Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 44: Trim


After Ye Fan finished washing his clothes, he found a room that was more suitable for the two of them to rest.

The soldier barracks of the army are obviously not suitable for two people, because it is too big, a little empty, and there are many windows, so it is not easy to guard against.

He chose a room that looked like a cadre, a suite with two beds, a small TV, and a stereo.

In the living room outside, he saw a table. The glass on the table was all broken, but there were still some photos under it, and there were bloodstains on it.

Ye Fan guessed that this squadron of less than 40 people must have been attacked by something, or they all went out to perform missions and failed to come back.

The blood here may not be human.

After cleaning up the place, he went to look at the squadron's weapon depot.

There were no special weapons, just two rifles with bayonets, and a pistol.

Ye Fan chose the pistol because he thought the rifle was too conspicuous and not very convenient to carry.

He chose a Type 77 pistol commonly used by the armed police, with a range of 50 meters and a magazine that holds 7 rounds, which can fire 30 rounds in a minute.

But Ye Fan has never touched firearms before, not an amateur. He doesn’t understand the performance and structure of this gun at all. When he found out that this gun can only hold 7 rounds of bullets, he was a little disappointed, but it’s better than nothing. .

Ye Fan took the bullets, magazines and pistol to the sentry post, waiting for Wu Xingyun to wake up.

Wu Xingyun woke up after sleeping for about six hours. It was still dark when he woke up, and the white mist with a sweet smell came again.

Ye Fan looked at the unusual white mist, and he calculated the time. It should be August, the hottest time of summer vacation, but he didn't feel the heat at all. He was still cold in his shirt, and only after adding a coat Barely enough.

Ye Fan sniffed hard and said, "Brother Yun, what's the matter with these white mist? Has it always been like this?"

Hearing what Ye Fan said, Wu Xingyun knew that this kind of white mist is not normal on the earth. He shook his head and said, "I don't know. Hey, you got a gun?"

Ye Fan nodded: "I found this in the armory below. It's small and easy to carry."

Wu Xingyun took the pistol, looked at it, shook his head and said, "This one won't work, the range is too short, and there are only seven rounds, you... you shouldn't be able to hit anything."

Ye Fan lowered his head in shame, but immediately raised his head again: "Then... you can teach me how to use a good gun, okay?"

Wu Xingyun didn't agree right away, he was wondering in his heart, if the night devil's shooting is first-rate... Does it mean that he is the biggest enemy of the Federation people

He used a slightly roundabout way: "Why don't we go down and find a place where we can communicate with the outside world first, and see what's going on?"

Ye Fan didn't have any objections, the two packed up the bed and moved the bedding to the room Ye Fan had just chosen. When passing by the yard, Wu Xingyun saw the clothes lying in the yard, and looked back at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said, "I've washed it carefully, and it's all cleaned up."

Wu Xingyun was a little flattered. If this news was reported to Shi Fei, the interstellar marshal would surely praise him for doing a good job in the mission.

Thinking of Shi Fei, Wen Nuo and others, Wu Xingyun was a little depressed, but it didn't last long, because he saw the room Ye Fan chose, and the location was extremely bad.

Wu Xingyun said: "Although it is more comfortable here, it is not easy to guard against..."

Ye Fan smiled mysteriously at Wu Xingyun, and told Wu Xingyun the changes that occurred after he was bitten by a mouse.

This matter made both of them a little excited, because if Ye Fan has this kind of perception ability, it means that there is an extra radar around him, so he doesn't have to be nervous day and night to guard against monster attacks.

Wu Xingyun tested Ye Fan's perception for a while.

He stretched his finger behind his back, and Ye Fan guessed the number in front, and he hit it nine times out of ten!

"You... unexpectedly have such an ability! How much range can you perceive?"

The two began to test again. After the test, Ye Fan's perception ability can only be within a radius of 50 meters. It is far from reaching the level of perversion in later generations.

After tossing for a while, after fully testing Ye Fan's ability, the TV signal was finally connected, and the two sat side by side on chairs to watch TV.

The news is always broadcast in rotation, all about the end of the world, and some experts come out to explain these strange phenomena, saying that the emergence of mutated life is due to the invasion of viruses in outer space, and the coming of white fog is the self-protection mechanism of the earth's environmental system, etc. And think that this phenomenon is only temporary and everything will be fine.

Wu Xingyun felt that this expert was talking nonsense! He has been to many places in the Milky Way, and he has never seen any kind of outer space virus that can mutate creatures overnight. This level of mutation must be achieved overnight by the genetic companies of the Federation.

Ye Fan also felt that the news didn't seem to be of much value. When the two of them watched the expert's explanation, they felt that the three views were unprecedentedly consistent.

Ye Fan said: "It's meaningless, how about teaching me how to shoot a gun? Start with a simple pistol?"

As he spoke, he was about to turn off the TV, but at this moment, an important message appeared on the TV.

A member of the Academy of Sciences in the provincial capital came out and said that Rongcheng is well-equipped and able to resist all kinds of abnormal life, and can provide protection for everyone, and welcomes everyone to come and join them.

Wu Xingyun turned his head and saw a map of the whole province hanging on the wall. It only takes three hours to drive from the provincial capital that the scientist said.

Wu Xingyun only knew a rough idea about this period of history. He knew that the mutated species were terrible in the end, and the people scattered in the suburbs or small towns were all killed. In the end, human beings could not compete with them and deployed nuclear weapons.

Wu Xingyun didn't care too much about these mutated species, especially when Ye Fan had a little bit of mutated ability, the two of them could completely avoid many dangers. What he was worried about was the large-scale global nuclear explosion in history.

If the two of them had been staying in such a small city, it would definitely be impossible to escape the nuclear explosion.

In large cities with complete facilities, underground air-raid shelters and other equipment are more complete.

Wu Xingyun decided to send Ye Fan to Rongcheng, the provincial capital where he was, but Wu Xingyun had no idea whether to part ways with him or stay together.

Ye Fan was still staring at the TV. When he came over for a while, the scientist changed to another person, and he was expressing his views on the end times with great interest.

The gray-haired scientist studies biology. He believes that this global mutation has deep-seated reasons behind it, and he wants the citizens to be mentally prepared to adapt to the new environment.

Ye Fan pointed to the TV: "God, I know him, it's Uncle Rob!"

Wu Xingyun looked at the biologist on TV and asked, "How do you know him?"

Ye Fan nodded: "He used to be a colleague of my dad, and he both taught at the university, but he was transferred to another place later, so he turned out to be so good!"

Wu Xingyun said: "Are you familiar with him? If so, we can go to him for help. It will be better in the future."

Wu Xingyun is convinced that this kind of scientists who can appear on TV and have strength will eventually become the ancestors of the Federation.

If... Ye Fan was able to set foot on the Federation's spaceship because of this Uncle Rob's relationship—then Night Demon would no longer exist.

Wu Xingyun was moved by his own idea, and he was a little excited. This is really a genius idea that has the best of both worlds!

Ye Fan said: "Yes, their family used to live next to my house, and his daughter even gave me extra lessons. I didn't expect him to be here... Let's... Let's find him!"

After confirming the itinerary, the next thing will be much easier. Both of them feel that there is still a lot of time. Ye Fan hopes to learn some survival skills so that he will not be in a hurry when encountering danger.

Wu Xingyun did not teach Ye Fan how to shoot a gun, because there are not many bullets. Accurate marksmanship requires a lot of bullets and long-term practice. Obviously, the two of them do not have this condition.

When facing those large mutated species, if Ye Fan couldn't shoot accurately and hit the vital point with one shot, it would be better not to shoot. Wu Xingyun thought it would be more useful for Ye Fan to learn some basic punching and fighting.

He handed over all the simple fists and kicks he knew to Ye Fan. His throwing style is very ordinary, and he learned some basic fighting skills of the army. Later, after marrying Ye Suikong, he also learned from Ye Suikong. A little, but also very limited.

When the two were in the yard, Wu Xingyun demonstrated first, and Ye Fan followed suit.

It wasn't until this time that Wu Xingyun discovered that Ye Fan was exceptionally talented in martial arts. He only needed to demonstrate many moves once, and Ye Fan would be able to master them. If it was a little more difficult, he could do it two or three times without any problems.

Wu Xingyun felt dazed when he saw Ye Fan punching and kicking in a very standard way.

He remembered that Ye Suikong's martial arts skills in later generations were very superb, it can be said that they are as old as the past, so... who taught him

Could it be the person in the legend who looks very similar to himself

Wu Xingyun started to think wildly, but Ye Fan stopped in the middle and asked, "Is this the legendary Catch the Enemy Fist?"

Wu Xingyun nodded. Of course, this is not the legendary Chinese army's catching punch, but—Ye Fan doesn't know it anyway, so what he says is what it is!

After Ye Fan practiced twice, he was a little unwilling to do the routine alone. He glanced at Wu Xingyun and saw that the other party was not too serious, so he made an inch of it: "I heard that these moves need to be practiced with someone ...Brother Yun, how about you accompany me?"

Wu Xingyun originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Ye Fan's expectant expression, although he looked the same, he didn't have Ye Suikong's annoying aura at all, so he couldn't say no.

Wu Xingyun nodded and put on a posture: "Come on!"

Ye Fan punched, but was easily avoided by Wu Xingyun. Ordinary moves were not so fancy, and Wu Xingyun's hands were all killed by one move. The two of them had no appreciation for the moves at all. It was like a hungry dog pounced. Food.

In the beginning, Ye Fan was always twisted to the ground by Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun didn't strike hard, and he was quite measured, but because Ye Fan was a beginner, he didn't have the slightest sense of propriety at all. He managed to catch a loophole of Wu Xingyun, and quickly With a kick, Wu Xingyun jumped forward when Wu Xingyun's center of gravity shifted. It was not just a hungry dog rushing for food, it was the rhythm of a tiger protecting food.

Wu Xingyun's knee accidentally broke, he said "stop", but Ye Fan didn't listen at all, instead of listening, he twisted Wu Xingyun's arm very hard, very excited: "Ah! Stop you!"

"It hurts!" Ye Fan dragged Wu Xingyun's knee to the ground and scratched it.

Ye Fan didn't realize it, and thought it was the other party's deceit. Anyway, he didn't let go. Instead of letting go, he pressed his leg on Wu Xingyun's knee, looked down at Wu Xingyun, and said with a smile: "Don't let go!" Lie to me, I won't be fooled!"

When he said this, Wu Xingyun's lip lines were captured with his exceptionally keen eyesight. And the faintly visible white teeth exposed between the lips. Ye Fan felt something surging in his heart, but he didn't know what it was, because the two were at this distance and in this posture, he could smell each other very strongly.

Wu Xingyun couldn't stand Ye Fan's indiscriminate attack, so he patted Ye Fan: "My knees are all broken!"

"Ah!?" Ye Fan immediately let go of Wu Xingyun, and when he saw Wu Xingyun walking into the room, he immediately followed.

Wu Xingyun sat on the stool and rolled up his trouser legs. As expected, his knees were scratched and blood was bleeding out continuously. Ye Fan was terrified, he frantically found iodine, bandages, cotton, cotton swabs, and messed up the table.

Under the dim light, Wu Xingyun didn't have much expression on his face. He took a cotton swab and dipped it in iodine to disinfect his wound, and his movements were skillful.

Ye Fan felt extremely regretful, the joy of success for the first time was completely gone, he walked over and moved a chair to be next to Wu Xingyun, like a puppy who made a mistake, afraid of being blamed by the owner, but more worried The master just ignored himself.

"I... sorry... let me help you..." Ye Fan whispered.

"It's okay, just take some anti-inflammatory drugs." Wu Xingyun didn't pay much attention to Ye Fan's emotions, but when he tried to pack his things again, he realized that the iodine had already been in Ye Fan's hands.

"I didn't do it on purpose, let me do something..." Ye Fan said, he took a cotton swab and wiped it towards Wu Xingyun's knee, but found that it had already been fixed there.

However, at such a distance, even with the dim light, Ye Fan could clearly see many scars of different shades on Wu Xingyun's legs.

"He must have suffered a lot and suffered a lot of injuries. Probably, it will hurt a lot?" Ye Fan thought silently in his heart. He raised his head slightly and saw Wu Xingyun was about to put down his trouser legs.

Ye Fan said: "Brother did you get all these scars?"

Wu Xingyun was taken aback, he stopped his movements, and said casually, "I hurt it during training."

"Is it here too?" Ye Fan pointed to a scar about ten centimeters long, which looked like it was burned by something.

There is the scar left by Wu Xingyun when he was swept by the night magic army's light net when Wu Xingyun was an infantry soldier.

He nodded and said, "I made it during the mission."

"What about here?" Ye Fan's fingers lightly touched Wu Xingyun's skin, a scar on the leg bone that resembled a bullet hole.

Ye Fan felt that the other party's skin was very elastic and tactile, and he felt a little nostalgic.

Wu Xingyun said: "It was... wounded by the enemy." This hole was actually bitten by an alien beast when he was practicing lurking.

Ye Fan's hand slowly slid across the scar. His fingertips were smooth, and Wu Xingyun felt a little uncomfortable with the friction of his skin. He wanted to retract his leg, but he heard Ye Fan ask: "What about here?"

It was a long, thin scar where the sawdust had penetrated the calf. That time, he and Ye Suikong had a quarrel in the small building they lived in. Ye Suikong got angry and knocked down the whole small building. When Wu Xingyun fell down, he was scratched by a wooden thorn.

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, Ye Fan's hand ran over it lightly, his fingertips were warm.

"It hurts, right?" Ye Fan's voice trembled a little. He felt an electric current flowing from the fingertips rubbing against the skin to his heart along his arms.

Wu Xingyun rolled down his trouser legs silently, "It's from a fight with a bastard."

Ye Fan raised his head slightly, and saw an indescribable emotion in Wu Xingyun's eyes, the way he looked at himself was inexplicably flustered and disturbed.

Ye Fan stood up, walked to Wu Xingyun, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to express it.

He saw Wu Xingyun's lips trembling slightly. If he was still Ye Fan before, it would be impossible to see such subtle changes, but since his senses became sharper, any slight changes in the people in front of him escaped. Not his eyes.

Ye Fan could even feel the shaking of the other party's Adam's apple and the sudden acceleration of the beating of the heart.

Ye Fan squatted down slowly. He was very close to Wu Xingyun. At this time, the air was filled with the scent of the other party. Under the dim light, he saw that the other party's eyes were covered with mist.

For no reason, Ye Fan recalled the feeling of pressing Wu Xingyun under him when the two of them practiced just now.

I didn't feel anything at the time, but when I think about it now, I can recall the elastic skin, the powerful body, and the muscles hidden under the clothes.

He can even imagine the tactile sensation of his hands, and the feeling of pinching and kneading.

Ye Fan slowly approached Wu Xingyun, one of his hands rested on the handle of the other's chair, and the other unconsciously stretched towards the other's waist.

But Wu Xingyun stepped back slightly, the chair feet rubbing against the ground made a screeching sound, he stood up and walked towards the outside.

The moment Wu Xingyun turned around, Ye Fan felt him glance at him.

That glance was very fast, less than a millisecond, and ordinary people couldn't detect it at all.

But Ye Fan noticed.

He felt that Wu Xingyun's mood had changed. He didn't seem to like him very much, but he didn't hate him either. It was an emotion Ye Fan didn't know, so he looked along the place where Wu Xingyun had just swept past him.

Then, he saw a tent of considerable size in his crotch.

"Fuck!" At this moment, Ye Fan finally understood what he wanted to do just now, and what kind of impulse it was.

He slapped himself a little annoyed, and then pulled his hair vigorously, feeling that he was inferior to a beast. Then, he immediately realized that there were some things that had to be explained, that he was definitely not gay, absolutely... he had to explain it clearly to Brother Yun! Otherwise, he will definitely abandon him, so he must explain clearly! Just say... that's morning wood! Well, every man knows that Brother Yun will definitely forgive himself...