Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 36: witch hunt


As soon as Wu Xingyun closed the door, his phone started buzzing again. He took out his phone and checked, it was still a text message from Wen Nuo: "Are you going out?"

Wu Xingyun replied to Wen Nuo while waiting for the elevator: "I'm already out."

The reply I received was: "Special mission, urgent action, now enters the dormant period, do not expose yourself. Receive your mission at mailbox 601 on the first floor."

Wu Xingyun felt a little bored in his heart. Entering the dormant period meant that he was about to perform a special task, and immediately disappeared from the world from now on. He could not contact anyone, even to say hello to his parents.

Wu Xingyun has performed this kind of mission many times in the past. In the army, if someone disappears, it will not cause excessive inquiries from ordinary soldiers. Once Wu Xingyun's mother came to the army to visit him, and it happened to be on a special mission. She was taken away from the restroom and never came back. Wu's mother insisted on waiting in the reception room for two full hours before the leader came over to apologize.

The elevator descended rapidly, Wu Xingyun was a little bored in the elevator, and suddenly remembered that Ye Suikong was still at home.

Then... Shall I say hello to him

Wu Xingyun took out his mobile phone, dialed two numbers, and then gave up.

After a while, my mother will go back and explain to him. It's better not to violate discipline because of such a trivial matter.

With a ding, the elevator door opened. Wu Xingyun walked to the row of mailboxes in the hall downstairs, opened his own mailbox, and took out a file bag from inside.

There was only a chip in the file bag, which required a password verification. After Wu Xingyun inserted the chip into the phone, he entered his own password.

The task details appear right above.

The writing is very simple and clear, the task name is: Demon Hunting Plan A.

Wu Xingyun's task is even simpler: use the underground isolation safety passage to get to Exit B of the city, and be careful not to be caught by anyone.

Wu Xingyun scratched his head, this task made him a little confused, but he didn't need to think too much, just follow the instructions above.

When Wu Xingyun walked to the square of the community, he always felt that something was wrong. There was no one around. Now that the meal is just over, the stars of the six-pointed star are all moving to the oblique position, which is most suitable for humans to come out and spread out.

It's a little abnormal, Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart, it looks like cleaning the field before the war.

While he was puzzled, he walked towards the underground passage, and found a signal transmitter at the entrance of the underground passage, which was used to emit bioelectrical signals.

Wu Xingyun took out his mobile phone, and while stepping on the exit conveyor belt, he sent a message to Wen Nuo and asked, "There is a war nearby? I just saw the signal transmitter, and everything around seems a bit wrong."

The conveyor belt started to transmit, and Wen Nuo's reply came immediately: this is confidential.

Wu Xingyun stopped asking. He looked around and found that he was the only one on the entire conveyor belt, which was too unscientific.

Wu Xingyun scratched his head, and then took out his phone, thinking that he should tell Ye Suicong that he would not go back, if he waited at home, it would be a big trouble.

But when he was about to make a call, he suddenly realized a problem.

Those details were connected in series, everything around was cleaned up, my brothers were called out one after another, and my parents went out and didn't come back. There is no one around, but there are bioelectric emission signals. Moreover, it seemed that he was the last one to evacuate.

All of this shows that right here, a big battle will happen soon.

And who is the bioelectric signal transmitter aimed at

Ordinary people can't feel the bioelectricity, only the Yeshakong who has a keen sense can judge the distance of the surrounding life forms by sensing the bioelectricity.

The population of the entire area has been completely transferred, and there are still many launchers used for confusion. It is self-evident who these arrangements are used to deal with.

Wu Xingyun recalled that Ye Suikong and Wen Nuo met face to face in the court corridor this morning. Although Ye Suikong's attire has been completely changed, and it is not easy to be recognized, but... Wen Nuo can definitely recognize it.

Wu Xingyun immediately understood the name of his mission and what it meant to hunt demons. It was—the Federation dispatched a large number of troops to hunt and kill night demons!

Wu Xingyun's hands were trembling a little. He was going to call Ye Suikong, but when he realized that all these actions were to hunt Ye Suikong, he hesitated.

Because at this time, the meaning of making a phone call is no longer to notify a visitor, but to cooperate with the enemy and treason during the war.

However, if he doesn't fight, Ye Suikong will undoubtedly be ambushed. He... If he understands the cause and effect, he will be very sad, right

Wu Xingyun picked up the phone several times and put it down several times. The two voices were fighting in his heart, and he didn't know what to do.

He felt that his legs were a little weak, and he squatted unconsciously, and then another thought popped up in his mind: Hexagram's military equipment is not perfect, it is not a military base, there are no weapons of mass destruction, and even Starport They are all for civilian use, so it is impossible for Wennuo to mobilize a large number of troops in a short period of time, then, that is to say—even if there is a fight, the Federation will not be able to deal a fatal blow to Ye Suikong, but will destroy the good Easy peace talks.

Perhaps, I was thinking too much. All of this was not aimed at Ye Suikong at all. For a cautious person like Wen Nuo, if he was not 100% sure of victory, it would be impossible to ambush Ye in a place like Hexagram, where the political significance is greater than the military significance. Broken empty.

So, it's a plan for something else, maybe...

Wu Xingyun's heart was in a mess. He was holding the phone all the time. He had already dialed his home number, and he just had to press the call button, but he still couldn't press it.

With a ding, the conveyor belt stopped.

Wu Xingyun saw a few heavily armed soldiers approaching, saluted himself, and asked for a body search.

The mobile phone in Wu Xingyun's hand was searched, and he had no chance to make a call.

A soldier led him through the underground passage, and soon, they came to the underground control center of Hexagram, where Shi Fei, Wen Nuo, and some other senior officers were all there.

Shi Fei was still arguing with someone through the screen, Wen Nuo turned around and saw Wu Xingyun coming, so he walked over.

A heavily armed soldier handed Wu Xingyun's mobile phone to Wen Nuo, and then retreated.

Wu Xingyun couldn't help asking: "General, what happened, can you tell me?"

Wen Nuo's voice was very gentle: "It's nothing, your task is to stay here, don't worry about other things."

But Wu Xingyun was very unwilling. He said, "Are ambush Ye Suikong?"

Wen Nuo was silent for a while, then nodded, he picked up a cup of coffee on the table and said, "Yes, you guessed it right!"

Wu Xingyun looked at Wen Nuo in disbelief. After he got this answer, his brain exploded with a bang, and it became blank. He didn't even know what he was talking about, but relied on instinct: "He just came here One afternoon, he will leave soon, he won't cause any trouble, and he promised me, we divorced peacefully, he just wanted to make some good memories before we broke up... He came here with no malice... And he said it , he doesn't plan to fight the federation anymore, he is sincere... "

"What nonsense!" Shi Fei finished arguing with others, but when he turned around, he heard Wu Xingyun actually speaking for Ye Suikong, and couldn't help getting angry again.

Shi Fei strode over, looked at Wen Nuo, then at Wu Xingyun, frowned and asked: "Wen Nuo! What's the matter with this soldier? Didn't you say that he provided all the information? Is it not like this at all? Is the source of information accurate? Can I kill the Night Demon this time? I just made a promise to the President to reassure him. What is going on? Wu Xingyun doesn’t know anything? "

After Wu Xingyun was drunk by Shi Fei, his blank brain was a little sober, but when he heard Shi Fei's question, he was even more confused.

What sources of information, what is provided by oneself, what is accurate or not, what do these mean? What should I know

Wu Xingyun stared at Wen Nuo, with doubts in his eyes, but more anxiety.

Wen Nuo ignored Wu Xingyun, and just explained to Shi Fei: "He really doesn't know anything, and I didn't tell him, but the information is extremely accurate. I have done data analysis, and I can't be wrong!"

Shi Fei hummed and didn't speak again.

But Wu Xingyun couldn't help it at all. Even though he knew there were some things he shouldn't ask, he still wanted to know. He said, "General Wen, what did the marshal's words mean just now? I want to involve me, and I have the right to know. "

Wen Nuo had an embarrassed look on his face, and Shi Fei waved to the two of them: "Come on, come here, I believe you just because of your words, and I also want to know what's going on in the details."

The two entered Shi Fei's office together, Wen Nuo's face was as usual, his gray eyes looked extremely calm and composed, and he was also extremely confident.

Wen Nuo saluted Shi Fei, and then said: "Report, the whole thing is like this..."

Wu Xingyun was listening on the sidelines, he couldn't believe what he heard, and he couldn't even believe that the person in front of him was actually the company commander who he put all his trust in, and even for a while he was his spiritual belief.

Hearing what Wen Nuo said, he felt that this major general in uniform was getting farther and farther away from him.

Wen Nuo's voice was very calm: "The night Wu Xingyun came back, he couldn't sleep, so he went to supplement Ye Suikong's information. I was always behind him, and I saw everything he wrote. I watched him delete, edit, and edit. Yes, the mood is a little unstable, so I made a backup copy with him and recorded all the content he recorded. Based on this first-hand information and the usual state of Ye Shakong, I did a data analysis Draw an astonishing conclusion—Although Ye Suikong claims to have fully recovered, his ability cannot be compared with that of the peak period. He once quarreled with Wu Xingyun, and in a state of extreme anger, he just knocked down a building. The small wooden building, this is enough to explain the problem. According to my calculations, although his normal life is fine, his current combat effectiveness is only half of his usual level, and it will take at least a year to fully recover. I regretted it at the time, if We can dispatch the army to fight against him. In this state, he is unable to erupt a lethal gamma ray burst. We are sure to win! But unfortunately we can't find a chance, and Ye Suicong himself should be very aware of this , so he will definitely recuperate in his old nest and won’t give us a chance.”

Wu Xingyun couldn't bear it anymore at this moment. He blushed and said angrily to Wen Nuo, "How could you do this! I... you peeked at what I wrote!"

Wen Nuo turned his head, his expression still calm: "I told you before, I said that I was behind you all night, but you didn't realize it."

Wu Xingyun didn't know how to refute, he just said upside down: "How can you be like this, why are you like this!"

Wennuo's eyes did not change, and his voice was calm: "Xingyun, we are soldiers of the Federation. It is our unshirkable responsibility to maintain the Federation and fight against the enemy. Killing the Night Demon and completely fighting the Night Demon Army is also the same. Every soldier's dream. Don't you..."

Wu Xingyun's lips were trembling, he couldn't say a word.

Yes, killing Ye Suikong is the dream and goal of every federal soldier.

And to defeat the night demon army and completely end the battle is also the goal of every federal general.

I should be like this too. Even in his youth, Wu Xingyun had a dream of killing Ye Suicong and winning the highest medal of the Federation.

But, why did he become like this now? why! ! !

Wu Xingyun was speechless, and Wen Nuo continued to report to Shi Fei: "But I didn't expect that under such circumstances, Ye Suikong would dare to go deep into the hinterland of the Federation and come to Hexagram! And...he dared to stand in front of me. Appeared, and even stayed here. Marshal, we have already evacuated all the non-combatants on this planet, and we have also clashed with the Congress for this. There will only be this one chance for Ye Shattering Sky, who has no combat effectiveness, to appear on the federal territory. Once in a lifetime, never to be missed!"

Shi Fei hummed, and Wen Nuo continued: "Also, all non-combatants from the nearby planets should be transferred, quickly mobilize the surrounding troops, and gather troops at the border between the two sides. Throwing the corpse to the Night Demon Army will definitely shake their morale. At that time, we will take advantage of the victory and pursue them. No one in the Night Demon Army can pose a big threat to us except Yeshakong. Even if we fight in the future, it will be very difficult. Tragic, but there will be more winners!"

Shi Fei was silent for a moment, then he slapped the table and stood up, making up his mind: "That's right! Soldiers, you should see the truth on the battlefield! The peace won by taking hostages will not last long, and the enemy can only be exchanged by destroying them all." Come to real peace!"

After saying this, Shi Fei began to issue various orders.

The battle begins at this moment.

Wu Xingyun has been staying in the underground command room. Although the isolation equipment here is very good, he can still feel the huge shock on the ground, and he can imagine what is going on outside without looking.

The Federation has fought against Yeshakong many times. Every time, Yeshakong was able to come out of the light cannon and nuclear explosion unharmed, and then used his unique trick - gamma ray burst. With a time of two seconds and a killing range of one light-year, no one can stop it. This can be said to be the most terrifying force in the universe. Only when a black hole is formed, will such a terrible storm erupt, capable of destroying all nearby planets.

But this time, who will win and who will lose, who can know

Wu Xingyun didn't know either, he just felt that his head was groggy, and he found that he hadn't been able to sleep for three or four days, and the battle was still going on. able to kill him.

However, he is human after all, and one day he will be exhausted. Will he die

Wu Xingyun didn't dare to think about this question, especially when he thought that Ye Suikong's information was actually leaked by himself, and he felt a heart-wrenching pain.

He shouldn't be like this, he should be proud of successfully obtaining enemy intelligence, but now he only feels guilty.

In just three or four days, Wu Xingyun only had one meal, and he couldn't understand the situation on the ground at all, but what's more, all kinds of emotions that he had never had before filled his heart.

Until the fifth day, when Shi Fei appeared in front of him with three ghost soldiers.

"Ye Suikong is very cunning. He built a fortification. We couldn't take it down for a while, so we decided to use ghost lock soldiers. A total of four people are needed to encircle all sides, but only three can arrive now...Wu Xingyun, do you Waiting at any time, obeying the call of the Federation, and dedicating everything to her?" Shi Fei stood in front of Wu Xingyun with a serious expression and a burly figure like a mountain.

Wu Xingyun raised his head in confusion, and looked at the Interstellar Marshal in front of him. What did the other party mean—tell him to lurk and shoot Ye Suicong

When he realized this, he felt a chill all over his body. He was not ready, and probably never will be.

He couldn't do it, but Shi Fei continued: "We really didn't expect Ye Suikong to be so resistant. He was clearly no longer capable, but he was able to support him! Hey, we underestimated him. After all, he is the Great Nirvana I came here. If this ambush fails and he escapes, the consequences will be very serious. Needless to say, I am the main person in charge, and Wen Nuo will definitely be sent to a court-martial for dismissal. You... probably It's not as simple as getting married, and you will definitely be killed by the angry Ye Suicong. These are all secondary, and soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice, but... But the Federation must be completely finished, and Ye Suicong will definitely recover after heals Attacking like crazy. Wu Xingyun, do you still remember the content of the oath when you joined the army?"

Wu Xingyun murmured subconsciously: "The interests of the Federation are above all else. For her, we are ready to sacrifice at any time." But when he said these words, his heart felt as if his heart had been cut out by a sharp knife. Sacrificing everything, including sacrificing one's petty, ambiguous feelings

Shi Fei patted him on the shoulder: "Xingyun, I know this may be difficult for you, but... you are the only one in the history of the federation who successfully shot and killed the ghost lock soldier who broke the sky overnight. You are stronger than the three of them." You are excellent and have more combat experience. Don't worry, after you eliminate the Night Demon, the Federation will give you the highest honor, and you... will always be a hero."

Wu Xingyun bit his lip and didn't say a word. He was no longer excited about winning medals and honors. He only felt that he was not worthy of being an excellent soldier.

He couldn't say no to it, but he didn't have the will to fight forward. He felt that he had lost everything, and he didn't even know what identity he should face all of this.

Is it as Ye Suikong's husband and wife, or as a federal soldier.

Shi Fei didn't say any more, he sighed, and took the other three people out.

Wen Nuo was waiting outside the door. He was still asking for the ghost lock soldiers to be transferred back, but the incident was too sudden. There were very few ghost lock soldiers in the Federation, and most of them were on missions. The long interstellar voyage made it impossible for those people to arrive quickly.

Shi Fei said: "I think he's emotionally unstable... I think he's probably bewitched by Ye Broken Sky. If not, this kid has a pure heart. It's too cruel to let him join the war." The interstellar marshal Although he looks like a big boss and likes to scold others, but at certain times, he is very easy to soften his heart.

But Wen Nuo disagreed. After analyzing everything in his brain, he said: "No, if Wu Xingyun joins the battle, our winning rate will increase by 20%! It is impossible to give up because of some personal feelings." Victory. He is an excellent soldier. In the past four days, we have sacrificed thousands of soldiers. If we just give up because of his personal feelings, are we worthy of those who died? Are we worthy of those comrades? How can we Explain to their family members? If Ye Suicong escapes by chance this time, he must find a way to kill Wu Xingyun. I want to guarantee more chances of victory, and I will never allow any unfavorable things about Wu Xingyun to be heard in the future Rumors. If someone says that it was Wu Xingyun's refusal to go to the battlefield that made the victory fail, how do you let him live in the Federation in the future? He will definitely suffer from strange eyes all his life. If Ye Shattering Sky does not die, Wu Xingyun's future For half a lifetime, it will definitely be very painful. This... is also for his own good."

Wen Nuo didn't say the next thing, but he thought silently in his heart: Yes, the current approach may be cruel to Wu Xingyun, but... this pain will soon be forgotten, and as time goes by, he will slowly If he forgets this matter, he will become a hero admired by everyone. Under the glory and brilliance, under his comfort, he will finally feel happy.

When thinking of this, Wen Nuo took a deep breath: "I'll persuade him! He will definitely agree."

After saying this, Wen Nuo opened the door of the room. Seeing the back of the young general whom he lifted up with one hand, Shi Fei felt melancholy in his heart. In a trance, he suddenly felt that this person seemed very scary. Because he is ruthless and ruthless enough to not judge based on personal feelings, he can do whatever it takes to pursue victory.

When Wu Xingyun heard the footsteps, he knew it was Wen Nuo who had come, but he didn't look up. He sat under the table with his hands folded around his knees, motionless, as if everything would be fine if he stuffed himself into a small space. happened before.

Wen Nuo searched around before finding Wu Xingyun under the table.

He saw Wu Xingyun crying.

This was the second time he saw Wu Xingyun cry.

The first time was when Wu Xingyun killed people for the first time on the battlefield. At that time, he hadn't realized that every piece of his training was for killing people. When he was an ordinary fighter, he was petrified.

After I came back, I kept crying, and it took a month for me to recover.

At that time, it was Wen Nuo who was always by his side, constantly persuading and enlightening him. Ever since Wu Xingyun recovered, he has been particularly attached to Wen Nuo, treating him as his relative, brother, and even a closer person.

But now, when Wu Xingyun saw Wen Nuo squatting beside him, he couldn't help shrinking in. He was a little afraid of the rapidly changing officer in front of him.

Wen Nuo's voice was very calm and gentle: "Xingyun... I know you are very sad. But... there is no way, we are born like this, this is our destiny."

Wu Xingyun's voice was hoarse, and he said: "I betrayed him... I...he just came to have a meal with me, and he helped my mother wash the dishes and mop the floor... I shouldn't let him stay in my house. I … I should have called him as soon as I got downstairs, I… I’m not a good person…”

Wen Nuo sighed, and after a while he said: "Don't be too sad, I heard that after a person dies, his soul will not die, he will be reincarnated, forget everything before, and become another brand new person."

Wu Xingyun stopped crying, and raised his tearful face slightly: "I don't believe it."

Wen Nuo got under the table and sat next to Wu Xingyun, his voice was a little ethereal: "I know what you are thinking, but you should be very clear that you and him are impossible, he is our enemy. He is already alive For more than two thousand years, I think he must have many scars in his heart, death may be a kind of relief for him, forget everything that should be forgotten, and start everything again."

Wu Xingyun didn't say anything, he didn't believe it at all.

Wen Nuo got out from under the table: "Wu Xingyun, no matter what happens in the future, you are still a soldier of the Federation. If you take off the badge on your shoulder and announce that you will secede from the Federation, I will not force you to do anything, you... You can go wherever you want. But if you can't, grab a gun and do what a Union soldier should do!"

Wen Nuo was waiting on the side, he stood upright, he saw Wu Xingyun under the table trembling all over.

Then, he saw Wu Xingyun crawl out from under the table.

Wu Xingyun stood in front of Wen Nuo, his hands trembling as he slowly touched his collar.

Wen Nuo felt a burst of despair. Without Wu Xingyun, the success rate of this ambush would drop by at least 20%.

But after Wu Xingyun touched it for a while, he fastened the loose buckles, wiped away the tears on his face, and then stood at attention and saluted: "Phantom lock soldier, second-level non-commissioned officer Wu Xingyun, is on standby at any time."

Wen Nuo didn't speak any more, he saluted, then turned and walked out of the room.

A moment later, a soldier brought over Wu Xingyun's ghost lock soldier costume. Wu Xingyun was wearing a combat uniform almost numbly. After checking his equipment and weapons according to the management, he opened the door and walked out of the room to the hall.

In the hall, there are already three ghost lock soldiers on standby.

With Wu Xingyun's joining, all the personnel have arrived, and Shi Fei has issued a combat mission to them.

A huge electronic screen appeared in front of the four of them, with red dots marking the location of Ye Shakong.

Shi Fei explained from the side about the combat situation on the ground.

Ye Suikong was always at a disadvantage when he was besieged on the first day. Everyone thought that the battle would be over on the first day, but what was unexpected was that he knew how to survive PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Now four days and five hours have passed since the battle, Ye Suikong's hiding place has been locked into four places, which are in the four directions of east, west, north and south.

No one can get close to it, and it is not known whether Ye Suicong is injured, so now we need four ghost lock soldiers to lurk in these four hiding places.

Ye Suikong's perception ability is not as sharp as it was at the beginning, so the four of them have a high success rate, and they can approach each other to a position of 30 meters without being discovered.

If you find Ye Suikong, kill him immediately.

After killing the target, regular troops will immediately step forward to respond.

You can also call for support if you need help.

The four people were assigned their respective locations, and they were required to set off at the same time, preferably arriving at the ambush location at the same time, so as not to alarm Ye Shattering Kong.

Wu Xingyun looked at the entire battle arrangement, his whole heart was numb.

He didn't have the high fighting spirit he used to have in battle, nor did he have the calmness and sobriety he used to have in ambushes.

There was only one thought in his mind: I don't want honors, and I don't want medals... The moment I killed him, I hoped to be killed by him too. Maybe there will be an afterlife, and he and I would better not be enemies anymore, maybe we will go to a place where there is no war, we will not remember anything, and we will not know each other, then it will not be so uncomfortable.

Wu Xingyun felt suffocated in his heart, he held his gun tightly, took the elevator with the other three ghost lock soldiers, and came to the ground.

The four quickly set off in defense according to their own tasks. The place Wu Xingyun gave had no name, only coordinates.

Before coming up, Wu Xingyun had already imagined what the entire ground would look like, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

The city that was beautiful and tidy a few days ago, planted with heart leaf trees, is now completely in ruins, all high-rise buildings have been destroyed, only those semi-circular federal-style buildings built on the surface still exist, and a large number of ordinary soldiers They are all constantly gathering, carrying weapons to form a fire blockade network.

Fighter planes were constantly flying around in the sky, dropping missiles at suspicious locations from time to time.

The sound of explosions was everywhere, the smoke filled the air, and there were ruins everywhere.

Those ordinary soldiers and some small mecha soldiers saw Wu Xingyun coming out, and they knew that this was the ultimate weapon used by the Federation. They couldn't recognize who the person in the helmet was, but they all turned towards the ghost lock soldier without exception. salute.

Wu Xingyun's walking speed was not fast, and he was at a loss in his heart, but occasionally when he looked up at the sky, there were three suns in the sky, which dazzled people's eyes.

When Wu Xingyun walked to the front line, the soldiers who were in charge of blocking the front line immediately made way for him. Soon, Wu Xingyun was walking alone among the ruins.

Among these ruins, he could vaguely recognize the sign of the station. The sign was buried in the cement ruins. Wu Xingyun picked it up and saw that it was a station near his home.

The three suns were in his three directions, dragging three shadows of different shades on the ground. Wu Xingyun looked at the map in his hand, and he was almost at the ambush point.

He turned on the stealth system, and then the soldiers in the air disappeared, as did the three shadows on the ground in different shades.

Soon, Wu Xingyun arrived at the outer edge of the ambush point assigned to him. The place was hit by fire so violently that he could hardly recognize anything. He moved forward very carefully, and then he saw a piece of Brand: Box 601, XXX Community.

It's the lid of my mailbox.

Here, this one is desolate, there are piles of rubble everywhere, the road is completely unrecognizable, one deep pit is connected to another deep pit, and shrapnel is everywhere.

This uninhabited battlefield with corpses is my home!

A word crossed Wu Xingyun's mind inexplicably, "I'll wait for you to come back here." This was what Ye Suikong said before he left.

Although Shi Fei told them that Ye Suikong had four hiding places, but Wu Xingyun felt inexplicably that Ye Suikong would be here, his hiding place had always been here.

Wu Xingyun became more careful in his search. He didn't dare to fly, and he didn't dare to crawl. Even in such a place with almost no shelter, every step he took would leave a string of footprints.

He must move forward with great care, carefully choosing where each step lands, so as not to leave footprints.

He stepped on the ashes-free masonry with every step, and soon, he found traces of people in the ditch behind an obstacle.

A man in a gray suit, with his back facing him, was crawling in a ditch, surrounded by a faint energy defense cover, and outside the defense cover were some temporary steel and metal partitions, and some Federation weapons, presumably captured by him.

The man's back was facing him, lying on the ground, holding a weapon in his hand, and surrounded by weapons, about 50 meters away from Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun squatted down slowly, and then raised the gun in his hand.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the sobriety of the first time he ambush Ye Suikong. It was a red gravel field, and Ye Suikong was sitting alone in the distance, with his back turned to him, looking up at the moon. At that time, when Ye Suikong's gun fell down, he turned his head, it was the first time Wu Xingyun saw Ye Suikong's real person. There is no anger or pain in the eyes of the fallen people, but more of boundless loneliness and relief of calm.

Probably, he was missing his former lover at that time. Wu Xingyun, who was aiming at the broken night sky in the ruins, thought so. But he shook his head again, pushing the messy thoughts out of his head.

He aimed like this for a long time, and Ye Suikong also maintained the same posture in front of him without moving at all.

Wu Xingyun was thinking about where the shot should be shot so that Ye Suikong would die without pain.

But he couldn't figure it out. In the end, Wu Xingyun stopped the sight at the heart of Ye Suicong's back.

He pulled the trigger several times, but couldn't do it again. He felt sore with the gun in his hand, and he wanted to put it down, but he couldn't.

Just like Wen Nuo said: If you can't retreat and leave the army, then pick up your gun and do what a soldier should do.

"Pfft", an air swirl appeared soundlessly at the front of the gun, and then shot towards the broken night sky lying in the ditch at the speed of light.

The person in the trench let out a scream, rolled on the ground in pain, and then stopped moving.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while. He took out the instrument and scanned it. After making sure that there were no large creatures nearby except himself, he got up and walked towards Ye Broken Kong's body.

Ye Suikong fell to the ground, with a small bullet hole in the back of his clothes, his face was pale, and his lips were bloodless. Wu Xingyun stretched out his hand to check, but he was not breathing.

Wu Xingyun took off his gloves and touched the main artery in Ye Suicong's neck.

The arteries are not beating.

he died.

Wu Xingyun completed the task so easily.

Wu Xingyun pressed the contactor and reported to Shi Fei: "Report, complete the mission, kill the target. Coordinates..."

Shi Feima posted a message: "Very good! Don't move there, I will immediately send troops to respond!"

Wu Xingyun only felt his legs go limp for a while, and his eyes turned black. When he threw away his helmet and saw Ye Suikong's face clearly, he found that his heart seemed to have been hollowed out.

He never imagined that Ye Suikong's death would make him so sad. When he held Ye Suikong's body and looked around, he found that under Ye Suikong's body was a woman buried deep in the dust. stool.

That was the stool in his own home, where he sat at Ye Sui Kong before he left.

"I'll wait here for your return."

But the result of waiting was like this.

Wu Xingyun felt suffocated for a while, he was breathing heavily, an unprecedented heart convulsion hit him, it was very painful, he couldn't hold anything in pain, he could only support his hands on the ground, like a fish out of water Normally, no matter how big a mouthful of breathing is, he can't feel the presence of oxygen.

Wu Xingyun's head was buried deep in the dust, he didn't know if he was crying or not, but none of this seemed to matter anymore.

At this moment, he thought of the word "liberation", he touched the gun on his waist, and was about to pull the trigger.

But before he had time to raise his pistol, a familiar voice came coldly: "So, it's really you!"

Wu Xingyun was taken aback for a moment. He raised his head and looked behind him. The body that was already dead suddenly opened his eyes and was still standing behind him.

The man's face was pale blue, his lips were bloodless, but there was uncontrollable anger and disappointment in his eyes.

Ye Suikong, this person who has experienced the Great Nirvana, many people say that he is immortal.

Sure enough, he would not be killed so easily.