Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 42: Rat tide


Ye Fan let out an "oh" and said, "Then... are you here to look for her?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "I probably won't see him again... Can we not talk about it?"

Ye Fan secretly observed Wu Xingyun's expression, saw the sadness flashing in his eyes, and wondered in his heart that the soldier's wife was either dead or ran away with someone. These days, he has seen a lot of things where each other is facing a catastrophe. Knowing that it is the other party's sadness, he changed the subject with interest.

The two of them just leaned together and chatted for a long time, mostly about the end of the world, and some of their past life.

Ye Fan's life is lackluster, just like ordinary people. When the sun disappeared for the first time a few months ago, the earth fell into the first panic.

But at that time, the sun only disappeared for a few seconds and then came out. Various experts actively explained that everything was stable.

Ye Fan came to travel with his parents after graduation. On the day when he was going to the Potala Palace, the sun disappeared in the sky for the second time, and it disappeared three times in one day. Take him home, but at that time there were already monsters all around, and the creatures on the earth mutated so much that the species that could not compete with humans in the past became extremely powerful overnight, and even became wise.

The two checked the date. When Wu Xingyun came to this world, it was the time when Ye Fan's parents died.

Ye Fan was terrified, and he began to try to escape back to the city, but the temperature suddenly fell, the sun disappeared, and mutated monsters destroyed a large number of human facilities, even thermal weapons were ineffective.

Under such circumstances, he carried it for more than ten days, hungry and tired, lost his relatives and friends, dead people and monsters were everywhere, and encountered overwhelming blizzard on the winding mountain road. The misfortune boy finally collapsed, squatting on the ground and crying loudly.

Wu Xingyun has never seen what the earth species are like, so when an ant the size of a fist can overturn a car, a docile puppy can be as tall as a small building, and a sparrow feeds on human brains, there is nothing too deep He touched the animal skin covering himself, and according to Ye Fan's description, this animal skin was not of a ferocious beast, but the skin of a mutated Tibetan mastiff on the plateau.

Ye Fan told all his experiences, Wu Xingyun listened most of the time and didn't ask much, he just quietly looked at the boy in front of him. This is a gentle, kind, and somewhat sunny boy, very different from the one in memory.

There is only one thing that is exactly the same, that is, when Ye Fan turned his head and looked into Wu Xingyun's eyes, Wu Xingyun was a little afraid to look at him.

"What about you? You...why have you been silent all this time?" Ye Fan asked.

Wu Xingyun said, "I don't know what to say."

"What are your future plans?"

"have no idea."

"Then... do you have any relatives?"

Wu Xingyun nodded: "There are parents and elder brother, but... I probably won't see them in the future." When he said this, Wu Xingyun was a little depressed. If his parents knew that he was dead, he would be so sad. And his own mother... Wu Xingyun glared at Ye Fan in the dark, it was all because of this bastard!

Ye Fan didn't know Wu Xingyun's mental activities at all. Seeing that Wu Xingyun was in a low mood, he reached out and held Wu Xingyun's hand.

The soldier's palms were all calloused, and his hands were a little cold. Ye Fan felt distressed for no reason. The soldier was only a few years older than himself, but it seemed that he had suffered a lot and suffered a lot of injuries, otherwise there would be no that look.

At this moment, Ye Fan had an urge to protect him. Even though the other party was much stronger than him physically and mentally, Ye Fan still tried his best to help him, even if he could only comfort him with words.

Ye Fan said: "Don't be sad, I... my parents are gone. In the future when we are together, I can... well, cook for you, wash your clothes for you, and tell you jokes when you are sad."

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, he looked at Ye Fan, the other's palm was very warm, and his eyes were very sincere. He gently withdrew his hand from Ye Fan's palm, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep, we will take turns to watch the night."

Ye Fan was surprisingly obedient this time, and closed his eyes without even saying a polite word. Soon, a slight snoring sound came, and his body temperature spread to Wu Xingyun through his clothes.

For no reason, Wu Xingyun thought of when they were newly married, when they went out and slept in the wild. At that time, it can be said that the relationship between the two was the best, but even if the relationship was the best, there was no moment to cuddle up and sleep together.

The snowflakes outside were still falling, but the temperature inside the car did not feel cold because the two were close together.

Ye Fan woke up after sleeping for about an hour. He changed places with Wu Xingyun and half-lyed by the window.

Wu Xingyun said: "You don't sleep much, wake me up when you get sleepy. If you feel any danger, wake me up too. I'll replace you in two hours."

Ye Fan said yes, and Wu Xingyun fell asleep peacefully.

This sleep was the most relaxing time he had slept since he arrived on Earth because someone was by his side. In the dream, I felt unprecedented peace of mind and comfort, and it was also very warm.

When Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, and Ye Fan didn't wake him up halfway, but let him sleep well for eight hours.

Wu Xingyun said: "We agreed to be alone for two hours, why didn't you call me?"

Ye Fan said: "I'm not sleepy anyway, I should let you sleep more. You are fighting power!"

Wu Xingyun hummed, and thought angrily in his heart: When it is really in danger, should the Night Demon be killed by a monster with fighting power? Or let him be killed by his fighting self

The two got out of the car and began to discuss where to go next.

They have no food, water, weapons, all of which must be supplemented by finding nearby cities, and they need to obtain the latest information to know what to do next.

The two found a map in the car and basically determined the current location based on the positioning system.

At present, the two have reached the border of Sichuan, the western Sichuan plateau.

The nearest county is Fan County, Wu Xingyun intends to add something there, but Ye Fan does not intend to stop there.

"It is estimated that there are no people anywhere. I think it is safer to find a slightly larger place with garrisons. Look, go down the mountain along this road, and you will pass through a tunnel. After passing through the tunnel, the altitude is not so high, and the plateau reflects It will also disappear... There is a county here, I think it should be very good, and it has been advertised on TV. Maybe you can find troops to follow, or... some food and weapons. Anyway, we drive, enough for a day."

Although Ye Fan's suggestion seemed unreliable in the eyes of Wu Xingyun, a veteran, and he felt that there might be more danger there, he still decided to respect Ye Fan's opinion.

The reason is simple, because - Ye Fan will survive, become the strongest, and become Ye Suikong. Therefore, no matter what choice he makes now, even if it seems extremely stupid, it is the most correct path tested by history.

Ye Fan was afraid that Wu Xingyun would leave him behind, but he didn't know that in such a dangerous environment that even Wu Xingyun might not be able to handle, it was the safest to follow Ye Fan.

After the two discussed it, they started to do it.

Wu Xingyun went to find a rock, Ye Fan got a long wooden stick, and together they turned over the car that had rested last night.

Fortunately, the important parts of the car were not damaged, and the gasoline was not leaked, so it can be used again with a little repair.

When Wu Xingyun was repairing the car, Ye Fan was on the sidelines to help. He also went to get some dead branches to start a fire, and roasted a few pieces of meat for Wu Xingyun to eat. He found an iron bucket in the trunk of the car and boiled the snow water for Wu Xingyun to drink. Serving tea and water to make food is very attentive, Wu Xingyun's hands are dirty and it is inconvenient to handle meat, so Ye Fan feeds him.

"Brother Yun, you are really good, you can do everything!" Ye Fan praised sincerely, "You are a special soldier, right?"

Wu Xingyun hummed and said, "The meat is burnt."

Ye Fan immediately cut off the mushy meat and put it in his mouth, and stuffed the unmushed meat into Wu Xingyun's mouth.

While feeding Wu Xingyun meat, Ye Fan watched him repair the car.

Wu Xingyun's meticulous military uniform combined with a serious expression made Ye Fan feel very good-looking. So Ye Fan stretched out his hand to help Wu Xingyun wipe away the food residue from his mouth.

When his fingers accidentally touched his lips, Wu Xingyun dodged for a moment and said, "I'm full."

Ye Fan immediately noticed that Wu Xingyun was unhappy, and he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose..." After he finished speaking, he didn't know why he apologized... Could it be that the service is wrong, no matter, anyway... wrong Always be right!

After the car was repaired, the food reserves were not enough, so Wu Xingyun still had to go hunting.

Ye Fan silently clenched his fist behind Wu Xingyun, and secretly said in his heart: I will definitely become stronger as soon as possible! I must not let him underestimate me, and I must not be his burden. Also, never annoy him.

Not long after Wu Xingyun left, he dragged back something he didn't know himself, but he didn't know much about earth species.

But when the thing was dragged in front of Ye Fan, Ye Fan couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

Wu Xingyun dragged a mutated squirrel that was one meter tall. Ye Fan had seen this mutated squirrel attack humans, not to mention that ordinary people had no resistance to it. Ye Fan had seen this squirrel kill three people with his own eyes. Soldiers in full armor.

Moreover, even though the squirrel has mutated, it is still very sharp and vigilant, making it difficult to catch. Especially after they have wisdom, even the perennial old hunters cannot hit them.

But Wu Xingyun dragged such a big squirrel back within an hour! !

Ye Fan's original affection for Wu Xingyun, as well as the little feeling he didn't understand, have all turned into admiration now.

He went up to look and found that the bullet had hit the squirrel's eyeball and hit the brain. This is definitely a world-class shooting level.

"It's so handsome!" Ye Fan said silently in his heart, and he secretly looked up at Wu Xingyun again, thinking that he was very good-looking and liked him very much.

Ye Fan consciously undertook the work of skinning, cutting and processing the meat. After preparing everything, the two drove on the road.

Wu Xingyun's driving skills were very bad. There were no roads in the valley, it was nothing more than snow and grass. It took a long time to see the road.

But seeing that the road is victory, they checked the direction and headed towards the target county.

The sky is getting dark gradually, and after descending the winding mountain road, the altitude is getting lower and lower, the weather is not that cold, but it is definitely not like summer.

Ye Fan smashed Wu Xingyun's padded jacket and animal skin into his backpack, which was full. Both of them were also hungry. Ye Fan took out the meat prepared in the morning, and as soon as he opened the cloth wrapping them, he smelled a rotten stench.

Ye Fan looked at the meat in shock: "How did it spoil so quickly!!"

He was too surprised by this situation. Before that, he had been in the snowy and frozen place on the plateau, and the food he could find was only some dry food.

The weather wasn't hot, so he washed it clean and cooked the meat, thinking that even if he didn't have anything to eat, it would be fine for two or three days, but it turned out that it was all broken in one afternoon! !

It seems that the mainland is more terrifying than the plateau. There are more types of creatures here. Could it be... more mutated things...

Also, does the fact that the food rots so quickly mean—there isn't any food in the city at all? Will people kill each other for what to eat? So, once there is a wound, is it not easy to heal

Ye Fan felt shuddering, he looked towards the place where his palm was bruised last night. For a boy of his age with a vigorous metabolism, one night is enough for these scars to heal.

But now, it was obvious that those scars hadn't healed at all, not only that, Ye Fan also felt that they were starting to itch because of the rising temperature and humidity.

Wu Xingyun glanced back at the meat, and said, "Is there any problem? The frozen meat I had before would go bad in three days at most..." He also didn't know much about the bacteria activity on the earth, since he arrived, it has been In this way, the speed of food decay is not too fast in Wu Xingyun's eyes. It is better than some planets. Fresh meat can be completely rotted in half an hour.

Wu Xingyun didn't care too much, and said, "Throw it away if you can't eat it, we'll just find something to eat."

As he spoke, he headed for the tunnel ahead.

Walking out of the tunnel and walking about five kilometers further is the county seat. Where does Wu Xingyun plan to stay tonight, maybe he can meet more people and find out more about the situation.

He glanced into the distance, the tunnel was very long, the light at the exit of the tunnel was very weak, and because of the perspective, the exit looked very small.

Wu Xingyun continued to drive, and said while driving: "Ye Fan, why does it always smell like this? Your place... the air here is not very good, making people smell uncomfortable."

While he was speaking, the wheel hit something, the steering wheel slipped and hit the wall again.

Wu Xingyun jumped out of the car and found that the front cover of the car was damaged, and the engine, which was not very durable, was completely lost and could no longer be started.

Fortunately, the rest of the road was not too far away, and they could reach it on foot. The two walked with their things, Ye Fan carried the bag, and Wu Xingyun carried the gun, and they walked towards the light together.

The further he walked, the heavier the stench in the air became, and Wu Xingyun no longer believed that this bloody smell was the characteristic of the earth.

Finally, the two stopped in front of a wall.

It was a strange and terrifying wall that almost blocked the entire tunnel, except for a gap half a meter wide and one meter high in the lower right corner.

The faint light is coming out from this gap.

It turned out that the tunnel wasn't that long, it was just a visual error caused by the light in the gap.

Ye Fan was standing beside Wu Xingyun, he raised his head slightly at this moment, and saw this "wall"

That's what human corpses are made of.

It was a wall of mutilated corpses that blocked the tunnel.

Some of those corpses had no heads, and some intestines were left outside, which looked like the residue left here after being bitten by something.

There were more than a thousand corpses, and the air was filled with the smell of rancidity and blood. Some heads were embedded in the "corpse wall", with terrifying and hideous faces. Most of the heads have been gnawed off, but some still retain their original appearance, showing various terrified expressions.

In the dark and lightless tunnel, the wall of thousands of corpses, the disgusting smell of blood, and the sound of clucking, clucking and chewing bones made the two of them feel creepy.

Even Wu Xingyun had never encountered such a situation. He touched his gun involuntarily. When he realized that it was just an old-fashioned and backward rifle, it was not the equipment of his ghost lock soldier. I'm sweating a little.

Clack, cluck, the sound of bones being chewed is still coming, but there are more sounds coming.

Squeak, squeak...

Both of them felt the sound of the ground shaking, and the creaking sound of getting closer.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan turned their heads at the same time, and then saw something that made them have nightmares for a long time.

At the entrance of the tunnel, a mass of black things rushed in like a tide, each thing was the size of a human palm, they dragged their bare tails, made squeaking noises, gathered in groups, devoured everything they encountered, and drowned everything .

It's a mouse! !

There are more than ten thousand mutated gray mice! !

Even before it mutated, it was impossible for a strong man to resist the siege of tens of thousands of mice.

What's more, what's showing up now is this kind of mutated rat!

There is no chance of anyone surviving!

At this moment, the two of them seemed to understand how the corpse wall in the tunnel came about!

That's what people in the city ate after they were dragged here by rats!

They accidentally broke into the mouse's nest.