liu Meng did not back away, but took a step forward, standing in front of Ye Suicong: "Are you in love with him?" Liu Meng pointed at Wu Xingyun.

Ye Suikong didn't speak, but he slowly let go of Wu Xingyun's hand and put it into his purse.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun felt a little disappointed in his heart. He raised his head slightly, looked at Liu Meng, and then at Ye Suikong.

There was a mocking look on Liu Meng's face, while Ye Suikong's anger at the beginning turned into a little uneasiness, just like the reflection of being caught raped.

Wu Xingyun let out an "oh" in his heart, he didn't say much, turned around and walked into the room, he thought Ye Suikong would chase after him, but nothing happened, the door was closed behind him, Liu Meng's voice of questioning was faint Jojo's message came.

"You actually got together with people from the Federation, are you worthy of all of us?"

"You forget the past, you forget your own promises..."

"You are so dull that you don't even sense my existence, and you still don't admit that you have changed your mind?"

"You... seductive bastard!"

"If you're in love with someone else, I won't forgive you, never!"

Wu Xingyun was sitting in front of his desk. Through the window, he could see everything that happened on the lawn outside the small building. With Liu Meng's back facing the window, Wu Xingyun couldn't see his expression, but he could clearly see what was happening on the lawn outside the small building. The expression of the silent Ye Suikong.

At the beginning, Ye Suikong's face was filled with anger, then his expression gradually became calm, and finally, confusion and bewilderment appeared on his face. Finally, he nodded, patted Liu Meng on the shoulder, and whispered something to him.

Liu Meng didn't speak anymore, the two mutants stood together calmly, after a while, Ye Suikong seemed to have made up his mind, hugged Liu Meng, then turned and entered the small building.

Wu Xingyun drew the curtains, and he pulled out the drawer, wanting to read some books, but he pulled out a stack of white paper to read.

He could hear Ye Suikong's footsteps coming towards him, and he never turned around or looked back.

Ye Suikong's footsteps stopped in front of the door, and his voice was no longer as gentle as before, but became a little cold: "This is the end of the honeymoon. The videos taken in the past half month are enough for the federation to support for several years. I will be very busy in the future. , I don’t have time to accompany you to do such boring things.”

Wu Xingyun still didn't turn around, he just said calmly, "Okay."

Ye Suikong stood at the door for a while, turned to leave, took two steps and turned back: "I have something to go out tonight, so I won't be coming back."

Wu Xingyun's voice was still calm: "Okay."

Ye Suicong walked downstairs, Wu Xingyun opened the curtains, and he saw Liu Meng and Ye Suicong leaving together without looking back.

Wu Xingyun closed the curtains, tidied up his room, and came to the discipline mirror. The person in the mirror didn't seem very happy.

Wu Xingyun grinned at the mirror and made a gesture of laughing, and the little soldier in the mirror finally smiled brightly.

Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Wu Xingyun pulled up the quilt, lay on the bed, and when he closed his eyes, what appeared in front of him was the shadow of the broken night sky, and the affectionate words that he had said an hour ago, "It's okay, it's enough that I like you , anyway, we will live together in the future, for a long time, I like you, that's enough."

Wu Xingyun turned over and felt a little irritable. He felt something buzzing, so he got up and turned on the light to see, it turned out to be a big mosquito.

Wu Xingyun worked hard for a long time and finally killed the mosquito. When he lay on the bed again, he felt even more irritable.

He turned over and over again, back and forth like a pancake, always unable to fall asleep.

In the end, he simply got up from the bed, put on his clothes, went to the room where his weapons were stored, took the gun, and went to the training ground to shoot a few boxes of ammunition before he felt no longer irritable.

Wu Xingyun fell asleep with his icy mechanical rifle on his pillow. When he touched the icy metal on the rifle, his heart quickly calmed down. Ye Suikong's face no longer appeared, and he soon fell asleep.