Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 28: negotiate


When Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, he found that he was still alone in the room. This feeling made him uncomfortable, but he quickly adjusted.

He eats, washes, exercises, and studies by himself.

That night, Ye Suikong did not come back.

The next day, it was still a boring life.

Day three, day four.

Wu Xingyun used to go back to the base every seven days, but now it gradually changed to once every three days, once a day, and even lived there for several days in a row.

When he was lying in the room of the base, in the small and steel-cast space, he felt as if he had lost something, and there was always a void in his heart. It was an indescribable feeling, as if something was missing , but Wu Xingyun counted his belongings, and nothing was missing.

The construction of the base is slowly expanding. Two scientists finally persuaded the night broken sky to allow it to build an observatory, and the psychologist Alan Eide was allowed to interview mutants and study their psychology.

As for the miners and farmers, they have already started planting crops on this land. The food in the base is no longer what it used to be. Wu Xingyun tasted the familiar taste again. When he was eating, he couldn't help thinking that Ye Suikong had eaten it before. Don't you have these things

Wu Xingyun didn't know, and continued to lower his head to eat. Sitting opposite him were two soldiers from the guard and a farmer.

After eating two bites, the farmer said to Wu Xingyun: "Master Chief, the Federation said that they sent us another batch of seeds, but I heard that they were intercepted by the night demon army. It has been more than two months since they were confiscated." Now, do you want to ask the night devil what's going on?"

Wu Xingyun said "OK" and continued to eat. He forked a piece of m-21 star specialty that he was born in. When he put it in his mouth, Wu Xingyun was very sure that Ye Suikong must have never tasted such a delicacy.

After eating, he took a nap as usual. After waking up, he went to the contact station to report to work. He was in daily contact with a civilian officer from the military propaganda department. The officer reminded him that he hadn't sent the video for more than a month. Yes, although there were a lot of previous videos, it can be seen that they were all shot at the same time. If they were played too much, it would cause rumors. The Federation asked Wu Xingyun to find a way to get some more recent videos.

Wu Xingyun stood at attention and saluted "Yes".

When he came out of the contact desk, he happened to run into the miner again.

The miner also came to him: "Master Chief, we recently discovered a new type of ore from Yuanxing. We want to get some back to study, but some mutants object. Are you... talk to Night Demon?"

Wu Xingyun was a little listless, and he said, "Okay, I see."

Although he agreed to everything, he didn't take any action. Wu Xingyun would run to the crater outside the base during training at night, and sit on the top of a high mountain overlooking the city where Ye Suikong was located.

That night, another meteorite stream passed by, and the sky seemed to be lit, gorgeous and magnificent, illuminating the whole night.

Wu Xingyun saw from a distance that the light in the small building where Ye Suikong lived was on, he knew that Ye Suikong had probably gone back, and he would definitely be able to find Ye Suikong at this time, but what would he say after he found him? Wu Xingyun didn't know, he felt that he hadn't thought it through yet, maybe he should think it over before going.

In this way, Wu Xingyun would run from the base to the crater almost every night, stand on it for a while, watch the lights in the small building in the distance, and then return.

On this day, he really couldn't procrastinate any longer. Almost all the people in the base looked for him once. Everyone had a problem, and Wu Xingyun needed to communicate with Ye Suikong. He was kicked out of the base by everyone and was homeless. However, the only way to go is to find Ye Suikong.

He walked towards the small building with some anxiety in his heart. When he passed the path in front of the small building, there was music floating in the air. It was the sound of the piano. The sound of the piano was melodious and ethereal. Like a spring in the desert.

Wu Xingyun stood there for a while, surrounded by the sound of the piano, and inexplicably thought of the kiss that the two of them returned together that day, Ye Suikong.

Wu Xingyun shook his head, throwing all these out, a soldier who was sent to make peace, shouldn't have any feelings that he shouldn't have towards his enemy.

Wu Xingyun said to himself silently in his heart, and then pushed open the door of the small building.

Ye Suikong's residence was still the same as before, and it was not locked.

On a planet with only a hundred people, all of whom are acquaintances, locking the door seems unnecessary.

Wu Xingyun didn't deliberately lighten his footsteps, he knew very well that Ye Suikong's perception was keen, no matter how lightly he acted, he would be discovered by the other party.

Wu Xingyun pushed open the door of the living room. There was no one in the living room, no lights, only the ethereal sound of the piano floating down from the roof, lingering around.

Wu Xingyun looked up, and the only light came from the third floor. Wu Xingyun remembered that Ye Suikong said that the third floor hadn't been up there for hundreds of years. When he lived here, he went up to the third floor. Some sundries, nothing else.

Wu Xingyun went up the stairs and came to the lit utility room on the third floor. When he stood at the door of the utility room, he was a little surprised.

The utility room was tidied up. In the nearly 100-square-meter space, there was a piano in the center. The silver-haired Liu Meng was playing the piano, while Ye Suicong was sitting beside him, concentrating on drawing. With the drawing board facing away from Wu Xingyun, he couldn't see what Ye Suikong was drawing, but he didn't want to know too much.

The only light in the room didn't look very bright, it dyed the room in an orange color, and the white window screens fluttered around, like a light curtain.

Wu Xingyun saw Liu Meng playing the piano while turning his head to look at Ye Suikong who was painting, his eyes were extremely gentle.

And Ye Suikong would raise his head and smile at him in the gaps, the two of them had a tacit understanding, and they didn't even need to use words to communicate.

Wu Xingyun felt like a stone breaking into the center of the lake, destroying everything; like a dissonant note, interrupting a perfect movement. He felt extremely awkward, but tonight he came to talk to Ye Suikong about something, so he couldn't just go back like this.

So Wu Xingyun stood at the door and coughed, disrupting the quiet atmosphere here.

Liu Meng stopped playing the piano. He didn't say hello to Wu Xingyun, nor did he say anything. He just stood up from the piano, picked up a book, and sat by the window to read.

Ye Suikong didn't even raise his head, he just sat there and asked, "What's the matter?"

The voice was as cold as ice, which made Wu Xingyun want to turn around and leave.

Wu Xingyun said, "Come out, I have something to tell you."

Ye Suikong still didn't look up: "I'm very busy now, what's the matter, let's talk about it in a few days."

Wu Xingyun was still relentless: "I don't think you are busy at all, I really have something to do."

Ye Suikong put down his pen, he raised his head slightly, and looked towards Wu Xingyun.

This is the first time Wu Xingyun has seen Ye Suikong's face clearly in a month and a half. The other party's expression was indifferent, there was no slight wave in his eyes, other than that, there was no change.

Wu Xingyun was standing at the door, waiting stubbornly for Ye Suicong to come out.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Ye Suikong stood up, walked out the door, and came to the balcony with Wu Xingyun.

"What's the matter?" Ye Suikong asked.

But Wu Xingyun was speechless again. He glanced into the room a few times, wanting to ask why Liu Meng was here, but he didn't know how to ask.

"He will live here in the future." Ye Suikong's voice was very calm, "It was like this a long time ago, and he only moved out after you came."

Wu Xingyun let out an "oh", feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart. He really wanted to ask what the relationship between the two was, but it seemed that he was not qualified to ask these questions.

Wu Xingyun recalled the quarrel between Liu Meng and Ye Suicong that night, "If you fell in love with him, I will never forgive you, never!"

Wu Xingyun almost understood what was going on in his heart, but if that was the case, why did Ye Suikong say those words to himself? Those words that make it difficult to distinguish between true and false, and make people shake their will

Wu Xingyun lowered his head and didn't say a word for a long time. Ye Suikong's voice was impatient: "What's the matter with you!"

Wu Xingyun said: "No... In fact, there is nothing wrong... I just forgot some things, come back and get them."

Ye Suikong nodded, seeing Wu Xingyun still not moving, he frowned slightly: "Why don't you take it?"

Wu Xingyun moved two steps, but after walking two steps, he returned again. He felt that he still wanted to know, so he said: "I, I just want to ask, that... what you said before, can you count?" .”

Ye Suikong smiled, he looked down at Wu Xingyun, Wu Xingyun buried his head even lower.

"Are you tempted by me?" Ye Suikong asked, with nothing but sarcasm in his tone.

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, he felt that Ye Suikong at this moment was very hateful, and he even regretted saving him on the wedding night.

"Then, you'd better figure it out, the reason I treated you like that before was because you look a lot like my former friend." Ye Suicong said.

Wu Xingyun felt that the answer was similar to what he thought. The reason why Ye Suikong was kind to him was entirely because of his old lover. Now that his old dream is over, a new life will naturally begin.

But what Ye Suikong said next made Wu Xingyun a little angry.

"I advise you not to have too many fantasies about me, otherwise, you will become the next Ouyang Liu." Ye Suikong said lightly.

Wu Xingyun raised his head suddenly, and he saw the handsome man in front of him under the night, but his eyes were as indifferent as ice, and his long black hair was blowing away in the wind, like tentacles.

Wu Xingyun suddenly remembered that Ouyang Liu had arrived at Yuanxing three months earlier, then betrayed the Federation without hesitation, and finally paid the price with his life.

He still remembered that when Ouyang Liu and Ye Suikong appeared in front of him together, the relationship between the two seemed very close.

Wu Xingyun originally wanted to blame Ye Suikong, but he couldn't get out of his mouth. He didn't know where he should stand to ask the question.

Perhaps what Ye Suikong said was right. Ouyang Liu and Wu Xingyun were all members of the Federation. In his eyes, they were just pawns.

Even Wu Xingyun suspected that the old lover's story was just a cover used by Ye Suikong to lie to him.

Wu Xingyun lowered his head, and took out a stack of papers from his body after a while. On them were some requests from the base. He handed these papers to Ye Suicong and said, "Here are some of our application requirements. I hope you can consider them." one time."

Ye Suicong didn't reach out to pick it up, Wu Xingyun put the papers on the ground, and when he was about to turn around and leave, Ye Suicong said: "In the future, just let Alan Eide come over for this kind of thing, I don't really want to see you .”

Wu Xingyun wanted to ask why, but he never asked.

But Ye Suikong explained to him: "The honeymoon has already passed, and I am tired of revisiting old dreams. I don't want to do it anymore. This will be the normal state of our relationship in the future. I hope you can adapt. In addition, I don't like night time. If someone disturbs you, if you want to find me in the future, try your best within your working hours."

Wu Xingyun looked up at Ye Suikong, and he found that the man in front of him was not only heartless, but also cold.

Wu Xingyun said, "Okay."

After saying this, he went downstairs. He planned to discuss the details with Ye Suikong tonight and lived here, but now it seems that there is no need.

When Wu Xingyun walked out of the small building, he found that Rushui's piano sounded again. He kicked the stone with his foot, feeling depressed for a while.

It took Wu Xingyun more than an hour to return to the base. When everyone saw that he came back in the middle of the night, they were very surprised. Alan Eide even came to ask what happened, but Wu Xingyun didn't want to say anything. After going to the base shooting range to practice for a while, I went back to my room to sleep.

The management of the base was strict, and Wu Xingyun was not allowed to bring weapons back to his room. When he was lying on the hard bed, he couldn't touch the gun again, and felt that he was insomnia.

"Don't have too many illusions about me, otherwise, you will be the next Ouyang Liu."

"I treated you like that before, but because you look like my friend."

Ye Suikong's words echoed in Wu Xingyun's ears, finally causing Wu Xingyun to get up from the bed, and ran to the training ground of the base to play a round of sandbags.

But when Wu Xingyun exhausted all his energy, he still couldn't cheer up.

Wu Xingyun sat in the training ground, looking at the night sky through the transparent ceiling. The night sky was full of stars, unchanged from time immemorial.

It's a pity that those stars are too far apart, Wu Xingyun can't even see the stars near the training base where he stayed before.

Wu Xingyun sighed from the bottom of his heart, he was homesick, very much.

But at this moment, a guard suddenly ran over and stood at attention in front of him: "Master Chief, the Federation has called and asked you to go to the contact desk immediately. I have something important to call you."

Wu Xingyun jumped up from the ground and soon appeared in the communication room.

On the huge screen, the figures of Wen Nuo and President Hobbs appeared on it.

"Sergeant, the Federation needs you to come back." Hobbs said, "Do you remember what happened to Ouyang Liu? His body was brought back, and the council accused it of murder."

Wu Xingyun was stunned: "It's not murder, Lu Hai and the others in the sending team can all testify!"

Hobbs shook his head: "The matter is a bit complicated. Ouyang Feng accused the Interstellar Marshal Shi Fei of conspiring, because Ouyang Liu discovered Shi Fei's collusion with Ye Suikong, and he was brutally murdered. And those of Ouyang Liu who were in Yuanxing The trial materials on the Internet have also been greatly doubted. Now the only party involved is you, and you must come back to testify in court."

Wu Xingyun was stunned, he couldn't believe what he heard, Shi Fei and Ye Suikong colluded? Ouyang Liu learned of their plot and was killed because he was Shi Fei's accomplice! What an imaginative person can think of this!

Hobbs said: "Sergeant, now on behalf of the federal government, I summon you back to testify. We all believe in Shi Fei's innocence, but now, he has no good evidence to prove his innocence, and the situation is very unfavorable to him. You Go discuss it with Ye Suikong and return to the flight as soon as possible, preferably tonight."

After Wu Xingyun was shocked, he was even more worried about Shi Fei's situation. He wanted to ask more, but Wen Nuo had already taken up the conversation: "Wu Xingyun, the matter is very complicated, and I won't be able to explain it clearly for a while. We will discuss it in detail after you come back." Talk. In addition, I will pick you up at the border between the two sides, and you will come back as soon as possible.”

Wu Xingyun stood at attention, saluted, and answered "Yes!"

The call ended, but when the screen went blank, Wu Xingyun couldn't help but feel anxious.

The relationship between myself and Ye Suikong can be said to be extremely bad now, how can I persuade him to let me go back

Or, it is this extremely bad relationship that will convince the other party better

Wu Xingyun was flustered in his heart, he simply packed up all his things, and then walked towards the small building in the night broken sky again.

Even though Ye Suikong told himself not to go to him again and not to disturb him at night, he didn't intend to drag this matter until tomorrow morning to solve it. Even, he still had a little happiness in his heart, although he didn't understand that he Exactly why is it fun.