Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 31: trial


Ten days later, the spaceship finally arrived at the outpost Planet Detano. On this star, Wu Xingyun would take a short rest, and then take the federal civil spaceship to the Judgment Hall.

Planet Detano is the place where Wu Xingyun stayed before he got married, where Wennuo resides, and this is where Wu Xingyun met Ouyang Liu for the first time. At that time, no one thought that so many things would happen in the follow-up.

When Wu Xingyun came to the place where he lived again, he found that Wen Nuo's residence had not changed, but Ouyang Liu next door had been replaced by another civilian officer with glasses.

After the two parties greeted each other, Wu Xingyun arrived at the accommodation under the leadership of Wen Nuo. The bedroom is still a whole row of bunk beds, Wu Xingyun's bed has not changed in any way, it is still the top bunk in the first row, even his item box is in the original position.

After Wu Xingyun cleaned up all his things, it was time to rest. Before he went to bed, Wen Nuo said to him, "I have information on Yeshakukong collected by the Federation in my computer, and the address is the old place. The entire Federation you He is the person who has the most contact with him, you can look at these materials when you have time, and help maintain them if there is anything wrong."

Wu Xingyun was about to get out of bed and go to the study to maintain the materials. Wen Nuo continued, "There is no rush to do it right away. Anyway, you will stay in the federation for a long time."

Wu Xingyun lay on the bed again, but found that he suffered from insomnia again. He felt that the number of insomnia had increased recently. For a soldier, this was not a good sign.

He was afraid of disturbing Wen Nuo's rest, so he didn't dare to turn over on it. He just opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After looking at the ceiling for a while, he lost all sleepiness. He simply got up, went to Wen Nuo's study, turned on his computer, and found The folder where the Yeshakong materials are stored, and started to look at those materials.

Wu Xingyun was the only one in the huge study room. He turned on the holographic projector, and the virtual portrait of Ye Suikong immediately appeared in front of him. The black-haired man composed of light and shadow was indifferent and chilling, and his expression was even a bit ferocious. Moreover, some details were blurred. wrong. For example—Ye Suicong has double eyelids, but in this portrait, in order to highlight his bloodthirsty temperament, he made single eyelids.

Wu Xingyun couldn't help stretching out his hand, and touched the modification button on the virtual screen, changing the appearance to be closer to Ye Suikong himself.

Then he started to look through Ye Suikong's information again. In the quiet night, he found that when he saw the words Ye Suikong, his heart calmed down.

The Federation's description of the interior of the Night Demon Army was also somewhat inaccurate, and Wu Xingyun almost unconsciously corrected these mistakes and omissions.

For example, Ye Suikong's research on force, his personality analysis, and the corresponding information on other mutants.

After Wu Xingyun finished revising these, he saw "My Knowledge of Ye Sui Kong" on the last page of the document, so Wu Xingyun began to write down his knowledge of Ye Sui Kong.

From the first meeting of the two, to a series of negotiations, and then Ye Shattering Kong's abnormal performance at the wedding, and the weaknesses he exposed on the wedding night.

As Wu Xingyun wrote and wrote, these things became his memoirs. He recalled almost everything about Yeshakong in detail, even the number of times he ate, his favorite colors, and the way he appeared these days , are not missed.

"Ye Suikong is a person... who will destroy everything when he is in despair." Wu Xingyun wrote his own analysis, "During the wedding, he thought he was bound to die, so he didn't actively look for a cure, but designed a set of one after another. They even did not hesitate to get all the mutants involved in the war to destroy everything."

When he was writing this, Wu Xingyun suddenly stopped. He looked back at what he had written, and there was even something about Ye Suikong's old lover. Those were things that the Federation didn't know.

"Does this count as betraying him?" Wu Xingyun stared blankly at the screen, "At least at that time, he trusted me a lot. I even saw photos of his parents..."

Wu Xingyun was in a daze for a while, then manually deleted this part.

After a while, he wrote down his judgment: "Ye Suikong is not a person who likes to show his emotions, he is very good at concealing, he was injured and dying at the time, but he didn't even know about his closest mutants, he knows it very well Pretend, never trust him easily, the Federation should trust its own judgment and its own soldiers."

When Wu Xingyun wrote this paragraph, he felt that the last sentence seemed to accuse his superior of wrong orders, so he deleted this paragraph again.

In the end, he deleted, edited, and changed like this, and when he finally felt tired, he fell asleep on the table.

On the screen, there was not a word written on that page of "My Knowledge of Ye Sui Kong". He felt that every word he wrote was inappropriate, and he didn't know how to write it.

Throughout the night, he scribbled and changed supplements to Ye Suikong's information, leaving only the double eyelid in the virtual portrait.

When Wu Xingyun opened his eyes again, he found that he was wearing an extra coat, the computer in front of him had been turned off, and Wen Nuo was standing by the window smoking a cigarette. The faint smell of smoke wafted over and asked Wu Xingyun to The son woke up.

"Company commander... oh, no, General Wen, when did you come here?" Wu Xingyun stood up from the desk, feeling a little panicked.

Wen Nuo spit out a smoke ring: "I have been behind you, but you have been immersed in your own world and didn't notice it."

Wu Xingyun didn't know what to say, he was very worried that what he wrote last night would be seen by Wen Nuo, but he didn't dare to ask, he felt that he was no longer an excellent soldier, and some positions seemed to be wavering .

Wen Nuo finished smoking, then put his hands in his pockets, looked out the window, and said to Wu Xingyun: "Some things don't have to think about them after they have passed. There will be time to complete the information later, so there is no rush. But... sympathy Enemies don't do you any good, don't forget Ouyang Liu."

Wu Xingyun felt a shiver all over his body, he stood at attention with his legs together, and replied loudly: "Yes!"

But when he answered "yes", there was a voice in his heart questioning himself: Am I really sympathizing with the enemy? Am I actually sympathizing with the enemy

Wu Xingyun has no answers to these questions, and he is unwilling to think about overly complicated issues. He has already returned to the Federation, and these things can be left to his superiors to think about. He only needs to be a soldier who obeys orders, a A brave soldier is fine.

For the rest of the time, the two of them did not discuss the matter of Yeshakong, but were actively preparing to participate in the trial. On the third day, the two of them had already made all preparations, and they took the spaceship to the trial hall that night. After sailing overnight, the two arrived at the federation's trial planet, the legendary six-pointed star, the next morning.

This planet is surrounded by six constant stars, and every corner will be illuminated by the sun, because it has never been dark, so this star is used as a judgment planet, symbolizing light and justice. And this planet is also named hexagram.

When Wu Xingyun arrived at the six-pointed star, he found that the star was full of reporters from all over the place, as well as some troops maintaining order.

Among these reporters, there are even reporters from the Night Demon Army—ordinary people who have taken refuge in the Night Fragmented Sky.

It seems that both the enemy and the enemy in the entire galaxy are very concerned about the outcome of this trial.

When Wu Xingyun appeared, many reporters recognized him, so everyone began to squeeze forward one after another. The soldiers maintaining order could only use their bodies to form a flesh wall to isolate these crazy reporters.

Some reporters asked loudly: "Master Chief, what do you think of this trial?"

"May I ask if you know what the night devil really thinks about this trial?"

"Aren't you newly married? Does the sudden return mean the breakdown of the relationship between the two parties?"

"I heard that Ouyang Liu, the victim this time, competed with you for the night demon. Is it true?"

"Some people say that Ouyang Liu is the mistress, what do you think?"

It was the first time for Wu Xingyun to face so many questions. His head was a little dazed, and he even prepared to answer those crazy reporters from various media, but Wen Nuo pulled him away and whispered in his ear: " Don’t pay attention to these people, if you say one word, they will start hundreds of associations.”

Wu Xingyun immediately dismissed the idea of justifying, but his eyes still seemed to be looking around.

Wen Nuo immediately reminded him: "From now on, you must enter the state of preparation, don't look around, just look ahead, and don't forget what we practiced."

Wu Xingyun immediately looked straight ahead, walked in unison with Wen Nuo and walked into the courtroom.

The trial court can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The high dome is carved with complicated patterns, and the light of the stars leaks from the ceiling of the dome, forming mottled shadows on the ground.

The judge sat on a high rostrum, and on the left and right sides of him were jury judges. On the right side of the judge's seat were ten recorders, and on the left side was a jury composed of hundreds of people.

These court personnel were all dressed in black robes, with solemn expressions. The defendant Shi Fei was in the center of the courtroom, surrounded by military police guards, and the courtroom was already full of people, all of whom were thoughtful figures from the Federation.

The entire hall is well lit without any artificial lighting facilities, but the atmosphere is solemn, and the huge building makes people feel majestic at a glance. Everyone who enters the hall can't help but feel this atmosphere. No one dares to be presumptuous here .

At the beginning, Wu Xingyun was just waiting in the waiting room and watching the live broadcast of the trial on the screen.

On the screen, Shi Fei looked energetic and full of energy. Although he was standing in the defendant's seat, he didn't look depressed at all. The people in the plaintiff's seat were somewhat beyond Wu Xingyun's expectations. He always thought that the plaintiff would be Vice President Ouyang Feng, but in fact the person standing on that seat is just an ordinary government official. Ouyang Feng sat on the hearing bench, waiting for the trial with all his leisure.

The trial has lasted for several months, and now it is the last trial. After the judge read out Shi Fei's charges, he routinely asked: "Does the defendant plead guilty?"

Of course Shi Fei pleaded not guilty, and his lawyer declared that he still had the last witness at the request of the judge.

The judge slammed his own trial hammer: "Please witness Wu Xingyun to appear in court."

Wu Xingyun looked back at Wen Nuo, and Wen Nuo patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will sit opposite you in the hearing booth, and I can let you see it at any time, everything will be fine!"

Wu Xingyun nodded, he took a deep breath, then opened the door of the waiting room and walked through the passage.

Wu Xingyun's footsteps were unhurried, he remembered his previous preparations, he walked with his head held high, without changing his expression, his passage would pass through the hearing booth, he tried his best not to squint. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure from behind.

The figure from the back was wearing a gray suit, with short hair and a white shirt back collar, which was no different from everyone present.

But Wu Xingyun immediately recognized that figure, it was the figure of Ye Suikong.

When Wu Xingyun had this understanding, he immediately rejected this idea in his heart. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe it's my own illusion.

Ye Suikong should be in Yuanxing now, he can't appear here, moreover, how could Ye Suikong's long hair like black jade be cut off suddenly

When Wu Xingyun passed by that figure, he even wanted to look back at that person's front, but he still remembered Wen Nuo's explanation of "don't look around", so he walked forward without squinting, and came to the witness stand.

The seat of the person suspected of Yeshakong was at the back of the witness stand. It was impossible for Wu Xingyun to turn around to verify the other party's true identity. He quickly put this little doubt behind his head and looked straight ahead.

As he said, Wen Nuo was in the position where Wu Xingyun was the easiest to see. At this moment, Wen Nuo smiled at Wu Xingyun and gave him a thumbs up.

"Don't be afraid, you are the best!" Wen Nuo made a mouth shape.

Wu Xingyun also nodded at him and began to accept the entire trial.

After routinely swearing to the federal flag that everything he said was true, the interrogation of Wu Xingyun officially began.

The judge sat on the messy rostrum, high in Linxia, and asked without a trace of emotion: "Witness, please describe in detail the circumstances of Captain Ouyang Liu's death."

Wu Xingyun's voice was not too loud, and he stuttered at the beginning. When he said that after three months of sailing, he finally arrived at Yuanxing, but when Ye Suikong and Ouyang Liu appeared together, everyone was shocked. They all gasped.

This is a new material that was never known before!

However, the subsequent developments were even more exaggerated, which made everyone unimaginable. Everyone was still in shock until Wu Xingyun said that Ouyang Liu tried to steal the spaceship, he warned the other party repeatedly but still refused to put down his weapon, and was finally shot dead.

Some people even looked at Ouyang Feng who was sitting in the hearing seat, and the inquiries and doubts in their eyes were already very obvious.

But the lawyer Ouyang Feng was looking for promptly asked the judge: "Your Honor, I want to ask some questions to the plaintiff's witnesses, is that okay?"

The judge's voice was still very cold: "Yes."

The lawyer came to Wu Xingyun, looked Wu Xingyun up and down, then he suddenly stretched out his hands, propped them on Wu Xingyun's witness table, and asked loudly: "When you saw Ouyang Liu and Ye Mo appear together, Why are you angry, because he showed up with the enemy, or because he stole your husband?"

Wu Xingyun was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help looking at Wen Nuo. They didn't have this practice when they were rehearsing before.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you answer my question? Sergeant, are you jealous that Captain Ouyang Liu has a close relationship with your fiancé?"

"No!" Wu Xingyun retorted instinctively, "I'm jealous of what he is doing, I don't even want to..." He originally wanted to say that he didn't want to marry Ye Suikong at all, but he immediately realized that saying that would be tantamount to publicly opposing the decision of his superiors , so he didn't know how to word it.

The lawyer stared at Wu Xingyun and pressed him step by step: "Why don't you dare to answer? Then can I think that I have spoken your mind?"

Immediately, the lawyer turned around and gave an emotional speech to the jury.

"Everyone has seen that non-commissioned officer Wu Xingyun, as a marriage candidate, was jealous for ulterior purposes, so he forced Captain Ouyang Liu to undergo a psychological test, or in other words, there was no psychological test at all. It's just an excuse made by the Federation Captain!"

Then, the original video recording was displayed on the Federation's playback screen. The lawyer pointed at Ouyang Liu's expression with a laser pointer: "The captain was obviously forced to do this kind of test. He was coerced with a gun. When his life was threatened, he had no choice but to give in, but he never expected that someone in his team would be so despicable and shameless, tampering with his psychological records. He even couldn't imagine that he would be betrayed by Ye Suicong and fall into the into the hands of someone with ulterior motives!"

"Captain Ouyang Liu was wronged, look, Wu Xingyun didn't intend to kill him at first, but why did he change his mind on the wedding night? Can I assume he was jealous? Or, he had a purpose Action, just because you received instructions from some people?" The lawyer said here, looking at Shi Fei in the dock: "Marshal Shi, did you instruct Wu Xingyun to kill Captain Ouyang Liu?!"

Shi Fei's face was flushed with anger. He has been asked this question many times, but every time he was asked, he was still very angry: "Fart! Why did I kill Ouyang Liu? No, this kind of bastard, I directly It will be shot!"

Shi Fei's words caused everyone to sigh, and his anger gave the opposing lawyer a good excuse.

The lawyer turned to the judge gracefully, and then said in a tone filled with righteous indignation: "According to the latest information we have obtained, the reason why Captain Ouyang Liu was killed was because he learned the inside story of the collusion between Shi Fei and Yemo, so he will Killed by Shi Fei's spokesperson Wu Xingyun! Think about it, a soldier who loves Ye Suikong wholeheartedly, a soldier who is jealous of Captain Ouyang Liu, does not go to the bridal chamber on the wedding night, but runs to kill people, what kind of motivation is it? What prompted him to do this? What kind of thought would make him give up the long-awaited bridal chamber and kill someone? Besides being instructed by others, what else could it be!"

After saying these words, the lawyer raised the things in his hands again, and said more righteously: "Here, in my hand, there is a letter written by Night Demon to Shi Fei, which mentioned in detail that Shi Fei will be punished after joining the Night Demon Army." The treatment, and the details of how to surrender to the enemy. Marshal Shi, do you admit that this is a letter written by Ye Suikong?"

Shi Fei's voice was angrily: "He wrote it to me, so..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the lawyer: "Then why didn't you report to the Federation immediately? Have you already been tempted by Ye Suikong's conditions, have you been in collusion with He Ji, have you..."

Shi Fei was extremely angry. He interrupted the lawyer almost growling: "Is it your mother! This kind of thing looks like a boring letter. I don't think it is necessary to report it. At that time, I could receive hundreds of such things a day. I have to report everything, I can't fight anymore? You bastard with maggots on your head..."

The lawyer tilted his head to look at Shi Fei, shook his head and sighed: "Marshal Shi, please pay attention to your words. Do you mean contempt for the judges in court by still making such arrogant personal attacks?" After finishing these words, The lawyer turned around and bowed to the judge, "Your Honor, I am applying for Marshal Shi Fei to be silenced for ten minutes. I am worried that he will be too agitated and start insulting everyone, making the court adjourn again today."

When the lawyer said this slightly witty remark, most of the people laughed. The judge nodded and looked at Shi Fei: "The defendant is silenced for ten minutes and must not speak!"

A layer of transparent cover with light green light covered Shi Fei and made sound wave isolation. Shi Fei shouted and cursed angrily inside, but no one could hear what he said.

With a triumphant smile on his face, the lawyer turned his attack target to Wu Xingyun again.

Wu Xingyun was a little scared, his heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but look at Wen Nuo again.

Wen Nuo was still smiling at him, which gave Wu Xingyun some confidence, and he took a deep breath.

The lawyer began to interrogate him endlessly: "Why didn't you kill Night Demon when you learned that he was about to die?"

Wu Xingyun's voice was calm: "Because he's dead, the two sides will fight again, and I don't want to fight again."

"Why did you save the enemy, but kill your own people? Can I think that you have actually turned to Night Demon?"

"I don't"

"Have you fallen in love with Ye Suikong already, so that's why you work for him?"

"not like this"

"After you killed the captain, don't you feel any guilt?"

"I'm so guilty, I've been sad for a while."

"Are you sad for your murder? If you are guilty and sad, why did you kill him? Can I conclude that you are a hypocritical and dishonest person? Can I further suspect that your confession is actually false lie?"

Wu Xingyun was a little anxious, he stammered: "I... I didn't lie!"

"Why do you believe that Ouyang Liu is a traitor? Do you have valid evidence?"

"I..." Wu Xingyun was a little stuck, he was intimidated by the lawyer.

"Why didn't you stop Ouyang Liu before he got on the spaceship, but waited for him to get on the spaceship before shooting him? I can understand that you did this as intentional murder?"

"No, no!"

"You keep slandering Captain Ouyang Liu for treason, but you can't produce any good evidence. Can I think that you are guilty of being a thief, and the thief is calling for a thief?"

"I don't! I don't have a heart... a guilty conscience!"

Wu Xingyun's voice was a bit stuttering, and there was still a hint of timidity in his tone. He had never seen this kind of battle. Even if Wen Nuo had practiced with him many times, it would be difficult for him to face the barbaric lawyer.

He can only keep himself from swearing and personal attacks.

However, many of the defenses that were spoken were interrupted by the lawyer before they could speak, and the whole conversation was completely led away by the lawyer.

Wu Xingyun's head started to sweat, but he didn't know how to reverse this situation.

The lawyer smiled contemptuously at Wu Xingyun, let go of the overwhelmed Wu Xingyun, and turned to the jury: "This legendary witness, apart from some of his own assumptions and nonsense, can't tell the truth at all. Favorable physical evidence, and, in view of his special relationship with Ye Suikong, I request that he be disqualified as a witness!"

The jury began to discuss each other in private, and the lawyer looked determined to win, but at this moment, Wu Xingyun spoke. He saw Wen Nuo making a gesture to himself, which was the secret signal that the two had discussed during practice.

Wu Xingyun was no longer timid and at a loss, his voice was a little loud: "I have evidence!"

The lawyer looked back in surprise: "I'm sorry, given your special relationship with Ye Suikong, I'm afraid it's difficult to testify your one-sided statement."

Wu Xingyun found to his surprise that the lawyer's words were exactly what he had rehearsed, so he turned on the endorsement mode in a calm voice: "I have sufficient physical evidence. At that time, I found that Ouyang Liu was gone, and the spaceship was also gone. , I can't wear ordinary combat uniforms, so I wear the combat uniforms of ghost lock soldiers. The reason why I didn't arrest Ouyang Liu immediately after I found him was because I heard a conversation between him and Ye Suikong. This conversation was recorded by the recording system of the combat uniform at that time, and now the court is requested to play it in public."

The lawyer was stunned, and Ouyang Feng in the hearing seat was also stunned. Obviously, no one expected that Wu Xingyun actually recorded it.

But the lawyer immediately said: "It's hard to say that this video has not been deleted, you have enough time, and the relationship with Ye Suikong..."

The lawyer's sentence was the content of the previous exercise, so Wu Xingyun interrupted him at the right time, and continued to recite the pattern: "The protection system of the ghost lock soldiers is well known, and it is the most advanced in the military. Military type, whether his records have been taken out, the military department will send someone to check it. Lawyers don’t have to worry about my falsification. Of course, I will not make the most malicious guesses about your words, because I know you don’t understand these things, because … You are a lawyer, not a soldier, and you have never gone to war to kill half an enemy."

The lawyer looked at Wu Xingyun in a daze. In the previous series of fights, he was confident that he knew that this little soldier was clumsy. He couldn't argue with others. He was simply the weakest opponent he had ever encountered. Why did Xiao Bing suddenly become sharper

He coughed in embarrassment.

At this time, Wu Xingyun looked at Wen Nuo again, and Wen Nuo smiled at him, nodding to indicate that Wu Xingyun had successfully recited his words.

Wu Xingyun's original combat uniform was soon presented, and after being inspected by professionals, it was proved that the recorded content had never been taken out or deleted.

Then, the big screens throughout the courtroom began to broadcast.

Ouyang Liu's voice came from the huge screen.

"Master Mozun, I have always admired you very much, for you, I am willing to do anything..."

There was a sound of booing.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Suikong's back appeared on the huge screen. Ye Suikong's voice was very lazy, but every word was very clear: "How could I forget you? I've been thinking about you, otherwise I wouldn't have sent someone to help you." You stole the spaceship."

"I gave up my wedding night to wait here for you because I was worried about you."

There was another sigh.

"Master Mozun, after reading your story since I was a child, you are the only person in my heart. The people of the Federation died under your hands, and they deserve it. I am willing to tell you everything I know, without asking for anything else. Yes, I just hope you can look at me one more time..."

There were a few curses mixed in with the boos and sobs, words like "traitor!" , My son is actually... so stupid, he was caught and recorded on the spot, and now it is broadcasted throughout the galaxy.

However, something that no one could have imagined is yet to come.

Ouyang Liu actually started to undress, and his voice trembled: "It's just one night... I've told you everything I know. If you want to know the biggest secret, just one night is enough."

"Master Mozun, didn't you say that you like mine?"

"I betrayed everything to you, my only support is you..."

Ouyang Liu's body was presented in front of everyone, and Wu Xingyun hadn't changed it, so some important parts on the screen were not covered or mosaic, and everything was horrible.


"Damn it! What a disgrace!"

The curses were already coming and going, and Ouyang Feng wanted to find a hole to drill down at this moment, but he knew very well in his heart that if he really drilled a hole, everything would be irreparable. He must quickly find a way to restore his image in this most disadvantaged situation.

He was going to give a public speech, complaining that he was not good at discipline, and by the way, smearing Shi Fei.

But before he could think of what to say, Wu Xingyun spoke.

He was very nervous, very nervous, so some of the words he had memorized before were not very smooth.

"Ye Suikong... Kong... has very...very keen perception. I can only keep myself from being discovered by him. I didn't immediately dissuade Captain Ouyang Liu from making mistakes."

The lawyer was already shocked by the series of slightly sexy and brain-damaged videos just now, his brain was still a little short-circuited, and he didn't react: "Ye Suikong is dying, his perception is not that sharp at all, Sergeant, did you do it on purpose? %…”

Before the lawyer could finish his sentence, Shi Fei scolded him angrily.

Shi Fei's ten-minute silence time finally came, and he scolded the lawyer angrily: "You have something wrong with your brain? At that time, who the hell knew that Ye Suikong was going to die! You are so powerful that you can predict the future, why don't you go and shoot him?" Ye Suikong is a hero? Your fucking head is covered in shit!"

Then, Shi Fei was banned again...

Wu Xingyun didn't go to see the lawyer again, he looked at the jury, just now Wen Nuo gave him a gesture, indicating that now is a good time to win the sympathy of the jury.

Wu Xingyun's voice was a bit rough, and he forgot his words when he was nervous: "I... I didn't mean it... I really didn't know the real situation of Ye Suikong at the time... But it wasn't just me who didn't know, everyone in the Federation was arrested. He lied! I never thought of marrying Ye Suikong, my enemy. As a soldier, not able to defend my country on the battlefield, but forced to use this way, it is a shame to me .”

Wu Xingyun's words began to flow smoothly, and gradually entered the state, and the movements of his hands also cooperated.

"But it's not just a shame for me personally, it's a shame for the Federation, a shame for the entire army!"

His hand drew an arc in the air, and then held it tightly: "The enemy's bluff can make us tremble with fear, why? Because he is strong? Because he is terrible? No, it is because of our cowardice! We Afraid to fight him, we are afraid of him! So we dare not face up to his schemes, his pretense, or even his weakness; Not at all!"

When Wu Xingyun said these words, he naturally thought of some of the anger he had received from Ye Suikong. He thought of those who had made concessions at the beginning and did not dare to argue too much with Ye Suikong. Ye Suikong quarreled but was driven away, and he became even more angry, not only angry at the weakness of the Federation, but also angry at himself.

"The mutant population is small, and if one is eliminated, one will die; while our Federation cannot be killed. If one dies, more people will stand up. The final victory will be ours, but some people, for some Inexplicable excuses and ulterior motives to turn black and white right and wrong. In the situation where Ye Suikong was already in a desperate situation, he proposed a peace and gave the enemy a chance to breathe. But using the humiliating method of marriage in exchange for peace that does not exist at all, what is the intention? The battle hero was sold to the enemy, the marshal who had been leading the war of resistance was charged with treason, and the loyal guard who served the Federation became Sinners; those who betrayed the Commonwealth were turned into heroes. In this place illuminated by six stars and never seen darkness, such behavior of turning black and white is absolutely not allowed."

"When those who really made contributions are slandered and thrown into prison, who else would be willing to pay and sacrifice to defend the Federation? When traitors have become heroes and people who are admired, who else would be willing to pay for it? Federation effect? Yes, since ancient times, human beings have not lacked these despicable villains. They destroy faith, fairness, and justice for their own selfish desires and certain purposes. But we will not allow the existence of these people. Because, letting go They come to hurt their own heroes, and they will only end up destroying the Federation!"

"The reason why I came to testify is not to bring down anyone, let alone to make someone look bad, I just want to see that day come, I don't want to see our enemies laughing happily in the shadows, but Our friend weeps in the light!"

"Jury, judges, I believe that you also have the most sincere love for the Federation. I believe that some conspiracies and tricks are just clown tricks. In the face of the facts and the light, everyone will have his own inner judgment Even if it is impossible, history will make a correct judgment on today."

"We have already been deceived by Ye Suicong once, and we have lost a great chance to defeat him, but we cannot be deceived a second time."

"The Federation will win!"

"Finally, I love the Commonwealth. I believe that everyone loves her as much as I do, and no one can betray her. Those who betray her will be judged, whether it is a court trial or a trial of history!"

"I've finished my words." Wu Xingyun bowed to everyone as the end of his speech.

He has recited this passage hundreds of times under Wen Nuo's guidance, and he said it very smoothly. His eyes, movements, and demeanor have all been practiced in front of the mirror countless times. When he finished saying this sentence, the auditorium immediately exploded. There was warm applause, the jury looked at each other in blank dismay, the judge tapped the hammer three times, and everyone fell silent.

The judge said: "Now, temporarily adjourn the court, and the trial result will follow..."

Before the judge finished speaking, a person stood up in the hearing booth. He took the microphone placed in the front row, and said righteously: "I made a mistake! I want to apologize to all the people of the Federation! Ouyang Liu! This kind of traitorous behavior is something everyone is not ashamed of! Blame me for not educating him well, and when he was an adult, he was too busy with work and neglected to discipline him. I am sorry everyone... "

As he spoke, Ouyang Feng bowed deeply to the crowd.

"I beg your lord judge to give Ouyang Liu a heavy sentence, and don't show him any sympathy because of me. A shameless person like Ouyang Liu will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame in history. I only represent the Ouyang family It is announced that this person will be expelled from the family, he is not worthy of the surname Ouyang! On behalf of the Ouyang family, I apologize to all those who were hurt by Ouyang Liu. I am sorry. I have neglected the education of my children because of my busy work. I accept the condemnation of the federal people. I My deepest sorrow for this.”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Feng bowed to Wu Xingyun: "Master Chief, I apologize for the trouble Ouyang Liu has caused you."

Immediately, he looked at Shi Fei again: "I didn't know much about Ouyang Liu before. If I knew, I would never let someone with ulterior motives falsely accuse you, Marshal. Here I sincerely apologize to you, I hope this unpleasant episode will not affect our future cooperation."

Shi Fei gave Ouyang Feng a vicious look, Wu Xingyun was relatively innocent, at this moment he felt that Ouyang Feng sincerely apologized and admitted his mistake, and it was not as unbearable as the previous legends said.

On the contrary, Wen Nuo, who was sitting on the hearing bench, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ouyang Feng has been manipulating all of this behind the scenes, and has never been in the limelight, that is, to maintain his reputation and put himself in a position that can be attacked and defended. Now that he saw that everything was irreversible, he came out immediately to draw a line with his dead son, and used this method to win the favor of the public. He is really a... qualified politician.

But no matter how qualified he is, he will be hit hard by this incident.

In an instant, Wen Nuo had thought of a series of follow-up strategies to deal with Ouyang Feng. Of course, the first strategy is to attack Ouyang Feng's appeasement policy with the help of Ye Suicong's almost death on his wedding night, and try to keep Wu Xingyun in the Federation and never return to the territory of the Night Demon Army.

The judges quickly discussed the result. Star Marshal Shi Fei was purely falsely accused. Of course, he should be released immediately and resume his original position.

Ouyang Liu's charges were verified accordingly, and he was sentenced to 1,000 years in prison for treason and treason, and his body will be thrown into prison for safekeeping...

The official who falsely accused Shi Fei was sentenced to one year in prison and a huge fine for false accusation.

As for Ouyang Feng, the man behind the matter, there is no evidence to prove that he violated the law, and the judges could not make a judgment on him, but the president soon sent a telegram stating that Ouyang Feng was temporarily suspended because he indulged his children and was not good at discipline. , has caused great harm to the reputation of the Federation, so it is necessary to convene the Federation Congress to vote to decide whether to continue to serve.

When the trial was over and the judge announced the result and announced the dissolution, Wen Nuo was the first to run over. With a smile on his face, he patted Wu Xingyun on the shoulder: "Xingyun, you did a good job!"

Shi Fei also came to Wu Xingyun's side, gave him a hammer, and was in high spirits: "You kid can't tell, you are usually stupid and stupid, and you can't speak smoothly, but today you can speak eloquently!"

Wu Xingyun scratched his head, and said, "Those are all manuscripts written by General Wen, I memorized them... I practiced many times, and I was afraid of making a fool of myself."

Shi Fei smiled and hugged Wen Nuo: "You are not bad! I will give you a credit when I go back!"

Wen Nuo still smiled: "Marshal, you'd better control your temper in the future. This incident is a lesson! In addition, this is not considered military merit, and I'm afraid it can't be rewarded casually."

Shi Fei was a little unhappy, and punched Wen Nuo: "You are a real person, so it's boring to be serious! I will give you a credit in my heart, and I will save all good things for you in the future!"

Wen Nuo smiled and didn't say much, he just looked towards Wu Xingyun.

When Wu Xingyun was in court, he kept his eyes straight, but now that the trial is over, he turned his head immediately.

Just now, he always felt that there was one gaze locked on him, but later when he was giving a speech, it turned into tens of thousands of gazes locked on him, and he didn't care.

Now, when he was talking to Shi Fei and Wen Nuo, he felt that gaze again.

Wu Xingyun turned his head and finally saw the front of that person, the front of the person whose back was exactly the same as Ye Suikong.

The man was wearing a gray suit, with one button undone on his white shirt, his tie was ripped into a mess, and he was wearing sunglasses, covering most of his face.

Not only that, but the man was wearing his hat.

When Wu Xingyun's eyes fell on the man's face, he saw that the man's face was almost completely hidden in the shadows. Only one pair of lips and one chin.

That's Night Broken Sky!

Wu Xingyun felt a little uneasy in his heart, and his brows were also frowned. What is Ye Suikong doing here? What is his purpose for sneaking into the Federation's trial hall? Maybe it's just that I have identified the wrong person? There are many who look alike, it is impossible for Ye Suikong to come here.

Wu Xingyun was flustered in his heart, and when he was about to confirm it further, he saw that person smiled at him.

That smile couldn't be more familiar, and Wu Xingyun immediately confirmed the other party's identity.

Wu Xingyun blurted out: "Yeshakong!"

Wen Nuo and Shi Fei were chatting, when they heard Wu Xingyun say this suddenly, they hurriedly asked, "What night breaks the sky?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I just saw the broken night sky..."

Wen Nuo and Shi Fei looked towards the place Wu Xingyun pointed at, there was no one there, only dust dancing in the light beam.

Shi Fei said, "Are you dazzled, kid?"

Wen Nuo silently looked at the little soldier in front of him, it seemed that there was something that he couldn't wait any longer, and he had to act immediately.

And Wu Xingyun rubbed his eyes, feeling at a loss in his heart: Could it be that my eyes are really dazzled? But why was he the one who appeared in the hallucination