Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 32: Thousands of miles to chase his wife


The three of them walked out of the trial court together. Shi Fei was very surprised that the trial could turn things around. After learning that everything was arranged by Wen Nuo, he appreciated Wen Nuo's turnaround, and said to Wu Xingyun: " Since you’re back, don’t leave, is this your first time at Hexagram? Let Wen Nuo show you around!” As he spoke, Shi Fei screened the places in his head that could be turned around, and finally A good place was chosen: "An asteroid not far from the six-pointed star is the Federation's military museum. It's pretty good there."

Wen Nuo smiled slightly, and didn't answer, but thought in his heart: Marshal Shi is really a soldier to the letter, he only wants to visit the military museum when he goes shopping...

Shi Fei said a few more words to the two of them and left. He still has a lot of things to do, so it is impossible to stay too much in this kind of place.

On the other hand, Wu Xingyun and Wen Nuo had nothing to worry about. Wen Nuo put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked through the long corridor with Wu Xingyun, and walked towards the outside of the court.

It has been a long time now, and there is no one in the corridor. Wen Nuo walked behind Wu Xingyun, and saw that the other party's back was shrouded in light, as if a pure angel spread its wings behind him, and the whole back was shrouded in a holy light. in the light.

Wen Nuo felt a sense of peace in his heart. He didn't want to spoil the atmosphere too much, but just followed Wu Xingyun silently. But Wu Xingyun turned around and asked, "General, what are the military museums?"

Wen Nuo said casually, "It's just an antique, nothing unusual."

"Then... Is there a mecha?" Wu Xingyun is still quite curious about this museum. He also learned it when he was in school. More than a thousand years ago, the most popular weapon of the Galactic Federation was the mecha, but it was eliminated later. up.

Wen Nuo frowned slightly, he didn't really want to talk about this topic with Wu Xingyun.

Because talking about this topic would inevitably mention Ye Suikong, and he didn't want to mention Ye Suikong in front of Wu Xingyun at all.

The operating system of the ancient military mecha thousands of years ago is very complicated, and human hands can't complete it at all. They can only connect the operating system to the neural chain, and use the human brain to directly command the mecha to operate. Therefore, to drive such an ancient weapon mecha, one needs extremely high mental strength. Ordinary people can't do it. Even the federal elite with extremely high mental strength can only do basic boxing moves, and there is no way to achieve more difficult fighting skills.

The war experts and scientists at that time believed that this kind of mecha was the best weapon against the night sky, so they spent a lot of energy on making the mecha and training the pilots.

Finally, a scientist suggested that one person might not be able to complete the operation of the entire mecha, so what about two people

This proposal was approved by most people, and scientists and biologists made further research in an attempt to allow two people's brains to control the mech at the same time.

As fighting skills become more and more complex, the control over people's mental power is also getting higher and higher.

At the time when this ancient weapon mech was most developed, the brains of five people were successfully connected to control a golden mecha called "Sun God" at that time.

War experts believe that this mecha will definitely be able to defeat mutants. And in fact, at the beginning, this kind of mecha did have an advantage in the battle, until Ye Suicong successfully captured a mecha.

It is an indisputable fact that mutants have stronger mental power than ordinary people in the Federation, and when Ye Suicong captured the legendary "Sun God", he brought this to the extreme.

He alone can completely control this mecha, and because of his outstanding fighting ability and combat skills, this mecha is more than twice as powerful in his hands as it is in the hands of the Federation.

The former "Sun God" became a weapon of the devil, and a large number of federal soldiers died under its hands. Ye Shattering Kong relied on it to be invincible. Scientists and war experts finally realized that they had made a big mistake, so a large number of manufactured mechas were destroyed, and the style of warfare changed, from building expensive and powerful individuals capable of fighting against demons to another. A guiding ideology—produce cheap soldiers in large numbers, and produce warships that are useless even if they are snatched by the night. Use the advantages of numbers and teams to fight against the personal hero tactics of the Daredevil Army with crowd tactics.

This strategic approach revived the federal army, which was once at a disadvantage. After all, the advantage of the federation lies in its large number of people and advanced technology, not its individual strength. This strategy is to develop one's strengths and make up for one's weaknesses.

Up to now, the original "Sun God" has passed thousands of years, Ye Suikong can't repair it properly, it has been damaged.

What is stored in the military museum is also a simulation made by those mechanics and programmers who are not reconciled to the passing of the mecha era after all the mechas have been destroyed.

Wen Nuo knew very well that if he took Wu Xingyun to the military museum, he would inevitably see weapons from various periods. If he explained it again, then the trip to the military museum would become "seeing the broken night sky with his sweetheart".

So Wen Nuo cleverly changed the topic of the military museum: "Xingyun, don't worry about that for now. Your parents moved to Hexagram, did you know?"

Wu Xingyun quickly abandoned the matter about the military museum, with a surprised smile on his face: "Really, why did they come here?! Did you take them over?"

Wen Nuo stopped, and he stood in the empty corridor, looking at the shining eyes and uncontrollable smile of the little soldier in front of him, he felt a tremor in his heart, as if something was slowly blooming in his heart generally.

Wen Nuo said: "Well, I heard that you were coming back, so I sent a group of miners over a month ago, and your father happened to be among them. This place is very close to Planet Detano, and you can go home to visit your family at any time in the future. "

Wu Xingyun smiled even happier, and he said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Wen Nuo felt that his heart was completely melted by Wu Xingyun's smile, he stared at the person in front of him, and his voice was soft: "Promise me, stay, forget those who shouldn't be remembered, forget those unpleasant things , don’t return to the Nightmare Army, okay?”

Wu Xingyun's heart trembled, and an inexplicable feeling surged into his heart, his smiling face gradually lowered, and after a while he said: "Actually... I... nothing, I think if I don't go back , Ye Suicong will be very happy too. It’s a good thing that I don’t have to go on a kiss anymore... I’m glad I don’t have to be Ye Suicong’s husband and wife anymore.”

Although he said it was a good thing, his voice was unusually weak. Wen Nuo stretched out his hand and rubbed Wu Xingyun's head. After hesitating for a moment, he put his arm on his shoulder. The military uniform looked very straight on Wu Xingyun's body.

Wen Nuo walked out with Wu Xingyun in his arms like this, with a brisk tone: "I will accompany you to meet your parents, they will be very happy when they know you come back!" Wen Nuo was also a little excited in his heart, and his hands were a little hard , he even wanted to kiss each other's lips right now.

Wu Xingyun slightly twisted his shoulders and said, "Don't worry about it, I'll go alone."

Wen Nuo was keenly aware of Wu Xingyun's resistance. He moved his hand a little, but he was still unwilling to move it down, and tried to persuade Wu Xingyun: "No trouble, when I was recruited for the army, I also went to your home to visit you. , we all know each other..."

As he was talking, he noticed that Wu Xingyun's footsteps had stopped.

Wen Nuo looked towards Wu Xingyun, and saw his eyes falling on the end of the corridor.

Wen Nuo also looked towards the end of the corridor, where there was a slender man in a gray suit, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. The man was wearing sunglasses, and his black hair looked very casual.

This kind of attire is the most common attire in the federation. If you meet someone on the street, there will be eight people who are like this. Wen Nuo didn't care too much. He tightened Wu Xingyun's shoulders: "Don't be in a daze, let's go together. Look at your parents, I just booked the show tickets for the evening, and I can pick up your whole family to watch the interstellar show together."

Wu Xingyun was a little flustered. He saw the man who was standing at the end of the corridor walking towards him.

The man's pace was not fast, his whole body became backlit because he entered the corridor, the front was hidden in the shadow, but the whole body was illuminated by the light, as if covering him with a halo. The place he walked made people feel an inexplicable chill, it was a chilling smell.

The man finally stood still and came to Wu Xingyun.

Wen Nuo was sure that he didn't know the man in front of him, but his years of combat career also made him feel the danger emanating from the man in front of him, so Wen Nuo couldn't help becoming alert.

The corner of the man's mouth was slightly raised, as if he was complaining to Wu Xingyun: "Why did you come out at this time, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Wu Xingyun was a little dazed. From the moment he saw the man for the first time, the three characters "Ye Broken Sky" flashed in his mind.

The person I saw in the hearing booth was not an illusion, it was really the night broken sky.

But what is he doing here

Wu Xingyun quickly reacted and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ye Suikong didn't answer this question, he reached out and pulled Wu Xingyun to his side, and then said to Wen Nuo, "Hello, my name is Ye Fan, an old friend of Wu Xingyun who hasn't seen each other for many years, this time Hearing that he is back, I made a special trip for more than a month to see him. I don't think General Wen will interfere with us, will he?"

Wen Nuo frowned slightly, he didn't like the tone of the gray-clothed man in front of him, with a kind of inexplicable provocation, and he didn't like the feeling emanating from this man.

Wen Nuo looked at Wu Xingyun a little stiffly, and asked, "Is this your friend?"

Wu Xingyun didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, he said, "No... not counting... yes... right..."

Wen Nuo was a little wary: "Who are you?"

Ye Suikong laughed with a presumptuous voice: "He's shy, I'm sorry to say it, but I'll say it for him, I'm his old lover, of course I only have one purpose to come to him. I don't think General Wen will be involved in our active."

Wen Nuo looked towards Wu Xingyun and saw that Wu Xingyun was embarrassed all over, but although he was embarrassed, he did not deny it.

Wen Nuo's eyes dimmed, he didn't say any more, and left the corridor without looking back. At this moment, Wen Nuo's heart was full of frustration. He originally thought that Wu Xingyun's low mood was due to Ye Suikong, but he never expected that he would have friends with sex in the Federation, and they even came to him.

Wen Nuo unconsciously lit a cigarette, and after taking a puff, his brain immediately woke up. How could Wu Xingyun have such a friend? !

Wen Nuo immediately took out his laptop and entered Ye Suikong's name on it.

A man dressed in black, with black hair reaching his waist, appeared on his screen.

Wen Nuo narrowed his eyes, and soon, he put together in his mind the appearance of this person wearing a gray suit, wearing sunglasses, and short hair.

It's him, it's really Ye Suikong!

At this time, Ye Suikong was still staying in the corridor of the court. He slowly let go of his arm around Wu Xingyun, and his voice did not have the intimacy just now, but there was a hint of coldness: "It seems that you have been here. Not bad. Are you happy to meet your old lover and plan to visit your parents together?"

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, and walked out with his head buried. He was going to report the matter to his superior immediately after walking through a few street corners to shake off Ye Suikong.

But Ye Suikong kept following him. Seeing that Wu Xingyun didn't speak, he said with a trace of sarcasm: "Don't forget that we just quarreled and haven't officially divorced yet. During this period, you'd better keep a distance from others, don't Hugs and hugs." Ye Suikong thought that after saying this sentence, the little soldier who had been walking with his head buried in his head would turn around angrily and warn himself seriously, but unexpectedly, Wu Xingyun still didn't speak, and didn't stop. Step down.

Ye Suikong felt powerless as if his fist was hitting the cotton, he stopped his steps a little irritatedly, and turned around to stop in front of Wu Xingyun, blocking his way: "Speak!"

Wu Xingyun looked up at Ye Suikong, with a trace of alienation in his expression: "I have nothing to say."

Then, Wu Xingyun bypassed the night broken sky and continued to walk outside.

Ye Suikong pulled him abruptly, and pulled him into a storage room at the corner, before closing the door behind him.

There was darkness in front of Wu Xingyun, he knew he couldn't get out, and he was not in a hurry to get out.

Ye Suikong didn't know what to say. In fact, on the first day, he himself couldn't believe that he would do such a mindless thing as intercepting Wu Xingyun halfway.

The dark and small space was very quiet, only the breathing of the two could be heard.

Wu Xingyun simply found a corner in the dark and sat down. His mind was in a mess. More than anyone else, he needed to find a dark place to curl up and think about the tangled issues in his mind.

Ye Suikong also kept silent. His night vision was excellent and he could see things clearly in the dark.

But no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't see his heart clearly. He originally came here because of Ouyang Feng, and he came here for only one purpose - pretending to be the messenger of the night broken sky, meeting with Ouyang Feng, and making some deals.

All this was supposed to be happening behind the scenes, he shouldn't have been in anyone's sight, and he shouldn't even have come, but someone else should have been sent.

But when he heard that Wu Xingyun would also appear on this star, Ye Suikong followed almost uncontrollably.

At the beginning, he just wanted to take a look at it from a distance, and after just a look, the two have nothing to do with each other.

But after taking a look, I found that I was even more eager to take a second look.

None of the previous guilt and nostalgia for the deceased lover could stop him from wanting to take a third look.

Then, he just kept staring at Wu Xingyun in the courtroom, watching the clumsy little soldier being pushed forward by the lawyer, his impassioned speech, and Wu Xingyun's almost sixth-sense look back after the trial.

Ye Suikong didn't expect that he could be recognized by that person at a glance after changing his hairstyle and appearance. When the eyes of the two met, he couldn't help smiling. This was almost unconscious, and he didn't even think about it. Know that I have laughed.

When he pretended to be an ordinary mutant representative and negotiated some deals with Ouyang Feng, he happened to pass by the corridor.

And then seeing that scene, hearing those conversations.

When Ye Suikong saw Wu Xingyun being hugged by others, when he heard Wu Xingyun admit that "I don't want to be a man's wife at all", even when he saw Wen Nuo trying to kiss the woman who should belong to him When he was a soldier, Ye Suikong lost control of his brain.

He walked over from one end of the corridor almost recklessly, declaring his ownership in an extremely forceful way. He didn't know what he was talking about in the next words, let alone why he said those words.

He soon realized that those harsh words were not what he wanted to say at all, so he decisively dragged Wu Xingyun to the storage room, wanting to have a serious talk, but when both of them were silent, he realized that his He didn't know why he wanted to talk to Wu Xingyun. I don't know what to talk about.

A month ago, the phrase "Get out, go back to your Federation, I don't want you anymore!" was heard in his ears, Ye Suikong thought this way, and he did the same thing, he thought he would not care about such a Xiao Bing, he thought he could bear the solitude and loneliness. Anyway, he has lived like this for thousands of years, and it is normal to live like this.

But a month later, when he had prepared all his inner defenses and unexpectedly saw Wu Xingyun having a close relationship with someone else, he realized that those inner defenses collapsed in an instant.

Especially in such a dark hut, where he could hear the breathing of the other party, and even in the eyes of Ye Suikong, he could clearly see the little soldier curled up in the corner with a tired expression. His heart was hurting, and the painful feeling caused cracks in the door of his heart that had been closed tightly, and finally it was covered with cracks like a spider web, and they all shattered with a bang.

The heart door was opened, and Ye Suikong found that his heart was already full of this person.

Ye Suikong knew what he had to say to break the atmosphere of silence. He thought a lot, but swallowed them all. He didn't know how to express his thoughts at all. He took a deep breath, made up his mind several times, and finally said a complete sentence: "I think you should go back with me. Marriage is not a child's play, and what you say when you quarrel cannot be counted."

But these words couldn't get any response at all, Wu Xingyun squatted in the corner, hugging himself even tighter with his arms, like a wounded little animal curled up in the corner, who would never trust anyone again .

Ye Suikong took a step towards Wu Xingyun's direction, and slowly squatted down. He really wanted to reach out and hug Wu Xingyun into his arms, but he didn't dare.

In this way, he quietly looked at the injured little beast beside him in the dark, staring at the other's hair, nose, eyes, and lips.

Ye Suikong's voice became a little hoarse and dark: "Xingyun... I don't know what to say... It's strange, there are no big ups and downs, just very ordinary and ordinary things... But I, I think I probably really fell in love with you. is you."

Wu Xingyun raised his eyes slightly at this time. Although he couldn't see everything around him clearly, he could tell that Ye Suicong was by his side just by hearing the sound.

Wu Xingyun's voice was very calm: "I have never loved you, and being married means nothing but shame to me."

This answer was what Ye Suikong expected. He could have guessed it a long time ago, but when he heard Wu Xingyun say it himself, he still felt a dull pain in his heart.

Ye Suikong felt that he could already feel Wu Xingyun's breathing, and even the heat of his body. The distance between the two was close at hand, but at this moment, he finally understood that the two were actually far apart.

"You... hate me, don't you?" Ye Suikong asked in a low voice, it was the first time he felt so inferior and depressed.

Wu Xingyun's voice was still very calm: "Yes, I would rather die on the battlefield than marry you."