Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 41: Spend the night together


The wind blew more violently, and the snow fell one by one, quickly covering the sight of both of them.

Wu Xingyun shook his head, shaking off all the shock, and the snow on his head also flew around.

It was enough for him to walk alone, and now he had to bring Ye Suikong, who seemed to have no self-protection ability, so he definitely couldn't go any further.

He must find a way to find a place to rest overnight, avoid the wind and snow, at least wait until the temperature is higher during the day before leaving.

Wu Xingyun looked around, under the heavy snow, the visibility was very low, here was a winding mountain road, and he was not familiar with the situation a thousand years ago, so he didn't know where there would be buildings to avoid the wind and snow.

He tried to ask Ye Fan, but when he opened his mouth, his mouth was filled with snow, and he didn't even dare to open his mouth.

Ye Fan soon discovered Wu Xingyun's plan. He lifted himself up high with the animal skin wrapped around his body, and covered the two of them on top of their heads to keep out the wind and snow. Their heads were under the animal skin, and both of them could breathe freely. feel each other.

Ye Fan said, "Bingge, what do you want to say?"

Ye Fan's voice sounded very hoarse and deep, but he was much calmer, not as helpless as before.

Wu Xingyun asked: "On this road, within a kilometer nearby, is there any place where we can shelter from the snow? The snow is too heavy, we have to find a place to rest before talking about anything else."

Ye Fan shook his head: "No... I've been walking for a day, and there's nothing but a dead body." When speaking, the tip of his nose brushed against Wu Xingyun's cheek inadvertently, and it was a little itchy.

Wu Xingyun poked his head out of the temporary cloak made of animal skins, and he didn't dare to rest on the road, because there were still cars passing by from time to time. He thought about it, and remembered that a car seemed to be overturned before, maybe he could borrow it.

So he ran to the other side of the road, and Ye Fan also ran over. The two stood on the edge of the cliff and watched. It was easy to find the car under the white snow, and there was a black spot on the slope under the cliff.

The cliff is at least 100 meters high. In this snowstorm weather, it is not very easy to go down, but there is no other place to rest.

Wu Xingyun dug out his backpack, found the rope he had found in the past few days, and wrapped it around a tree by the cliff. Ye Fan also understood why Wu Xingyun wanted to go down. Climb down a cliff

Ye Fan pulled the rope, trying to stop Wu Xingyun, but just as he opened his mouth, his mouth was full of snow, and he still couldn't say anything.

Wu Xingyun tied up the rope and pulled it again, it was very strong.

Then he picked up the backpack, put it on Ye Fan's back, turned his back again, patted his back, and signaled Ye Fan to hug him, and the two went down together.

Ye Fan shook his head vigorously, refusing to say anything, Wu Xingyun couldn't pull it back, he really had no choice but to put the animal skins on the heads of the two again, and said loudly: "It's okay! Don't be afraid, I will carry it on my back." Go down, you won't die if you fall."

Ye Fan still refused: "No, it looks like... how can I let you carry me down? Isn't this adding to your burden? I have hands and feet, so I can climb down by myself!"

Wu Xingyun didn't have the strength to entangle Ye Fan with these things at this time. He threw the animal skin to Ye Fan, looked at him with some resentment, and thought silently in his heart: If you don't want me to carry it, you'd better miss it alone. Fall off a rock and die! It will also prevent me and the entire universe from being harmed in the future!

He himself descended rapidly along the rope, kicked his feet on the cliff, and jumped down like a bird, kicked again, and went down again. The movement is smooth and perfect, without any stagnation in the blizzard. This kind of harsh environment is not very difficult for him. In order to deal with Yeshakong, the various inhuman trainings of ghost lock soldiers are much more brutal than this.

Wu Xingyun quickly landed on the slope at the bottom of the valley. Although there were still snowflakes floating and it was still very cold, at least it was not as violent as the snow on the top of the mountain.

He waved at Ye Suikong from below, signaling him to follow the path he had come down just now.

This kind of environment was nothing to Wu Xingyun, but to Ye Fan, it was extremely bad.

Ye Fan has been a good student since he was a child. He listened to his teachers at school and listened to his parents when he went home. He never skipped class to fight, and he was also very homely. During the holidays, he would just play games and read novels at home.

Occasionally there have been some rock climbing activities, but they are all artificial cliffs like in health clubs, complete with safety belts and hard hats, and there are instructors beside them.

But now the wind on the top of the mountain is so strong that he can't even stand still, his hands are so cold that he is about to fall off, and the blizzard is coming in waves, which can bury him in an instant.

As long as he stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, he felt a little dizzy, let alone go down.

But—he absolutely couldn't accept that he was carried off the cliff by a man about his age when he had arms and legs.

Ye Fan took a deep breath on the top of the cliff, then imitated Wu Xingyun just now, and slid down slowly.

He just saw Wu Xingyun's smooth and easy movements on the top of the cliff, but he didn't realize how difficult it was when he came down. If the speed of the slide was too fast, the palms would be wiped off by the rope; It was painful; the bouts of dizziness, as well as the terrifying feeling of being in mid-air with the rope dangling without any landing, almost made him collapse.

During the descent, Ye Fan accidentally stepped on the ground a few times, and as a result, he was dangling on the rope and almost fell.

Wu Xingyun saw black lines all over his head.

That cold and arrogant Ye Suikong, who tore apart the alloy battleship with one palm and made everyone tremble, turned out to be an ordinary boy...

Moreover, when there is this kind of dangling around on the rope, it is really horrible.

Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart: This is probably the dark history of the night devil in the legend! ! Maybe one day when I meet Ye Suikong again, I can use it to laugh at him.

But when he thought of this matter, he felt sad—he knew that it would be difficult for him to go back. Even the latest technology of the Federation hasn't figured out how to travel through time and space, let alone the technology of two thousand years ago...

While Wu Xingyun was thinking wildly, something fell at his feet with a bang. It turned out that Ye Suikong didn't hold on tight to the rope and fell down halfway.

Ye Fan's head landed on the ground. Fortunately, the snow in the valley was thicker. He didn't hit any rocks, so he didn't get hurt. As soon as he landed, he got up from the snow, wiped his face, and felt a little embarrassed towards Wu Xingyun: " I... I will work hard in the future... "

"En." Wu Xingyun hummed, the snowstorm in the valley was no longer so violent, and the two walked towards the rolling car together.

It was a minivan, the two occupants of which were dead and completely turned over. The two dragged the body out of the car, and then climbed into the car by themselves, finally able to rest for a while.

Ye Fan was panting, he had never seen a dead person before, but in the past two days, there were dead people everywhere, and - he even dragged one by himself just now.

While thinking this way, he secretly looked at the soldier beside him.

There was no uncomfortable expression on the soldier's face, he was very calm and calm, his face was a little immature, he seemed to be under twenty-three years old.

Ye Fan guessed in his heart, how old is the soldier beside him, twenty, or twenty-one? Have you ever killed someone? How many people have you killed? Seeing the corpse so calm and calm, is it... been on the battlefield

But he saw the soldier turn around after resting for a while, and said, "Go take a bath."

Ye Fan was taken aback, and Wu Xingyun said: "In the wilderness, you must keep your body clean so that you are not easy to be infected. The environment may be worse in the future, and you need to wash it at least every three days. Use snow when there is snow, water when there is water, and use water in the desert. Use sand to cleanse your skin, and air baths when you have nothing left."

Ye Fan nodded, opened the car door and suddenly remembered something: "Bingge, how about you? Let's wash together!"

For no reason, Wu Xingyun thought of the time when he and Ye Suikong just got married, and Ye Suikong also said similar things.

Wu Xingyun was a little dazed, and shook his head after a while: "The two of us take turns, and the other one stands guard."

Ye Fan didn't say any more, he quickly ran outside, took off his clothes, grabbed the snow and wiped himself a few times, shivering from the cold.

Wu Xingyun stood on the roof of the car and looked around vigilantly, holding a gun in case something came to attack Ye Fan. When his eyes passed Ye Fan's body inadvertently, he found that the boy was also very strong. The young body looks vigorous and strong in the snow. It is because of such a physical capital that he has been able to survive in the last days until now, right

Wu Xingyun noticed that there were many wounds on Ye Fan's body, some of which were just injured; when Ye Fan wiped the wound with snow, he would grin his teeth in pain.

Wu Xingyun took out his backpack and rummaged in it for a long time, only to find a bottle of iodine spray, so he threw the iodine at Ye Fan's feet, then turned his head away.

Because he saw that Ye Suikong was facing him, he could see clearly from top to bottom, and even saw everything he shouldn't have seen.

Ye Fan picked up the iodine, sprayed it on the part of his body that was scratched just now, put on his clothes, wrapped up the animal skin, and stood on the roof of the car to help Wu Xingyun watch.

Wu Xingyun found a slightly hidden place and began to scrub his body. The gun was placed beside him. Although Ye Fan was on guard, he was still watching the surroundings vigilantly. The eyes of the two would collide suddenly.

When their eyes met, both of them felt a little embarrassed. In order to resolve this embarrassment, the next time the two eyes collided, Ye Fan took the initiative to smile and said, "Bingge, you are in good shape, don't you mind taking a second look?"

Wu Xingyun wished he could grab Ye Fan and beat him up. If Ye Suikong was in front of him, he would definitely be beaten!

But when Wu Xingyun put on his clothes and wanted to beat someone up, he found that he couldn't do anything to this young man. He is not good at bullying the weak, especially when the weak is still looking flattering.

Wu Xingyun sighed from the bottom of his heart, and climbed to the cab of the van, but the space inside was too small to sit in at all.

Ye Fan observed Wu Xingyun for a while before he said, "Bingge, do you mind coming over to sleep with me? It's nothing else, I just... Well, it's a big place here, so you'll be a little more comfortable. Besides, it's so cold, It'll be hotter if we squeeze together."

Wu Xingyun let out an oh, and got into the back seat where Ye Fan was with the gun in his hand.

The whole car was turned upside down, with the seats overhead. The two of them flattened the back seat above their heads, and the extra space was just enough for the two of them to lie down halfway.

Wu Xingyun said: "Go to sleep, I'll keep watch."

Ye Fan didn't sleep, he looked at Wu Xingyun's face gently and clearly in the dark night with the reflection of the snow. He thought that this soldier might have fallen behind, or that his team had all died, or that he had come to look for his relatives.

In this apocalyptic world, the social system is rapidly disintegrating, and the army in some places has also collapsed severely. Ye Fan even encountered a few soldiers who had turned into bandits.

At that time, Ye Fan was alone on the endless road, and all he saw were corpses and killings. He was terrified at first, but he didn't know why. When the soldier took out his only hide from the wind, Ye Fan felt an indescribable feeling of trust and attachment to him. He felt warm and safe by the soldier's side.

At this moment, Ye Fan looked at the soldier's side face, the light reflected in the snow made him not able to see clearly, he only felt that everything around him was hazy.

In such a small hiding space, Ye Fan could even hear the other party's breathing and feel the temperature of the other party's body.

Ye Fan's voice was very soft: "I can't sleep... How about you go to bed first and I'll keep watch. You should be even more tired."

Wu Xingyun was not polite to Ye Fan, he closed his eyes, but his mind was in a mess. And because the animal skin was given to Ye Fan, he was also very cold and couldn't sleep at all.

So he opened his eyes again, and found that the glass of the car window was covered with a layer of mist, which was the crystallization of the body temperature of the two of them on the car window.

Wu Xingyun wiped the upside-down car window, looked outside, but heard Ye Fan ask: "Bingge, what's your name... I can't keep calling you Bingge, Bingge, it's so impolite."

Wu Xingyun turned around and smiled: "Do you also know what politeness is?"

This smile came suddenly in the dark night, and the white teeth were particularly eye-catching. Ye Fan felt that the unattractive soldier in front of him had many advantages, and the slightly teasing words of the other party, coupled with that smile, made Ye Fan's head I was stunned for a moment, unable to think about any problems for almost half a second.

Wu Xingyun said: "My name is... Wu..." When he said this, Wu Xingyun suddenly shut up, he didn't speak anymore, for some reason, he didn't really want to tell Ye Suikong his real name.

Anyway, they probably won't be able to go back in the future, and the two of them won't stay together for too long.

There is no federal or night demon army here, and there is no need for a war with relatives, so... there is no need to tell him his name.

Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart: In this strange time and space, the two of them will just pass by casually, and there is no need to know too much.

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Then what's your last name? Oh, here it is!" Ye Fan's eyes fell on Wu Xingyun's backpack, which read: Wu Yun.

Ye Fan pointed to the words on the backpack and asked: "Wu Yun, is this your name? It should be. I watched on TV. The equipment of the soldiers is the same. It will be easy to recognize if you write your name on it."

Wu Xingyun looked at the name, the characters were written crookedly, his Chinese was trained for a while before he got married, so he didn't know much about it. Later, most of them were taught by Ye Suikong. Although he learned quickly, he could only recognize neat handwriting.

These two characters are in both cursive and traditional characters, and he can't recognize them at all. Listening to Ye Fan pronounce these two words now, they are actually very similar to his real name.

Wu Xingyun didn't refute aloud, it was a tacit agreement.

Ye Fan said: "Then I will call you Brother Yun from now on. Are you cold?"

As he spoke, he evened out the animal skin wrapped around himself for Wu Xingyun, then smiled embarrassedly and said, "Originally this is yours, I... I shouldn't occupy it. But I'm afraid I'll catch a cold tomorrow." It will drag you down... I think you don't wear much, and it will be very cold in the middle of the night. Why don't you use it together?"

Wu Xingyun did not move, nor did he object to Ye Fan's proposal. He felt that the animal skin was covering him, with Ye Fan's body temperature on it, as well as his familiar smell.

After Ye Fan covered the animal skin, he said: "They all said that this is the end of the world... My classmates, family members, many of them have died... If I hadn't met you, I would have died tonight too. Tell me, in the future Will it always be like this?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I don't know... But I think you should be alive, always alive."

Ye Fan didn't speak, and his mood was a little low. After a while, he said: "If I'm the only one alive, I'd rather die with them." Then he laughed again, "But in fact, I'm not willing to just be like this Die, I have never even been in love, and I am still a virgin, so I am too unwilling to die like this."

Wu Xingyun choked on his own saliva and kept coughing, Ye Fan patted his back for him. After Wu Xingyun finally calmed down, Ye Fan asked, "What about you?"

Wu Xingyun looked at Ye Fan for a while, this face was so close to him in the dark night, so close that he could feel the temperature on it.

He was silent for a while, then said softly, "I'm already married."