Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 33: Father-in-law


"Yes, I would rather die on the battlefield than marry you!"

Ye Suikong fell into silence again, his breathing became heavier, and he felt unprecedented anxiety and depression in his heart.

He knew very well that he should say something to save Wu Xingyun, but he didn't know what to say to win back Wu Xingyun's heart.

Or, the other party's heart has never been placed on him, so there is no word of redemption at all.

Ye Suikong remained silent all the time, he thought of many words, but every sentence felt inappropriate.

For a certain period of time, he wondered whether he should take Wu Xingyun away forcibly, whether he wanted to or not, as long as he was by his side all the time; he even thought about pressing Wu Xingyun under his body right now up. Even though Wu Xingyun still wouldn't change his mind, at least he wouldn't give himself too many regrets; for another period of time, he was thinking that maybe he should use diplomatic means to make Wu Xingyun succumb.

But in the end he did nothing, just remained silent.

In the small room, there was a deathly silence, like a pool of stagnant water, without any vitality.

Ye Suikong finally said, "Is that so... I thought you would have a little affection for me."

"No." Wu Xingyun replied without thinking. After he said this, he felt relieved for a while, but when he said it, he felt empty in his heart. He thought he probably still had a little liking for Ye Suikong, but only a little bit, not too much.

"If you really think so... I have nothing to say. It's what I deserve..." In the darkness, Ye Suikong's voice sounded a little hurt, but he was still dying, trying to convince the other party, "If you don't agree with If I go back, the symbol of peace between the two parties will also collapse... You, even if you don't have the slightest feeling, don't you think about other factors? For example, peace, the security of the Federation, etc... Your dowry and dowry are all in the source star, you ... Don't want them? Moreover, there are many marriages that are like strangers in this world, we may... maybe we can continue to maintain it, and it won't be as uncomfortable as you think... "

Ye Suikong stretched out his hand, and his voice was as gentle as possible, with a hint of expectation: "So, will you go back with me?"

In the darkness, a hand was stretched out in front of Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun raised his head, his eyes showed a kind of extreme confusion, he had a lot of thoughts in his head, especially when Ye Suikong said the words "both parties negotiated", he was so slightly shaken.

He knew very well that it was Ye Suicong who was trying to keep him. The reason why the peace agreement was reached at the beginning was entirely because Ye Suikong was half dead, but now, the Night Demon Army is stronger than the Federation, and they are not the ones who are afraid of war.

For Ye Suikong, who had already recovered, negotiating peace had no meaning at all. His existence was originally for fighting and revenge.

Wu Xingyun felt a little waver in his heart. He began to worry about the future of the Federation, but he immediately remembered the words of Wen Nuo and Shi Fei: "Xingyun, stay here! The incident of Ouyangliu and the incident of Ye Suicong's almost death have made the domestic The public opinion is on our side! Stay and join the battle with us to completely wipe out the night sky! Use the warrior's way to declare the end of this ridiculous farce!"

Wu Xingyun immediately became firm in his heart, and he slowly shook his head: "If there is a fight, after this trial, there will be no peacemakers in the Federation! We will not be afraid."

Ye Suikong's outstretched hand in mid-air slowly dropped down. From Wu Xingyun's mouth, he already knew that there was no room for redemption. Maybe the war can be discussed again, but the heart of this stubborn soldier has been completely lost.

Ye Suikong's voice was also very calm. He opened the door of the storage room and said to Wu Xingyun who was squatting in the corner: "Since this is the case... you are so determined, it doesn't matter if I force you, I just hope you do this." You'll be happier when you decide."

When the light entered the storage room, illuminating everything in the small space, Ye Suicong could see Wu Xingyun's face clearly.

Wu Xingyun's eye circles were a little red, and he had lost a lot of weight, but his expression was firm and unwavering.

Maybe he has some inexplicable feelings in his heart, but he will not change his mind. The relationship between the two was completely destroyed when Ye Suikong said the phrase "I don't want you anymore".

But in this court trial, the series of scandals caused by Ouyang Feng, the leader of the peace negotiation faction, erased the possibility of the two reconciling again.

Neither side needs peace anymore, except for Ye Suikong himself.

Ye Suikong moved his body sideways a little, he tried his best to restrain his emotions, and said: "It's hard for me to come here once, let's... let's get together and break up. Just like a real couple, spend an afternoon, okay?" ? I will leave at night, and from now on, I will not come to harass you again. I will still abide by our agreement not to fight, and I will... keep it until you leave this world."

Ye Suikong said his last request almost desperately. He didn't expect Wu Xingyun to agree, but what he didn't expect was that Wu Xingyun said "yes" in a barely audible voice.

The word "good" made Ye Suicong's heart flutter, but he also realized immediately that this was the last supper.

Ye Suikong forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to Wu Xingyun: "Can I pull you up?"

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand, a strong force came, and he was pulled up immediately, but Ye Suikong also obeyed what he said, he did not pull this person into his arms, Although he wanted it very much, he didn't dare to provoke Wu Xingyun at the last moment.

When the two stood face to face, Ye Suikong saw the trace of nostalgia left in the eyes of the person in front of him. But it's just a trace, nothing more.

Ye Suikong's palm turned slightly, trying to interlock with the people around him, but Wu Xingyun pulled his hand out: "If you don't want to be recognized by others, you'd better keep a certain distance from me."

Ye Suikong's eyes had some undercurrents surging, but he still didn't give up: "You care about me, are you afraid that I will be recognized? Are you afraid that I will be ambushed and injured?"

"No..." Wu Xingyun said, "I just don't want to cause trouble."

Ye Suikong smiled, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

In the long life to come, the two probably won't meet again, so in this short last time, he hopes to be as beautiful as possible and to leave himself with more memories.

He hoped that Wu Xingyun could remember himself in this final time. Even if he stubbornly refuses to go back with him, even if the current wind direction of the Federation changes, he doesn't have to go back. But Ye Suikong still hopes that in the future, when Wu Xingyun grows old, he will remember that afternoon back then, the afternoon that made him feel comfortable and happy.

"If you don't mind, I can accompany you back to see your parents." Ye Suicong spoke first, he knew that Wu Xingyun hadn't seen his parents for several years, and he often mentioned them when he was on Yuanxing.

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "No... I'll probably be with my parents this afternoon, and I'm going to go to the show with them tonight."

Ye Suikong's eyes were full of tenderness.

After a while, Wu Xingyun said again: "You... you better leave quickly! It would be bad if someone finds out..."

But Ye Suikong was very stubborn. When he insisted, it was terrifying: "I have never met your parents until now. I think I should go and meet them. Anyway... I will leave when the time comes. I My parents died early, I want to have a meal with you, just our family, this is just a small wish of mine, nothing else, and I will definitely not cause trouble. "

Wu Xingyun didn't insist any more. The two walked on the street of Hexagram and stood in the parking lot waiting for the car.

Trees with heart-shaped leaves are planted everywhere on the six-pointed star. This star has no seasonal and temperature changes. These trees are always shedding leaves and growing continuously.

Now, there are layers of golden heart-shaped leaves falling on the road. Standing under the tree, the sunlight leaks through these leaves, forming mottled shadows on the ground.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong stood on the waiting platform of the station. They were not too close together, let alone holding hands. Wu Xingyun's posture was a standard military posture. Hat and sunglasses.

The two chatted casually. When both parties know that this relationship will end soon, they will become more tolerant of each other.

Ye Suikong said: "The environment here is good, and it's a good place for parents to take care of themselves."

"Well, when my dad used to be in the mining area, he said that his biggest wish was to have a house in Hexagram, to be able to live there, and to do nothing every day, just count the leaves."

Ye Suikong laughed. He looked at Wu Xingyun. This little soldier had an ordinary appearance and was lacklustre, but his eyes made people fall in love unconsciously. Very pure, very innocent, but very stubborn.

"My dad's biggest wish before was to be able to eat West Lake Vinegar Fish by the West Lake. It's a pity that although he has been there many times, he has never had time to eat because of his busy work." Ye Suikong's voice was very Gentle, when mentioning the past, the attitude is also very casual, just like a chat between ordinary friends.

Wu Xingyun knew that Ye Suikong was talking about his father's life, the earth two thousand years ago.

He said: "Actually, I think you are not as terrible as they say, but sometimes you are annoying."

Ye Suicong nodded, then pointed to the airship that was entering the station in the distance: "The airship is here, let's go up."

The two got into the airship together and sat by the window. The airship was full of people, and there were still people standing around. One girl looked at Ye Suikong for a few times, and then whispered to her friends, "Look, that person looks like a night demon."

"How is it possible, they look completely different!"

The speed of the airship is sixteen times the speed of sound, and soon, Wu Xingyun and Ye Suicong will arrive at the station.

The site they stopped at was a residential area in Hexagram Star. The buildings were not high and dense. Some reinforced concrete buildings were scattered on both sides of the street. The fresh vegetables that come are called to buy.

Although Wu Xingyun repeatedly emphasized that it was unnecessary, Ye Suikong still felt that it would be impolite to come empty-handed for the first time.

He bought a hexagram-specific fat-eared beast from a nearby farmer as a gift. When it was time to pay, he realized that he did not bring federal currency. As for the money on his body, his own face was printed on it. The place may be able to circulate, but the six-pointed star does not accept it at all.

Wu Xingyun took out his wallet to pay the bill, a little unhappy: "He also said that the gifts for my parents are all at my expense!"

Ye Suikong felt a little sorry, he didn't want Wu Xingyun to recall this day in the future, and recall that he owed him a thousand federal coins.

Ye Suikong said: "I'll pay you back later, it's like I borrowed it from you."

Wu Xingyun snorted, and Ye Suicong gave up the idea of going to buy other things. He carried the fat-eared beast less than half a meter high, and followed Wu Xingyun to find the address.

Wu Xingyun searched for the house number for a while before finding the unit where his parents lived, on the sixth floor.

When the two were waiting for the elevator, they met a middle-aged aunt who looked at Wu Xingyun for a long time before asking, "Hey, are you Wu Sanyang's son?"

Wu Xingyun immediately shouted: "Hello, Auntie..."

The middle-aged aunt nodded again and again: "I've seen you on TV! Didn't you go to make a kiss? Why did you come back? No... no, there will be another war, right?"

Ye Suikong interjected: "He is returning home, this is the custom of the Night Demon Army."

The middle-aged aunt let out an oh, and then arrived at the sixth floor. Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong walked out of the elevator together.

The elevator door slowly closed, and the middle-aged aunt thought deeply: "I am still alive to come back to see my parents!! It seems that the night demon is not too cruel, hey, who is that young man next to Wu Xingyun? What do you think?" Does it look familiar?"

Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong stood outside the house together.

The door had been opened for a while, and the whole family was there, Wu Xingyun's parents, three older brothers, and two sister-in-laws.

The three of them were watching TV, and they didn't think much when they heard the doorbell ring. When they opened the door, Wu Xingyun's father gave him a slap on the head: "Little brat, you're finally back! Mom and Dad miss you..."

Father Wu didn't finish his sentence when he saw Ye Suicong holding the fat-eared beast in his hand.

Father Wu hasn't reacted yet: "Little brat, is this your friend?"

Ye Suicong bowed to Wu's father, took the gift in his hand to the room, and said, "Dad, I am his man, and my name is Ye Suicong."