Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 43: newborn


They even inadvertently broke into the mouse's nest.

They cannot walk in the direction of the rats, because that means being devoured by tens of thousands of rats.

Then the only way is to pass through the gap in the corpse wall.

Wu Xingyun slowly picked up the gun, and said to Ye Fan in a low voice, "Get through!"

Ye Fan's face turned pale in an instant.

Both of them could tell at this moment that the mice were returning to their nests, not looking for food.

The two were in a dark place, and they were contaminated by a lot of surrounding smells, and the mice couldn't find them for a while.

Or maybe the mice are full and don't want to hunt too much now.

But if the two of them stay here forever, the end result will only be part of the wall of corpses.

Wu Xingyun yelled in a low voice: "Hurry up!"

Ye Fan burrowed towards the gap. He felt that it was better to burrow into the corpse wall compared to the hatchback.

The gap was so narrow that Ye Fan had to bend down to get in. When he got in, he realized that it was a passage about three meters long.

The reason for the formation of the passage is because there is an overturned armrest here. When the rats threw the corpses, the corpses were blocked on the armrests, so a small space was formed.

Ye Fan walked his steps carefully, trying not to make any noise, his body brushed against some heads, and his bloody hand was in front of him, rubbing against his face.

It took Ye Fan three seconds to get out of the gap. When he got out of the gap, he heard a gunshot.

Wu Xingyun shot. He turned his back to the gap and walked backwards, but a few mice still spotted him and followed him.

One of them tried to attack Wu Xingyun, but Wu Xingyun had no choice.

The plague is the scariest thing. If one is really bitten by this kind of rat, his life will definitely be lost here.

Wu Xingyun's marksmanship was very accurate, and he was killed with one shot. The fat mouse rolled twice on the ground, and after a spasm of limbs, it died.

But the gunshot alarmed the other mice, and more mice began to notice Wu Xingyun and attack him.

bang bang bang!

The sound of gunfire was deafening.

But no matter how many bullets there are, there is a limit, not to mention, Wu Xingyun doesn't have many bullets at all.

When he exited the narrow passage, there were less than ten bullets left, but there were more and more mice.

Wu Xingyun didn't intend to shoot again casually, he pulled out the dagger he had collected, swiped it, and cut off another mouse that was trying to attack him.

But this kind of lethality is too small. If one mouse dies, ten mice will come.

These wise mice even know how to take revenge! !

At the beginning, there were just a dozen mice coming out of the gap following Wu Xingyun, but immediately, the dozen became hundreds, and the hundreds became thousands.

One by one, the mice seemed to be directed by someone, and they rushed towards Wu Xingyun like river water breaking through the dam.

"Run!" Wu Xingyun pulled Ye Fan and ran towards the other end of the tunnel.

The other end of the tunnel was about 300 meters away. Wu Xingyun trained to run all year round, and his speed was very fast. Ye Fan couldn't keep up with Wu Xingyun and fell to the ground with a thud.

Wu Xingyun quickly reached out to pull it, but found that Ye Fan's ankle had been bitten by a mouse.

Wu Xingyun went up and stepped on the mouse's body.

The mouse was crushed to death by his stepping on it, but its teeth were biting Ye Fan tightly.

Wu Xingyun pulled Ye Fan up, and hundreds of mice came through the gap, following their footsteps, and getting closer.

Wu Xingyun continued to drag Ye Fan to run, but Ye Fan only felt that the whole leg seemed to be numb, and it was impossible for him to keep up with Wu Xingyun's pace, and those mice were getting more and more, getting closer.

Ye Fan pushed Wu Xingyun: "Brother Yun, run away!"

Wu Xingyun was staggered by Ye Fan's push, and when he looked back, he realized that although the fat mouse was dead, it was still biting Ye Fan's calf. And this kind of mouse seems to be very powerful. Ye Fan's whole leg became stiff after being bitten, and he couldn't walk at all.

Without another word, Wu Xingyun turned around and put Ye Fan on his back, and ran out of the tunnel.

During the running process, Wu Xingyun was able to shoot backhand and kill the mouse that tried to pounce on him.

Although Ye Fan pushed Wu Xingyun to let him run quickly at the beginning, but once he was carried by Wu Xingyun, he hugged Wu Xingyun's neck tightly with both hands and tried to cooperate with him, not in this place. Time to play against him.

Wu Xingyun's 300-meter sprint was fast, and he didn't slow down even with a person, because he never slacked off in weight-bearing exercises.

Without the help of any thrusters, Wu Xingyun ran out of the tunnel in thirty seconds.

Those mice didn't follow up again, they stopped at the entrance of the tunnel very carefully, with the consciousness of not going too far.

When Wu Xingyun was standing outside the tunnel with Ye Fan on his back, he looked back and saw the mice stop. A more ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Rats are very keen creatures, and it is said that they have a very strong sixth sense.

The mouse suddenly stopped at the tunnel, which meant that there would be more terrifying creatures waiting for him.

Wu Xingyun counted his bullets. He used a lot when dealing with mice just now, and used some when he was running away with Ye Fan on his back, but now there are only two bullets left.

Wu Xingyun turned his head and looked at Ye Fan who was on his back. Ye Fan's head had already drooped on his shoulders, and his eyes had begun to astigmatism.

Plague is the most terrifying thing in the interstellar world. Even ordinary mice can be fatal if infected, let alone this mutant mouse

Wu Xingyun asked in a low voice, "How are you doing?"

Ye Fan snorted, his body became hot.

Wu Xingyun walked a few more steps with his back on his back, but he couldn't take Ye Fan away like this, otherwise both of them would die!

He has to make a choice.

Wu Xingyun carried Ye Fan to the side of the road, put him down, and touched his head, his forehead was very hot.

Wu Xingyun said: "Those rats dare not go out of the tunnel, there must be something more terrifying here... I will take you, we both will die."

Ye Fan gave a low hum, knowing in his heart that this was the rhythm of his being abandoned, and he didn't have much resentment in his heart. On the contrary, he was somewhat grateful to Wu Xingyun for not abandoning him in the rat's nest. He whispered, "Thank you... thank you for not throwing me... in the... rat pile..."

Seeing that Ye Fan's lips were burned, Wu Xingyun wanted to get him some water, but the water bottle was lost in the sudden incident just now.

Wu Xingyun felt a little sorry, thought for a while, and said, "I'll come to you as soon as I've solved the danger. Don't be afraid, I won't leave you too far, and I'll be by your side."

Ye Fan knew that Wu Xingyun was probably embarrassed to say that he was going to abandon himself, so this is a more euphemistic way of saying it.

Moreover, he looked down at his calf, and felt that the swelling there seemed to be thicker than his thigh. Obviously, he was infected. His whole body felt numb, and his brain became a little numb. He was very Awareness as a burden. In all this chaos, this stranger soldier, who was able to bring him here from the precipice of the blizzard, and carry him back from the rat's den, had done a lot.

Now that he was about to die, but this soldier didn't have any injuries. Abandoning himself was the best choice.

Ye Fan nodded, his voice was a little erratic: "Okay... you go, be careful... and... don't feel guilty..."

Wu Xingyun noticed that there seemed to be some bruises on Ye Fan's face. He didn't know what they were. He was not in favor of coming to the city at first, but now he is glad that he chose a slightly larger county as his destination.

As long as it can be resolved quickly, Ye Fan can be taken to a hospital in the city and medicines can be found to treat him.

Although the death of the future night demon is a very happy thing, but—Wu Xingyun feels that this honor should be obtained by himself, instead of giving it to a group of mice or something else.

After Wu Xingyun put Ye Fan on the side of the road, he walked towards the grass by himself. It had just rained here, and there were mud puddles everywhere in the grass on the side of the road. Wu Xingyun tied up his trousers tightly and rolled a few times in the mud puddles , let his smell match the surrounding environment, and made some grass to camouflage, and finally went around to test the wind direction, and walked against the wind.

In this way, the little smell left on Wu Xingyun's body will be taken away without being discovered by species with keen perception.

Wu Xingyun firmly believes that there is no species on this planet whose perception sensitivity surpasses that of Ye Fragment Sky.

He had approached Ye Suikong three times without being discovered, and successfully ambushed him twice. Although he did not have a ghost lock soldier combat uniform, Wu Xingyun believed that the dangerous life on this planet did not have the perverted perception ability of Ye Suikong.

Wu Xingyun was lying in the grass, slightly raised his eyes to look at Ye Fan on the roadside in the distance.

Ye Fan fell to the ground and was already unknown. He must solve the terrible threat on this road as soon as possible.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened, and a black shadow appeared on the road.

The black shadow was about as big as a car, and it moved quickly and agilely. If Wu Xingyun hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings, he wouldn't have noticed that shadow in the dark night at all.

When the shadow walked onto the road, it lowered its figure, and carefully raised and lowered its limbs on the ground. Judging from its figure, it should be a cat.

Soon, as the thing got closer, Wu Xingyun quickly figured out what the black shadow was.

It was a huge black cat.

The black cat couldn't make a sound when it walked, its ears were flat, and it approached the tunnel carefully.

It turned out that those mutated mice were afraid of it! !

Humans are on the mouse's food chain, and the mouse is on the cat's food chain.

And judging by the familiar posture of this cat, it seems that it has harvested a lot here, and it is precisely because of this that those mice dare not come out of their holes easily.

Wu Xingyun raised his gun and aimed at the huge black cat.

Cats are solitary animals and if it was hunting around here there wouldn't be too many cats of this size nearby.

Wu Xingyun is not prepared to be an enemy of such a large beast, unless - it intends to hurt Ye Fan.

The black cat walked gently to Ye Fan who was lying on the side of the road. It stretched out its nose and sniffed the unconscious Ye Fan.

Wu Xingyun also raised his gun in the grass and aimed at the black cat's eyes.

The black cat didn't stick out its tongue to touch Ye Fan's face, it straightened up and left Ye Fan's mouth.

Wu Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief, the cat's tongue was full of barbs, even if the cat was harmless, as long as it licked it down, half of Ye Fan's face would probably be gone.

But the black cat stretched out its paws and pawed at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan let out a slight groan, and Wu Xingyun's heart rose to his throat again.

But he saw that the black cat didn't stretch out its paws, but just punched Ye Fan around, stretched, and walked towards the tunnel entrance.

It wasn't until the black cat left Ye Fan that Wu Xingyun heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at the black cat hiding in the shadows. The black cat was very smart, and the path it chose was all black, forming a perfect protective belt with its body.

As the night fell, some mice wanted to come out. One or two seemed to smell the smell of a dying person. They walked out of the hole cautiously, looked around, and then walked forward.

A black figure jumped out of the darkness, the figure was perfectly smooth, with killing in its elegance.

In just a split second, very quickly, so fast that Wu Xingyun didn't even see clearly, the black cat had already walked back with its spoils.

The other mice who were about to come out witnessed this scene, and all retreated into the tunnel, not daring to come out again.

The black cat held three mice in its mouth, and caught one to play between its two paws. Those mice tried to escape, but they couldn't escape the black cat's sharp claws.

In the end, the black cat played with the four mice to death, and seemed to be tired, so it started chewing in the middle of the road.

Crack bang bang bang, the sound of the mouse's skull penetrated into the bone marrow.

Cats are born to be ferocious carnivores, and killing is their instinct, but Wu Xingyun is very grateful to this cat at this time.

It was this black cat that loves killing that saved him and Ye Fan, otherwise, the two of them would have been chased out of the tunnel by the rat and killed.

Wu Xingyun waited patiently until the black cat buried the delicious food in the soil, then he came out from the grass and walked towards Ye Fan.

The cat lay on the road and flicked its tail, watching two people pass by it.

Wu Xingyun didn't dare to walk too fast. With Ye Fan on his back, he might be able to dodge the attack of the mouse, but it was absolutely impossible to dodge the attack of this black cat, which was extremely skilled in speed and killing skills.

He was worried that if he walked too fast, it would trigger the cat's chasing instinct. It would be bad if the black cat suddenly came up to chase him.

But the cat was obviously still savoring its delicious meal, and had no intention of chasing Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun walked a distance of more than 400 meters with Ye Fan on his back, and then started to run wildly.

He ran all the way and soon arrived at the target city.

The city is very small, with only two streets, and it is beside the river. The hospital in the city is very conspicuous, and you can see it at a glance.

Wu Xingyun carried Ye Fan to the hospital. The hospital is not big, only five floors, and there is no one in it.

The whole city was like a dead city. He easily searched for all the medicines in the whole hospital, and also got five scalpels.

Wu Xingyun didn't know what would happen in the middle of the night. He didn't dare to stay in an unprotected place like the hospital, so he took Ye Fan away and chose to join an armed police squadron stationed in the city.

There is also no one inside, and the defense of the barracks is not much different from that of the hospital.

The armed police squadron was stationed here to guard the prison. Wu Xingyun searched around the camp and felt that the prison guard post was the safest place.

To prevent prisoners from escaping and attacking, the entire sentry post is surrounded by steel fences. The light bulbs inside the sentry post have enough wattage to provide enough light. There are also spotlights around the sentry post, which is convenient for condescending observation of the situation everywhere.

The bad thing is that there is no bed and no TV, which does not meet the pre-thought of listening to the latest information.

Wu Xingyun went to the barracks below to hug two quilts, removed a door panel, made a simple bed, put Ye Fan on the bed, and replenished enough ammunition in the station's arsenal before checking Ye Fan's Wound.

He also brought in a TV, but there was no cable and no stations. And he didn't dare to leave Ye Fan for too long, so he could only talk about it later on inquiring about information.

He kept checking Ye Fan's life signs along the way, and there was no signs of exhaustion, so he delayed until now, when everything was a little bit safe, and it was convenient for him to start the treatment. Wu Xingyun didn't want a monster to jump out suddenly while he was helping Ye Fan with his wound. That is the rhythm of both of them dying!

Wu Xingyun put Ye Fanping behind the temporary wooden bed and tried to roll up his trouser legs, but his calf was completely swollen and could not be rolled up at all, so he could only cut the trouser legs.

Ye Fan's entire leg turned black, and on his calf, the wound bitten by a mouse was already oozing yellow pus.

Wu Xingyun cut open his wound and squeezed out the pus. He tried to bleed the black out, but it didn't seem to work. So he could only suck out all the black blood with his mouth.

After these were done, he disinfected the wound with alcohol, and fed Ye Fan a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-fever drugs, and anti-viral drugs.

Wu Xingyun was worried that he would be infected if he sucked the black blood from Ye Fan just now, so he also swallowed a lot of medicine.

Finally, Wu Xingyun hung up a bottle of drip for Ye Fan.

Ye Fan showed no signs of waking up, but his heart kept beating, and there was no sign of dying.

When will he wake up, and whether he will become an idiot or a fool when he wakes up, Wu Xingyun can only resign himself to fate.

Sufficient medicines made Wu Xingyun not too worried about Ye Fan's injuries. Even on the second day, he felt that Ye Fan might not have enough oxygen, so he sealed the sentry post and dragged a bottle of oxygen to the hospital for Ye Fan to use.

There are not many mutated creatures in the city, and it seems that they have already gone through a round of elimination. When Wu Xingyun went out, he met the black cat once. The black cat was fishing for strange fish by the river to eat. The strange fish was bigger than the black cat. To be big, but black cats know how to hunt prey, born to kill the artist.

Wu Xingyun once again thanked the black cat for providing the information that there are strange fish in the river and cannot be approached.

In this city, the biggest threats are black cats and rats in the tunnels.

If the black cat got tired of eating mice, it might return to the city to eat people. Wu Xingyun felt that with the black cat's skill, acuity, and ambush ability, it might be difficult for him to escape.

However, it is also possible that the mouse evolved a higher intelligence, killed the black cat, and then captured the city.

On the fifth day, the sun disappeared out of thin air again.

This time it disappeared and did not appear for a long time. According to Wu Xingyun's calculation, the sun has not appeared for thirty-six hours, and a white fog began to form around it.

There was also a fishy smell in the fog.

Wu Xingyun was very confused. He didn't know whether this kind of fog was the normal state of the earth or another phenomenon of variation. He could only hope that Ye Fan, who had been in a half-dead state, would wake up and answer this question soon.

After ten days, Wu Xingyun couldn't figure out whether it was night or day, anyway, the sun never appeared, and sometimes white mist appeared. Moreover, Ye Fan is often hot and cold, as if playing a pendulum.

When it was hot, Wu Xingyun would just use cold water to twist a towel to wipe his body, and when it was cold, Wu Xingyun would hug him and sleep together.

Finally, on the fifteenth day, Ye Fan's body temperature remained constant. Wu Xingyun made a bed next to him. Just as he was drowsy, he suddenly heard Ye Fan snort.

So Wu Xingyun quickly looked towards Ye Fan, and saw Ye Fan finally opened his eyes slowly.

He reached out and touched Ye Fan's forehead. Ye Fan's body temperature was normal.

Wu Xingyun let out a long sigh of relief, and fell down on the floor tired.

When Ye Fan woke up, it meant that his dangerous period had passed, and it was Wu Xingyun's turn to get a good night's sleep.

When Ye Fan opened his eyes and saw everything around him, he realized that he and Wu Xingyun were squeezed into a small room. The room was so small that only one door panel could be put down, and he slept on the bed made of the door panel. That person curled up in a smaller space, his eyes were darkened, and he lost a lot of weight. The bang just now was the sound of Wu Xingyun falling over the moment he opened his eyes.

Ye Fan first took a closer look at Wu Xingyun, and found that Wu Xingyun only lifted the quilt after sleeping, and found that all the clothes had been changed, from shirts to underwear, and even underwear were clean new clothes.

He couldn't help but looked at the person on the side again. At that time, he thought he was destined to be abandoned, but this person carried himself out of the rat's nest.

Even after he had said "It's okay, don't feel guilty", he still didn't abandon himself.

The phrase "you wait for me here, I will be back soon." was not a comforting word, but the truth!

Ye Fan felt a warm current rushing through his heart. He was already prepared to be abandoned and to die, but now that he woke up, everything was beyond his expectations.

Ye Fan lowered his head slightly, and he sniffed the air vigorously. He found that his sense of smell had become extremely sharp, and he could even smell the smell of this soldier in the air.

And—he recalled those trancelike impressions from his coma.

While in the hot oven, someone wiped his body.

In the icy hell, someone hugged themselves and warmed themselves with body heat.

Ye Fan lowered his head and sniffed himself.

Even though those things had passed for many days, even though his body had been wiped many times, he could still smell Wu Xingyun's smell on his body.

He didn't know whether it was his sense of smell that had become more sensitive, or it was an illusion in his heart.

Ye Fan stood up. At this moment, he found that he could hear many voices.

For example, the sound of my hands rubbing against the quilt, for example, the sound of water leaking downstairs, for example, the sound of birds flying in the sky, and the sound of Wu Xingyun's breathing beside me.

He stood up lightly and looked outside.

Although it was still dark, he found that he could see farther, even farther than he could see during the day.

Ye Fan was sure that something happened to him, but he didn't understand how it happened, let alone why it happened.

When he rolled up his trouser legs and looked at the mouse bite wound, he found that there was no scar at all.

He found that his skin had also become more flexible and elastic. When he turned his head slightly and looked at the person lying in the corner, he found that he could clearly see the person's lip lines, every eyelash, and Dust on eyelashes.

Is it a mouse

Ye Fan wondered in his heart, is it because he was bitten by a mouse that his senses became extremely sharp

All of this feels like being reborn!

Why on earth is this happening

Ye Fan didn't know that these questions were all a cloud of fog to him, but he was very sure of one thing, that is - that person didn't abandon him, didn't throw him to the side of the road. It was him who gave himself a new life!

Ye Fan crawled over slowly, and he found that Wu Xingyun was not covered with a quilt when he fell to the ground.

When he covered him with the quilt, he found that the other party hadn't taken off his coat, shoes and socks.

When he tried to make Wu Xingyun sleep more comfortably, he found that he gave himself the most comfortable place.

Ye Fan raised his leg slightly, stepped over Wu Xingyun's body, and picked him up.

At that moment, Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, and Ye Fan was worried that he would disturb the other party's dream.

But very unexpectedly, Wu Xingyun just glanced at him, and then closed his eyes again.

Ye Fan explained: "I'm already healed, I see that you are very tired, I will give you another place to sleep."

Wu Xingyun let out a "hmm".

Ye Fan carried Wu Xingyun to the place where he had been lying, and took off his shoes, socks and clothes.

While taking off, he said, "Take off your clothes for you, so you can sleep more comfortably."

Wu Xingyun still only said "um", and even raised his waist slightly to cooperate with the other party.

Ye Fan started to untie Wu Xingyun's tied belt, and unbuttoned his trousers. When the metal buckle of the belt slid across the other's lower abdomen, Ye Fan accidentally touched something that shouldn't be touched.

He was worried that Wu Xingyun would blame him, but Wu Xingyun only slightly opened his eyes and glanced at him without saying anything.

Ye Fan hurriedly said, "It wasn't intentional...but I think...they're all men, so it's no big deal."

Wu Xingyun let out an "um" and closed his eyes again.

Ye Fan took off Wu Xingyun's clothes and covered him with a quilt.

He opened the door and found that he could still hear Wu Xingyun's breathing.

Then he took a few steps outside with his clothes on, and found that Wu Xingyun's breathing was very weak, but he could still hear it.

Ye Fan stepped off the sentry post, and he found that as long as he concentrated, he could even hear the sound of insects and ants crawling on the ground.

Ye Fan found a basin, ran to a place with a faucet, and started to help Wu Xingyun wash clothes.

When the sound of rushing water rushed into his ears, he could still hear the sound of Wu Xingyun turning over, and Wu Xingyun's slight snoring.

When Ye Fan rubbed those clothes with his fingers, he felt that this was the day he felt most at ease since the end of the world.