Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 30: miss


Wu Xingyun's return voyage was exceptionally smooth. He selected two people from the escort team. The three piloted the main ship and the frigate respectively, and arrived at the transition point a month later.

The base has been built on Yuanxing for nearly ten months, and it is fully capable of making various small and medium-sized spaceships. These spaceships are produced by Yuanxing and are full of power. After jumping several transition points in a row, Wu Xingyun finally reached the border between the two sides.

There is a big difference between the border and when Wu Xingyun came.

When Wu Xingyun first came to marry, he could clearly feel the atmosphere of war here. The fleets of both sides were waiting seriously at the border, and all kinds of garbage left over from the war were still floating in the space. But after nearly a year, The night demon army guarding the border transition point only has a dozen mutants plus tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers.

And the Federation only sent troops to guard a few planetary strongholds, and the patrol ships did not go beyond the threshold.

The border between the two sides is some laser transmitters placed on nearby planets. The light blue light forms a separation wall. Many merchant ships pass through the separation wall and fly to their respective trade areas after passing the customs inspection.

Wu Xingyun quickly passed the inspection of the transition point sentry. When the mutants at the sentry saw that the person in the spaceship was Wu Xingyun, they were a little surprised. First I yelled "Hello, sister-in-law!" After a while, I felt that something was wrong, and changed my mouth to "Hello, brother Wu! This is you, go back to your mother's house?"

Wu Xingyun talked to these people through the radio: "I told Ye that the Federation has something to do and I want to return. Here is the pass." As he spoke, Wu Xingyun sent the 3D code of his pass to the customs post.

After checking the 3D code, the mutant pointed to the other side and asked, "Brother Wu, are those warships here to pick you up?"

Wu Xingyun turned his head and looked out through the porthole.

On the other side of the huge blue laser screen on the border between the two sides, there is a team of warships. The main ship is a standard combat aircraft carrier, and there are hundreds of frigates. This configuration can completely fight a small star war.

Wu Xingyun was a little puzzled, he didn't know where these warships came from, but soon he received a message from the other party.

Wen Nuo's familiar face appeared on the communication screen, "Xingyun, it's me, I'm right in front of you, come back quickly!"

Wen Nuo's voice was very gentle, but it was this kind of gentleness that made Wu Xingyun feel like he had found home. He answered loudly, "Yes!"

Then he said to the mutant at the sentry post, "That's the warship that came to pick me up."

The mutant said: "No wonder, these warships have been here for more than half a month, neither attacking nor retreating, so we are still on guard. It turns out that they are here to pick you up, brother Wu, go slowly, come back early Ah, don't forget that the leader is still waiting for you!"

The mutant said while activating the gate.

In the center of the huge blue laser screen that appeared in space, there appeared a circular hollow-shaped gap, just for the passage of warships.

The battleship slowly passed through the gap, the gray metal was illuminated by the blue laser, carrying the unique icy taste of the universe.

The two frigates followed closely behind the main ship, crossed the separation wall, and came to the long-lost homeland.

In the dark and quiet universe, the three spaceships returning from the enemy's line looked like lost children. They stopped in the vast space and seemed to have nowhere to settle.

A huge mothership opposite them started slowly at this moment, the hatch at the bottom of the mothership slowly opened, blue beams of light danced in the air, and instantly outlined a translucent orbit.

The three small ships turned over in the air, and then slid into the mothership along the outlined track.

The hatch of the mothership closed again, and the huge energy thrusters emitted blue flames, turning around and heading back.

This is not the first time that Wu Xingyun has entered this kind of mothership. This kind of mothership can be said to be one of the most effective weapons used by the Federation to deal with Yeshakong. , and ten humanoid mechas.

Wu Xingyun drove the spaceship into the cabin. The orbit planning in the cabin was well-organized. He followed the navigation instructions and stabilized the spaceship in the bottom cabin.

Then, Wu Xingyun got up, tidied up his military uniform, and walked to the hatch.

The cabin door was slowly opened, and the gangway protruded from the cabin to carry it on the platform outside.

The moment Wu Xingyun slid open the cabin door, he saw Wen Nuo standing on the platform waiting for him. The familiar gray military uniform and the Federation logo on the military cap gave Wu Xingyun a long-lost intimacy.

The hatches of the other two frigates were also opened, and the three soldiers walked up to Wen Nuo in neat steps and lined up.

Wen Nuo's light gray eyes were as calm as water. He looked gently at the three returning soldiers before him, and finally his eyes fell on Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun has lost weight and darkened, and it can be seen that he is very unhappy.

Wen Nuo had a lot to say, but didn't know how to say it.

"Salute!" The command was still issued by Wu Xingyun, and the three soldiers saluted together.

"Reporting chief, the guards stationed in the source star, report to you!" Wu Xingyun's voice sounded a little hoarse, with a hint of choking.

Wen Nuo looked deeply at the three people in front of him, and then stood at attention with a solemn expression. He raised his hand and saluted the three in the same way: "Welcome home!"

Simple four words, without any greetings, but it almost made Wu Xingyun cry.

Yes, I'm finally back, no one will bully me maliciously, no one will embarrass me, no more duplicity, no more bastard like Ye Suikong will make me feel bad, because, here is own home...

Wu Xingyun sniffled, and the tip of his nose smelled the unique smell of the Federation, mixed with the smell of steel and food.

It's good to be home, Wu Xingyun thought to himself, a smile appeared on his face, and in the next second, he was hugged into a warm embrace.

Wu Xingyun raised his head slightly, and saw Wen Nuo's face close at hand, and the other's chest still felt very warm, just like the hugs he received from recruits when he joined the army.

Wu Xingyun took two deep breaths, and the faint smell of smoke from Wen Nuo's body entered his nostrils.

He should be happy at this time, but inexplicably, he thought of the shadow of another person, and that person was sometimes cold, sometimes wild, but rarely had a warm embrace.

The hug ended soon. Wen Nuo hugged the other two soldiers one by one. The other two soldiers were more excited than Wu Xingyun. They also gave Wen Nuo a bear hug, and one of them took the opportunity to kiss Wen Nuo.

"General Wen, it's great to see you again!" Soldier A said, "I'm applying for a big meal. I'm starving on Yuan Xing!"

"General Wen, congratulations on your promotion. The last time I saw you was a colonel, but this time you are a major general! Treat yourself!" Soldier B said.

It was only then that Wu Xingyun noticed that Wen Nuo's epaulettes had been upgraded to another level, and he had crossed the hurdle of a school-level officer and became a general-level officer. He could no longer be called a company commander, but a general.

Now is not a time of war, but an officer has repeatedly been promoted exceptionally. Wen Nuo's rocket-like ascension speed made Wu Xingyun amazed.

Wen Nuo smiled and agreed to the request of the other two soldiers. At this time, he turned around and said to Wu Xingyun, who was distracted, "Why are you in a daze? They both made requests. What request do you have?"

Wu Xingyun seemed to wake up from a dream, and hurriedly said, "Oh, I don't have any requirements... I don't have any requirements."

Wen Nuo patted Wu Xingyun's shoulder with a smile, and the four of them walked towards the mothership's reception room together.

After satisfying the appetite requirements of the three, the other two soldiers went to rest, but Wu Xingyun was called into the conference room by Wen Nuo.

The purpose of Wu Xingyun's return is to be a witness for Star Marshal Shi Fei.

He needs to know what happened to Shi Fei as soon as possible, and how he can help Shi Fei.

Wen Nuo quickly explained the general situation.

Shi Fei's situation has not been very good since the end of the war. His temper exploded and he offended many people who shouldn't be offended. During the war, everyone wanted to use him, so he kept forbearing. But now that a peace has been negotiated, it is time to settle accounts after the fall.

President Hobbs basically doesn't manage much, purely a symbol of the highest federal executive.

The vice president, Ouyang Feng, basically controls the parliament and is the chief advocate of the peace talks. He and Shi Fei, who has always advocated fighting to the end, have political disagreements, and the two sides have long been in conflict.

The Ouyangliu incident this time was the trigger for the whole thing to erupt.

Ouyang Liu died, died in Yuan Xing, and the cause of death was unknown. When Ouyang Feng faced the tragic death of his only son, he was sad for a while, hated for a while, and then quickly turned his grief and anger into strength, and turned to frame Shi Fei. Basin, and successfully sued Shi Fei to the trial court.

Ouyang Feng's accusation is that Shi Fei and Ye Suikong colluded with each other, which led to the failure of the war. The Federation spent a lot of manpower and material resources in exchange for peace, and sent Ouyang Liu to make a marriage, but it turned out that they were colluding because Ouyang Liu discovered Shi Fei's minions, Wu Xingyun, murdered and silenced him. It is a strange injustice for a heroic soldier to die, but not get the honor he deserves!

What? The candidate for the marriage was personally appointed by Ye Suikong, so Shi Fei couldn't install his cronies? Dear, have you forgotten the fact that the two colluded

Why was it Wu Xingyun who killed Ouyang Liu instead of Ye Suikong? Ordinarily, it is more convenient for Ye Suikong to kill people! Dear, have you forgotten that Ye Suikong and Shi Fei are in the same group

But the send-off team also brought back a lot of evidence of Ouyang Liu's treason, and there are witnesses... Dear, it seems that you have forgotten the fact that Ouyang Liu was wronged. These are all perjury, perjury!

As for the strong evidence that Shi Fei and Ye Suikong colluded

Wen Nuo sorted out the files on his desktop, and took out one of them: "There are ten evidences in total, and twenty-three inferences. The most powerful evidence is that Ye Mo wrote a letter to Marshal Shi himself, which is a letter of instigating rebellion. A letter was found at Shi Fei's house, and there was a huge amount of money in his account with unknown sources, these two items are the most unfavorable evidence."

After hearing the whole story, Wu Xingyun felt a little depressed: "Why are they wronging people indiscriminately?! Is there no one from the Federation to speak for the Marshal?"

Wen Nuo crossed his hands on the table, and looked at Wu Xingyun helplessly: "Marshal Shi has a bad temper, likes to scold mothers, and offended many people. It's good that those people didn't make trouble, and not many people are willing to speak up for him of."

There was a look of anxiety on Wu Xingyun's face. Just as he was about to speak, Wen Nuo smiled again: "Although there are not many people who are willing to try their best to help him, it is not impossible. Otherwise, you will not return. I and President Hobbs does not approve of handing over Shi Fei to a military court for trial, so he asked you to come back and testify."

When Wu Xingyun heard what Wen Nuo said, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

Wen Nuo collected all the documents, then threw them into the shredder beside him, and smashed them all. He watched the scraps of paper tumbling in the shredder, and smiled: "Those who hate Shi Fei and those who love him , are a minority, and more people are centrists. Shi Fei's temper is too stubborn, even with a gun to his forehead, he would rather die than surrender, and he doesn't know how to deal with the judges and juries, so the situation will change. It's getting worse and worse for him. All you have to do is try to help Marshal Shi win the sympathy of the jury in court, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Wu Xingyun snorted, and after a while he raised his eyes to look at Wen Nuo: "But... I'm not very good at talking, I'm afraid that if I say the wrong thing, it will have a negative effect."

Wen Nuo's smile was still gentle. He stood up and walked to Wu Xingyun's side, and put his hand on his shoulder: "Don't worry, I've already thought about what you should say. You just do what I say. Arrive There are still ten days left on Planet Detano, these days I will accompany you to practice hard."

Wen Nuo carried Wu Xingyun on his shoulder with one hand, supported the table with the other hand, and looked down at Wu Xingyun, waiting for the other party to make a statement.

Wen Nuo used to do this often, and Wu Xingyun didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but now he felt that the hand on his shoulder was a bit awkward, and there seemed to be a trace of burning in Wen Nuo's eyes.

He moved his body slightly, and Wen Nuo quickly withdrew his hand and patted him on the back instead: "Come on, show me the information you brought back first, and see what I can use The place."

Half an hour later, Wu Xingyun began to recite the words that appeared on the screen in the simulated training room.

At first he stuttered, but then he became fluent. Wen Nuo sat beside him, looked at him, and reminded him when to emphasize his tone and when to slow down.

Time passed quickly, Wu Xingyun was sleeping and eating, practicing and reciting the words Wen Nuo taught him.

He practiced repeatedly, while Wen Nuo was always by his side, looking at this little soldier with a smile, from the timid speech at the beginning to the impassioned after being pointed out by himself, at this moment, he felt Wu Xingyun's speech His serious expression, his stupidity when he can't remember the words, and the occasional local accent are all very cute.

Wen Nuo stood up, walked to Wu Xingyun, pulled out his hands on both sides of his body, and taught him: "At this time, you need to wave your hands, from top to bottom, to show your determination when you say these words. "

As he spoke, Wen Nuo held Wu Xingyun's wrist and swiped down in mid-air.

"Don't hide your thumbs, it will come across as insincere. Body language matters too..."

The two were very close, and Wen Nuo stood behind Wu Xingyun, almost half-embracing him, correcting his movements little by little.

Wu Xingyun practiced very seriously. He never knew before that there are so many exquisiteness and skills in speaking. It turns out that sincerity does not come from the heart, but is performed.

This cognition made him somewhat resistant, but he still practiced hard.

When Wen Nuo lowered his head, he could see the hair on Wu Xingyun's neck and the beads of sweat from his continuous practice speech. At this moment, Wen Nuo could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

Wu Xingyun was still practicing this waving movement, he did it over and over again, then turned his head and asked, "General, is this okay?"

Wen Nuo's gaze met Wu Xingyun's abruptly, and the other's shining eyes were black and white, without any impurities. Wen Nuo's breathing stagnated for a moment, and his voice became extremely soft: "I'm back this time, so don't go back again. I can see that the night broken sky is not good for you, and you will not have a good time there. Be happy. Stay in your hometown, I promise that no one will dare to bully you here."

Wu Xingyun's originally extremely serious face, when he heard the words Ye Suikong, a trace of confusion emerged. His eyes changed from black and white to being covered with a layer of mist, becoming somewhat dreamy And free.

In the end, those eyes gradually dimmed, filled with grievance and sadness, and finally he lowered his head.

I'm afraid I can't go back.

He still remembered what Ye Suicong said before he left: "Go away, go back to your Federation, I don't want you anymore!"

Originally, this should be a sentence that made Wu Xingyun happy. He can finally go home, and he can finally stop dealing with people like Ye Suikong.

But when he really arrived in the federation and was in his own team, when he thought of this sentence again, he felt an indescribable suffocation. He only felt that a certain part of his heart seemed to be very stuffy and a little painful.